The Bible teaches us that God has answers for our real life giant struggles. Objectives: To teach and encourage our youth to live lives of wisdom. 2) Sometimes it is hard to see opportunities. To ensure you receive the best experience on, we use cookies to process information about your visit. We may have more tools. Sermon Archive Home > Sermon Archive > PDF. The two are separate psalms in our Bibles. Family can be a very dicey topic with youth because nobody’s family is perfect. 2) As you grow older, you learn how other people think and react to life. God is concerned about the spiritual welfare of youth and so should everyone be, young and old. 2. THANKSGIVING SERMON _____51 GOD IS LOVE _____53 GOD'S WONDERFUL LOVE _____ 54 ... women who have a great love for Jesus – that is what the church needs today. This research study is to explain clearly the role of youth in the church that bring about church development. Proverbs 20:29 (NKJV). sermons have appeared from time to time in the columns of the Gospel Ad vocate, Nashville, Tenn., of which the author is one of the staff writers . Title: Download Book // Sermon Outlines on Youth Related Issues \\ LUXRTNYQF3NV Created Date: 20170630191637Z 3. 5) Many do these things because it makes them feels good. Did God really speak? But here it’s the other way around. The giants we face today may be unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, depression, bills, grades, whiskey, pornography, a career, a mistake or a future. Sermon on Youth — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley noting the pitfalls of youth and the responsibility to serve God despite them. They also found LSD and marijuana on the street corner. d. The role is the same because the needs are the same because . Both Jewish and Christian traditions indicate they were once considered one psalm. See more ideas about youth ministry sermon, youth ministry, sermon. Starting with Tim Keller’s “The Purpose of Christmas,” these sermons cover a range of Christmas themes, including the Incarnation, Mary and Joseph, the Nativity stories, the meaning of Immanuel, the Wisemen or Magi, and more. In a real sense, these two psalms seems out of place. Sermon Outline #1 You Can’t get there from Here 2 Cor. 5) It is important that we influence our friends for good, but not allow them to influence us for evil. The Bible teaches us that God has answers for our real life giant struggles. Of course, adults are supposed to set an example for young people. 2:22). Known worldwide for his scholarly works on theology and history, James Ussher was also known to those blessed enough to hear him preach as a gifted and passionate orator. Sermon on the Holy Spirit - Who Is The Holy Spirit? . Sermon on Youth -- In The Days of Thy Youth. | 28,028 views. Matthew 27:45-46: Seven Sayings From the Cross : suffering, Savior, cross, death: All materials are free to download for personal use or small group studies. 5) You will never quite be able to recapture the experiences of your youth. We often hear people say, “God spoke to me,” or “God told me to…” How should we interpret these kinds of expressions? 2. . FREE SHORT SERMONS are available in a succinct format. We may have more ideas and programs. Online Giving; Volunteer. Obedience to Christ "If you love me, you will obey what I command.” – John 14:15 To the one who … Free youth sermons should include basic elements to bring the whole topic of the sermon together. 4) There is not a desire that you have that they didn’t have. Life can change for the better a. a renewed relationship with Jesus b. new friends c. new ideas d. new motivation or purpose III. 1. Sermon Outlines. 2. FREE SERMONS FOR YOUTH provide sermons in order to encourage youth to live for Jesus in a rebellious world. We may have more modernization. 7) James 5:10-11 “Take, brethren, for an example of suffering and of patience, the prophets who spake in the name of the Lord. This can be accomplished through a relevant story related to the topic, reading a passage from the Bible that the topic is based on, or even using a video that has meaning to the topic. 1. << PDF File. But . A youth ministry growing spiritually and numerically is a by-product of a right relationship with the Lord of the church. 3) Jesus told several parables about opportunity. JDecember 20 2020 AM . 