If you use DSP LLE, the loudness of FX and music is reproduced like it should be, but I experienced alot of lag in almost any sequence and on fields around Hyrule - I don't have these issues on DSP HLE though. This title has been tested on the environments listed below: Compatibility can be assumed to align with the indicated revisions. Posted by 2 years ago. Unfortunately, the hack will reduce the quality of the minimap, so it is not enabled by default. Use the x4 or x8 code, whichever is closest to your Internal Resolution setting. On OpenGL it is affected by Anisotropic Filtering … Fully playable, but by far the slowest game I've tested. Perfect 30FPS with Hyrule Field Patch and this. Texture Cache Accuracy is at Fast. When first exploring Hyrule Field, the game runs full speed, but by the end of the game (full field map explored) the framerate is dropped significantly. Simply extract the folder somewhere and start Dolphin using "ZTP4K Dolphin Emulator.exe", then open up your own game rom of Twilight Princess and play. How it is broken depends on the backend used: The built-in Widescreen Hack causes clipping and reflection issues. Players: 1 : Year: 2006: File size: 677 MB: Publisher: DOL-GZ2E-USA Bloom can be corrected with the following gecko codes. Have not made it to Hyrule field yet but game runs around 90-100% with some minimal settings. Hyrule Field very slow unless activating the Hyrule Field patch. To fix this, enable the "Hyrule Field Speed Hack" in ISO properties (right click the game in the game list > Properties > Patches tab > Hyrule Field Speed Hack). The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a critically acclaimed masterpiece, set in a massive world bursting with life – but also shadow. No configuration changes are known to affect compatibility for this title. GameCube Information. EFB is at Virtual, else the output was very low-res. Fully playable @ 30FPS on OpenGL without any errors. The only time that the game goes in 30FPS is when you don't have any NPC near or effects such as water, lava, explosions or fire. Like other Randomizers, the Twilight Princess Randomizer (TPR) shuffles the contents of chests and other collectibles, thus bringing new life to a classic game. Admin. Reply to jfiefiwefwie 8 months ago It’s “vn-sharing.net” ^^ 0. As the player progresses through the game, Hyrule Field will become progressively slower. GameCube Legend of Zelda, The: Twilight Princess. Reply. 0. Windows 10 x64 | Intel Core i7 4790K @ 4.4ghz | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070| 16GB DDR3-2400 | Bose Companion 5 | Sennheiser Momentum 2.0| Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum, MacBook Pro Retina 15in 2014 | OS X El Capitan 10.11 | Core i7 4770HQ| Intel Iris Pro HD Graphics | 16GB-DDR3-1600. Fully Playable @ 29-30FPS on DX9 with 4xSSAA and DSP HLE(Slows down to about 23-28FPS with DSP LLE on Hyrule Field). This is my HD texture pack page for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess! Legend Of Zelda The Twilight Princess game is available to play online and download for free only at Romsget.Legend Of Zelda The Twilight Princess ROM for GameCube download requires a emulator to play the game offline. Wii Version OpenGL backend has performance issues but DirectX 11 runs fine. The following Gecko codes work as a replacement, causing fewer issues. Slowdown to around 20FPS on Hyrule field with ZTP hack activated. Works at 30FPS and 100% speed aside from the popular Hyrule Field slowdown. Even with ZTP Hack, there is a FPS drop in Hyrule field even on my system when the field is fully "unlocked" (tested with complete save). Using JIT Recompiler with D3Dlevel at 9, EFB copies RAM w/o Cache enabled. Still testing. Follow. As long as I make sure that I am running the game from my NVIDIA card and not my Intel card it is otherwise perfectly playable to 4xNative. Using D3D9 at 1080p and on JITIL experimental recompiler, DSP HLE, 2x native internal resolution, 9x SSAA AA and 16x AF. How do I get the shaders to work properly? Reply. 2 comments. Been playing half the game and the only freezes are random when howling as a wolf (solved by saving state before howling and retrying several times). Second dungeon completed with no game breaking issues so far. Rarely hear an unusual beeping noise in game, but nothing too annoying. 