E. sa for saha with gara poison; being born together with a poison given to his mother by the other wife of his father. (Sanskrit Lex. I, 246; Sn. Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Purana from relevant books on Exotic India. *, 2b) The lord of rivers;1 married Velā, the daughter of Meru;2 had a daughter Savarṇā married to Prācinabarhis.3, 2d) (also Sagaras s.v.) The teachings in this text originate from Mañjuśrī and were taught to and by Buddha Śākyamuni in the presence of a large audience (including Sāgara). 1) Sāgara (सागर) is another name for Sāgaracandra, the son of Candanadāsa: a wealthy merchant from Aparājitā, according to chapter 1.2 [ādīśvara-caritra] of Hemacandra’s 11th century Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra (“lives of the 63 illustrious persons”): a Sanskrit epic poem narrating the history and legends of sixty-three important persons in Jainism. [Naighaṇṭuka, commented on by Yāska i, 3]), 4) [v.s. Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Sanskrit from relevant books on Exotic India. Sāgara is also mentioned in the Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra, an encyclopedic work on Buddhism written by Nāgārjuna. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. We venture to think that it is Bāhuka who is holding the hand of his second wife to forbid her from doing some nasty act to the child. After being defeated in battle, his father fled to the Himalayas with his two wives. Forms of Sagara include the names Sagarah, Sagarea, Sagaria, Sagarra, Saggara, and Saggarra. Sagara was killed by the It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Pali from relevant books on Exotic India. Sagara is an unusual given name for females but a somewhat prominent last name for both adults and children (#74957 out of 150436, Top 50%). But she was forbidden from her act by the sage Bhārgava because she was pregnant. Lexicographers, esp. 292^b, in Dvaitapariśiṣta. He was in exile with his two spouses. 2.Press Ctrl+g to toggle between English and Kannada… The Purāṇa enjoins a bath in ocean (sāgara) on 8th tithi and on annual parva-day which is very auspicious. 3.Copy paste will not work. See more. This page also provides synonyms and grammar usage of sage in kannada That is the reason why the new born baby was named Sagara (sa -gara: sa, with; gara, poison). (If you have pasted sentence, add … ThagA.i.153) mentions a monk, named Sagara, a disciple of XIII.116.69, XIII.115) and represents one of the many proper names used for people and places. 111; sleeping under the same roof Vin. sagara), m. 1. [Sūktikarṇāmṛta by Śrīdharadāsa]. 7. Dpv.xix.8; MT.525. Sagara is a city located in the Indian state of Karnataka and it is also a sub divisional and a taluk headquarters. Yādavī, his elder wife, was preparing to commit satī, when he breathed his last. A bath there in the eclipses of the moon and the sun is enjoined. Multibhashi’s Kannada-English Dictionary will help you find the meaning of different words from Kannada to English like the meaning of Soundaryapremi meaning of Kalatmaka and from English to Kannada like awesome meaning in Kannada, the meaning of Aesthetic, the meaning of ornamental, etc. Jambudvīpa is virtuous and Lavaṇodadhi (the ocean of salt) in it is also sacred. Angelsname - World's Largest Baby Collection . The two may Sagara thereupon commanded his 6 sons to search it out. Tags: sahara meaning in kannada, sahara ka matalab kannada me, kannada meaning of sahara, sahara meaning dictionary. Father of Asamanjasa who was abandoned by his father for misconduct. Starts with (+72): Sagara Brahmadatta, Sagarabuddhi, Sagarabuddhidharin, Sagarabuddhidharyabhijnagupta, Sagaracakri, Sagaracandra, Sagarachakri, Sagaradatta, Sagaradeva, Sagaradhara, Sagaradharapurusha, Sagaradharmamrita, Sagaradhiracetas, Sagaradhvaja, Sagaraga, Sagaragama, Sagaragambhira, Sagaragamin, Sagaragamini, Sagaragandha. The twenty-seven kings [viz., Sāgara] after Mahāsammata were his descendants. The river Varada originates near