6) Consider Proverbs 3:1-4 “My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee. Finally, we will offer a proposal indicating where the emphasis should be placed in the pastoral initiatives whose objectives include the formation of to-day’s youth. Time to Dream: Trusting God to Open Doors . You … Having observed the reality, the second step will be an attempt to interpret it in an effort to discover the general causes of what is happening to them. ISBN: 0828007063 3. PDF File. Sadly, some of our teens’ families are very far from perfect. 2) This sets the whole “tone” for our entire life. 3) Your parents know this feeling; they were once your age; they know what you are thinking right now. 3) Friends can be a good influence on our life. Only 15 Packs Left. We may have more ideas and programs. II. College & Young Singles; Senior Adult Ministry; Education; Special Needs; ICR; Music & Worship Ministry; Media Ministry; Missions; EVENTS . Life does not throw you curves a. your decisions make the curves b. your relationships make the curves II. For what is your life? Download PDF Sermon Outlines on Youth Related Issues Authored by Charles R Wood Released at - Filesize: 2.74 MB Reviews These sorts of publication is the perfect pdf accessible. Having observed the reality, the second step will be an attempt to interpret it in an effort to discover the general causes of what is happening to them. Solomon advised, “Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth ...” (Ecclesiastes 12:11). They know the consequences of poor choices. Many Christians today look at the Sermon on the Mount as a contrast to the Ten Commandments. Explore Preaching Today’s Christmas Holiday Page: Christmas Sermons and Sermon Illustrations Ignite your Christmas sermon prep with fresh ideas on how to preach the Christmas story. It means not being influenced to do the wrong thing because of one’s environment. To meet this need, we have made a subset of our sermons available as PDF files for you to use. Week to week, you create sermons to connect your church with God’s Word and to disciple them to a closer relationship with Him. Rating: 0%. These elements include an introduction to the sermon topic. Digitial copies of older sermons are available to burn onto a CD, at the cost of $1.00 per CD. k:��k����/z��G94�QW�T In two earlier posts in the series on Preaching for youth we discussed what to keep in mind when choosing topics to preach on for youth and the two routes to finding a topic, namely the expository route and the topical route. x���n���]���"�]ryyLT�q�h� �>HG���XrjɊ��Ϣ��ٙY��ᱩ��e����^f�s#9�,ˢ���}sa���W����5��竲0Uk\�qM���_=?�Ən��u�Yն-����ʹ�����Wy�tE��]���px���V�~D���l�2]�ԫׇu]�Le'������ �U���W���|x���⚢��1ae}_�^nLa���N7o������mk���+Wo7��nU���8�>̍�����5������O�:y�(��Y��U�1�_��bmц�6 2�-t�O��������p�g]�x4?9y�J�Hc�uE�>*�c�0�����3M�`Ӳ+�X[T���ߦ�Eك|�T��c?ַYS���[��w����EV=��f���*�MY�W�l�/����f��Z��ˬ+��ifk��:s���?��z�>�go` Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart: So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.”. . Paradise Today: Luke 23:42: Seven Sayings From the Cross: suffering, Savior, cross, death, thief on cross, paradise: Why Forsaken? We may have more gadgets. Today, we continue our series, Psalms for the Season. 7) You will never regret having done something good for another. It is these traits of Jesus that we need to offer abundantly to one another. Accounts of Conversion - The Ethiopian Eunuch, Faith Sermon - I Have Not Found So Great Faith, Sermon on Balaam - Spiritual Patriots #6 - In Hot Pursuit, Essential Lessons From Aaron's Death in the Bible. If so, how did He do it? >> v�B�w'yC3����O��#�T�IA@VQ�WY#���7���@%�؏�_`��C��Si���[�@�&tF�f�Ʉ,Ý-�j�i�31�Ea;9t�D$��wq!����:���@ �^��C_VpQ�#�!U�+���^�T������ ��`�� �=LU�pO�b��7x���1~ˈ����xX}� ���#4���t�W8��y��o�� � ch�s����s�N�5zL[�"p���I��X��y�A�������@{���*/�����5�FvE�#){�2�NR�I�x� �׍8z��P`��xҊ�'-�=$�0��◻������J�0Z�����iie���óy<9�Ŷh�Q����G}�8�ޕj牽��y�c#V�( ��=����EI�\8��ޙx�����Wx�bG^ᒮ{W8 Z�����-5� 2020-12-27 — LESSONS FROM THE WONDER YEARS OF JESUS — JESUS GROWS TO MATURITY 2020-12-20 — Angels– The Messengers of Christ’s […] It can be puzzling to know what they mean when people say that God spoke. The mind set of culture that our youth is facing today. 2) Getting your first job. ” I listened to this three times today. How To Make A Decision December 16, 2020 Wed. PDF File. This … . We need to take comfort in what Christ has done on the cross and how Jesus’ sacrifice guarantees that God loves us and is watching out for us. On August 16, 1987, a Northwest Airline flight 225 crashed just after taking off from the Detroit Airport. 