We therefore apply the language to Jacob and Esau personally, regarding the national destiny as bound up in the personal position of the two ancestors. The Apostle is showing that the rejection of the natural descendants of the patriarchs does not argue a breach of that word of God, which promises eternal mercies to Abraham and his seed, because by that seed was not intended all the seed born to Abraham after the flesh, but a seed of true believers, of whom Abraham, in the view of God, was the constituted father. 1897. But that was only a section of the imperfect Jacob, a piece of the shapeless, plastic clay out of which the great Potter had determined to mould a vessel full of honour and meet for His, the Master’s use, when He had first worked him into shape on the wheel of destiny, and then fixed his character for ever in the fiery furnace of affliction. This passage, as well as the one quoted in Romans 9:12, and just referred to, relates to the descendants of Jacob and Esau, and to the individuals themselves; the favor shown to the posterity of the one, and withheld from that of the other, being founded on the distinction originally made between the two brothers. BibliographyHodge, Charles. In loving Jacob, God showed him unmerited favor, and acted towards him in mercy; and in hating Esau, He showed him no favor who was entitled to none, and acted according to justice. Remember, there is no inconsistency on the part of God, but it is only our mental and spiritual incapacity. And evident it is that the apostle’s intent is to declare the Jews to be excluded from that grace and mercy, as in telling them that the children of the flesh are not the children of God, but the children of the promise (Romans 2:8), that “the elder should serve the younger,” and that the “purpose of God stands not of works,” etc. Besides, the contrast of loving Jacob with hating Esau, shows that the last phrase is literal and proper hatred. If Gods love to Jacob was real literal love, Gods hatred to Esau must be real literal hatred. When the Savior was first announced, Genesis 3:15, mankind were divided into two classes, the one to be saved, the other to be lost. He never once deceived his father and mother. The birthright conferred a double inheritance among the Hebrew patriarchs, and likewise pre-eminence, because it was connected with the descent of the Messiah; and they to whom this right belonged were also types of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. So, God grant, may He act towards us, visiting us sharply for our sins in order that we may forsake them, and then finally purifying us, even as He Himself is pure. As to Esau, let the three following facts be remarked in regard to the hatred of which he is the object:â1. But say to him, “Ah, brother I was it not Divine grace that made you to differ? The work of a man in obtaining his salvation is compared to husbandry, building, battle, racing; all laborious occupations. So in our life, standing down on a low level of Christian experience, we do not understand God’s dealings. Saves any without the co-operation of their own will. Had the whole of Adams race perished, God would only have dealt with them as He did with the fallen angels. In confirmation of this, he refers to the case of Ishmael, who was rejected, and of all the other children of Abraham being passed over in silence, Isaac remaining the only seed to inherit and to entail the promise. The conjunction as may be understood in two ways: either in the sense that God"s love to Jacob and His hatred to Esau were the cause of the subjection of the latter to the former; or it may be thought that Paul quotes this saying of Malachi as demonstrating by a striking fact in the later history of the two peoples the truth of the relation expressed in Romans 9:12. Notwithstanding all the advantages of instruction and example with which, beyond all others of the human race (with the exception of the rest of his family), he was distinguished, Esau despised his birthright, fraught with so many blessings, the natural right to which had been conferred on him in preference to his brother Jacob, and lived an ungodly life. Observe that God had nothing to do with fitting men for destruction. If, then, there are any of us who are now reaping the crop of sorrow which has sprung up from the seeds of past sin, let us—. "Commentary on Romans 9:13". God has made the one the depositary of His Messianic promise and of the salvation of the world, and denied to the other all co-operation in the establishment of His kingdom. II. