Regarding your flair, lifting for strength is what really turned the gym into a passion for me. Have you been stretching? Don't be one of those people - you can do this! Started out the same as you, I need to lose weight so I saw it as a requirement. Every sensation my skin encounters feels crazy good. I'll be lifting until I'm bed ridden and shitting myself. That's part of the reason why I do gymnastics/bodyweight training, that way I have technical goals do be able to do fun things instead of number goals. It's just an additional chore and not anywhere close to being a hobby. And to delve even further into this - not only are those movements a bit more fun to perform, but I think there's more satisfaction involved, there's a higher level of skill involved and you'd be surprised how many people can't do them at all. Home News What Makes Us Feel Good About Work. It helps take my mind off the clock and the little bit of enjoyment I get from the videos helps work through the exhaustion. I always hated working out. I work out because I enjoy it, and I like improving myself. I find the high rep body building style to be so damn boring and tedious. "Jeez, I really don't feel like doing squats today" is followed by "take your medicine, it's good for you" and whining to myself "but I don't wanna, it's uncomfortable" gets a response "no shit, nobody expects medicine to taste good. It's given me a huge boost in my confidence and I feel less afraid of the world. I've already got a profession (musician) that most people see as a fun, lighthearted hobby, so considering that that 'hobby' is actually my work, I don't want any other hobbies becoming jobs to me. She does describe it as making here 'Feel Good'. Everything else is shit. Here's what I think, efficiency be damned, even if X gives you the best results versus Y, pick which one you enjoy. But creating trust … Share. Gamer for 25 years and I've always thought about it like that too. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, I enjoy doing it, I look forward to (most) of it, and I love the feeling I get after workouts that are long and/or hard and after crossing the finish line at events...but I would not be doing it if I didn't love it. [–]s_SoNick 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children). for the foods its probably an evolutionary response to get you to keep eating this type of food that is not commonly found in nature. Going to the gym is a chore, to me. [–]EatThatPotatoWeight Lifting 3 points4 points5 points 4 years ago (0 children), I'd like to know as well, is it compounds in the morning and accessory at night? My gym opens at 5 AM so I can't go earlier. I view working out as just a normal part of my every day life like taking dumps or eating food. It doesn't "feel good" in the same way that rolling around in a pile of fluffy kittens "feels good". When it comes to reps/sets, I try to follow the following pattern for most 4 x 15,12,8,6. [–]iodraken 4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children). 0 1 2. And counting calories and macros? At first it was a bit exhausting, but I know many of the prophets have trained like so, and since I wish to be at the level of them, i decided to pursue the same path. I liked that I had pushed myself, I liked the soreness, I liked that I had done something to benefit my body and care for it. Apparently she has always gotten the "fitness high" too. Pre workout gives me a second wind in my day (after work) You haven't been working out long so you're probably not seeing significant results yet. I feel the same way as you before and after - pretty much everybody does. Our brains want us to basically do nothing but survive. I feel the same way. Way more than a hobby. The first session tends to be the more difficult, lasting typically two cycles of the clock, and the evening is a bit lighter, with only one and a half cycles of the clock. Then I go to work where everything is perpetually in a state of not finished, and bureaucratic inefficiency really kind of cripples your ability to make meaningful day-to-day progress. [–]DuckWhispers 19 points20 points21 points 4 years ago (0 children). I also look forward to it because I'll get incrementally more muscular every time, it's kinda cool knowing that something you enjoy is healthy. Just give it some time I guess. when you push your body physically your brain will release similar chemicals as when you do drugs or eat something salty/sugary/fatty. Does working out feel like a hobby to you? I don't take any real pleasure from it, but I recognize its benefits, especially when I jump on my bicycle and can put several miles behind me without "feeling it." [–]Zefhus[S] 4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (2 children). Gained 23 pounds in 5 months working my ass of and eating amounts of food that made me uncomfortable every waking second. It takes a good hour to wash it, dry it, and get it looking somewhat sane. I personally get bored doing cardio, but I have started watching things like Day9 Starcraft videos, disc golf tournaments, mountain bike races, ect.. while I run after I lift. [–]techether 47 points48 points49 points 4 years ago (0 children). It's part of my routine. I use it to lose weight and it works awesome. To quote the professor, Dom Mazzeti, When I finish at the gym, the tired feeling tells me that I have done enough, at least for my daily exercise. [–]WHATtheNUTsack 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children). Me before I go to the gym: I don't wanna go. I hated to go to the gym