'Zelda.ini' Just put it in 'xXX\User\Config\Profiles\Wiimote\Zelda.ini' ... Then you should … It is the second remaster of a Zelda title on the Wii U, following The Wind Waker HD. 02-02-2011, 07:33 AM #2. eye-opener Junior Member. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Texture Pack; Configuration. Due to Dolphin's Scaled EFB setting, bloom can turn into "ghost" images around objects in areas with high amounts of bloom. No post-processing, OpenCL texture decoder set, cache display lists set, openmp texture decoder set. Ending has no music whatsoever. The fully unlocked Hyrule Field drops to 18-20FPS (overclocking the CPU to 4.1GHz brings a slight boost of 2FPS to about 21 but isn't really worth it; ZTP hack is recommended, without it Hyrule Field runs at only 14 (!) This thread is archived. Legend Of Zelda The Twilight Princess is English (USA) … Game works perfectly. I couldn't get the minimap to work properly though. Version. Main. Minimap with missing shadowing and other details, October and November 2020 Progress Report, Zelda Twilight Princess 4K by Henriko Magnifico, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD Texture Pack, Dolphin Emulator 4.0-4573 - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (1080p HD) - Nintendo GameCube, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD - Let's Play 01, Zelda Twilight Princess Dolphin LLE 1080p, HD Texture Ver Dolphin 4.0-8854 The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD - Let's Play 18, Minda's Desperation Cutscene from LoZ: Twilight Princess, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV - Dolphin Emulator (Nintendo GameCube), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess [PAL] [Gamecube] [Español] Dolphin 5.0 [1080p HD], https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Twilight_Princess_(GC)&oldid=174449, VersionCompatibilityVersion Template missing notes. In heavy areas like Gerudo Desert the FPS can drop slightly to 27FPS when a lot is happening on the screen otherwise they run on 30FPS. Disable Lighting and sound Off for best performance. Map is extremely glitchy without proper settings. Sometimes while loadings, Dolphin crashes and the ENTIRE card goes corrupted. Permits . Scaled 3x resolution and everything is great. Pending : 0. Transparent textures that overlay of other textures appear odd with a kind of "shimmering" effect. Roughly a constant 30FPS. Hyrule Field slowdown is severe, provided fix for later versions made it worse. ConsoleEmulationHD. Sound glitches fixed by using DSP LLE recompiler. HLE DSP has problems but LLE DSP causes slowdowns. Some random crashes. Also when Hyrule Field is about 65% complete(before 3rd dungeon) frame rate drops to 24-28FPS in Hyrule Field only. Although it can be patched from 4:3 to 16:9 as detailed below, there's no native widescreen support, unlike the Wii version. Works at 30FPS, 100% most of the time, only dropping slightly in Hyrule Field when it's fully open. Got as far as return to Ordon after kakariko, fully playable, no major graphical glitches. Full speed 30FPS slowdown only on Hyrule field to 22FPS (when overclock cpu to 3.3GHz getting 27FPS on Hyrule field) on other areas some minor slowdowns on busy scene 28 29FPS EFB copies to texture minimap works great for me no garbage with EFB to texture directx9 beckend audio HLE OpenMP and OpenCL texture decoder enabled, ticked scaled EFB copies disable per-pixel depth ignore format changes 1680x1050 res internal resolution 2.5X NATIVE AF 16x, The game runs at full 30FPS most of the time. In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, the next chapter in The Legend of Zelda series, Link can transform into a wolf to scour the darkened land of Hyrule. With ZTP Hack Enabled, and DirectX9 Backend, Runs Perfectly, Playable in nearly all parts of the game at full screen 1080p widescreen (not using the built-in widescreen hack), with 4x Internal Resolution, Anti-Aliasing off, 16x Anisotropic Filtering, EFB Copies set to RAM, Texture Cache accuracy set to Safe, and using the DSP LLE Recompiler to accurately emulate audio. DirectX 11 performs better than OpenGL. The game run very smooth and fully playable @30FPS. It was officially announced via a Nintendo Direct webcast on November 12, 2015 and was released on March 4, 2016. Near perfect emulation. Fully playable, some slowdowns on Hyrule's Field and Faron's forest. 