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I ⦠THE CONTEXT Romans 12:1-8 establishes the foundation upon which 12:9-21 is built. But I remember, he that writes a commentary must not too far involve himself in controversy. A preacher might get at this very challenging text from one of two directions. Then what will be to the Jacobs? He even goes so far as to imply that, at first sight, it has the character of “unrighteousness” in God. Malachi 1:2,3. This wasn"t true concerning the individuals Jacob and Esau. Charles Schribner's Sons. We next see him deliberately resolving to murder his brother. This topic is handled in the form of answers to two objections, which are so far from being merely hypothetical, that they have been in every age, and are to this day, the grand, indeed the only plausible, objections to the doctrine of personal Election. The strangest part of all to me is that He could ever have loved Jacob. He gives to me parents who trained me in the fear of the Lord. At the 29th verse of the preceding chapter, the Apostle, after exhibiting to believers various topics of the richest consolation, had traced up all their high privileges to the eternal purpose of God, and had dwelt in the sequel on their perfect security as His elect. Now, if the character of Jacob be all this there could have been nothing in him that made God love him, and the only reason why God loved him must have been because “He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy.”, 2. While it may not be in scholarly vogue, let me begin this rather theological article with a hypothetical story. So puffery in doctrine leads to its dishonour. When we think of the patriarch"s many grave sins, when we think of Israel"s endless apostasies, it will be seen that merit cannot enter into the case. What is said of Jacob and Esau in the Old Testament, in the place to which Paul refers, is both historical and typical. The introduction of Jacob and Esau personally, presents an emblem of this, while the design is to show that some among the Israelites were the children of God, and not others. The Righteousness of this Sovereign Procedure (Romans 9:14-24). The Prophet likewise declares the dealing of God towards their posterity, but the part here referred to applies to the progenitors themselves. Malachi, as Genesis, refers to the nations. “ It is not of him that willeth,” etc. “None can stay His hand, or say to Him, what doest Thou?” He is not accountable for His deeds to any superior. "Commentary on Romans 9:13". For more information about XSL, visit the John 12:25. To this doctrine there are two plausible objections; first, it is not consistent with the divine justice, Romans 9:14; second, it is incompatible with human responsibility, Romans 9:19. And what to the Esaus who live and die Esaus? Romans 9:1-13 (English Standard Version) Warning : MagpieRSS: Failed to parse RSS file. Therefore the grace or mercy spoken of in the words in hand must needs be subsequent. And I have, comparatively, hated Esau - That is, the Edomites, the posterity of Esau. 1 - John MacArthur Romans 9:14-18 Is Israel's Compare what is said of the wise men of Teman (Jeremiah 49:7), and the very respectable personage Eliphaz (notwithstanding his error) in the book of Job. Let us note that--. 4. Jacob - This refers, doubtless, to the posterity of Jacob. The denunciation of indignation for ever upon the Edomites, and the call of God to Israel to observe the difference of His dealings towards them, shows what is meant by Gods love of Jacob, and His hatred of Esau. Where, then, is the necessity for any one, whatever may be his sentiments, to resort to the vain attempt to show that, when it is said God loved Jacob and hated Esau, it only means that He loved Esau less than Jacob? My trouble is to understand how God could love Jacob! Romans 9:11-13. If every mans own mind is a sufficient security against concluding the meaning to be, Jacob have I hated less, his judgment ought to be a security against the equally unwarrantable meaning, Esau have I loved less.. Esau… hated—Paul quotes the words of Malachi, uttered centuries afterward, concerning the Edomites, (under the name of Esau,) showing how the divine prediction is verified. I. In verses 6-13, Paul sets up the accusation that he will be addressing and then answers it by making two points. ), Abraham willed that the blessing should be given to Ishmael; Isaac willed that it should be given to Esau; and Esau ran to hunt for venison that it might be regularly conveyed to him. (c) If there are any who are conscious of past sin unrepented of, which God seems to have passed over or forgotten, let the example of Jacob rouse them from their false security. We may therefore safely conclude that the Apostle does not so much speak of the posterity, as of the persons of Jacob and Esau; and that he knew the prophecies he quotes in support of his argument not to refer alone to that posterity; and consequently that it is certain he does speak of the eternal state of Jacob and Esau.. That God gives to some men favours that He withholds from others, which is a truth too obvious for debate. Something else is indispensable, viz., His peculiar intelligence. We have additional evidence in these statements of the prophet’s reference to peoples as distinguished from individuals in the plural “we,” “ye,” etc. 2. Such hyperbolisms are common and rife enough, in the language both of literature and every-day life. “For He saith to Moses, I will,” etc. 3. "Commentary on Romans 9:13". Undoubtedly God was under no more obligation to save any of the human race than He was to save the fallen angels. He used the means, knowing that God would give the increase. Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Would it not involve a difficulty which, even on their own principles, they are unable to remove? "Commentary on Romans 9:13". Even while they were in the womb. The maxim of Augustine, “God does not choose us because we believe, but that we may believe,” is but half the truth. He requires them not to fear or worship Him so much for His power as His goodness. He “was a clever hunter, a man of the field”--what we should call “a man of the world.” He loved pleasure, and had a clear eye for any present advantage. 1. Which would be the one you loved? They will suffer even to the fire! The very purpose of 30-33 (besides hundreds of other texts) is to declare that it is on account of faith the Christian is accepted, and of unfaith that the unbelieving Jew is rejected. Are the same in application to all. It is well for us that God, Who rules over all, sees the whole man as a whole, I. Jacob deceived his father and his brother, and as a consequence of this. Jacob - This refers, doubtless, to the posterity of Jacob. Did Esau deserve that God should cast him away? 1876. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. The principle of mediation fills and rules the universe. Edom, as a prospective people, was foreseen as persistently Godless, and so divinely hated. As I looked at those great mountains, I thought: Can it be possible that God can put those great mountains in scales? The reason God assigns for electing Abraham is given in Genesis 18:18-19 : “I know him that he will command his children and his household after him, and they will keep the way of Jehovah, to do justice and judgment,” etc. The favourite work of Divine grace, however, is so great, august, and far-reaching in its ethical influence that none but the Highest could reasonably undertake it, or carry it through. Esau was, in a worldly sense, moral, but godless. When you lay hold upon one golden link of the chain of grace, you pull, pull, pull; but lo! III. He says, "Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed And yet, men are found who, with these facts staring them in the face, rise up and say, “God is too good to punish men!” Why, there never was an assertion so flung in the face of facts. The aorists are, in the sense of the apostle—as the relation of καθὼς γέγρ. Representing their respective nations, as often in the Old Testament. 46 Thus God preferred Jacob before Esau without respect to the goodness or wickedness of either, attaching good things to the one, and evil to the other, before they were born. Reuben, the eldest by birth, and Judah, the first in dignity of his sons, were both guilty of grievous sins; even the innocent stratagem of his son Joseph was the cause of most painful anxiety. 4. Now what has human “willing or running” to do with this plan of salvation? 328.) BibliographyRobertson, A.T. "Commentary on Romans 9:13". BibliographyCalvin, John. ), The Divine sovereignty: real and merciful, Conspiracies have at various times sprung up to deprive the Supreme of this peculiar glory--to deny Him a will. Both examples of God’s righteousness. Nothing can be more unjustifiable than this method of tampering with and perverting the word of God, and nothing can be more uncalled for. BibliographyDunagan, Mark. He died in faith, Hebrews 11:13,21; and of him the Redeemer Himself has testified that, with Abraham and Isaac, he is now in the kingdom of heaven, Matthew 8:11. That the Apostle quotes these words in reference to Jacob and Esau personally, is clear, since he speaks of them before they were born, and declares their conception by one mother, of one father, which could not be said of their posterity. There is provision in New York for health and strength, and thousands there are that writhe in anguish on beds of sickness. The command to go to Bethel and the vision there (Genesis 35:1; Gen_35:9; Gen_35:11). He takes advantage of his brother’s hunger, and gets “the birthright” by what was almost cheating. Their responsibility is measured by their opportunity. The “birthright” is valuable to him in a secular point of view; but he is utterly indifferent to its spiritual nature. 1874-1909. A cypher. And even when they are hearing the gospel the fact is God works in one heart when He does not in another. The Lord will take vengeance on His adversaries, and He reserveth wrath for His enemies, Nahum 1:2. What trifling, then, what wresting of this important portion of the word of God, what turning of it entirely away from its true meaning, to represent this chapter, as so many do, as treating of the outward state of the Jews, or to deny, with others, that the spiritual and everlasting condition of Jacob and Esau are here referred to! What has this example to do with the question of individual salvation? Towards the conclusion of the Epistle to the Hebrews, where the sale of his birthright is referred to, and where Jacob is numbered among those who both lived and died in faith, Esau is characterized as a profane person, Hebrews 12:16. Read what he says after the glorious experience and promise at Bethel (Genesis 28:20; Gen_28:22). III. If God says that He hated Esau, are we to avoid receiving Gods testimony, or justified in employing a mode of torture in expounding His words? 