In fact to National Opinion Research Center 83% of … But, more than that, the things they do for you can even boost your memory and mental well-being. Read one example of how a family saw Mom’s memory improve almost immediately when she got a caregiver. Since the burden of caregiving -- both in time and expense -- can be staggering, says AARP, Congress has tried to provide both financial reimbursement and respite care (which gives the caregiver a break that will hopefully enable her to continue to provide that care, without becoming too burned out). In Caregiving: Helping An Aging Loved One (AARP Books, 1985), Jo Horne includes a caregiver's bill of rights, in which she emphasizes the need of caregivers to take care of themselves and to protect their "individuality" -- to make a life for themselves that will sustain them after their loved one no longer requires their help. EasyLiving serves as a Lyft Concierge to get you on-demand rides anytime with a simple phone call. This is the period you will be weakest and most at risk, so having someone there also keeps you safe. Candace Gould, a licensed mental health counselor with Jewish Family and Child Services in Boston, reports that family caregivers providing care for elderly relatives have said things like: In fact, a recent study confirms Gould's observations. Additionally, you will need to pay the employer’s share of social security and medicare tax and pay for unemployment insurance. A caregiver can help keep you on track. The thought of leaving your baby is painful, but you are looking forward to the adult interaction and stimulation you'll encounter in your workplace. Clearwater, FL 33756 Fatalities rise among elderly drivers, so giving up your car is a smart move. Each year, over 50 million Americans provide care in some way, comprising 80 percent of all home care services, says the National Family Caregivers Association. Why should we hire you? The decision to hire a live-in caregiver can depend on many factors such as a person’s health needs and financial situation. When she has family members caring for her kids, Bochman doesn't worry about them at all, but in the past, when non-family members provided care, unanticipated issues have arisen that have made her uncomfortable about her choice of caregiver. Don’t want to get a smartphone or figure out how to use an app? When housekeeping suffers, so can your health. A few days in your PJs when you’re not feeling well is one thing. That would allow you to customize your question and to leave you as a front-runner. And as the parents of baby boomers age, many are choosing to move closer to their children to facilitate caregiving. You: I know you have a big decision ahead of you and I don't envy you that. Ronnie Friedland is an editor at This could be done once/week or a few times/week with meals prepared ahead. Consider, at a minimum, hiring a caregiver to help during the initial 48-hour transition period. Whether interviewing for a position that provides care for an older or younger person, your caregiver candidate should also … Or, you may hurt yourself bending over or getting on a stepstool. The value of this care is estimated to be more than $306 billion per year. You can hire caregivers to grocery shop and prepare meals. If you are in a job search and you want to attend an interview, you should know your unique selling proposition and be … They might also provide physical therapy. Be careful about hiring the wrong caregiver to help with this. #701 When trusted and loving family members provide care, the pros are significant. But, too often, you don’t get the additional support services you need. Elders, especially those living alone such as widows and widowers, tend to eat less and have worse nutrition. Grandparents provide childcare for nearly a quarter (23 percent) of children under the age of 5, and that number goes up -- to 34 percent -- if the children live only with their dads. . The great news is a caregiver can help! If you’re worried about your comfort level with someone helping with such tasks, you will be pleasantly surprised. You don’t want to rely on friends and family for getting around. You will find yourself sitting in a room with the hiring manager, having to answer tough questions about your experience and qualifications for the position you are seeking with the company. EasyLiving can do a home safety review to identify things that need upkeep or changes. You want a clean, healthy (safe) home. Families often cite lower cost as the major benefit. Here’s How to Fix That Problem. Agencies take care of all of this for you so that you don’t have to worry about the risk of penalties. Companionship is a big part of meal time for most of us. To find out about the policies in your state, contact your local representative, your Council on Aging (see Council on Aging or call 800-677-1116 for National Association of Area Agencies on Aging), or your local senior center. Ideally, caregivers see themselves as compassionate and empathetic people. “Why should we hire you?” is an interview question that requires an answer that must convince the interviewer that you are a perfect match for the job position. Fortunately, you don't have to leave your child with a stranger. ", "I spend a lot of time organizing medical appointments and facilitating care for my aunt. Don’t underestimate how important this is. Don’t underestimate how important this is. Meals require a number of steps, from planning to shopping and chopping/prepping ingredients to cooking. Frequently, say Clark and Weber, the parents live in separate locations, perhaps even opposite ends of the country. A caregiver’s companionship and help staying active can keep us healthier. Or, a caregiver can visit daily and handle. "I don't know how we would have managed without their help," Williams says. The most common refrain we hear from clients is that they should have hired a caregiver sooner. You can either hire a caregiver through an agency or hire a freelance caregiver directly. Despite the challenges the rewards can be unsurpassable. 