To me looks like shock. While palm trees require less maintenance, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t take care of them. Now I can obsess on fertilizer instead. But some pests or diseases do affect palm trees differently. This is great news! Two doors down my neighbor has beautiful king palms. Like dump the whole bottle? And, the height of the trunk can be non-existent up to almost two hundred feet. Palm trees are one of the plants we grow that homeowners believe are drought tolerant and basically trouble free. Sorry, I'm in San Diego, 5 miles from the coast as the crow flies. These palms need some adjustment when planted in the ground. Problem #2: When you do find this problem taking over your tree, consider using sprays to treat the infestations. The palm fronds are essential to ensuring that the trees will grow healthy. The other thing I want to mention, and I'm not sure if you can tell from the pic. If anything’s missing, your palm will show it. Fronds are also the trees’ source of energy. These palms are fast growers, as palms go, and you'll get more new fronds opening from spears before too long. The top half inch of mulch will look dry but as soon as you go down half an inch it’s a watery mess. As stated above, I have them flourishing with all roots submerged in water 24/7/365 day per year. I'm in Clairemont Mesa if that helps. 4.6 out of 5 stars 455. It’s concentrate. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to over water a King palm. That is where doing a little research here and/or asking for suggestions here can come in handy. It can kill palm trees. Damage to the crownshaft is what can kill the palm. If drainage is a problem, one could try amending coarse sand into the soil. In king palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana) and bamboo palms, a trunk rot is common. You cannot paste images directly. Palm Trees do well in tall containers … but add soil on the sides or underneath—never on top. Does it matter where I trim it? Ganoderma butt rot is a relatively new and lethal disease, mostly seen in Florida palm trees. Make it easy on yourself and get a slow release palm specific fertilizer which you can apply in the early spring, summer and autumn. There are many different micro-climates even 5 miles inland here in San Diego, depending on whether you are on a mesa, in a canyon or a ridge top as what lies to the east or west of you blocking either coastal winds or Santa Ana winds coming out of the east. It would be a disaster for me if I needed mine trimmed. Problem: Palm trees rely on a blend of nutrients in the soil to support their growth. When it is fully grown, the tree will have reached a height of 50 feet to 80 feet (15.24 m to 24.384 m). When you decide to add more palms to the garden there are plenty to select from that won't demand as much water as this species. In fact, many of the varieties of palms we grow here in central Florida including our state tree, the Sabal Palm, are trouble free and easy to maintain in most landscapes. I just won't buy anymore! Due to the fact that Florida is considered humid, those who are planting palms should make sure that the irrigation is neither above nor below the water requirements. They can often tolerate heavy clay soil if not over-watered. They're often sold as multiples and 3 of the seeds germinated much slower than the other two in your case. Supplementing the soil with organic material such as mulch, fir or redwood shavings or leaf matter is very appreciated. However, few of us are able to recognize even the few minor problems these trees do have. When King palm is young it can suffer from leaf spot. As your king palm grows, you may need to provide extra support at the base of the trunk. Boron deficiency has become an increasingly important problem on landscape and field-grown palms in recent years. As mentioned, lots of great tips should be coming your way shortly.. King Palms appreciate rich soil with good drainage. Read on to learn about the various factors that can affect the growth of these trees. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. In King Palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana), spores of the fungus can almost always be found under the clasping leaf bases. That is where having mulch over the soil will help retain moisture. It hasn't gotten worse, but hasn't gotten better and doesn't seem to be growing. Florida has a warm, humid climate which is the perfect weather condition for fungus growth. All of them survived our wet winter last year and are thriving with several new spears throughout the year. I may have done it wrong. This is also suitable for smaller species like the ornamental palms. Also, about the 5 palms in a pot -- it's not unusual to lose one or two of the smaller palms from such a group, so don't take it too hard if one doesn't make it. Paste as plain text instead, × I added some cactus/palm mix and organic material to the planting area simply because our soil is so poor in Florida. Tree Trimming, Landscape Design, Rock and Mulch Delivery and Installation, Sprinkler System Inspections & Adjustments, Debris Removal, Complete Fertilizer & Pest Control Packages. They can be spread by leafhoppers, those annoying insects that feed on the underside of leaves. A Bismarck palm tree that is native to Madagascar is located at the residence of Norman De Lapouyade in south Tampa. My surfing friend and Master Gardener MattyB came by my house in Leucadia shortly after I had planted out some things from pots several years ago and gave me a hard time about how frugal I was being with mulch only to be spending much more on water. This fungal disease is a symptom of a larger problem, though this black mold seldom hurts the palm. As new fronds emerge, the old ones are pushed aside and eventually fall. Enjoy yours. 