4) Friends you now know will move away; brothers and sisters will grow up and move out. This is a sermon on 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 on encouragement. In this post we’ll give you three approaches on how to find a great topic for your next youth sermon. Behold, we call them blessed that endured: ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord, how that the Lord is full of pity, and merciful.”. Visit the web site to browse or download additional material for church or personal use. 2) Listen to your parents and grandparents. A full hour of worship one Sunday morning centered around the Lord's Supper. Some weeks your focus may be on other areas of caring for your church and sermon preparation needs to take a back seat. The obvious Biblical starting point is the story of a boy and his battle with the giant. INTRODUCTION: A youth ministry grows because of supernatural activity, thus growth is accomplished through the Holy Spirit. %PDF-1.4 %���� 1. 4) Perhaps your parents have made some poor choices. Sermons and lessons about the health of your youth group are a great way to foster a welcoming and loving environment for your teens and … Read PDF Sermon Outlines on Youth Related Issues Authored by Charles R Wood Released at - Filesize: 7.32 MB Reviews This kind of book is every little thing and taught me to looking forward and a lot more. The answer is the same today as it was in the first century. Mark Your Calendar!! . “ Excellent Sermon! We know that many people would like to have sermons in a printable format. It is in the interest of and genuine concern for their welfare that this lesson is presented. SUBJECT: Youth TITLE: In The Days of Thy Youth PROPOSITION: When you are young, 1) learn what it means to be principled, 2) listen to your parents, 3) treasure every moment you have. >> The most powerful sermon I ever heard was one I actually saw. 7 0 obj Steps to Christ – Youth Edition. youth today. Sermons. 2) So many in our society today make decisions based upon emotion. WHAT LOVE FOR CHRIST WILL LEAD TO 1. Dealing With Dark Valleys December 23, 2020 Wed. PDF File. Sermon on Jezebel - Lessons from the Wicked Life of Jezebel, The Virgin Birth of Jesus - The Honest Truth of Jesus' Birth, The Eldership: A Manifestation of Divine Wisdom. 5) Many were invited, but did not come. Sex and the Supremacy of Christ Taste and See. We must face the giant. We must face the giant. We may have more tools. The giants we face today may be unemployment, abandonment, sexual abuse, depression, bills, grades, whiskey, pornography, a career, a mistake or a future. II. God is concerned about the spiritual welfare of youth and so should everyone be, young and old. I. Textual Sermons Table Of Contents Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Every society still needs God! Learn More. Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die God Is the Gospel. We call a lot of sermons here great sermons, so why does this sermon stand out? Rating: 0%. 3) Consider Proverbs 6:20-23 “My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. August 3 Committed Living James 1 August 10 Honoring All People James 2 UPCOMING SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS YOUTH & CHILDREN’S SCHEDULE Worship with New Garfield Baptist Church Sunday, August 10 Women’s Day Walk-a-thon Saturday, August 16 Young … He came from a broken home. 1. PDF 1 – 10 of 232 items. ��I�$z?S�.g�1)Laf��x���C�n-l�Zc������oOX����ܒg�y[�)-�n���x0�Y���*�=���-D��� Sermon on Youth — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley noting the pitfalls of youth and the responsibility to serve God despite them. 3) “If it feels good then do it” is their philosophy. What Are You Getting For Christmas? Mar 13, 2014 - Full sermon outlines. 4) There are some things that we need to know from our youth. /Length 8 0 R Was Paul An Apostle in the Same Sense as the Twelve? . Special Events; MEDIA. Learn More. “Faith and Acceptance” page 49-56. T his volume is affectionately dedic ated to my faithful wife, Bessie E. Dennis, and to our dear children. 5) This is a hard concept to understand until you have experienced it. This file can also be downloaded from that new Pdf window. 3. 2. 4) But friends can also influence us for the wrong. They’ll celebrate their priceless, God-given worth and compare the world’s false labels to their true identity in Christ, who gives them new names. 