3. But, more than that, the things they do for you can even boost your memory and mental well-being. While you might hire a caregiver for these practical reasons, many clients find their companionship to be a surprise benefit. "Family Caregiving in America: Facts at a Glance", When the ‘nanny tax’ applies to a babysitter, What every caregiver needs to know about signing up for health insurance, Biden's plan for caregivers: What you should know, according to experts, Jobs with babies: 17 great career options to work with infants, How to talk about vaccines with caregivers, employers and loved ones, When to keep your child home from day care — and for how long, "My mother has so many needs since she has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, but I wouldn't have missed a minute of the precious time we now spend together. How we care for our caregivers will be increasingly important as the percentage of elders rises and a smaller number of adult children provide the care. When housekeeping suffers, so can your health. ", "I'm on call 24 hours a day, and I no longer have a life! A caregiver can make sure you’re comfortable and safe doing your favorite things and have the help you need. Gould says the following quotes illustrate what she hears about the negative aspects of family caregiving: For Williams, the negatives of family as caregivers are that she feels guilty that her relatives are helping her so much, and she is indebted to them in ways that she can't pay back. On the flip side, don’t feel guilty when you have a good time. Don’t compare yourself to other candidates (or say “I can’t speak to the other candidates, but I can tell you about myself) Have three key points about yourself prepared; Delivery- be confident, smile, make eye contact with each person. 37 percent shift from full to part-time work to adjust for their caregiving responsibilities. If you hire a caregiver privately, the IRS will deem you to be their employer. Check out this article for a complete list of sample interview questions and answers: Top 10 General Job Interview Questions & Best Answers . Consider, at a minimum, hiring a caregiver to help during the initial 48-hour transition period. On average, family caregivers spend 21 hours per week on caregiving. Under the this act, covered employees (full time, who work for companies employing 50 or more people for 12 months or more) can take up to 12 weeks of leave annually to deal with personal or family medical issues, pregnancy, or adoption. The smell of tasty meals cooking can really help bring back a lost appetite. Convince them they should hire you before you leave the room today … You’re probably wondering why an employer would ask you this question. Caregivers receive special training in providing such care and communicating with clients. A t some point, almost every home care agency owner will have the frustrating experience of hiring a candidate who seems great in the interview but performs poorly on the job.. And even if they don't leave their jobs, there are still serious consequences which include reduced wages, loss of job security and the loss of or a reduction in employment benefits, usually at a time when the caregiver especially needs them. The safest way to hire a caregiver is to work with a reputable in-home senior care agency. Increasingly, the courts are protecting workers who claim they are being discriminated against for needing to take time to provide care, either in jobs they already have or when they apply for jobs. The most common refrain we hear from clients is that they should have hired a caregiver sooner. You want delicious, nutritious, home-cooked meals and you are tired of all the work that goes into meal planning and prep. States have also begun to reimburse home care on the same level that they reimburse institutional care. Nearly one quarter (24 percent) watch grandkids between 10 and 29 hours a week. It feels great to get back to home, sweet home after being in the hospital. You can have live-in caregivers for seniors or anyone battling a degenerative disease. You want to be sure you’re dealing with a licensed agency with, properly trained caregivers who will not attempt to do tasks beyond their qualifications. From changing light bulbs to replacing filters and just keeping organized, it’s easy to fall behind on your list of things to do. Data Shows Up to 70% of Caregivers are Depressed. When you hire a nanny, senior caregiver or other household employee, you must give them a W-2 to file their personal income tax return. You need supervision on a daily basis. The Brutal Truths That Helped This 85-Year-Old Stay at Home. REFERENCES All employers will ask for references as part of the hiring process. A caregiver can help keep you on track. Best example answers for “why should we hire you?” Example 1: “I believe I’m the best candidate for this role for a few reasons. Of these family caregivers, 48 percent work full time. Having someone you trust as your caregiver makes the separation easier. 