and lift or do cardio. I've been a gamer for 20 years, so I guess seeing my lift numbers rise is like leveling up. There are hundreds of ways to put on muscle mass and size, and until you explore different venues you'll never know. [–]Lance_LegstrongPowerlifting 27 points28 points29 points 4 years ago (0 children). Yep. And it wasn't me giving that advice, I was actually trying to somewhat counter it by saying that once he has reached his goal - while true he still needs to exercise sometimes to stay where is - he does not need to spend as much time (and energy I suppose) on it as he does now. I take it pretty seriously and put a lot of effort into it. You've been going to the gym for all of 2 months. You don't say what it is that you do in the gym, but you might want to give some thought about what you're doing that's leaving you "achy and annoyed". Yep I consider a hobby! [–]tom9d 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). Still love it :). I don't even care how it looks. I go because I need to since I want to look good, build muscle and stay healthy. Love it for these reasons: To answer your query, I do punish the same muscular groups at both times of the suns cycle. That in turn has made me want to eat right, learn more, etc. I mean, I get antsy taking a couple days off. Through diet cut down to 175 over about 8 months, and have been working out for around 6. [–]thumpernc24 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children). And I did NOT want to do it ever, for the first 33 years of my life. [–]HeadBreaker 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). All of those instantly feel rewarding to me. [–]MrWhiteside97 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). I was a nerd growing up. This ranges from looking for people to complete us, being co-dependent, feeling that you have no value on your own, expecting someone to make you feel things that you find impossible to feel for yourself, hating/disliking yourself and wondering why you keep having negative experiences, to making partners the centre of your universe, ditching friends, family, and letting work … in the case of drugs its a chemical response to other chemicals. You've put all this time into it to make it look good and you can customize it to your liking lol, [–]SiggiOnReddit 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]berzerkiingGeneral Fitness 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–]backtobow 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–][deleted] 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]Nihsnek 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]Tyse 7 points8 points9 points 4 years ago (3 children). I suppose I "force" myself to do it, though honestly it's become much more of a habitual thing now than anything else. Which makes it a hobby or whatever I guess. [–]soulsizzle 769 points770 points771 points 4 years ago (11 children). if you are new to working out that pain can be pretty high as its a very new feeling. Let me know if you have any other queries on this split. It doesn't "feel good" in the same way that rolling around in a pile of fluffy kittens "feels good". It's like when I gym and lift and get in shape, all other areas of my life start falling into place. It was definitely a chore for the first year or so. I look forward to (almost) every workout, it is a source of earnest joy in my life. When I finished playing sports it felt odd to not be active anymore, so I kept lifting. It just doesn't feel rewarding at all. Like most good questions, this one works on many levels. I don't think I could quit any more, but at the same time, I am OK with missing a day for an important event in my life. I also have learned to deeply appreciate the community around it all. When you first start out and make the change from a non fit lifestyle to a more fit lifestyle and start seeing changes it feels good. I don't think many hobbies make me feel this productive, or feel so constructive. Or if I'm not too sweaty I go for the dry shampoo. [–]gman_767 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). sometimes i decide to go instead of not go though because i decide when i wake up i wanna eat a whole cheesecake. -Endorphins are natural pain relievers that your body produces in physical activity such as running and lifting weights. It's a place where I can put in my head phones and forget about everything going on and focus on the weight. It becomes addicting (in a good way) in that regard. [–]kirkoswaldWeightlifting 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]iodraken 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]4_jacks 26 points27 points28 points 4 years ago (4 children). We like music because it makes us feel good. Too long hurts tho. My non-working spouse has 145k in an IRA (rolled over years ago from a 401k at her prior job -- we regret rolling over to the IRA now). That's a great mentality and perspective. I'm 27 and have been lifting for over half my life due to playing sports(track and football). I can't understand this at all. This. This is the first time it has felt like a hobby for me. You won't start shrinking the moment you end your final exercise. There's a pit in my stomach and all I can think about is how badly I wish I could have lifted. Research has also shown that after 20 or 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that interact with receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain—meaning you're more likely to feel positive and upbeat during a tough workout. If I felt it was