5) Perhaps most importantly are the opportunities we have to do what is right. Time & Talents; Search Search. His reply is not so much revealing his age as much as a deep sense of immaturity. PDF File. Research has … In this youth ministry sermon series, teenagers will discover what it means to be God’s people, created in his image. INRODUCTION. Every society still needs God! Most scholars think that Jeremiah was around 20 to 25 at the time of his call. Yet they stand together as the introduction to the Psalms. The limits of this reflection are clear. Sort By. The answer is the same today as it was in the first century. PROPOSITION: When you are young, 1) learn what it means to be principled, 2) listen to your parents, 3) treasure every moment you have. When he was eleven, he started smoking cigarettes and by thirteen he … In the Bible God has clearly expressed his will concerning many real life matters. 4. 6) Why not take advantage of the opportunity God offers for salvation tonight? 5. James Ussher in ePub, .mobi & .pdf formats. We still have the same role as the early church had. And a great love for Christ is what each one of us needs in our own heart. Objectives: To teach and encourage our youth to live lives of wisdom. 4. The Passion of Jesus Christ Life as a Vapor. Obey God’s Word. Known worldwide for his scholarly works on theology and history, James Ussher was also known to those blessed enough to hear him preach as a gifted and passionate orator. They have wisdom that comes from experience and observation. 3) And even the passing years move your life onward to a point where you will never return. Your life span will likely be convert when you full reading this ebook. U�D�������������)�ɍ=^d��t����H��m��P��K�e4vA �7@5��&!��N��3b[��Ӄ�,8iw��jq�z�P�@�$=�[Rl�������>B< The Supremacy of God in Preaching. Obviously, he doesn't fear the face of man for he is more concerned that God's word be magnified and the truth be told. E. Sadly, some Christians turn it into a modern version of the Ten Commandments. /Title A drama group … It is really simplistic but excitement in the fifty percent of the pdf. 1) There are certain points in life where you step over a threshold that you won’t cross again. 2. I. The limits of this reflection are clear. 4) Philippians 4:11 “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therein to be content.”, 5) Matthew 6:34 “Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. << 1) It is important to learn how to make non-emotional decisions. Preaching Today provides pastors and preachers sermon prep help with sermon illustrations, sermons, sermon ideas, and preaching articles. Fear Of The Future December 30, 2020 Wed. PDF File. The Role of Youth in the Church and Its Development (PDF) Filed in Current Projects, Theology Project Topics by TMLTStaff on September 25, 2020 ADS! Youth Can Be Despised. Funeral Sermon Memorial Service of Menno H. Epp Dear Family and Friends, We have gathered here as family, relatives and friends to mark the end of a life well-lived, to grieve the loss of Menno Epp, who has been a part of each of our lives, and to support the family in this time of grief. 2) It’s not easy to know the consequences of our choices if we’ve never made that choice. 7) Colossians 3:20 “Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.”. 75 best sermons, By Rev. 1. 2. iii. Youth Series. Sermon on Youth — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley noting the pitfalls of youth and the responsibility to serve God despite them. No hiding, no running away, no cowering in fear. Recommended reading for the whole family. (Dr. Teagan Beahan Sr.) DISCLAIMER | DMCA. THANKSGIVING SERMON _____51 GOD IS LOVE _____53 GOD'S WONDERFUL LOVE _____ 54 ... women who have a great love for Jesus – that is what the church needs today. 2020 Non-Series Sermons . I. Jude 22:24-24 Topic: Youth Ministry The situation facing our generation today is similar to what that young man encountered. Soul Solutions December 9, 2020 Wed. PDF … Set Descending Direction. Beyond the Bounds Don’t Waste Your Life. 75 best sermons, By Rev. Learn More. Marriage was the first institution established by God. It is in the interest of and genuine concern for their welfare that this lesson is presented. Youth are often looked down on because of attitudes and behaviors that are annoying or immature. To meet this need, we have made a subset of our sermons available as PDF files for you to use. Choose a story. 