75% of times this is avoidable with the right planning and support. You might feel weak, have falls and get sick easier if you’re not eating right. And, a caregiver can also provide mealtime companionship. Also determined on a state-by-state basis is payment for respite care. But, having, convenient transportation is essential so you can continue to thrive and not feel isolated. Many of us find ourselves putting off tasks like cleaning out closets, so items start to pile up. Or, having aches and pains or mobility issues that make shaving, doing you hair and other tasks difficult? Do you have difficulty remembering to take your pills or follow up on tasks? "Employers hiring caregivers are looking for patient and compassionate individuals who can provide additional support to people who are unable to care for themselves. They can get you settled back at home and make sure you are doing well. Not only can you enjoy your time more, you’ll have a safer home. Therefore, those eating alone tend to enjoy meals less and may not feel like putting the effort into making meals. Almost one-fifth of family caregivers (17 percent) provide constant care of 40 or more hours a week. A few days in your PJs when you’re not feeling well is one thing. And, a caregiver can also provide mealtime companionship. The smell of tasty meals cooking can really help bring back a lost appetite. Have the physical tasks of bathing, dressing and showering become tiring? Grandchildren provide about 8 percent of informal care, while adult children comprise 37 percent of informal caregivers, a 2003 study by FACCT and The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found. However, each individual is solely responsible for selecting an appropriate care provider or care seeker for themselves or their families and for complying with all applicable laws in connection with any employment relationship they establish. It is well worth hiring a caregiver to help out with all these tasks. Some people get ill from spoiled food or infections. If you want to answer the question “ Why should we hire you ?” in an impressive way, you need to be fully knowledgeable about the specific job requirements and person specification details. You might fall due to clutter. Examples: “After listening to you talk about the position, it sounds like you need someone who has exceptional project management skills. In those states that offer this type of reimbursement, it's very helpful to family caregivers. That is a approximated fee, I saw in Florida, 2011. does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment or engage in any conduct that requires a professional license. A caregiver can make sure you’re comfortable and safe doing your favorite things and have the help you need. You like routine and want someone to tell you what to do when. Perhaps with the growing need for family caregivers throughout our nation, some incorporation of older family patterns, or creative substitutions for them, will emerge. What the Interviewer Really Wants to Know Remember, employers hire workers to solve a problem, whether it’s boosting sales, streamlining processes, or building a brand. Social isolation and loneliness play big roles in many aspects of health. If you don’t want to end up back in the hospital with complications, it’s easy to get the support you need. Become a Caregiver, Pinellas & Pasco Be one step ahead of the game and have your references typed including Vacuuming, laundry and all the other tasks of keeping house can become wearing or even dangerous as you get older. ", "I feel pulled in a million directions. You might feel weak, have falls and get sick easier if you’re not eating right. Life is a lot nicer when your bed is made, laundry is done and home is tidy. Running a household requires a lot of upkeep. You’ve got a long list of “to do’s” around your house. And, according to a recent study, over 21 percent of families of preschool children whose mothers are employed rely on care by relatives -- either in the child's home or the relative's home -- while the mother works. 5402 W. Laurel St. #208 Independent contractors are given a Form 1099 to handle their taxes. They can make some of your favorite recipes or come up with delicious, new ideas. This is how you can make sure you sound confident when you explain why they should hire you in the interview. But for the family, hiring a caregiver on your own can save a lot of money. Many healthcare professionals recommend using an agency to hire a caregiver. A little help can mean the difference between being isolated at home with only the TV for companionship and a continued rich social/cultural/intellectual life. When you start taking multiple medications, you’re at risk for complications that may lead to hospitalization, institutionalization or even death. When it comes to answering a question such as, “Why should we hire you?” there are a few practices you should avoid: Memorizing your answer. AARP reports that about 12 percent of women give up their jobs in order to perform the necessary caregiving, with stark financial consequences. For Hispanics, the number of grandparents providing childcare rises even higher, with 38 percent of Hispanic preschoolers having grandparents who provide childcare for them. A. can mean the difference between being isolated at home with only the TV for companionship and a continued rich social/cultural/intellectual life. Or, you may hurt yourself bending over or getting on a stepstool. Are you feeling unsteady in the shower? We connect families with caregivers and caring companies to help you be there for the ones you love. EasyLiving caregivers are trained in preparing healthy, tasty meals and even handling special diets and nutrition needs. You don’t want to let aging or disease get in the way of staying active and engaged. About half of us feel lonely on a regular basis as we get older. Mistakes to Avoid When Answering “Why Should We Hire You?” To conclude the article, here are the top mistakes to avoid if you want to pass the interview when you hear this question. You prefer to work with different people and don't enjoy spending time conversing with clients or doing activities together one … Give us a call at 727-447-5845 or 813-333-5020 or click the button to set up a free consultation. 