We have 13 Alaskan Malador puppies for pre-sale the Father is a Purebred Giant Alaskan Malamute and there are 2 litters 1 Mom is a Purebred Yellow lab and the other is a Purebred Charcoal lab, all will co.e with a Vet record and 1st set of shots, they will be Large Dogs when grown. ! Snøstorm Malamute Breeder. Like the Huskies, the Malamute is highly sensitive to heat. We have bred many champions both in canada and the U.S. My own 'pet' purebred registered Alaskan Malamutes are Canadian Kennel Club registered (or American Kennel Club registered in Bert's case) and are between 12.5+ years and 2 years of age. To learn about Alaskan Malamutes click here Free Classifieds Alaskan Malamute information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. Breeding healthy, quality puppies placing them in loving permanent homes . Located near Olympia with easy access from Tacoma and Seattle. Canadian breeder of Alaskan Malamutes, working kennel, IZZY… Nordiclight’s Izzy (espoir du futur), FLIP… Nordiclight’s Flip (espoir du futur), DEE… Nordiclight’s Lil Dee (Espoir du futur), HATI… Nordiclight’s Hati WTD (stérilisée), CHILLI… Snow Creek Great Surprise Chilli WTD WTDA (DEN), stérilisée, LIGHTFOOT… Nordiclight’s Speedy LightFoot WTD WTDA (Stérilisée), YOKO… Yoko Nordiclight of Indian Valley WPD WTD WTDA ROMWD (GER)… (stérilisée), GINGER… Nordiclight’s Spicy Ginger WPD WTD WTDA (stérilisée et retraitée), FLAKE… Malamute Mountain’s Flake for Nordiclight WPD WLD WTD WTDA (GER), JOKER… Nordiclight’s Mad Joker WTD (intact), DÉMON… Snow Creek Frost-Ice Demon WTD WTDA ROMWD (DEN), SYD… Nordiclight’s Syd the Warrior WTD (intact), NOMAD… Nordiclight’s Nomad WPD WTD WTDA ROMWD (retraité), Service de reproduction /semences congelées, IZZY… Nordiclight’s Izzy (hope of the future), FLIP… Nordiclight’s Flip (hope of the future), DEE… Nordiclight’s Lil Dee (Hope of the future), CHILLI… Snow Creek Great Surprise Chilli WTD WTDA (DEN), spayed, LIGHTFOOT… Nordiclight’s Speedy LightFoot WTD WTDA (spayed), YOKO… Yoko Nordiclight of Indian Valley WPD WTD WTDA ROMWD (GER)… (spayed), GINGER… Nordiclight’s Spicy Ginger WPD WTD WTDA (spayed and retired), DEMON… Snow Creek Frost-Ice Demon WTD WTDA ROMWD (DEN), SPIKE… Nordiclight’s Spike WTD (hope of the future), NOMAD… Nordiclight’s Nomad WPD WTD WTDA ROMWD (retired), Une meute en harmonie / A pack in harmony, Ancêtres de nos chiens / Ancestrors of our dogs, Nova « Nordiclight’s Nova WPD WTDX ROMWD ROMWDA ROMWDX » (RIP), Apache « Nordiclight’s Dark Apache WTD WTDA WTDX ROMWD » (RIP), Joyce « Nordiclight’s Joyce Outpoint WTD » (RIP), Sierra … Nordiclight’s Sierra Nevada WPD (RIP), Chéyenne… Chéyenne Nordiclight des Rives du Haut Verdon WPD (RIP), VooDoo… Nordiclight’s Black VooDoo WPD WTD WTDA ROMWD (RIP), Saison de travail 2016-2017 / Working season 2016-2017, Saison de travail 2015-2016 / Working season 2015-2016, Saison de travail 2014-2015 / Working season 2014-2015, Saison de travail 2013-2014 / Working season 2013-2014, Plaisirs d’hiver, camp Janvier 2016 / Winter fun, cabin January 2016. Snøstorm Malamute is an Alaskan Malamute breeding established near Quebec City. She doesn’t tolerate hot climates. 3 Breeds that aren't easy in dog rescue. Breeder of Alaskan Malamutes for over 25 years. #1 Alaskan Malamute Breed & Show Dog 2010/11/12. (403) 248-7489. We will replace any of our Pups, if it is diagnosed by a licensed Veterinarian to have a fatal or incurable congenital disease! Alberta. Mishka Ranch offers family raised Alaskan Malamute puppies — ISOTASSU Registered Alaskan Malamutes, hips OFA/OVC certified, eyes CERF certified, fully guaranteed — to approved homes. Gender. Depuis le 23 Août 2000 / Since August 23th, 2000, Depuis le 12 Avril 2010 / Since April 12th, 2010. Lévis, Québec, Canada Breeders Hudson's Huskies & Malamutes. Box 2, Site 13, RR#7. Quebec: Alaskan Malamute Breeders. Malamute Breeder serving all of Western Washington, including surrounding King, Pierce, Lewis, Cowlitz, Pacific and Mason Counties. (Quebec, Southern Ontario) CANAMAROK Lisa and Scott Kirkpatrick *P/A West Lorne, ON (519) 768-2213 scott.lisa@rogers.com www.canamarokmalamutes.weebly.com HOWLING PINES Nicole Jamieson Midland, ON (705) 835-3000 bronte200@hotmail.com www.howlingpines.com SILVERDREAM Paule Blanchet *P/A/S Quebec, PQ (418)563-3260 denis1lachance@videotron.ca SPIRITRUN #1 Utility Dog & #4 ALL BREEDS RISING STAR NZ WIDE 2010. Member: AMCA. They will care about the future of the breed as a … Have fun learning about us. $400 nonrefundable deposit holds your choice. Shelaskan Reg'd Kennel. Not every Alaskan Malamute owner has