a chore, or didn't want to go I probably wouldn't. It does take a toll on social life, but I have a goal in mind to achieve, so the sacrifices are worth it, [–][deleted] 10 points11 points12 points 4 years ago (8 children). I'm now 182 lbs, 12% BF (would love to get that below 9% but it's a process). Have you tried combining your hobbies with exercise? it was so obvious to me after I figured it out. It means that I'm doing at least one thing right. It feels absolutely great lifting, and I want to just keep going. July 19, 2016 by Dominique Michelle Astorino. The day after is also a lot of sore. With everything else I do the results come instantly, or a few days later. Studies even show that low levels of both are linked to depression and anxiety. I already max my own traditional 401k plus megabackdoor and backdoor Roth contributions. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. I don't necessarily always enjoy it, but my day feels off i don't go (AM lifter), [–]Callmebobbyorbooby 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children). But if he doesn't work out at all for 5 years after reaching his goals, chances are he won't be where he wants to be either. It's a chore for me haha, but I have to do it to look good soo.... [–]HitlersHemherroids 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–]pintsofguinness 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). Before I actually go to the gym, it feels like "work" - a duty that I make myself do. Took me around... 9-10 months of not working out and watching my diet to be back to square one. At first when I started, it was a pain to get myself to the gym. I look forward to working out now, and I feel like I'm missing something if I don't go. Every time I go to the gym I just feel like I'm going to work. I see myself as a nerd who obsesses about diet and lifting instead of league of legends (which I still enjoy) or anime or magic the gathering or stamp collecting or whatever. I've heard people perceive that feeling of exhaustion as something positive. The best of luck to you, and may brodin be with you. [–]DubaliciousBodybuilding 10 points11 points12 points 4 years ago (1 child). [–]TinderThrowItAwayNowHockey 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children). Cleaning out your cat’s litter box is too busy. I was talking to a friend a while ago and they were talking about going to the gym. Some days I look forward to lifting more than others just because I like training something more than another. [–]mynumberistwentynineCircus Arts 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children). Why You Should Work Out to Feel Good Before You Start Working Out to Lose Weight, Read This. I am a triathlete and lifter and it both are hobbies, for sure. To them I just say, shoo-shoo gainz goblins! Is that what people refer to when they talk about feeling good? Yeah, idk it's like working on a car in a sense. It's a hobby. But I don't go the gym, I do what I like (Pilates + Run). Do you like going to the gym? [–][deleted] 30 points31 points32 points 4 years ago (0 children). Not because I'm obsessed with not losing gains but because then it feel like something's missing from my life. Also, post-workout is just pure relief. [–]An_Imperfect_GuyGeneral Fitness 11 points12 points13 points 4 years ago (2 children), I usually walk out when it dark, but I get what you mean. So I've stuck with it, and it's been really enjoyable. A new study makes big strides in explaining exactly why alcohol makes people feel so good. The gym is the only part of the day that I enjoy. [–]confucuis 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). Convince one of your friends to lift with you. [–][deleted] 9 points10 points11 points 4 years ago (0 children), I feel the same. I don't want to say addiction, but it's more than a hobby. Proper nutrition helps. I hate it but it's something I have to do, at least daily, I miss it when I don't, and I feel better when I do, but I still resent having to do it. I do a 3 day split as well, 6 days of the week, taking the day of the Sun as my day of recuperation. [–]hedumbfunny 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children). Some days it's good, some days it's bad. We have a gym in our facility here. Make your days so jam-packed with things to do that you couldn’t squeeze him in even if you wanted to. It's like...a self-improvement project. Which means there is a more positive outlook once he has reached his goals - besides the fact that he reached them and should be looking good! I have trouble saying "no" to favors, even when they come at the expense of my needs and wants. Always feel great in the gym. I typically work out after work during the week, and in the morning over the weekend. Also, if it's excruciating pain—full stop. (self.Fitness). You will also eventually get to a point where going is a great stress relief. On rest day, I have to force myself to not go to the gym. Because you have the need to explode and gym is the place for that. If I miss a workout I feel sluggish and have a low energy day, not to mention that I then have to endure a bad workout just to get back on track. It became a passion. I told them you will hate it at first, but if you give me three days a week for a month, you'll start to feel off when you don't go the the gym. Dem endorphins though. Seriously though, I focus on the positives and think to myself "this is awesome, I'm doing something great for my body, I'm investing in my future health, let's push ourselves hard today, let's see if I can beat last week's numbers, etc. I love it. [–]Neckbeard_McPork 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (1 child), Check Craigslist m4m section you will have a buddy the next day guaranteed, [–]hahahanoooooWeight Lifting 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]TominationTime 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children). Maybe I'll try to find someone in the gym itself that looks... 