In the case of a successful application, funding will be released to the Local Authority to commission the approved services. On behalf of the families we support, thank you for your generosity. Support services funded by the ASF can begin as soon as the application is approved. The therapies in scope is not an exhaustive list and is subject to change, though the guiding principles of the fund shall remain. If you have further questions about the ASF, please contact the administration team:[email protected]01223 463 517. The adopter and the local authority look at what is available. Join the thousands of prospective adopters, adoptive families and professionals that make up Adoption UK’s supportive community. Is she eligible for support from the fund? To access the Fund, you will need to ask your local authority to do an assessment of your adoption support needs. Q: How do I apply for the Adoption Support Fund? Either the young person or the parents can approach the local authority to request an assessment of need. The social worker would be expected to talk to you about who can provide the types of service that you need and agree with you the provider who would best meet the identified support needs. A: To access the Adoption Support Fund, you will need to have an assessment of your family's adoption support needs by the local authority. A decision is made within 20 working days and funds will be distributed to local authorities at the end of every month. Newsletter Sign Up C.A.S.E. Our helpline advisers offer practical suggestions, information and encouragement, or can point you in the right direction for specialist help. The child is eligible for support while the CAO is in force and will remain eligible if a SGO is subsequently made. Q: How does my local authority receive the funds for the ASF? We understand families will have concerns about accessing therapy and support during the covid-19 emergency. A: The fair access limit of £5,000 is applied to each eligible child for this financial year. A: Yes, if they are OFSTED registered adoption support services or services procured through an English local authority, services may be delivered in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland although we would encourage providers to travel to the family. I've been told that making a complaint about the lack of response from our local authority will result in the application being put on hold while the complaint is investigated. Q: Why is the specialist assessment FAL set at £2,500? Information, advice, guidance and signposting, Opportunities for adoptive families to meet, socialise and support one another (eg. A: To access the ASF, you will need to have an assessment of your family's adoption support needs by the Local Authority. A general social work assessment of adoption/SGO support needs remains the responsibility of the local authority/regional adoption agency. A social work assistant or family support worker can contribute to the assessment where they know the family well and their view should be taken into consideration when deciding what adoption support services should be provided. Q: If we don't use all our £5k therapy FAL this year can it be carried to 2017-18?A: No. On 1 May 2015 the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) became available to adopters throughout England. The Local Authority that places the child with you is responsible for assessing your adoption support needs for three years after the adoption order is complete. Join our community - offering support, advice, friendship & resources to families throughout the UK. In England, post-adoption support teams now access the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) to circumvent the wait for assessment by children’s mental health services Most of our services fall under the remit of the Adoption Support Fund and we can assist with applications to the fund to cover the cost of support. Local authorities may wish to reimburse more than the allowable rates but the application to the ASF should only claim for amounts within those rates. Adoption Support Fund (ASF) Some adopted children can struggle to cope with their past and families need support to help them with this. Ref: ISBN 978-1-78105-751-3, DFE-RR688 Here we provide answers to a number of frequently asked questions about the Adoption Support Fund. When I was in secondary school, my parents requested permission to remove me from school during term time for a week to go on a holiday of a lifetime. Q: There are three children in my family who have all been assessed and found to be in need of therapeutic support. PACT is one of the UK's leading charities in it's field, creating new families through adoption in London and the south. You have the right to request this assessment and your local authority is required by law to conduct one. The ASF is funded by government through public monies. Q: Can Voluntary Adoption Agencies carry out adoption support needs assessments for the Adoption Support Fund? An application may be returned to the local authority to seek further information or clarification. Will both children’s needs be considered in our assessment? If the assessment shows that therapeutic services would be beneficial, your local authority could make an application to the fund. Q: If our assessment of need identifies that we need financial help, will the fund provide this? Adoption Support Fund: Q&A for service providers What do I need to do to deliver adoption support services funded by the ASF? After three years it becomes the responsibility of the Local Authority where you live (if different). Survey of adoptive parents shows impact peer support in helping families through the pandemic. If it does, then matched funding arrangements will apply. Applications to the fund can be submitted by the LA prior to the SGO being in place but funds will not be released until the order takes effect. The fund covers eligible costs relating to therapeutic support services for all adopted children living in England and young people up to age 21 where they have left care through adoption or special guardianship arrangements. SC037892 (Scotland). The Adoption Support Fund - how it's working for families, provides anyone new to adoption with everything they need to know about the ASF. A new FAL is available in each financial year. You can find out more on the First4Adoption website Can I get support … For example, agencies can use the funding to: The application process has also been streamlined for agencies to ensure families receive support in a timely fashion. We’ll send you a link to a feedback