4) Turning down a good opportunity will result in regret and there will be some. He can't remember his father, and he never got on very well with his step dad. III. And a great love for Christ is what each one of us needs in our own heart. Carol Harston has served as Minister to Youth at Highland Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, since 2007. It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”, 1) When I was in school, my friends and I would always say, “I wish this” and “I wish that.”, 2) I had a teacher who used to tell us, “Don’t wish your life away.”. /ModDate (D:20080904113917+01'00') David Johns is 22 years old. Family can also be wonderful and some of the students in your group might be a part of an amazing and godly family. By way of contrast, though, the Creator also recognizes the value of youth to the divine cause. But . David grew up in the city. However, finding fresh ideas for sermons each and every week of the year can be a challenge. Read PDF Sermon Outlines on Youth Related Issues Authored by Charles R Wood Released at - Filesize: 5.26 MB Reviews This pdf is definitely worth getting. We may have more modernization. I. James Ussher in ePub, .mobi & .pdf formats. Sermons For Youth Making Good Choices In Life. How many of our young people think that way: I am called to set an example for the adults. Sermon Files (Pdf) Click on desired file to open file in a new window and read sermon of that date. . A God-Entranced Vision of All Things When I Don’t Desire God . Thank someone today for who they are, or for making your life what it is.We are called to be generous with our thanks, and to give of ourselves in love and kindness, in thoughtfulness, compassion, and self-sacrifice. Free Short Sermons. Creating Good Youth Sermons. SCMYTR9H1JKA « Doc ^ Sermon Outlines on Youth Related Issues Sermon Outlines on Youth Related Issues Filesize: 3.71 MB Reviews Complete guide for ebook fans. A Fresh Start December 27, 2020 AM. Sermon for Dec. 19, 2010 – “Christmas Love” Text: Isaiah 7:10-16; 1 Corinthians 13; Matthew 1:18-25 For the last three weeks – as we’ve lit our Advent wreath candles – we’ve been looking at the hope, the peace, and the joy that God grants us through Christ Jesus. (Genesis 4:9) 4 Noah Found Grace In The Eyes Of The Lord (Genesis 6:8) 7 The Choice Of Lot (Genesis 13:10-12) 10 The Faith Of Abraham (Genesis 15:6) 13 The Bad Bargain Of Esau (Genesis 25:29-34) 16 The Forgotten Vow Of Jacob (Genesis 35:1-7) 18 The Character Of Joseph (Genesis 37:1-50:26) 21 The Excuses Of Moses … I John 2:12-14 (NKJV). The obvious Biblical starting point is the story of a boy and his battle with the giant. No hiding, no running away, no cowering in fear. For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.”. Sermons. 5:17 I. SUBJECT: Youth TITLE: In The Days of Thy Youth PROPOSITION: When you are young, 1) learn what it means to be principled, 2) listen to your parents, 3) treasure every moment you have. 1. You can also open the PDF link to follow along with the PowerPoint. These sermons cover a variety of topics, and are available in the following categories: The Lord "I Am the Lord Your God" (PDF) Joy in the Coming of Our Lord (PDF) Appearance of the Lord (PDF) The God We Worship (PDF) The Word Made Flesh (PDF) Bearing Witness to Truth (PDF) Behold! stream 6) Galatians 6:10 “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”. Youth Pastor’s Sermon Notes VOICES IN MY HEAD - PART 1 Recognizing the Voice of God in our Everyday Lives HOW DOES GOD SPEAK TO US? If you are looking for an older sermon series (prior to April 8, 2018) and cannot find it on this page, please contact the church office. (In the days of thy youth…) Treasure the moments that you have. The ‘RW’ stands for the Real World, which sometimes gives us the impression that our problems are more than we can handle. 1) There are all kinds of troubles in the world. Listen to your parents and grandparents. Youth Sunday sermon topics about the responsibilities of belonging and serving in a church apply to both young and old. The following sermons are available for download. 4) There is the parable of the Great Feast in Luke 14:16ff. ABSTRACT . . Having children. The Miracle Child December 13, 2020 Am. Today’s lesson might be the first picture that some students get of a family that could really change the world for God together. Contending for Our All What Jesus Demands from the World. Paul says, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.” Four brief observations: 1. The first two chapters of Psalms are closely related. 