0. Game lags 10FPS-25FPS. I also skip EFB Access from CPU and no glitches happened so far when enabled. Hello I wanted to know what is the absolute best looking in terms of graphics Zelda Twilight Princess HD texture pack, as I see there are many and I do want the best looking one. In general, I think the best texture pack for this game depends on what you want the game's atmosphere to be, rather than a strict better/worse scale. share. Game runs smooth at 2.5X Res @ 4 AA and 16x AF, Must use EFB Copies to RAM with High Accuracy for Minimap to work. 3.0-735. Very playable 8-10FPS. Bloom is not rendered correctly. This page was last edited on 22 October 2020, at 20:59. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD is a Wii U enhanced remaster of the Nintendo GameCube and Wii game, Twilight Princess. Search Wikipedia Roms Isos PSX, PS1, PS2, PSP, Arcade, NDS, 3DS, Wii, Gamecube, Snes, Mega drive, Nintendo 64, GBA, Dreamcast download via torrent Perfectly ~30FPS (60Hz) with Direct X (3D11), 1920*1080, 16/9 Hack, Internal Resolution x4 (maximum), Anti-Aliasing 4x (quality 16), Anisotropic 16x (maximum). This early version of Dolphin lacks the graphic punch of later versions, but consequently, it will allow a more graphically-complex game like Twilight Princess to play faster. Used settings shown on this page and graphics are set as OpenGL, 2x native mode, 2x anti-aliasing, 1x anisotropic. However all lighting glitches are gone. This shader is Vanilla High. The Legend Of Zelda – Twilight Princess here the ROM is ready to run on any platform (like – … 0. Game is playable but doesn't look very good. Very good with a Xbox 360 controller (Left stick range 62, Right stick range 60, both radius 100 and dead zone 20). On D3D, Anti-aliasing and an Internal Resolution above 1x Native damage the effect. Other than that, runs fine with ZTP Hack, 1x Native 9x SSAA x16 AF, Force Texture Filtering, Per-Pixel Lighting, EFB copies to ram, disable External Frame Buffer, Fast Mipmaps, Disable Per-Pixel Depth, OpenMP Texture Coder, Cache Display Lists, and the settings used in the problem section of this article. The game ran great all the way through to the end. Game is just playable (drops to 25FPS) with DirectX11 and LLE DSP. I haven't experienced any issues with the audio. Basic glitches include map and water on widescreen hack. zelda mod twilight-princess zsr twilight-princess-randomizer game-cube Resources. Not really noticeable unless you played on a real GC before. Playing on any SSAA setting and Anisotropic Filtering setting resulted in an extremely smooth experience with no problems at all. Reply. Best Zelda Twilight Princess HD texture pack? No other bug. r6271. LLE on thread makes the game crash within a few seconds. It may, however, render other effects at the native resolution, and can decrease the clarity of these effects at higher resolutions. Twilight Princess may be played either through Nintendo Wii or through Gamecube. Please update as appropriate. Archived. Playable : 30FPS, Runs quite nicely, no lag as far I played, but make copies of your saves!! The official Twilight Princess Randomizer Code as of late 2020 Topics. Fully Playable with average 95-100% lowest ever was 88%. Dolphin i think ^^ 0. Have yet to go to Hyrule Field. Dungeons fare better; ~20-30FPS in most rooms (strangely this excludes the Goron Mines). Config : Direct3D 11, 1920x1080, IR 3x (1080p), Per-pixel lightning, Hyrule fields speed hack, No AA, 1x AF. Config : Direct3D, 1920x1080, IR Auto (screen size), Lighting per pixel, Force 16:9 (AR code 16:9 ratio aspect fix), No bloom effect hack, Hyrule fields speed hack, No AA, 1x AF, Enable FXAA in NVIDIA config pannel. I've been playing Twilight Princess in my PC, 30fps stable with Dolphin. Only slight slowdown in Hyrule Field (slows to approx. Minor slowdowns and stuttering every few hours or so. Froze once on howling stones but worked grand after a restart. It was presented to the public together with the GameBoy Advance and several games on Nintendo’s Space World 2000 exhibition, held from August 23 … If you get crashes (happened for me once), try switching between the experimental and non-experimental JIT. Dolphin is the primary emulator for GameCube and Wii games. Download Legend Of Zelda The Twilight Princess ROM for GameCube and Play Legend Of Zelda The Twilight Princess Video Game on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device! I don't know what to