5). Pasted as rich text. For taller species, you need a systemic insecticide to address the issue properly. Were you super careful with the roots? Unless it’s a question of stability of the palm, air roots are not a problem. @Jim Lost Altos thanks for the tips. I was so worried it was dying. You can place several 2-by-4 inch wooden boards at the base of the palm and wrap bungee cords around the tree trunk to hold them steady. Is that the palm has like 5 different pups. It is important not to plant any palm tree without either professional help or vast knowledge of how to plan tthis kind of tree. Another fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Google superthrive plant food, soak the plant with it. Fertilize your King Palm four times a year. I thought I read that palms can get root rot if sitting in water, but I'm glad to hear that isn't the case. So maybe it really does need more water because there are so many different trees trying to grow? I'm also wondering if it could just be that there are so many trunks fighting for resources... Should I remove one of these? Upload or insert images from URL. Welcome to PalmTalk! Adding mulch over top of the soil will also help you to retain water so you don't have to irrigate as often whether one has clay soil or a faster draining soil. Pink Rot. It is definitely getting more sun where it's at. Powered by Invision Community. Yesterday I set up a drip at the roots for 2 hours. $21.00 $ 21. Treat king palms right and they’ll soar overhead like these Archontophoenix tuckeri in like ten or twelve years an eyeblink in geological time, This is a good thread and something that would have brought me comfort last year after planting 3 triples and 2 singles. Here Are Some Considerations. This happened to the a. Cunninghamiana I planted recently. Symptoms usually appear in older or lower leaves in the canopy first, then move toward the upper or newest leaves, although occasionally mid-canopy leaves are affected first. Just want to mention that although your King palms are water hogs, not all palms are the same. Dry and crispy is underwatering or too much heat. It sounds like you transplanted your King after having it for a while, but depending on how long you have had it and where you got it, that could be the issue as well. 00 ($21.00/Count) Save more with Subscribe & Save. Where are you? As stated above, I have them flourishing with all roots submerged in water 24/7/365 day per year. On 10/30/2020 at 2:41 PM, Jim in Los Altos said: Problem with King Palm tree, not sure if I'm over or under watering it. Fungal infections can spread quickly and one way that you can protect other trees is by eliminating the infected one. It's great to know that maybe some day mine will look like the ones above. It is essential to find this disease early because it can be fatal to palm trees. Once a frond has gone completely brown, trim it off with clean loppers. Petiole blight of palms affects a wide variety of mature palm trees with trunks. I just took it out of the pot and plopped it in the hole. Yellow or mottled, withering fronds may be signaling a pest infestation. A fungus attacks the stem of the leaf and destroys the mechanisms that carry water to the leaf blades, thus killing the leaf. So don't be slow to learn like me! By King palms aka Archonotphoenix cunninghamiana are quite resilient palms, so despite the initial damage, they can pull through this. Queen palm trees are stately, single-trunked palms topped with glossy, bright pinnate leaves that droop softly in a graceful canopy. Any scars or damage may be permanent and can leave the door open for fungus and disease – just let it clean itself! Reasons Why We grow the Most Popular Palm in SoCal Often, when a plant is overwatered it will show its distress too late and could die. Yes, but I'd have gone King Palm anyway because they are my favorite. It seems my palm has completely stopped growing. So maybe it really does need more water because there are so many different trees trying to grow? Based on what I'm hearing, that still may not be enough water. If its a relatively recent purchase from one of the Boxes, it may have been grown in a greenhouse. Cape Coral, Florida 33990. The tree is also highly wind-tolerant and rarely folds during heavy winds. The roots of Palm Trees can also be used to treat urinary infections, gall bladder and various kidney problems. The king palm tree has a slimmer, more brownish trunk than the queen and provides a generous umbrella of fronds that spreads 10 to 15 feet. We cater to both residential and commercial landscapes. I've read that using a slow drip method is best. Monthly outdoor water costs during our summer dry period range $100-$150 to keep 300 palms, hundreds of plants happy, and large koi pond full. If the leaf tips are brown and soft, it usually is too wet or overwatering for the current conditions like cool temps. Looks like sunburn to me. Symptoms and Biology: The palm has a much reduced canopy of leaves. The symptoms of lethal yellowing include yellowing of the palm’s fronds, blackening of the inflorescence and nuts dropping prematurely. Depending on the species of palm, trunks can be quite thin, even less than a half of inch.Or, they can be up to four feet in diameter. But not sure I want to pay that water bill! It is now out in the middle of a residential yard getting more sun and also exposure to hot wind. When I was digging the hole, I was basically shoveling out water. The big boxes and most retail nurseries have competitive products that are palm specific (higher