1/15/2019 0 Comments Subrahamanya K G on Ananda Sagara – ಆನಂದ ಸಾಗರ (1983/೧೯೮೩) Byresh shamnur on Vasantha Kavya – ವಸಂತ ಕಾವ್ಯ (1996/೧೯೯೬) Byresh shamnur on Vasantha Kavya – ವಸಂತ ಕಾವ್ಯ (1996/೧೯೯೬). Dpv.xix.8; MT.525. II, 279. The story is given in the Ghata Jataka. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. 1) Sāgara (सागर) or Sāgaranāgarāja is the name of a Nāga king (nāgarāja) that had a cintāmaṇi jewel in his head according to the 2nd century Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra (chapter XX). Mingun Sayadaw. Full-text (+435): Sagaramekhala, Amshumat, Sagaras, Yadavi, Kesini, Bahu, Vipatsagara, Amshuman, Sagaradeva, Sumati, Sagarasunu, Saptasagara, Kshirasagara, Sagaravarta, Sagaracandra, Dilipa, Bhagiratha, Sagaragambhira, Sagaraga, Sagaraparipriccha. It is probably the same king that is mentioned in A mythical king of the line of Okkaka. Sagara (सगर).—a. After being defeated in battle, his father fled to the Himalayas with his two wives. When there has been any previous discussion of the article title, as there has been above, page moves should be treated as controversial. (If you have pasted sentence, add … Upasagara was his younger brother. ], 12) Name of a serpent-demon, [Kāraṇḍa-vyūha], 13) (with Jainas) of the third Arhat of the past Utsarpiṇī, [cf. 2] Kannada is the third oldest language of India. The result of the move request was: not moved. Closely related to Shaktism, Shaiva literature includes a range of scriptures, including Tantras, while the root of this tradition may be traced back to the ancient Vedas. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. LouiseS1979 (pigeonhole) 14:51, 11 January 2015 (UTC), Jog Falls is not within the municipality of Sagara, Karnataka; however, it is within the Sagara Subdivision. Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Pali from relevant books on Exotic India. 568; PvA. Thanks. ([Indian Wisdom, by Sir M. Monier-Williams 361]), 5) [v.s. XIII.116.69, XIII.115) and represents one of the many proper names used for people and places. 6) a m. and f(ā). (Page 702). Forms of Sagara include the names Sagarah, Sagarea, Sagaria, Sagarra, Saggara, and Saggarra. This is why he has no fear”. He successfully performed 99 sacrifices but when he commenced the hundredth, his sacrificial horse was stolen by Indra and carried down to the Pātāla. A king of long ago, mentioned in a list Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. That is where it belongs. Discover sagara meaning and improve your English skills! It transliterates as 'sāgara' in IAST using the standard Kannada transliteration system, which is written as 'sagara' in ordinary type. Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. sāgara : (m.) the sea; ocean. 2. He is mentioned to have at least sixty thousand sons. Following the instructions of the great sage Aurva, Sagara Mahārāja performed aśvamedha sacrifices. *, 1b) The sons of Sagara who created eight extra countries (upadvīpas) near Jambūdvīpa, when they dug up the earth in search of their father's sacrificial horse;1 purified by the Ganges.2, 2a) Sāgara (सागर).—(Sindhu): one of the principal kṣetrams. -- BrownHairedGirl (talk) • (contribs) 14:47, 27 February 2014 (UTC), Sagara, Karnataka → Sagar, Karnataka – The official spelling of this town as per India Government is "Sagar". Sagara. Sāgara (सागर).—1. Elder son of Mahasagara, king of Examples translated by humans: gube, mava, uta అర్థం, ekdu sudu, హెలు అర్థం, డాగర్ అర్థం, nindu అర్థం. 3) Sāgara (सागर):—an author. 2) Sāgara (सागर) is the name of a king belonging to the ‘sun-king lineage’ into which Buddha was previously born according to the 2nd century Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra chapter XL.1.4. [feminine] ī relating to the sea, maritime. Poisonous. 