choose, faster speed or no graphical glitches. with 27-31FPS, except I didn't fix the intro making garbage audio, but reloading a save did the trick for the rest of my play through so far. The game was completed in 2x native resolution with everything else set to default. In this game, Link now travels together with … Sections. Fully playable: No slowdowns, no known glitches. Version Compatibility. Platform: Gamecube Emulator: Dolphin 4.0 Settings: Graphics Backend: Direct3d9 Fullscreen Resolution: 1920x1080 Aspect Ratio: Force 4:3 Use Fullscreen Enabled Enhancements Internal Resolution: Auto (Window Size) Anisotropic … The only main areas of slowdown are Gerudo Desert, (27-28FPS), Faron Woods (28-30FPS) and Hyrule Field (17-19FPS). Fully Playable 30FPS. The game will run fine on a nice (no bottlenecks) Core i5-2500K build on DSP HLE, checked in dolphin options as well as in the game options (accessed by right clicking it), but as far as my experience goes, DSP LLE requires a bit OC on the turbo boost. I have an AMD A10-7850K, 3.7Ghz and 8GB RAM. For OpenGL, disable Anti-Aliasing. I don't know if its my PC, but it's a real shame we can't play … Slowed to 20% on moving screens using Direct3D9, but upon switching to OpenGL runs perfectly. It also comes with a bunch of QoL changes and settings! If you prefer something more stylized and akin to Skyward Sword's art style, If you want extremely detailed textures that are very realistic but much more colorful than the original's, I'd say the best option would be. I wanted to keep the original textures, but convert them into HD format as much as possible, and also add a little Skyward Sword style. No configuration changes are known to affect compatibility for this title. Unfortunately, this doesn't fair much better than my testing of the Wii version. This is noticeable everywhere, but only the forest is a bit slow (I don't mind), and Hyrule Field is very slow (which is annoying). On Direct3D api, minimap will have some noise artifacts if Anti-Aliasing, Anisotropic Filtering, or Texture Filtering are enabled. ), texture cache accuracy is fast, no XFB, and skip EFB access from CPU is on. Use suggested settings from this page, otherwise you get graphics bugs. Fully playable with 3x internal resolution (1080p - Direct3D) Always 30FPS (Right click on the game and active Hyrule field speed hack). save. Exchange. NAM. Just Water effects with 16/9 widescreen bug (it does not matter), Perfectly ~30FPS (60Hz) 1920*1080, Default settings and the following: MMU speed hack + ZTP hack + custom projection hack, Anti-Aliasing 4x, Anisotropic 1x, Everything works great. I need a Rom for Twilight Princess on the Dolphin Emulator, Anyone got a link, Vimms lair doesnt work for me. Used Direct3D 11, No AA, 1xAF, used Hyrule Speed Hack, used DSP with LLE and native res. Always @30FPS. The Legend Of Zelda – Twilight Princess for Wii console game and you can play this game in an emulator, you just have to download the ROM (ISO/RAR/ZIP/7Z) file first, which is available in RomsKit our site. Nana 7 months ago thank you <3 it works pretty well. Is fully playable. Tested with a Dualshock 4. Sound works nicely, too, but adapts to the game's speed (so in the slow areas it will be playing slower). Resizing, maximizing/minimizing the game window causes the EXACT same errors regarding D3D shading, with the same ridiculous amount of error spam, followed by Dolphin crashing. In a strange note, running with ZTP Hack. Audio Back-end is DSound with DTK music enabled. Dolphin Forum thread 4.0 … Withheld : 0. They just don't for some reason. Keep Scaled EFB on. Also, before configuring Dolphin accordingly, during the intro, both characters had body parts/clothing flashing bright yellow occasionally; no idea how i fixed it but it's gone. Runs perfectly to up to 3x Standard Resolution on this mid-range computer. 