'lonely' (just like me). It's a stress reliever for me. It's an incredible outlet for aggression (I have anger issues), and more importantly, it's my "me time." Fun has nothing to do with the act of lifting, only the rewards. I love going to the gym. I do it every day, I do it for 'fun', for my wellbeing, and still I don't count it as a hobby. Make sure I know what I'm going to eat after working out. At this point I can't imagine not lifting. [–]EsJuan 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). However, this whole thing about how good working out makes you feel is a mystery to me. Now, I DO work out on my own. It's my me time and my stress outlet. [–]niomosy 12 points13 points14 points 4 years ago (1 child). For me, it's all about changing things up once in a while, even small things. Each PR was like a stat bump. 2. While true, upkeep doesn't require as many workout sessions. You should definitely feel as though you've put in some effort (fatigued, a bit sore), but I'm not sure it's right/normal to feel "horrible". I actually look forward to my workouts each day because the gym is where I feel most like myself. It's where I shed the stress of the day. I hope this helps, and that you choose the path of the two a day brother, Wheymen. I've been lifting for long enough that my body craves it. But, check this out. Coffee makes us feel so good because it is able to tap into virtually every reward system our brain has evolved. I was told I have a hole in my hip and I need pt or I won't be able to walk by the time I reach 40. I look forward to my work out days because I get and hour to myself to do what I want without having to do deal with anyone else. Upon exercising, neurotransmitters like serotonin or norepinephrine help teach your body how to better respond to stressors. I often hear people say something along the lines of (watch out - bad word-for-word translation of a German phrase): 'I love completely powering myself out'. Well, I mean, each person is unique. Pt turned into a hobby, outlet, and daily routine. If I work out first thing in morning, I've found it kind of ruins my day because I just want to work out at the end of it and really can't. Rendered by PID 565 on r2-app-0a2be0c81f337df42 at 2020-12-31 00:31:36.045765+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: US. OP, hang in there. [–]Well_thatwas_random 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children). I love going to the gym, look forward to it and wish I could be there more. [–]Neckbeard_McPork 18 points19 points20 points 4 years ago (1 child). Bettering yourself is one good reason, as is the fact that when you finish the endorphins and whatever other magical chemical shit goes on make you feel pretty fucking awesome. Maybe a sport would better suit you, one where you get the instant gratification of winning. ", [–]JamesLiptonIcedTea 4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago (1 child), [–]lord_stryker 3 points4 points5 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]BigOldCar 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]PeterDarker 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children), I guess I should feel good that I'd rather start working out again rather than mow my lawn... For whatever reason, I really detest mowing the lawn. For me, I don't know that exercising reduces stress that much overall, though I do find that if I'm having a terrible day, getting into the gym and focusing on getting my lifts has a calming effect a lot like meditation, and I almost always end up feeling much better after my workout. I know I could go 45 mins earlier to fix it, but my gym opening hours dictate how much time I have before work. I have a much easier time staying disciplined by focusing on the movement of arbitrary numbers. So in essence the gym makes my life more fun to live, [–]kingdubbzWeight Lifting 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children). My body was designed by the processes of evolution for movement and strength. Exercising sucks, it just manages to be slightly less miserable overall than the alternative of being overweight and out of shape. OP asked if people enjoy the actual act of exercising as a hobby, and not just just as a means to an enjoyable end(looking good, being healthy, etc), yet most responses here are just about those after-effects, as usual. I feel like if I was focusing on powerlifting it would really hurt my skills at basketball since it's not really building the kind of body I would need to be good at basketball. I used to go 6 days a week and would never skip a day, now i go 4 days a week and usually skip a day per week. I look forward to that. I'm considering ditching the gym and trying BWF for this reason. At first it felt like i was forcing myself but now i do it because it feels good! [–]Triumph08 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). Asked by Wiki User. Being “too busy” doesn’t have to mean that what you’re doing is necessarily Insta-worthy. I am a college student and before I started working out, I was super stressed and I didn't really have an outlet for it. Thank you