form. Local authorities and adoption agencies should already be providing a certain amount to their adoptive families: Ensure every adopted child can access excellent, free mental health support when they need it. If your £5,000 access limit per child has been exceeded in this financial year, your local authority will have to make a case for exceptional funding and agree to jointly fund any future therapy for this financial year. Receipt of an application from the local authority will be confirmed within 1 working day. Our unique and innovative Neuro-Physiological Psychotherapy (NPP) model offers a multidisciplinary Assessment and Treatment service to adopted, fostered and special guardianship children and their families throughout the UK. The rates for travel and subsistence are set as they are to maximise the funding towards direct delivery of adoption support to families and children. We want to make accessing the right support for your family as easy and transparent as possible. The social worker would be able to talk to you about potential providers for the services that you need. A:  On receipt of an application, the ASF will complete a full review of the information provided to ensure that the child / family and the services identified meet the eligibility criteria of the Fund and that the financial information is correct. She had an SEN statement when she was able to attend college. The government is only committed to delivering the Adoption Support Fund until July 2020, with the availability of support beyond this date unclear. Adoption UK is in regular contact with the Department for Education and will update this page when necessary so you are aware of the latest developments. Is this correct? If you feel unhappy with the way in which your Local Authority social care team have supported you in accessing the Adoption Support Fund, there is a seven stage approach for managing complaints that can be found on the ASF website. Yes. The LA can apply to the fund to pay for a specialist assessment of the child's adoption support needs if they believe it is necessary. A: The ASF has been created to support as many adoptive families as possible by focusing on the therapeutic needs of the child/family. A: The funds will be deposited into the local authority bank account on the last working day of each month, depending on the date on which the application is approved, and the next available payment run. The Adoption Support Fund (ASF) has been established because many families need some kind of therapeutic support following adoption and too many have struggled to get the help they need in the past. This was a repeat of a survey undertaken by Adoption UK in 2011 as part of the ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ study. Does he have to approach the local authority himself to request an assessment of need or is that something we should do? Q: Can the FAL be used for more than one specialist assessment?A: Yes, as long as the total does not exceed £2,500. Is there any kind of directory available of the sorts of interventions that the fund can pay for and where they can be found? The resulting process allows friends and family who wish to support your adoption to receive tax-deductions for their donations on behalf of your adoption. The specialist assessment FAL is being introduced to ensure that those children that do need a specialist assessment are not disadvantaged. Support Adoption For Pets funds projects which have a direct impact on animal welfare. Especially for parents? The adoption support fund is a great resource for hopeful adoptive parents in the UK. The Department for Education has invested nearly £200 million in the fund since its introduction in 2015, delivering support to around 50,000 families. A: The ASF does not decide what support adoptive families should receive; this should be based on a thorough assessment of your family's adoption support needs conducted by the local authority, preferably in partnership with a clinical health professional. Q: I am intending to submit two separate applications to the ASF (via my LA) for my two children who have different needs. World Wildlife Fund Canada is the country’s largest international conservation organization. Are we still eligible for the Adoption Support Fund? If you are having problems with getting that allowance, or are having deductions made from it that should not be made (e.g. The government has increased funding for the ASF year-on-year. Q: Can I appeal if I disagree with the assessment of our support needs? Where the social worker identifies that therapeutic services would be beneficial to your family, the local authority would then be able to apply to the ASF on your behalf subject to the scope and criteria. A: No, the fund does not provide financial assistance, please speak with your local authority regarding this. “Our adoption support fund which was set up in 2015, has provided a range of therapeutic support for nearly 50,000 children who have been through traumatic times before adoption. Support for adoptive families For a detailed explanation of the support services we offer, please visit our Guide to Adoption Support Services page. We are part of a regional adoption agency called Coram Ambitious for Adoption and have a dedicated adoption website After three years it becomes the responsibility of the local authority where you live (if different). Financial Support As an adoptive parent in England you are entitled to a range of financial support to help meet the specific needs of your child. Can I still apply to the fund? News Q: When can a local authority apply for support for a child with a Special Guardianship Order? I … Story stem is in scope when part of an application for therapy where the Story Stem is used as a measurement tool. However; - applications approved before the 19th of each calendar month will be paid at the end of that calendar month. Q: Does an assessment of needs for the Adoption Support Fund have to be undertaken by a social worker or can it be done by an assistant/family support worker? This m… Adoption UK website (awareness of the Fund and access to post-adoption support). Q: Does the fund pay reasonable travel expenses for ASF-funded therapy? The Adoption Support Fund then provides funding to the local authority in order for them to fund the support agreed, through an external provider. A: Should therapeutic services be identified as beneficial to your family following the assessment of adoption support needs, the local authority will be able to apply to the ASF on your behalf. Q: A child’s assessment is/was in 2016- 17 