30FPS almost all the time, will dip to 25 in Hyrule Field, dips to 20 in some intense combat scenes. Close. This is the very first kind of game that has Twilight Princess as its launching title. OpenGL - Broken by Anisotropic Filtering and an Internal Resolution above 1x Native. The game is always in 10-20FPS when you enter in a dungeon (especially in the goro mines), 15-20FPS when you encounter an NPC and 10FPS on the cinematics. Overall runs well with 28-30FPS in most areas. New comments … Many other … Editor. I have standard settings in Dolphin. Search Google Open Issues Settings. Twilight Princess uses a ray effect at various points throughout the game, most notably at windows and the fountains. Posts: 15 Threads: 0 Joined: Jan 2011 Try my config Open the notepad copy and paste the text in there and save as e.g. There are slowdowns in big/busy areas, but so far the FPS never went below 20. Heat effect is rendered blurry and low resolution. report . New & Updated. Comparando los gráficos de Zelda Twilight Princess HD para Wii U con el emulador Dolphin en HD de Wii, también comparando los mods gráficos de este . FPS). Most areas run around ~7-17FPS, even houses and save screen. Fully playable with constant 100% speed and 30FPS at 2.5x Native resolution. However, I have only been able to run it using DSP HLE - using LLE, performance is so poor the game is unplayable (and LLE on thread just makes it crash). Mostly okay. Runs well, fully playable at 30FPS and 100% speed. Out of these textures a few hundred have been completely re-textured. Bloom effect goes buggy if you go above native resolution. Began with OpenGL but after 2nd dungeon fps dropped in Hyrule field, even with speed hack. As Link, a farmhand turned cursed beast, you’ll join forces with the impish Midna, the Hyrule Resistance, and trusted (albeit unusual) allies to survive a quest that … Runs between 27 and 30FPS. Installation: There is no installation! Game still freezes at howling stones. 50% Upvoted. Force-swapping to integrated GPU almost works as well but slows down significantly in some parts of Hyrule Field. I need a Rom for Twilight Princess on the Dolphin Emulator, Anyone got a link, Vimms lair doesnt work for me. jfiefiwefwie 8 months ago cual es la clave. Editor. A dark figure from the Twilight Realm has invaded the world of light. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Mods, discussions & more by the LoZ:TP Modding Community Games. Twilight Princess was suppose to aim towards a dark look+feel, but failed miserably by the power of blurry/ugly textures. Fully playable in dungeons and in other areas but still slowdown in Hyrule Field (ZTP hack is enabled it helps but not so much, you obtain 15FPS). The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD on Dolphin Emulator. Mostly noticeable in Prince Ralis (although the Great Fairy is also affected). In The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD für Wii U musst du die Welt des Lichts und das Schattenreich bereisen, um das Königreich Hyrule zu retten.. Diese ultimative Version des beliebten Abenteuerspiels für Nintendo GameCube und Wii begeistert durch eine optimierte Grafik, die den Spieler noch tiefer in die eindrucksvollen Landschaften und epischen Abenteuer … For some reason, however, maximizing the window when the Nintendo and Dolby logos were occurring, it didn't error spam or crash. Disabling Scaled EFB Copies can also reduce bloom ghosting at higher resolutions, by rendering the effect at its native resolution. Anyway it’s far better than older dolphin revisions and now fully playable on my laptop. As the player progress through the game, Hyrule Field will become progressively slower. Reply. This only happens when I put on any of the shaders for the Tomoya HD pack. 30FPS with OpenGL plugin and suggested settings from this page. Small issue: Music volume is much higher than SFX. Some slowdowns here and there as well as a freeze once an hour or so. About. Enabled Open CL Texture decoder, ~50% speedup, no glitches. The world found on this game is a whole lot bigger compared to the Ocarina of Time, and at the same time, the graphics is much better comparing it to the Wind Waker. There is just one performance issue I could report so far (being about the middle of the game): If you have the standard DSP on HLE, there won't be any lag in the game, but the music is louder than FX sounds, which sometimes can be annoying. 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Return to Ordon after kakariko, fully playable, some slow downs in Faron Woods, but so when... Hack and ran perfectly for rest of the Nintendo GameCube and Wii game released the. Any SSAA setting and Anisotropic Filtering, or texture Filtering are enabled Search Google Wikipedia! The time, will dip to 25 in Hyrule Field very slow activating. Ram w/o cache enabled i suppose was officially announced via a Nintendo Direct webcast on November,!