nitrogen) and slow release as well. While not harmful to the trees’ health, it still has an unsightly appearance. Avoid pruning or removing flowers and leaves because this palm cannot heal itself. But not these. Some palms will indeed get root rot if sitting in water. You can post now and register later. I also thought I read you shouldn't trim them because they are self cleaning, but good to hear you can. OCTAVIO JONES | Times The city of Tampa has the same problem. Q. Christmas Palm Tree - I have a Christmas palm that I keep on my deck and then take it in my house come September ... Q. Christmas Palm Leaves Dying - Have three triples by my pool for over 15 years w/o problems. Some additional thoughts and questions. Is that bad? I'm not super excited about what my water bill is going to look like though. Notice signs of instability or leaning. Hello and welcome to PT Garek007. Welcome to PT. Your previous content has been restored. When the conk first starts to form … Definitely sunburn. San Diego, California USA and Pahoa, Hawaii USA, Copyright © 2019 - International Palm Society. The whole root ball should go directly into the ground whole. Is that the palm has like 5 different pups. Vista has some of the best growing microclimates in Southern California with some really spectacular gardens, but due to it's rural nature, they tend to be harder to find as they are tucked away. The Trunk This is the supporting structure of the tree.They begin at ground level and typically go up to the crown of leaves at the top of the trunk. Sometimes the spores of pink rot can be found under the pseudobark of the palm (Fig. I'm not super excited about what my water bill is going to look like though. There are two fairly large trunks, and then 3 smaller ones forming. Ganoderma is caused by the pathogen Ganoderma zonatum, and any palm tree can come down with it. Welcome to Palm Talk. You will know your palm tree is showing symptoms of fungus problems if it has a rotten trunk, unusual wilting and slow growth. All you can do. These can be removed as the tree grows stronger. Air Roots Certain species of palms, particularly date palms, will put out above ground roots that look like stubble around the base of the palm. Jim the tropical paradise you show in these pictures is exactly what I'd like to have one day. What do you mean "soak the plant"? Seeing the browning you have experienced and knowing how dry it has been with the Santa Ana's blowing the last few days, I suspect that may be part of the issue. King Palm Mini Size Natural Pre Wrap Palm Leafs (1 Pack of 25, 25 Rolls Total) - Pre Rolled Cones - All Natural Cones - Corn Husk Filter - Preroll Cones - Prerolled Cones with Filter - Organic Cones. The tips of the palms started to brown. Older leaves at the bottom of the canopy will begin to die. You can also prevent fungal infections by cleaning the tools you use for pruning the fronds of palm trees. The old leaves fall off on there own and are light in weight so they don’t damage anything below. You want to cut the petiole as close to the base as possible. Once a frond has gone completely brown, trim it off with clean loppers. Removing them before they become fully grown will deprive the trees of getting the right amount of nutrition they need to grow. If you search around, look for threads started by @DoomsDave and @Jim in Los Altos -among many other members there in San Diego/ other areas who grow kings to perfection- who will have lots of great advise to share.. Jim himself has a few that grow in/ within reach of a permanent water source, w/out issue in his landscape up in Nor. Display as a link instead, × King palm … Stop over trimming palm trees The conk is the most easily identifiable structure associated with the fungus. Wow great responses! They’re great palms and fast growers relative to many other palms. Just keep the roots wet in the meantime. Some of our specialties are Lawn Care Service, Lawn Treatment Services. You would be better off digging a large whole and mix a palm and succulent soil mix in with the soil you remove and backfill with this amended mix. The fungus most often invades a palm tree by means of a wound at the base of the tree in the lower 4-5 feet of the trunk. While the problem could be something else of course, trouble could be something as simple as yours could have been shade grown where you purchased it and is going through an adjustment to more light. Underwatering is easily fixed and most plants will recover. Palm Tree Diseases & Treatments Diamond Scale. To find out how to prevent all this problems click here Palm Tree Insects. Call us so we can help you care for the palms. I just realized yesterday that I think I have poor drainage. Insect infestations are barely noticeable because palms are so tall. Three of my Archontophoenix are in stagnant water and very happy. Clairemont Mesa is home to some pretty fabulous palm gardens, so you are in a choice location. The common name, “Christmas palm,” comes from the clusters of bright red fruits that adorn these trees in late fall and winter, giving the plants the appearance of being decorated for the holidays. That was one trick that eluded me for well over a decade. People suffering from Fibrosis need to boil 3-5 finger long pieces of roots and drink it … Messing with the roots usually caused a big setback. King palms may be grown in areas where there is … King palm like most of the palm species have several diseases that effects them. Get more new fronds opening from spears before too long fronds are essential to ensuring the... It almost every other day and it actually started doing worse water and, palms! 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