Varada-moola. Uttaramadhura. Famous People Named Sagara. I think you mean the word transliteration. When there has been any previous discussion of the article title, as there has been above, page moves should be treated as controversial. Cv.lxxxvii.34; the legend of Sagara and his sons is given in the Mahabharata (iii.106ff.). Some of these twenty-eight kings reigned in Kusavatī City, others in Rājagaha and still others in Mithilā. He had two wives Keshini and Sumati. English words for ಕೆಲಸ include work, working, job, task, occupation, employment, yacker, labor, duty and deed. 1.Type in English and press space to get converted to Kannada. cf. Closely related to Vastushastra (architecture), they often share the same literature. Note: The Mahābhārata (mentioning Sagara) is a Sanskrit epic poem consisting of 100,000 ślokas (metrical verses) and is over 2000 years old. *, 1b) The sons of Sagara who created eight extra countries (upadvīpas) near Jambūdvīpa, when they dug up the earth in search of their father's sacrificial horse;1 purified by the Ganges.2, 2a) Sāgara (सागर).—(Sindhu): one of the principal kṣetrams. The personal attendant of Sumedha 135^b. He died there, both his wives being pregnant at that time. Sagara was an emperor of the Solar dynasty, the son of Asita, and an ancestor of Rama. Is Sagara name fit for baby name ? Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. wisdomlib - the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge; Like what you read? The number “four.” 4. Hasn’t added any information. ([from] 7. sa + gara, ‘poison’, √2. Accordingly, “The Buddha himself from the very beginning has always taken birth in the lineage of noble cakravartin kings. 4. E. sagara a king and aṇ aff. Examples translated by humans: gube, mava, uta అర్థం, ekdu sudu, హెలు అర్థం, డాగర్ అర్థం, nindu అర్థం. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. Please visit the official government website http://www.indiapost.gov.in/pin/ and enter the pin code of this town 577401 to know the real spelling. (see Bhāgavata Purāṇa 9.8.4,8-14), 1) Sagara (सगर).—A king of the solar dynasty, Sagara ruled Ayodhyā. Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. The name of a king, whose greatgrandson brought the Ganges from heaven to the earth, [Pañcatantra] iii. Dpv.iii.6; Mhv.ii.3. Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Theravada from relevant books on Exotic India. You can also click to the full overview containing English textual excerpts. Would you like to add a information. 2) Sāgara (सागर) refers to the “ocean” and is extolled as Tīrtharāja, according to the Saurapurāṇa.—Accordingly, The Saurapurāṇa extolls the ocean (sāgara) as tīrtharāja. Sagara (सगर).—According to the Harivaṃśa, Bāhuka, (also known as Asita in some texts), was the father of Sagara. Agency). Quoted by Raṅganātha Oxf. Sagara is the feminine form of the Indian Sagar. Mingun Sayadaw. [distich] 269; [Rāmāyaṇa] 1, 40, sqq. Karnataka Legistative Assembly. One of the eminent monks present at the 1) Sagara (सगर):—[=sa-gara] [from sa > sa-gajāroha] 1. sa-gara (sa-). See Adbhuta, Tattva, Dāna, Smṛti. He had sixty thousand sons, who ruled in as many towns in Jambudipa. Thanks. His name means “one who is born with poison”. A kind of deer. 1) Sāgara (सागर) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—[dharma] Quoted by Raghunandana Oxf. He prays to Śiva to bless him with children. PIECE meaning in kannada, PIECE pictures, PIECE pronunciation, PIECE translation,PIECE definition are included in the result of PIECE meaning in kannada at kitkatwords.com, a free online English kannada Picture dictionary. 2) [=sa-gara] 2. sa-gara mfn. gṝ). 1) Sagara (सगर) is the son of Bāhu and grandson of Kuruka, according to the Vaṃśānucarita section of the 10th century Saurapurāṇa: one of the various Upapurāṇas depicting Śaivism.—Accordingly, [...] Dhundhu had two sons—Sudeva and Vijaya. 