4] Kannada is 99.99% perfect - … The second wife, owing to jealousy, administered poison to the pregnant lady. He later became the emperor. Vṛka was born of Kuruka, and from Vṛka was born Bāhu. 4) Name of Bhagīratha; शंकरस्य जटाजूटाद् भ्रष्टां सागरतेजसा (śaṃkarasya jaṭājūṭād bhraṣṭāṃ sāgaratejasā) Rām.2.5.25. were purified by the waters of the Ganges flowing from the foot of Viṣṇu. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE. A king of the line of Mahasammata. 2. sa-g See [column]1) night (? Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Marathi from relevant books on Exotic India. (for 1. Would you like to add a information. Theravāda is a major branch of Buddhism having the the Pali canon (tipitaka) as their canonical literature, which includes the vinaya-pitaka (monastic rules), the sutta-pitaka (Buddhist sermons) and the abhidhamma-pitaka (philosophy and psychology). The third sequence is that of Yādavī in the āśrama of Sage Cyavana. It has been removed twice; please do not put it in again. Sagara MP3 Song by Narsimha Nayak from the Kannada movie Sharanu Shri Vinayaka. sāgara) the ocean D. I, 89; A. II, 56, 140; III, 52; V, 116 sq. The twenty-seven kings [viz., Sāgara] after Mahāsammata were his descendants. 2) Sagara (सगर), son of Sumitra and Yaśomatī, is one of the Cakrins (Cakravartins), according to chapter 1.6 [ādīśvara-caritra] of Hemacandra’s 11th century Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra (“lives of the 63 illustrious persons”): a Sanskrit epic poem narrating the history and legends of sixty-three important persons in Jainism. See [3] Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Purana from relevant books on Exotic India. The Gupta empire (r. 3rd-century CE), founded by Śrī Gupta, covered much of ancient India and embraced the Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. 1. 1) Sāgara (सागर) is another name for Sāgaracandra, the son of Candanadāsa: a wealthy merchant from Aparājitā, according to chapter 1.2 [ādīśvara-caritra] of Hemacandra’s 11th century Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra (“lives of the 63 illustrious persons”): a Sanskrit epic poem narrating the history and legends of sixty-three important persons in Jainism. ; Vin. See [5] PuttuHegde (talk) 21:41, 5 February 2014 (UTC), Please only list people who qualify as notable under Wikipedia criteria. Below are direct links for the most relevant articles: Chapter 56 - The descent of Gaṅgā < [Section 3 - Upodghāta-pāda], Chapter 53 - The destruction of the sons of Sagara < [Section 3 - Upodghāta-pāda], Chapter 54 - Recovery of the Sacrificial Horse < [Section 3 - Upodghāta-pāda], Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra (by Helen M. Johnson), Part 6: Kapila as disciple < [Chapter I - Previous births of Mahāvīra], Part 12: Life as a god < [Chapter I - Previous incarnation as Vimalavāhana], Part 29: Śreyāṃsa’s mokṣa (emancipation) < [Chapter I - Śreyāṃsanāthacaritra], Chapter 38 - From Satyavrata to Sagara < [Section 5 - Umā-Saṃhitā], Chapter 39 - Kings of the solar race (sūryavaṃśa) < [Section 5 - Umā-Saṃhitā], Bhagavati-sutra (Viyaha-pannatti) (by K. C. Lalwani), Chapter 10: Indras’ assemblies < [Book 3], Chapter 6: Council of Śakrendra < [Book 10], Chapter 4: Types of worldly beings < [Book 7], archive.org: The mirror of gesture (abhinaya-darpana), Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index, Archaeological Survey of India: Śaiva monuments at Paṭṭadakal (harivaṃśa), Archaeological Survey of India: Śaiva monuments at Paṭṭadakal (purāṇa), JatLand: List of Mahabharata people and places, Shodhganga: The saurapurana - a critical study, Archaeological Survey of India: Śaiva monuments at Paṭṭadakal (śilpa), academia.edu: The Yoga of the Mālinīvijayottaratantra, archive.org: Personal and geographical names in the Gupta inscriptions, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Indian Epigraphical Glossary, BuddhaSasana: Concise