True or false: it can be a bad thing to still live with your parents and siblings as an adult . Five Things to Pray for Your Heart by Rachel Jones is available to buy now. All content © Tim Challies, 2002-2020. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband to Aileen and a father to three children. Your job is to figure out what God wants you to do, not ask God to do what you want to do. "You do not have because you do not ask God. For whom should we pray? God will lull you to a wonderful carefree sleep. Feel free to pray for yourself, especially that you would begin to seek God's will in earnest. If it is not possible, get into bed, relax and then pray. You’re overwhelmed. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Therefore, is it selfish if I pray for myself? Instead they can be a tool for your sanctification. I am here for the sole purpose Of requesting Your mercy once again. It is through prayer that we are able to talk to our Father, the Almighty God, Supreme Ruler of the vast universe. Pray that you would be like Jesus – Who was obedient to the Father, even to the point of death. But sooner or later my prayers peter out and I see that I’ve given a lot more time to myself than to the rest of the world combined. Prayers for yourself don’t have to be vague or selfish. He also seems to have an interest in me also, however, right now I cannot be 100% sure. I have fought for my own way over yours, And I have done nothing but fall short. The Bible Reading Plan I Recommend for 2021, A Family Update Four Weeks After Our Worst Day, Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2020 Deals for Christians. . I have been a stubborn fool Who only cares about what he can accomplish … Maybe you have a quiet moment; maybe there is chaos surrounding you. 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Somehow, along this journey of life, and despite reading some very good books on the subject, I have adopted a selfish view of prayer that places me at the middle of the prayer. I have chased my own dreams And burned my own way Through this busted world to no avail. It is not always necessary to say words when you pray. The focus is on you. Nobody else knows what is best for you but yourself. You do not have because you do not ask God. As Christians, we should instead pray for the right motives as we take the course of action we believe to be best. Somehow it served God’s purposes. Is it wrong to pray for good things to happen to you and others close to you? You might be surprised. First, remember that it isn't always wrong to pray for ourselves. We are all selfishly motivated no matter what we do, whether we are praying for ourselves or for others as in both cases, we are doing it because it makes us feel good. They need a lot of prayer. ( Selfish Quotes) 26) Relationships Aren’t Designed For Selfish Individuals. I don’t want to do it but I also feel guilty if I ask others to pray for me. Good dads like that kind of thing. I have often thought of the strange fact that, during many of the wars that have raged in days past, men on both sides of the conflict have prayed to God for protection and victory. No, it's not wrong to pray for yourself. 23) Sometimes You Have To Be Selfish To Be Selfless. Five Things to Pray for Your Heart by Rachel Jones is available to buy now. Be like Jesus. As I first considered “selfish prayer” I thought about the obvious applications for it: prayers that revolve around me–my needs, my wants, my desires and my dreams. I want to know Him and walk with Him and delight in Him all of my days. With this in mind, then, I think we should pray boldly for our needs and desires, but ask God to make our desires, His desires. Is It Selfish to Pray for a Date With A Guy I Like? But these are things I have considered before. I’m not necessarily the sharpest knife in the drawer and sometimes you need to give me a little extra time to figure these things out. Is it selfish to pray for something specific? I don't want to have a child or anything, but i want something similar and I feel kinda bad for praying that i get it... i feel selfish. And that’s something which glorifies God, and blesses everyone around you. It is the prayer that focuses on me and never reaches to others who are so desperately in need of God’s grace. I'm really freaked out and worried that I'm gonna fial. How can you avoid selfish prayers? Just yesterday our pastor hinted at some amazing things that are unfolding in and around our church and remarked “and this comes just after our church’s week of prayer.” Just this morning Dr. Mohler published an article in which he reflected on his time being critically ill. A lesson he learned in this crisis was the value of the blessing of friends and the reality of the Church. We know that God hears the prayers of those who are His children and that He sometimes chooses to answer prayer and sometimes chooses not to. It is steeped in sanctimonious piety and a total sense of superior existence. It’s my hope that you’ll experience something similar as you use the book. Why God ultimately chose to answer the prayers of Abraham Lincoln rather than those of Robert E. Lee is something we do not know. And who knows what pain may have been avoided and what trials they may not have faced if only I had been faithfully praying for them. learn more ›. Instead they can be a tool for your sanctification. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. “Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.’” (Matthew 6:9) Pray that God would extend his kingdom in the world. It will help you learn to structure your life to do the most good to the glory of God. This is probably another one of those articles that discusses something everyone else already knows and has already thought about, but for which I am a bit late to the party. Which team do you support, as a matter of interest? What Kind of God? 25) I’M Selfish, I Want You To Myself, I Can’t Help It. I was struck by the fact that so often I am simply too lazy, too tired, too distracted to pray at all or at least to pray as I should. There are a few more people for whom we should intercede. This has led to far too many prayers that go barely beyond myself. At what age did you begin to learn it? . What kind of God would we be praying to who did not take an interest in us? Pray that God would exalt his name in the world. Who knows the opportunities that have been lost because I have not been faithfully praying for them. As long as your doing so is not at the unjust expense of others or for some malicious reason, then the answer is no. I wrote this short, fast-paced, practical guide to productivity to share what I have learned about getting things done in today’s digital world. Poll: What would you like to dream about tonight? Unsubscribe at any time. Yes, it is perfectly ok to pray for yourself. You joyfully accept the plundering of your property since you knew that you yourselves had a better possession and an abiding one. I mean more like winning a sporting event, or getting the right lottery numbers. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that … Focusing on Your Comfort. Prayer is not something I do even primarily for myself. I have now blogged for 6,270 consecutive days. Here are the five signs of selfish prayer. Lord, I have been everything except what I should. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. There is nothing wrong with praying for ourselves. God wants us to bring our needs to Him, and to rely on Him and not just ourselves. He is my great desire. I know that sounds strange but I can't help it. So go ahead and ask God to grant you what you want. A while back I read John Piper’s description of how he prays and it struck me that I pray in much the same way. Delight yourself in the Lord, and then pray for whatever your heart desires. I constantly pray for other people because they show kindness to me which rarely happens, but I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone pray for me. That’s why He sometimes answers our prayers with a “No”—and when He does, it is because He loves us too much to give us everything we want. One more idea that I think needs to be clarified is what we see as "selfish" prayers. My daily, curated collection of Kindle deals for Christians. Prayer is not just something I do for myself. First, remember that it isn’t always wrong to pray for ourselves. Perhaps the American Civil War was the most notable of these for there were God-fearing men, men who are known for their godliness and desire to honor and serve God, each trying to defeat the other and each pleading for God’s assistance in doing so. Related: How to Pray When You Just Can’t Focus. A little while ago, as I was sitting around waiting for something exciting to happen, I began thinking about the phrase “selfish prayer.” I’m not quite sure why, but the phrase just struck me as one that would be worth thinking about. I pray selfishly when I focus primarily on what I want from God rather than what He wants for me. Like not a materialistic thing, but something like piece of mind, reassurance. From football (which I have always been a fan sans pointing at sky) to indicting weather events as the will of God these people are devoutly delusional. In lieu of a comments section, I accept and encourage letters to the editor. I pray selfishly when I focus primarily on what I want from God rather than what He wants for me. Does the Bible tell us for whom we should pray? He did not hold on to the status and privileges He had but laid it all aside for our sakes. My focus in prayer is not to be on me, but on God. Your heart is heavy; you know you want to reach out to God. Jesus is our ultimate example. It depends on your motive. I turned 17 today does that mean I am old now? Don’t hesitate to pray to God about anything on your heart/on your mind. 27) The Most Fatality In Human Nature Is Greedy And Selfish. 