4] Kannada is 99.99% perfect - … Sagara (सगर) is a name mentioned in the Mahābhārata (cf. See below) accompanied by praise ([from] gara, √1. A picture of the falls currently illustrates the Sagara Subdivision article. It also teaches the rules for composing dramatic plays (nataka) and poetic works (kavya). A tool for Kannada converter from English to Kannada and Kannada Search Engine, powered by Google. Sagara. People keep moving this article without discussion Bejnar (talk) 21:31, 31 August 2014 (UTC) --Bejnar (talk) 21:31, 31 August 2014 (UTC), I tagged this article because as currently written it is skating close to WP:TRAVELGUIDE. --Bejnar (talk) 06:23, 11 December 2015 (UTC), Wikipedia:Notability (people)#Lists of people, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Sagara,_Karnataka&oldid=694739824, Low-importance WikiProject Cities articles, Start-Class India articles of Low-importance, Start-Class Karnataka articles of Low-importance, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 December 2015, at 06:23. 2) Sāgara (सागर):—poet. The work is attributed to Nagarjuna who lived around the 2nd century A.D. Sāgara (सागर) (son of Mucalinda and father of Sāgaradeva) is the name of an ancient king from the Solar dynasty (sūryavaṃśa) and a descendant of Mahāsaṃmata, according to the Mahābuddhavaṃsa or Maha Buddhavamsa (the great chronicle of Buddhas) Anudīpanī chapter 1, compiled by Ven. sahara in kannada. sāgara : (m.) the sea; ocean. Similar to the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions, Vaishnavism also developed as an individual movement, famous for its exposition of the dashavatara (‘ten avatars of Vishnu’). noun: the world's largest desert (3,500,000 square miles) in northern Africa. Shilpashastra (शिल्पशास्त्र, śilpaśāstra) represents the ancient Indian science (shastra) of creative arts (shilpa) such as sculpture, iconography and painting. 29; sāgara‹-› ūmi a wave of the ocean, a flood J. IV, 165; °-vāri the ocean J. IV, 165; sāgaranta or sāgarapariyanta bounded or surrounded by the ocean (said of the earth) J. VI, 203; °-kuṇḍala the same J. III, 32; VI, 278. 2.Press Ctrl+g to toggle between English and Kannada. These twenty-eight kings were of long lives of asaṅkhyeyya (asaṃkhyeya) years. The result of the move request was: not moved. J.iv.79f. Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Marathi from relevant books on Exotic India. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world. the Bhuridatta Jataka (J.vi.203) as having become a mahesakkha deva after death. Contextual translation of "randi meaning" from Kannada into Telugu. Genealogy. You appear to be saying that the local pronunciation written in common English usage is different from the standard … Sagara (सगर) is an example of a name based on an Epic or Purana mentioned in the Gupta inscriptions. One of them was named Asamañjasa. [He was a son of Bāhu and was called Sagara because he was born together with gara or poison given to his mother by the other wife of his father. Government Information collaboration website. [...] The Cakrins will belong to the gotra of Kaśyapa, gold-color, and eight of them will go to mokṣa. It is a word of sanskrit origin. The meeting places of the rivers Gaṅgā, Godāvarī, Revā (Narmadā), Candrabhāgā and Vedikā with the ocean are considered to be holy places and a bath at these meeting places is highly extolled in this Purāṇa. Sagara (सगर): King Sagar is one of the greatest kings of Suryavansha in the Satya Yuga. However, by the grace of the sage Chyavana, her child Sagara was born alive, but with toxin in his blood. Note: sāgara is defined in the “Indian epigraphical glossary” as it can be found on ancient inscriptions commonly written in Sanskrit, Prakrit or Dravidian languages. Sagara. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. . Page protected against future moves. The second wife, owing to jealousy, administered poison to the pregnant lady. 6. Refer to most grammars or online converters such as . ; [Daśakumāracarita] in Chr. And the lady with the child is Yādavī. The place known as Gaṅgāsāgara was excavated by his sons. R.13.3. [distich] 240. Sagara (सगर).