The same goes for the smell of anise, citronella, perfumes, solid air fresheners, citrus, aloe and wintergreen. What are the Symptoms if a Cat Eats a Holly Berry?→. The more you know about plant toxicity, the safer your cat will always be -- not a bad deal. Citronella, lemongrass, and cedarwood are three of the best oils for this purpose. While diffusing essential oils is popular, do your health practices conflict with the health of your pet? Only do this when advised to do so and closely follow directions. Just add a few drops to the shampoo and wash it hardly. Is Rosemary Safe for Cats: Cats are curious creatures and many cats are like nibble on plants. As for cats, the essential oils that aren’t safe to use are eucalyptus, clove, lavender, spruce, cassia, lemon, birch, and more. Because essential oils feature highly concentrated substances, they are not recommended for use with cats. Its essential oil is often extracted for use as a disinfectant. Some examples of dangerous plants to felines include trumpet lilies, California ivy, sweet peas, primrose and English holly. These oils contain phenols which are especially toxic to cats. If a cat is having respiratory problems, congestion, or trouble breathing, eucalyptus is beneficial and safe to diffuse. The organic oil is totally clear in color and offers disinfectant properties. The eucalyptus tree comes from the land down under -- Australia. Eucalyptus' strong odor tends to drive cats away so, historically, gardeners have exploited eucalyptus and its derivatives as a cat repellent. Exposure comes from eucalyptus plants themselves and a variety of medicines, creams, ointments and even mouthwashes. Cats will ingest the oils by licking them off. Pine oil. Humidifiers are safe for cats. Because there are so many different products on the market that contain different levels of eucalyptus, it's impossible to know whether eucalyptus essential oils are truly safe for dogs. Eucalyptus and eucalyptus-based products contain powerful disinfectants that are toxic to many animals, cats included. The essential oils not safe for dogs are garlic, clover, oregano, rosemary, thyme, tea tree, and wintergreen oil. Advanced symptoms run a gamut and sometimes include neurological episodes, including seizures. ABSOLUTELY NOT!! A variety of ways you maybe already are incorporating essential oils into your daily life, include herbal remedies, aromatherap… We're reduced to forcefeeding him Gerber's Lamb (baby food) through a syringe. Eucalyptus oil comes from the oval-shaped leaves of the trees which are then dried, crushed, and distilled to create the oil. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Cats are very sensitive to smells and eucalyptus has a really strong aroma. It is used to make a wide array of personal care and hygiene products for people, from toothpaste to mouthwash. Koala bears infamously chow down on eucalyptus, but that doesn't mean it's safe for your cat. A cat's liver is simply incapable of breaking down the chemicals in essential oils. As for cats, the essential oils that aren’t safe to use are eucalyptus, clove, lavender, spruce, cassia, lemon, birch, and more. These are toxic whether they are applied to the skin OR used in diffusers. Undiluted eucalyptol can be harmful -- and without veterinary care, possibly even fatal -- in any amount, so keep it away from your pet no matter what. is camphor, eucalyptus, menthol harmful to cats? He has a headcold and I'm wondering if a dab of vicks vaporrub under his chin would help clear the congestion so he can smell again. When a cat consumes generous enough amounts of the stuff, she may exhibit discomfort, including reduced activity of the central nervous system, throwing up, frequent and watery stools, feelings of weakness and excessive drooling. Most poisoning symptoms overlap with a litany of other conditions, some banal, some serious. Cats are not able to properly metabolize the compounds within the oil, and this can lead to dangerous toxin accumulation within the body. Essential Oils are Toxic for cats. Peppermint oil. How to use eucalyptus oil safely? Thyme oil. Our Furry family members.. Simply put, cats and fresh eucalyptus are not the greatest match. Are Any Essential Oils Safe for Cats? Ingesting any part of this plant will cause your pet to experience salivation, vomiting, drooling, lethargy and diarrhea. In the event of any of these possibly dangerous signs, get some emergency veterinary help for your fluff ball -- pronto. Therefore, it's important to call for help as soon as possible, even if your cat ate eucalyptus but isn't showing poisoning symptoms. Because an essential oil is so concentrated, the natural enzymes in them can be anywhere from 500 to even 2000 times stronger than the original plant. Stephen Dunn/Getty Images News/Getty Images, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: Eucalyptus, Cornell University Maddie's Shelter Medicine Program: Correcting Unwanted Behavior in Your Cat, Dr. Narda G. Robinson: Natural Approaches for Flea Control, Apothecary Herbs Shop: Eucalyptus Dog & Cat Collars. It has been used as a garden plant to keep cats out of certain garden areas for years. I googled to see if that's bad for cats/dogs but only found results about ingestion, but I'm more curious if the smell of eucalyptus. It seems then, in conclusion, that essential oils including eucalyptus oil is a potential hazard to domestic cats in the home. And, can even cause problems just by touching the skin. Lavender oil. Most animals that eat a lot of it could get quite sick -- cats, dogs and horses included -- but koala bears and certain possums can eat it without much worry. However, it is among the many plants toxic to dogs, cats and horses. K etones have calming and analgesic properties that promote cell regeneration, decongestion and nerve health. As such, it's important to know what plants are in and around the place your cat lives. Can Cats Eat Mint Plants? In Susan Murray’s case there may have been special circumstances which resulted in her cat being poisoned. is camphor, eucalyptus, menthol harmful to cats? Toxic Principles: Essential oils: eucalyptol. Ylang Ylang oil. As the ASPCA pointed out, "In their concentrated form (100%), essential oils can absolutely be a danger for pets," including when the oil is placed on their skin, fur or paws. University of Maryland Medical Center: Eucalyptus, ASPCA: Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats. Drying plants tends to concentrate their "active" compounds, so do keep this type of decorative plant out of Kitty's reach! Citrus oil. Make sure that you always keep all the important things in mind before you use eucalyptus oil for dogs. Can I Use Essential Oils for Cats? The New England Journal of Medicine found in 2002 that the herbal repellent of … Also, close them tight. Clinical Signs: Salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, weakness. Eucalyptus. They are not harmful to cats when diluted thoroughly. Essential oils are likely more safe for cats than artificial fragrances and air fresheners. Eucalyptus: This plant is commonly used in many oils that we humans use for aromatherapy and skin care products. My 8-yr old male is FeLeuk positive and we've had many trips to the vet in the past 6 weeks. Tea tree oil. Lemon oil. It’s absolutely not safe to use eucalyptus oil on cats. Also, if your cat spends much time in physical contact with your dogs you should discontinue using it on your dogs. Sweet birch oil. Citrus oil. Not to mention, you must seek advice from your vet so that the process can be safe and smooth. Other Toxic Plants. Essential Oils Safe for Cats Fleas. Dangerous Essential Oils for Cats and Dogs. Koala bears infamously chow down on eucalyptus, but that doesn't mean it's safe for your cat. Not matter how beautiful and charming any of these plants may be, keep them away from your kitty at all times. What Scents Are Harmful to Cats? The consensus from experts is to use caution when diffusing EOs around pets, and pet-proof the space, or make it inaccessible. Although the following herbs have been found to be safe for most cats, we recommend talking to your veterinarian before introducing significant or regular usage. If you think that your animal is ill or may have ingested a poisonous substance, contact your local veterinarian or our 24-hour emergency poison hotline directly at 1-888-426-4435. … Essential oils are used in flavorings, perfumes, and aromatherapy. Herbs safe for cats. It can be difficult to keep a houseplant away from a pet with a determination to chew, so it's up to us to ensure that any plants we cultivate in the home are safe and non-toxic to cats and dogs. The essential oils not safe for dogs are garlic, clover, oregano, rosemary, thyme, tea tree, and wintergreen oil. Many essential oils, such as eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, wintergreen, and ylang ylang are toxic to pets. He's obviously hungry, but nothing appeals. Never let ... Make sure to place oils in a place that your dog or cat can’t reach. If your cat shows eucalyptus poisoning symptoms, call a veterinarian or an animal poison control hotline. The other six are peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus, cinnamon, clove leaf and rosemary. Some products, particularly natural flea remedies, contain eucalyptus and are still marketed to pet owners. Susan Murray used eucalyptus oil as a decongestant and it is quite commonly used for that purpose. This includes peppermint oil and other mints that are presented in the form of essential oils. It prevents the coat from becoming dry and itchy in winter. Is Peppermint Oil Safe for Cats? If your cat grooms your dogs at all or grooms him or herself after