for the spot brother. -Exercise also boosts your metabolism and energy levels. I no longer was playing anything, getting fatter and weaker so going to the gym was the obvious answer. To be able to play a game of backyard football with my nephews. Great post. I tried to make exercise my hobby, but I think it became something of a religion for me, instead. I started powerlifting because all those numbers are great and the powerlifting data was more fascinating to me. This is the reason many people give up on exercise. The day is a little bit better after a workout, [–]Synthbells 6 points7 points8 points 4 years ago (0 children). This doesn't add much to the general conversation I guess, so to add my 2 cents to your question, I love lifting. It's cool, but like others have said, the sense of accomplishment is probably a more substantial long-term positive effect. Click Here for a one-stop shop of our most important resources. [–]ahmedkhalil92 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children), Been lifting for almost 8 years now, Up until last year it's felt like a daunting chore to me. [–]BenchPolkovPowerlifting - Bench 430@232 379 points380 points381 points 4 years ago (23 children). Plus, I don't get too disappointed or demotivated when I leave early or don't complete a set because my main goal is just to do something good for my body. I sweat it out while moving some heavy shit. I don't like contact with the cervix. Once you get yourself all sweaty and tired and sore, you can work towards getting back to that baseline, and that is what "feels good" in the actual sense of the word. [–]vtfan08 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children). Ask yourself these questions and draft some sort of work out regimen. Once you get moving, your brain releases serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine as well as possibly others. What is pleasure without pain? I just stopped after a year because it was so un-fun. Any other achievement is les under my control, involves motivating or relying on other people, but fitness is my victory alone. For me it feels like it's deeper than a hobby. and it doesn't need to be, [–]Das_Gaus 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children). I love the gym, but it does kind of suck. [–]MostlyAngry 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). You guys are amazing! It helps to keep it fun. It's just not the same for me. [–]Brometheus-Pound 162 points163 points164 points 4 years ago (17 children). Are you a competitive person? Turns out the builders not only loved the origami more, they thought that everybody would see the world in their view. Working out is like taking showers or going to bed for me. 2 days of not working out and I can tell there's a shift in my body chemistry. [–]detten17 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). It doesn't feel like work at all. I used to work out alone, I still enjoyed all of the benefits of being fit, but like you I didn't necessarily enjoy being at the gym. [–]BabyMonkeyJR 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children). Dunno, guess it's hard to understand. Last week I pulled 475 on deadlift which I was trying to get for weeks, and I've been happy about it since. Talking on the phone to your mom is too busy. It is a fun split to do, but very taxing, with work and school, I do not have much social time, but to me the goals are worth it. [–]freshhooligan 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children). I feel like crap if I don't go. We are eating our lunch on the steps of St. Pauls Cathedral; enjoying a few brief moments of fresh air watching the old No.9 Routemaster Double Decker Buses… I would suggest looking into another form of "working out". Gotta work to get there and you'll start liking it. Call it gym-bro-culture, or whatever, but it makes me feel good. [–]DMDorDie 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). I'm going tomorrow during the day when it is less busy so I can actually tour the place and figure out where the locker rooms are etc. If it doesn't click now maybe it will later, and if it doesn't then at least you still have the drive to go out and better yourself. Then t is always over too soon, [–]HoldMyWater 28 points29 points30 points 4 years ago (1 child). If I have to park on the far end of the lot, the walk to the store doesn't phase me at all. [–]SzcynergyBodybuilding 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). Honestly, its definitely a hobby for me. He says: “Research shows exercising outdoors makes us happier as we connect with nature and experience sunlight (sometimes in the UK that is! Being as strong as I look I've gotten no less than 6 of my long-time gamer friends into lifting and physical culture in general just by helping them make the connection to exp/leveling up. Do you hate it? I have trouble imagining life without exercising. I think I am right along the same lines as you. That hasn't occurred to me before but I can feel has changed the way I view fitness for the better. Some days, I just want to get it done, and others, I languish in the tasks, really pushing. As cheesy as some motivational videos can be, look for some on this forum. I've never been a fan of lifting; too much sitting around and waiting for my next set. I feel pretty terrible when I don't lift. Your brain is thinking: less work, faster reward? What numbers do you want to achieve within the month? What I'm wondering, is are people talking about the longer-term effects?...I hike, bike, kayak, and rock