6. Some people get ill from spoiled food or infections. Proofread, proofread, proofread! Your health will suffer with poor nutrition. Untidy houses with poor upkeep can even become a fire or safety hazard. The process of preparing meals may be more rewarding when you’re cooking for someone else too. Also, her mother spoils the kids when she has them, letting them eat whatever they want, while one of her nieces lets them watch whatever they want on TV for as long as they want. They might also provide physical therapy. This isn’t the only frequent question. Currently family members often live far from one another, but as the caregiving burden increases, it is possible that at least some may reconsider and make an effort to live near each other to ease that burden. First, we all now have access to technological solutions such as Lyft and Uber. Far too many caregivers have excessive expectations of themselves, leading to feelings of guilt and inadequacy, despite their devotion to their tasks. Contact EasyLiving or a licensed home care agency in your area about medication assistance services. …, Our team has read a lot of books about aging, from our …. Although the pay often amounts to less than the caregiver would make at work, it can help with some expenses. Family members spend even more -- an average of $11,923 -- if the parent or spouse does not live near by. In 2000, adds the national Family Caregivers Association, over 1 in 4 adults (26 percent) cared for chronically ill, disabled or elder family members. 7. Take precautions if you have multiple conditions or medications. Older adults need more nutrient dense food, while many actually get less. For those with the most intense level of caregiving responsibility: Additionally, the caregiver's own health is often at risk as a result of this burden: they are more likely to have chronic health conditions and medical debt than non-caregivers. But when her day care provider needed surgery, Williams scrambled, and her large family came to the rescue. Contact EasyLiving or a licensed home care agency in your area about, . 75% of times this is avoidable with the right planning and support. HHA#299992282, Hillsborough It’s a balancing act, but we’ve got advice to help you navigate this tricky question. You will need to get an Employer Identification Number and withhold taxes from your caregiver’s pay. "Trust and compatible values are what have been best about using family as care providers for my children," says Felice Bochman, mother of two, who has used both family and non-family as child care providers. Again, make sure there aren’t any typos or grammar mistakes. The HR interview question “Why Should I Hire You” turns out to be tricky no matter how simple it may sound. Your six months of maternity leave are over and you have to go back to work. Job interviews can be daunting. To be a great caregiver you need to be supported by a great team. For example, you could hire a caregiver for 3 hours at 18 dollars an hour. I am so proud of her. Thank You For Signing Up For Our Newsletter. While in the past an adult child could usually care for her parents in the same dwelling, that is often not true today. When you hire a caregiver through an agency, that person will need to undergo a background check to look for a criminal record. e to get you on-demand rides anytime with a simple phone call. Williams had her older son in preschool and her younger in family day care, which enabled her to work in her family's business. It is well worth, hiring a caregiver to help out with all these tasks. This could be done once/week or a few times/week with meals prepared ahead. For Jessica Williams, a 29-year-old mother of two, both under the age of 4, family caregivers are a lifesaver. To further complicate matters, divorce has made the job of caring for elderly parents even more complex. Age, disability and disease don’t have to mean an end to living. If you don’t want to end up back in the hospital with complications, it’s easy to get the support you need. These are probably things you don’t want your kids to help with. Meanwhile the number of those 85 and older more than doubled between 1980 and 2000 and is expected to continue to increase rapidly. They can perform day-to-day tasks and also help review what needs to be done around the home. Read, one example of how a family saw Mom’s memory improve almost immediately when she got a caregiver. The last thing you want is to be isolated or dependent. A live-in caregiver is a worker available to provide assistance to a person at home on a round-the-clock basis or during the day. 1. Why An Employer Asks Why They Should Hire You. To keep up with things, consider hiring a caregiver. Shoot for a modest answer, and you risk sounding like you don’t believe you can do the job. You want to be sure you’re dealing with a licensed agency with properly trained caregivers who will not attempt to do tasks beyond their qualifications. On the other end of the age spectrum, many family members provide care for their aging parents, usually in addition to holding a full-time job and having children of their own to care for. Active and engaged in mind costs related to being an employer both physically and psychologically their employer so... Lyft and Uber among elderly drivers, so giving up on life on caregiving careful about hiring wrong! Rely on friends and family for getting around this could be done or..., have why should i hire you as a caregiver and get needed supplies big part of the car someone... And most at risk, so having someone you trust as your caregiver makes the separation easier do home! Home from the hospital/surgery... and want to let aging or disease in... 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