but their therapy won’t start until 2017-18. The local authority will carry out an assessment and support plan for the adoptive family and then make the application to the fund. A: All applications to the ASF are completely anonymous due to data protection, therefore we would recommend that you pursue updates on applications directly from your local authority post adoption / permanence team. Adoption Support Fund The Fund was established in 2015 to enable adoptive families to access funding to pay for specific therapeutic support. The kinds of support most frequently provided are therapeutic parenting (27%), psychotherapy for the child (21%), specialist assessments of need (20%), and creative therapies (16%). The Department for Education has also provided a useful FAQ document for families and providers (which you can download below), explaining how the ASF will be operating during the covid-19 lockdown. Specialist After three years it becomes the responsibility of the Local Authority where you live (if different). A:  From the 1st April 2016 the scope of the Fund was widened to be available for adopted children and young people up to and including 21 years of age. Adoption UK, Units 11 and 12, Vantage Business Park, Bloxham Road, Banbury, OX16 9UXAbout us Media Jobs Contact us. You have the right to request an assessment and your Local Authority is required by law to conduct one. Q: What support is available to parents via the Adoption Support Fund? To provide an opportunity for the ambitious exploration of innovative solutions to enable adopted children and families to thrive. Make connections: through our Helpline, Online Forums and Support Groups. This will be in addition to the existing £5,000 fair access limit per child. Fundraising Support We equip you with an adoption fundraising kit. A: It is a matter for the local authority to determine whether it wishes to carry out a safeguarding assessment as part of the process of applying to the Adoption Support Fund. Q: Our local authority requires us to have a safeguarding assessment before we can start the process of accessing the ASF. Q: My daughter is 24 but has an education, health and care (EHC) plan. a trained Clinical Psychologist or Attachment Psychotherapist. After three years it becomes the responsibility of the local authority where you live (if different). You’ve accepted all cookies. Adoption Support Fund: Q&A for parents Is there limit to how much funding a family can access? Q: We have identified a service provider we would like to use but they are based in Wales. Local authority considers if therapeutic support is needed, the type required and if it is eligible for payments from the fund. The Fund will enable Center for Adoption Support and Education (C.A.S.E.) A: The Adoption Support Fund (ASF) covers necessary expenses for travel for the delivery of post-adoption and Special Guardian Order (SGO) therapeutic support. The following statistics show how many people are benefiting from the Adoption Support Fund (as of 1 April 2017) and the types of therapies that are being applied for. Q: My daughter is 21 and is not currently in education due to health issues. A: The Local Authority that places the child with you is responsible for assessing your adoption support needs for three years after the adoption order is complete. The inquiry’s findings and recommendations are summarised in the group’s recent Investing in Families report: click the … Q: What if my specialist assessment costs more than £2,500?A: If it is determined that the cost of the specialist assessment needed for your child/family is above the £2,500 FAL, and there is no reasonable alternative, then an application can be made for match-funding if your circumstances are covered by the match-funding criteria. Currently there is a wide range of therapeutic support accessed. A: To access the ASF, you will need to have an assessment of your families’ adoption support needs completed by the local authority that has statutory responsibility for your family. Q: Can you apply directly to the fund or do you have to go through the local authority you adopted through? But you should have also been assessed for the Special Guardianship Allowance . The Big Cat Sanctuary is home to the best big cat experiences in the UK. In December 2019, the Department for Education announced an additional £5 million of funding for the financial year 2020/21, taking the overall budget to £45 million. Eligible children with a current Statement of Need/Education, Health and Care plan may be supported by the fund up to and including 25 years of age. Therefore, to ensure that there is still fair access to therapy we will, from 1 April 2017, provide up to £2,500 as a separate fair access limit for specialist assessments. For 2017/18 a separate fund of £2,500 will be offered through the ASF when children require specialist assessment before treatment can begin. A: Children cared for under a Special Guardian Order (SGO), living in England, are eligible for funding if they were a Looked After Child (LAC) immediately before the order was granted. A: The fund is available to eligible children up to and including 21 years of age, as your daughter is 21 she would be eligible with or without an SEN / EHCP. Let us know what you think or how we can help. The scope of the ASF has grown organically to appropriately meet the demands of essential therapy services required in the context of the guiding principles, and to ensure that as many adoptive/eligible SGO families can access the fund as possible. Criteria for match-funding are: Q: Our completed application has been with our local authority for some time but nothing is happening. Here we illustrate the Adoption Support Fund process: The Adoption Support Fund (ASF) will pay for therapeutic services that are not currently provided by local authorities. The aim of this complaints process is to resolve any issues as quickly as possible. You’ll find lots of information about all aspects of adoption and details of our latest adoption events which are a great way to find out more about the process and how our friendly team can help you. £8 million to enable adoptive families to meet, socialise and support Groups at evaluations of the local authority commission! Families will have concerns about accessing therapy and support Groups which you can access support and (. To thrive getting that Allowance, or an NHS provider information about how use! Frequently asked questions about the adoption support Fund is available at evaluations of the following mont parents the. 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