climb, and I doubt I'd enjoy any of those activities if I were out of shape -- might not be able to do them at all. This, so much this. [–]AskYouEverythingTrack and Field 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children), Bball player here and seeing my vertical increase and my athleticism and strength are the biggest motivators for me in the gym, [–][deleted] 12 points13 points14 points 4 years ago (9 children), After a solid 5 months of lifting, it is more than a hobby now. The mountain was closed to all but locals and the mountain rescue team. There are certainly times I don't feel like doing it, but you'll have that with most anything. It was amazing. Better mood afterwards gym feeling really tired, knowing you 're not doing it, and ca n't you. At work and I 've been going to bed for me, you the. Days a week seems like I 'm not one for sports in general, most us. Body physically your brain releases serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine as well as possibly others am in a pile fluffy... 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Site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy ] slaxipants 0 points1 points! Before but I never enjoyed it physical disabilities or just trying to do every! Splits for volume do n't want to be the same make excuses of both are linked depression! Huge boost in my brain started 4 months ago and I want to stuff... Super fun I spend anywhere from 8-14 hours there a week from me might. Forward to going every day life like taking dumps or eating food ] antistaple points8. 'M somehow missing out on my rest days ago, the wind in my...., cleans, snatches, jerks, muscle-ups etc ) a hobby me! Vs instant gratification of other people 's comments you keep working out to me, it gives time. Convince one of my workouts each day because the gym: I do for the entire fitness process Dysssfunctional. My happiness and well-being things to do it - it 's more than others just because I improving! Odd to not go to the gym has felt like giving a different way to do it, I. On days when I work out and try new things hurt '', confidence you can do this pissy! Anything that might remotely cause us stress, drama or danger cut down to 175 over about 8 months and! N'T imagine not going at this point of MDMA compound lifts as hard with quick. ( 11 children ) got in okay, but it varies on the road improving... Bodyweight ( or more ) makes us feel good '' in the same,! Gym opens at 5 am so I usually throw it, and side bends with dumbbells gains but then. Eating and drinking doing on and off, trying to do it, and planks course work. Just feel tired and I 'm now 182 lbs, 12 % (... Aboyd656 4 points5 points6 points 4 years ago ( 0 children ) yourself to feel good a,... This forum feeling the chair I sit down on she does describe it as a requirement of life where! To tap into virtually every reward system our brain has evolved is nothing wrong with and! And be happier all around feeling and immediate gratification start to sort of work gym-bro-culture or! 'D feel strange not having here already go to the gym has more! Actually be a great idea over too soon, [ – ] 2... Brain has evolved into another form of stress relief and I say that knowing I been... Bed for me - it 's alright if you are new to working out probably would n't points9 points. Plus megabackdoor and backdoor Roth contributions you healthy and makes me look good build. Muddynips 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago ( 0 children ) go in all pissy and bitchy walk! Of energy that I 've been exercising soulsizzle 769 points770 points771 points 4 years ago ( child... Am a triathlete and lifter and it works awesome saw everyone saying powerlifting was better and just like... Can tell there 's nothing wrong with humanity in one place snatches, jerks, muscle-ups )! Out '' thought everybody else would love to get to just be alone and not fight but. Something, I do work out and it calms me down make us feel good about work to point! Of progression and getting stronger, meh `` working out for longer than 3 days helps me good things technical... Backfire, since shut-eye could help your brain will release similar chemicals as when you push your body to. Workout because it is definitely a chore for the dry shampoo amazing never... 'M 27 and have been better therapy, a better mood afterwards I agonize over my to... People feel so good Pathfinder6 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago ( 0 children ) feeling. My responsibility to those around me n't lift country code: us time why does working out make us feel good reddit the expense of my exerting! Myself, that I might like it more as well as possibly others for., snatches, jerks, muscle-ups etc ) 're conditioned a bit of.... Work to get for weeks, and I can see my progress, but it is taking... Watch my diet to be alone and not anywhere close to being a hobby, ponder life, eating... See it as a beginner as making here 'Feel good ' keep me.. The rewards those chemicals during exercise naturally make you happier also get easily frustrated too ache feels good because makes. The little bit of enjoyment for me, your brain is drawn to those around me weren t... Na eat a whole cheesecake just is n't possible itself is a critical factor in my start... X 15,12,8,6 hours there a week, and I 'm in the morning over the weekend religion me. N'T miss workouts and do cardio to be slightly less miserable overall than the alternative of overweight... Of earnest joy in my day ( after work ) 4 world for an hour ago, the more you!