11 Answers. How can you avoid selfish prayers? I worship and serve as a pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario, and am a co-founder of Cruciform Press. It definitely isn’t on his will. God always answers prayer so … As I first considered “selfish prayer” I thought about the obvious applications for it: prayers that revolve around me–my needs, my wants, my desires and my dreams. It is thought directed energy, so when you pray for someone else you are sending them good energy. I already asked this in religion, but i want to know what ya'll think =], no not as long as you pray for other people. nooooooooooo.. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Prayers for yourself don’t have to be vague or selfish. 24) As A Receiver, You Are Naturally A Selfish Player. Tied with the previous two points, this type of prayer says that we’re too selfish to think of anything or anyone other than ourselves when it comes to prayer. Maybe on a good day I move a little bit further. It seems to me that perhaps the most selfish prayer of all is the prayer that is never uttered. And I pray selfishly when I focus on what I want at the expense of what others may want or need. In forgetting to pray for my community, I have robbed them of prayers I ought to have provided for them. 1 decade ago. Philippians 2:5-8; As you pray faithfully, for yourself and for others, God will do miracles. How many times have we gone to God in prayer, only to have it turn into a time of running down the list of things that we want or need? “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) “Their concern was a great encouragement” he writes, “and their prayers were incredible gifts.”. You can pray for anything that is in harmony with God’s requirements as stated in the Bible. Site by Mere. I realize that praying might not help if you don't take the initiative to do hard work and research but it certainly doesn't hurt. and it is God job to listen to our prayers without judging us, nah, it's not wrong. Like not a materialistic thing, but something like piece of mind, reassurance. Praying for what you need is not selfish. Did the women have sex with each other ? Rather, prayer is something I do for God. And that’s something which glorifies God, and blesses everyone around you. You Pray ONLY for Your Desires. As I move from the small circles to the large I see just how selfish my prayers have been. Like for instance, a woman wants to have a child, and prays to God and tells him how much she wants a child is it wrong? I don't want to have a child or anything, but i want something similar and I feel kinda bad for praying that i get it... i feel selfish. Our default is to pray for ourselves first, asking God to bless and protect us. If you're tired of worrying about all the "what ifs" in your life and want to experience the calm and contentment promised in Scripture, Calm My Anxious Heart is what you've been looking for. You see, God loves us, and He knows what is best for us. In my laziness and in my selfishness I have denied others prayer that is rightfully theirs. The focus of that prayer is not in God’s plan for you. “No matter what it is that we ask according to [God’s] will, he hears us.” (1 John 5:14) Can you mention your personal concerns?Yes. Instead of focusing on God and His will, my prayers have far too often focused on myself and my will. It’s my hope that you’ll experience something similar as you use the book. Welcome to the online home of Tim Challies, blogger, author, and book reviewer. We know that he warns against prayers that are offered in a spirit of pride, of prayers that are offered in a spirit of selfishness, and against prayers that are offered as testimonies to my own goodness rather than to God’s grace. When you’re praying because you are just trying to get out of a tough situation and gain your own comfort, that’s a selfish prayer. Relevance. It’s not selfish to pray for your own needs and desires. Answer Save. He is a loving father who wants us to express all of our desires and struggles in prayer. It may be, and should be, that these are one and the same. My focus is not to be on what is important to me, but what is important to God. Favourite answer. I understand that it would be more of a wise idea to pray generally for a good spouse. However, the Bible says we should not pray only for ourselves. Though we read a good deal about prayer in the Bible, we still do not really know how it works. Are we too selfish? Arrange… it’s my hope that I am old now accept and encourage to! Weird to be on what I want from God rather than those Robert... Not selfish to pray for ourselves over yours, and blesses everyone around you to still live with your and. ) the most good to the father, the Almighty God, and should be expression! Is a loving father who wants us to bring our needs to Him, then! Carefree sleep chief good RevMarkWoods prayer of a comments section, I want from God rather what! Takes an interest in us Bible says we should pray well as believers he never. 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