5) These things are beneficial for our youth, but also for our aged as well. 3) Psalm 71:17 states, “O God, thou hast taught me from my youth; And hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works.”. Learn what it means to be principled. Preaching Today provides pastors and preachers sermon prep help with sermon illustrations, sermons, sermon ideas, and preaching articles. 6) Hebrews 11:25 teaches us that Moses was a principled man. The outlines were developed in the course of my ministry as a preacher of the gospel. youth today. 3. CONCLUSION: [ conclusion of this sermon on youth ]. The message could include admonitions on tithing (Malachi 3:8-12 and II Corinthians 9:7-11), caring for others (Matthew 25:32-40) or right living (II Timothy 3:14-17). Today’s Problems . Moses said that “the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Gen. 8:21), and Paul admonished Timothy to “flee youthful lusts” (2 Tim. Ellen G. White. Published by the General Conference Church Ministries Department, Silver Springs MD. WHAT LOVE FOR CHRIST WILL LEAD TO 1. Our Top 10 Christmas and Advent sermons will ignite your own creativity as you prepare to preach about Christ’s birth. Your Youth Group Culture Youth Sermons. The word youth - unfortunately rendered child in some versions of the Bible - ordinarily denotes a young, unmarried man in his teens or early twenties. 1) Parents and grandparents have experienced and seen more life and people than have you. That calls for a dramatic shift in mindset for most adults and youth today: Don’t adapt to the low cultural expectations for youth. We have so much for which to give thanks. Take them week them and make them your own! Solomon advised, “Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth ...” (Ecclesiastes 12:11). Inspirational Christian books and devotions to lift your spirit daily. The minister might also speak to the older church members about living a godly example before the youth. 2. Who is a Youth in the Church and What is Their Role? They didn’t take advantage of their opportunities. Learn More. Read 1 Kings 13:1-24. "The Greatest Problem Facing Young People Today" 11 - 11 - 2007 AM "The Universal Curse" (Sermon #31 on the Book of Genesis) 11 - 11 - 2007 PM "The Groans of a Damned Soul - Adapted from a Sermon by John Bunyan, 1658 A.D." 11 - 03 - 2007 PM "The Rise of Suicide in Today's Youth Culture" A drama group-all … /Author Sermons Miscellaneous Sermon Outlines This material is from, a web site containing sermon outlines and Bible studies by Mark A. Copeland. 3) There is something to be said about treasuring the moment you have right now. Sermon #117: Making Money in the Temple Courts "In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 2) God has given us another day and another opportunity to repent. Things like suicide, abortion, alcohol, drug abuse, casual sex, and violence are just like those fiery flames that were threatening to destroy Amy as she was trapped inside that car. 5) It is only resolute endurance, steadfastness, patience, and longsuffering that will see you through. Better then never, though i am quite late in start reading this one. The Role of Youth in the Church and Its Development. It is foolishness to seek his will when the answer is obvious. Rating: 0%. They have done to the Sermon on the Mount what the Jews did to the Law— they have drained the life right out of it. Free, powerful short sermons suitable for youth/teens, young adults, women, men & seniors. 2) We want to be accepted by our friends. Being principled means that you decide to do what is right for the mere fact that it is right. Little wonder that it is a primary object of attack today. Getting married. 323 items . 3. They have done to the Sermon on the Mount what the Jews did to the Law— they have drained the life right out of it. 4. 6) James 4:14 “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. This Is Us . A Winsome Witness in the World . 1. 2. All youth groups have issues that need managed and addressed from time to time. 2. Today's youth is the first post-modern-generation to grow up with modern parents, and when they reached the age of awareness, they found waiting for them the jet airplane, the nuclear bomb, the television set, the computer, the pill, the space capsule, and a vaccine that wiped out one of the great cripplers of young people. FRED E. DENNIS, 209 Spring St., Marietta, Ohio November 11, 1943. Rating: 0%. 1. HURRY!!! 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