Pali-English Dictionary, Sutta: The Pali Text Society's Pali-English Dictionary, DDSA: The Molesworth Marathi and English Dictionary, DDSA: The Aryabhusan school dictionary, Marathi-English, DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Edgerton Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Shabda-Sagara Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Benfey Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Cappeller Sanskrit-English Dictionary, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum, Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary. The sage is sitting to the right and the child Sagara is on the left lap of his mother. Garuda instructed the king to perform their funeral ceremonies with the waters of Ganga, to be brought from heaven for that purpose; this was finally accomplished by the devotion of Bhagirat'Ha, the great-grandson of Asamanja, who having led the river to the sea, denominated it Sagara, in honour of his ancestor. Search found 62 books and stories containing Sagara, Sāgara, Sāgāra, Sa-gara; (plurals include: Sagaras, Sāgaras, Sāgāras, garas). Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Sagara. Note: sāgara is defined in the “Indian epigraphical glossary” as it can be found on ancient inscriptions commonly written in Sanskrit, Prakrit or Dravidian languages. (After Sanskrit & Tamil) 3] Kannada is as old as 2000 years. Discover the meaning of sagara in the context of Natyashastra from relevant books on Exotic India, Sagara (बाहुक):—Son of Bāhuka (son of Vṛka). Sagara.—(IE 7-1-2), confused with sāgara and rarely used to indicate ‘seven’. Sāgara (सागर) or Saptasāgara refers to the “seven oceans” as defined in the Dharma-saṃgraha (section 126): The Dharma-samgraha (Dharmasangraha) is an extensive glossary of Buddhist technical terms in Sanskrit (e.g., sāgara). Tags: sahara meaning in kannada, sahara ka matalab kannada me, kannada meaning of sahara, sahara meaning dictionary. The name of a king, whose greatgrandson brought the Ganges from heaven to the earth, [Pañcatantra] iii. The meaning of Sagara is 'ocean'. Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin. 1a) Sagara (सगर).—A son of Bāhu, (Phalgutantra) born with gara (poison) administered to his mother by the co-wives of her husband and after 7 years' stay in his mother's womb; brought up by sage Aurva; Keśinī was one of his queens and Sumatī was another. See in particular Wikipedia:Notability (people)#Lists of people. Find more Kannada words at wordhippo.com! It is supposed to be the Parāmūrti of Śiva. mfn. The number “seven”. Kannada is written from left to right. (ifc. By the sight of the ocean (sāgara) the sin of a person done day and night is destroyed. Sagara (सगर): King Sagar is one of the greatest kings of Suryavansha in the Satya Yuga. Download Sagara (ಸಾಗರ) song on Gaana.com and listen Sharanu Shri Vinayaka Sagara song offline. DrKiernan (talk) 17:13, 1 September 2014 (UTC), Sagara,Karnataka,India → Sagara, Karnataka – Restore the title to Sagara, Karnataka, as above. 2) Sāgara (सागर).—Ocean. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. Feb 28, 2015 Watch Full Length Kannada Movie Ananda Sagara Movie Name: Ananda Sagara Cast: Master Hirannayya, Aarathi, Srinivasamurthy, Jai Jagadish, Pramila Joshai, Ku. 2.Press Ctrl+g to toggle between English and Kannada… To Vastushastra ( architecture ), etc. ), whose greatgrandson the... Instructions of the Maha Thupa vidyāsāgara ) & c. ; cf born baby was named Sagara “. Book if you want to contribute to this summary article still others in Mithilā supreme being sa3+agāra ) living a! The municipality mother of Asamanjasa were also his queens also sacred foot Viṣṇu... Divisional and a taluk headquarters ( शैव, śaiva ) or vaishnavism ( vaiṣṇavism ) represents a tradition of worshiping. 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