4. That the Infinite Father distributes His favours capriciously. He had no crime; but he certainly had no grace. And the religious people scarcely remember how very inferior they are in many things to the world. Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. And this quotation by the Apostle is intended to prove that the purpose of God, in choosing who shall be His children according to election, might stand, not by works, but of Him that calleth, verse 11, which shows that all along the reference is to spiritual and eternal blessings, shadowed forth, as is usual in the Prophets, by things that are temporal and carnal. Why does God hate any man? By many this has been explained, Esau have I loved less. But Esau was not the object of any degree of the Divine love, and the word hate never signifies to love less. This is on the principle that the word Scripture signifies the word of God. Therefore, this article will analyze the entire chapter in its context, discussing the arguments raised by Calvinists. St. Paul makes it the basis of some thoughts about “election.” It would be impossible that there should be a God of infinite knowledge and no “election.” But there are only two right uses of it--viz., to humble and leave God in His unapproachable greatness, and to comfort the tried and harassed believer. As it is written. Every soul: Thi⦠https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/fam/romans-9.html. II. faith would be the dividing line. In all this he saw the mercy of God rejoicing over judgment. These last words show conclusively the erroneousness of the theory by which some get rid of the doctrine of personal Election in this chapter-namely, that the apostle is treating of the choice, neither of persons nor of nations, but merely of the terms or conditions on which He will save men, and which he has a sovereign right to fix. Because, if what was prognosticated of the respective posterities of the persons mentioned in the prophecies were the object in view, it would prove that the children of the flesh, as far, at least, as the children of Israel were concerned, were counted for the seed. (John Goodwin. BibliographyHaldane, Robert. No idea of malice is implied of course. "Calvin's Commentary on the Bible". As it is written (Malachi 1:2-3), Jacob I l oved, but Esau I hated. He sold it for a mess of pottage, and he thought he would buy it back by giving his father a mess of pottage. But the man says: “Do not stop here, go to the top floor of the factory, and you will see the idea fully carried out.” I do so, and having come to the top, see the complete pattern of an exquisite shawl. 11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. Romans 9:13. There is provision also in the heart of God for every miserable creature that has erred, and thousands there are that curse and blaspheme with remorse in hospitals or in lazar-houses, or in the midst of the vermin and filth at the bottom of society. But so far is he from representing these to be in a lamentable state, that he describes them, along with himself, as vessels on whom the riches of the glory of God was made known; while, by the contrast, it is evident that by the wrath and destruction of which the others were vessels, he means something very different from temporal calamities. So therefore are the Jews in particular; universally so. 1905-1909. The cup of their iniquity they had filled to the brim, and it was now time that they should be compelled to drain to its dregs the cup of merited retribution. Is dispensed with consummate wisdom. His “birthright” is little or nothing to him; and a present gratification comes before any future advantage. https:https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/tsk/romans-9.html. Like the drops of a lustre, which reflect a rainbow of colours when the sun is glittering upon them, and each one, when turned in different ways, from its prismatic form shows all the varieties of colour; so the mercy of God is one and yet many; the same, yet ever changing; a combination of all the beauties of love blended harmoniously together. That the Infinite Father is not disposed to save all. But Paul intimates, that as there was a difference between the sons of Abraham and Isaac, so there was a difference among the posterity of Israel. 3. It is evident that Paul, throughout this chapter, refers not to the external condition of the Jews, which was indeed involved in their rejection of Christ, but to their spiritual state, as rejecting the righteousness which is of faith, and stumbling at that stumbling stone, verse 32. City gate obliging benefactor by grace through faith “ God so loved the world wishes to impress with... 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