the opportunity to own a full size dog team. Many Malamute breeders also work their dogs, or do things in a “team” or “pack”. Alaskan Malamutes are our perfect match, are they yours? Right breed for you? Breed Profile. Please note: This list is not to be considered an endorsement by AMCA of any individual. Waubaushene, Ontario L0K 2C0. We breed only when we want a puppy for ourselves, typically once every 3-4 years, and we keep a waiting list for our puppies. © 2016 Tonomi Malamutes. NZs #1 Rising Star Malamute 2009/10. But when it comes to choosing a dog, a living being that will be a part of your life and family for 10-15 years, it’s important that you can be happily “married” to all of your dog’s strengths and weaknesses. We are members of the Canadian Kennel Club and all of our dogs are Dogs Alaskan Malamute. H- 704-872-4779. SMART Rescue is experienced with rescuing and re-homing Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes and Alaskan Huskies. We only breed Alaskan Malamutes! They were the biggest and strongest sled-pullers and pack animals with the sweetest, most loving dispositions. To keep your pet healthy, we suggest regular vet checkups, a nourishing diet, and an exercise routine. Born in Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, South America, we emigrated to Quebec, Canada in the year 2004, to settle down … Caring Alaskan Malamute breeders and exhibitors of beautiful Champions. AMCA is not responsible for the accuracy of any statements. Alaskan Malamute Breeders. Snow Pack Alaskan Malamutes of the Rockies located near Denver, Colorado is a small breeder that occasionally has puppies for sale. . At the top or bottom of this page you can click on different categories to take you to other pages like { Our Pack } or { Puppies for sale } and so on. We are an Argentine family made up by Federico and Florencia, and our children María Clara and Joaquín. 7 x Best In Show/ 1 x Best In Specialty Show/ RUBISS & RUBIS winner & a NZ Supreme Grand Champion. Alaskan Malamute puppies for sale here are seldom but an Alaskan Malamute litter is planned in 2014 or 2015 - I am a CKC Alaskan Malamute breeder in Ontario, Canada. 2020 Breeder’s Listing. One who will often be a member of the national breed club (Alaskan Malamute Club of America) and/or their local breed club. The Alaskan Malamute, one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs, was named after the native Inuit tribe called Mahlemuts, who settled along the shores of Kotzebue Sound in the upper western part of Alaska, within the Arctic Circle. Select your province or territory: BC AB SK MB ON QC NB NS PE NL YT NT NV. Vous devez être connecté(e) pour rédiger un commentaire. We are very selective in the homes we choose to ensure there is a proper match and that our pups are going where they will have the best life ever! Kelly's is the only Alaskan Malamute Breeder who offers a congenital health guarantee. As a breeder of alaskan malamutes ,one of Gods great inventions,I ask you to to take a step back and be sure for a moment and ,close your eyes and try to envision all the good an alaskan malamute can add to your life. You can buy puppies anywhere, We offer Family Members !! CanAmarok.com showcases purebred Ontario Alaskan Malamutes, registered through the CKC, in Southwestern Ontario Canada, near West Lorne, west of London, including Malamute puppies for sale and Malamute information. 1) Filling out an adoption application and getting approved for a Legends Alaskan Malamute puppy is required. Alaskan Malamute breeders in Canada, Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Atlantic provinces. We know that once you get To-no-us, you'll fall in love with our dogs. BIS GCh. The Alaskan Malamute Club of America was formed in 1935, and the breed was also recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) the same year. We're 100% committed to the best breeding practices and making sure our dogs find loving, forever homes. Tonomi Alaskan Malamutes is a Breeder of quality CKC registered Alaskan Malamutes, located just south of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Puppies are chosen in the order of when deposits are received. He is not a fan of little children, due to his size they meet him…. We see something we like and we want it. We do not sell our puppies to anyone who wants to hand over money. For example if your puppy cost is $1500, then you will owe a balance of $1000. The Alaskan Malamute was named for an Inuit tribe, the Mahlemut. No exceptions period. At Wayeh we choose temperament, health, structure, working ability and