—[masculine] the atmosphere; [Name] of a myth. By his wife Sumati he had 6 sons. There are many sūtras of which some of the earliest are the various Prajñāpāramitā sūtras. Sagara.—(IE 7-1-2), confused with sāgara and rarely used to indicate ‘seven’. Find the complete details of Sagara name on BabyNamesCube, the most trusted source for baby name meaning, … That is where it belongs. ; [from] 2. sa-gara) the ocean (said to have been named so by Bhagīratha after his son Sagara [see 2. sa-gara, p.1125]; another legend asserts that the bed of the ocean was dug by the sons of Sagara; 3 or 4 or 7 oceans are reckoned cf. Sagara in Kannada translation and definition "Sagara", English-Kannada Dictionary online Sagara (सगर) is depicted as a sculpture on the third pillar of the southern half of the maṇḍapa of the temple of Lokeśvara.—Probably, the story from the Viṣṇudharmottara is the source for the visualization of three sequences here, from left to right. The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. Kannada Converter; Kannada Search; Toggle nav. Their primary canon of literature is divided in two broad categories: The Kangyur, which consists of Buddha’s words, and the Tengyur, which includes commentaries from various sources. The son of Sumitra and Yaśomatī, four hundred and fifty bows tall, he will live for seventy-two lacs of pūrvas”. Sagara (सगर), after his education at the āśrama of the sage Cyavana, with the might of his own arm conquers back the lost kingdom of his ancestors and becomes the king of Ayodhyā. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. 8) an ocean (as expressing any vast body or inexhaustible mass; often ifc. Send us will publish it for you. (After Sanskrit & Tamil) 3] Kannada is as old as 2000 years. Closely related to Shaktism, Shaiva literature includes a range of scriptures, including Tantras, while the root of this tradition may be traced back to the ancient Vedas. Lexicographers, esp. Tibetan Buddhism includes schools such as Nyingma, Kadampa, Kagyu and Gelug. 568; PvA. DrKiernan (talk) 17:13, 1 September 2014 (UTC), Sagara,Karnataka,India → Sagara, Karnataka – Restore the title to Sagara, Karnataka, as above. Sagara means something in Buddhism, Pali, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Jainism, Prakrit, the history of ancient India, Marathi, Hindi. ; Lalitavistara 204.9; 219.9 (misprinted māgara); 270.6; 435.14; Suvarṇabhāsottamasūtra 85.5; 91.19; 158.14; 162.8; Kāraṇḍavvūha 68.5; Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra 2.3; 4.8; (Ārya-)Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa 18.12; 452.17, 21; in nearly all these identifiable by association with Anavatapta, or with the ocean; (2) name of another nāga king, mentioned later in the same list: Mahāvyutpatti 3264; here Tibetan dug can, poisonous, which sug- gests sa-gara; this word exists in Sanskrit as an adj. Very beginning has always taken birth in the Satya Yuga religious freedom and encourages the path of,. Sāgāra, ( adj. ) administered poison to the Matsyendrasaṃhitā హెలు అర్థం, ekdu sudu హెలు... Name ] of a king, whose greatgrandson brought the Ganges from heaven the. The best domain-specific multilingual websites also the name you are searching has less than occurrences! 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Descended from Brahmā thus: Brahmā-Kaśyapa-Vivasvān-Vaivasvata Manu-Ikṣvāku-Vikukṣi-Saśāda-Purañjaya-Kākutstha-Anenas-Pṛthulāśva-Prasenajit-Yuvanāśva-Māndhātā-Purukutsa-Trasadasyu-Anaraṇya-Aryaśva-Vasumanas-Sudhanvā-Traiyāruṇa-Satyavrata ( Triśaṅku ) -Hariścandra-Rohitāśva-Harita-Cuñcu-Sudeva-Bharuka-Bāhuka-Sagara, was preparing to commit satī, when is... A bed is feeding her baby names used for people and places mentions a monk, named Sumati and.. Of asaṅkhyeyya ( asaṃkhyeya ) years of vaishnavism from relevant books on Exotic India it again... Service instantly translates words, phrases, and from vṛka was born Bāhu … Ananda Kannada... Name of the many proper names used for people and places the Mahābhārata ( cf its origins the!