bug 504622 - Fieldsets nunca diminui abaixo de sua largura min-intrinsic The element has min-inline-size: min-content by default. either disabled or disabled="disabled"). fieldset[disabled] doesn't really work twbs/bootstrap#14509 when used with select2 - it doesn't know that the field is disabled and the example is meant to be copied, so it's better to explicitly disable select also some typos There are some further inconsistencies though. Judging from the comments on this bug report (a Firefox bug open since 2009, by the way), it’s there for legacy reasons. (For example, display: inline behaves as block.). (This feels like the good old days. If you use a widget within a field value element, associate the widget with the field label to allow a screen reader to properly read the field. See also The :disabled CSS pseudo-class represents any disabled element. This example shows a really simple