then type — because a good Malamute must be a good dog first. The Alaskan Malamute is generally healthy but can be prone to hip or elbow dysplasia, cataracts, or hypothyroidism. Betterment of the breed is not breeding for a particular size, for long hair, or for a certain color. Find Alaskan Malamute puppies. Alaskan Malamute Dogs and Puppies From Quebec Breeders by DogsNow.com, part of the EquineNow.com, LLC group of websites. WAKON GIANT ALASKAN MALAMUTES are pure-bred descendants of the pure M'Loot type of Malamute that lived with the ancient Inuit peoples in the high Arctic, hundreds of years ago. These giant 'sled-dogs', were as tall as 35" (at the withers) and weighed over 190 lbs. Male. Sanekats Perm Reg’d. The breed was used in many Polar expeditions, including that of Admiral Byrd in 1911. Below is a sample search of our Alaskan Malamute breeders with puppies for sale. If you … Nordiclight Malamute Éleveur Canadien de Malamutes d'Alaska, chenil de travail / Canadian breeder of Alaskan Malamutes, working kennel We have dogs for adoption all over Canada and into the US, but mainly Ontario. Wayeh Kennels breeds standard-sized Alaskan Malamute puppies to be working housedogs: pet, show, and performance. Calgary, AB T2P 2G7. View Details. Kaviak's Lord of the Dance, owned by Gary & Marilyn Richards, Iceborn Malamutes. The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. Call Randall . The Alaskan Malamute Club of Canada (AMCC) is the official National breed club recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club. Age. Email: lengayle@sanekats.com. Explanation of Codes Used in the Database B=Boarding D=Older Dogs G=Grooming H=Handling I=Information P=Puppies … BREEDERS … Bone and ivory carvings dated to 20,000 years ago show ancient Malamutes almost identical to today's breed. Adult. A $500.00 deposit is due to reserve your puppy. The contents of this site may not be reproduced without express permission. Originally used in hunting seals, set loose in packs to chase polar bears, and to haul heavy sledges or pack in supplies — the Malamute was a true working dog. We’re usually attracted to dogs, and specific breeds, with our eyes first. Breeders who actually work their dogs do it weekly, if not daily. Welcome Alaskan Malamutes are truly an incredible breed to be part of and to live with however they are not for everyone. Those who utilize these “working dogs” as they are genetically built and intended for, generally have quite a few dogs. Len and Gayle Stakenas. Our Alaskan Malamute adults and puppies … The alaskan malamute is not for everyone,they are very cute puppies but become big adults. Tonomi Alaskan Malamutes is a small family of Malamute lovers and our Malamutes are our family. Other less common ailments such as gastric torsion, luxating patella, day blindness, and retinal atrophy can be found in the breed. kaviakmals@yahoo.com. $850-$900 depending on markings and sex of puppy. Lirio Blanco Dogos Argentinos. Milo is a very calm watchful man who really lightens up when you bring out the toys. We provide a free lising service for Alaskan Malamute breeders to advertise their puppies in Brampton, Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Toronto, Vaughan, Windsor and anywhere else in Ontario. We are an Alaskan Malamute breeder in Kansas. Your deposit comes off the price of the puppy. Blue. Please email for more information. We breed for quality, not quantity, and focus on producing puppies that have excellent temperaments, great health and sound physical structure. Welcome to Wakon! All deposits are non-refundable. Tonomi means beautiful friend. C- 704-500-9000. Today, it is still used in the Arctic regions to pull heavy loads, and also in dog sled races. Color. All Puppies at our facilities are health certified and AKC certified Alaskan Malamute. *NZs 1ST NZ BRED NZ Grand Champion Alaskan Malamute NZs Only SUPREME Champion Alaskan Malamute. Are dogs Alaskan Malamute Club of America ) and/or their local breed Club recognized by the Canadian Club... To keep your pet healthy, quality puppies placing them in loving permanent homes on... Club and all of our Pups, if it is still used in Polar... 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Our perfect match, are they yours and the AKC breed standard Arctic!: This list is not responsible for the accuracy of any individual on producing puppies that have excellent temperaments great! Regions to pull heavy loads, and also in dog sled races breeds RISING NZ... Very calm watchful man who really lightens up when you bring out the toys little children, to...