contacting the dogs, the ingestion of eucalyptus oil can be very harmful. Cinnamon oil. The aforementioned essential oils are safe for cats, but should still be diluted or diffused. They may be effective, but they're probably also toxic. Some natural flea control products contain eucalyptus and are still marketed to cat owners. Is Eucalyptus Oil Poisonous to Cats? Sweet birch oil. Pennyroyal oil. Keep eucalyptus essential oil and eucalyptus-based products far from your pets. If a cat is having respiratory problems, congestion, or trouble breathing, eucalyptus is beneficial and safe to diffuse. In some cases we choose to raise a pet first to prepare us for having our own children. Overview Information Eucalyptus is a tree. You should never use these oils on your cat. The plant itself is toxic to cats, and the smell is one they dislike. Are Dried Flower Arrangements Poisonous to Cats?→. It seems then, in conclusion, that essential oils including eucalyptus oil is a potential hazard to domestic cats in the home. Additional Common Names: Many cultivars. That said, just because a scent (or method of dispensing it) is safe for you, or even a small child, doesn't mean that it'll necessarily be safe for, on, or even around your cats or dogs. Her two … In addition, eucalyptus oil contains neurotoxic (brain damaging) chemicals called ketones. Eucalyptus oil. The dried leaves and oil are used to make medicine. Cats are Sensitive to Certain Essential Oils Researchers have identified two major categories of essential oils that are more dangerous to cats than other mammals (such as humans, dogs or horses). Even still, what your nose perceives as a pleasant smell may be overwhelming for your cat. Natural Methods. Eucalyptus oil can be used with shampoo to remove flea infestation from your pet. It is best for your dog and most often recommended by vets. Recognizing your cat's likely poisoning culprit could save him hours of discomfort, or even his life. A variety of sprays and wipes are available over the counter and are safe for protecting your cats from mosquitoes. Eucalyptus and eucalyptus-based products contain powerful disinfectants that are toxic to many animals, cats included. Orange oil. Wintergreen oil. Eucalyptus. Wintergreen oil. If your cat ingested eucalyptus recently -- say, within the last hour or two -- a veterinarian or hotline specialist may recommend that you induce vomiting. Also, what scents are toxic to dogs? University of Maryland Medical Center: Eucalyptus, Cornell University Cornell Feline Health Center: Poisons, North Dakota State University: Questions on -- Cats, University of Maryland Medical Center: Herbs with Similar Uses as -- Eucalyptus, The University of Maine Cooperative Extension: Insect Repellents, UC Davis Veterinary Medicine: Pets and Toxic Plants. If you suspect your pet may have ingested a potentially toxic substance, call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local … )—and which ones to avoid. Early symptoms of eucalyptus poisoning in cats include salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, depression and weakness. The common safe oils to diffuse are chamomile, clary sage, cedarwood, marjoram, and myrrh oil. Naturopaths and others who advocate eucalyptus' essential oil as medicine sometimes acknowledge these risks and admonish its use for felines. Some essential oils such as tea tree, pennyroyal and eucalyptus oils are particularly toxic. Avoid using camphor oil, nutmeg oil, eucalyptus, or menthol in your humidifier. However, is it proper and safe to use eucalyptus oil on all pets (both cats and dogs)? According to the ASPCA, fresh eucalyptus is indeed toxic to cats. You can use this information to train cats, but the risk of poisoning probably outweighs the potential behavior alterations. Eucalyptus oil contains phenols...these compounds are toxic to the liver of cats. If you look for my own advice, then I will recommend John Paul eucalyptus oil for dogs. The dangerous component of fresh eucalyptus is its essential oils, which are known as eucalyptol. But cats are much more sensitive to ketones than humans are. Because mint is considered a toxic plant for the majority of cats, it is not recommended for cats to ingest any amount of mint. These oils are unsafe for pets. I covered essential oils for fleas on dogs, cats, and other pets. Although the trees may seem peacefully scenic and beautiful, they actually can be potentially very harmful to your feline friend. Find out which herbs are safe for cats (and may even benefit them! I got a candle for my coworker for Christmas and found out it has aromatic eucalyptus in it. Our advice is to stay on the safe side and skip the diffuser altogether. This article is a complete guide for cat owners to understand how to ensure the safety of their pets because essential oils are becoming an invaluable commodity in our homes. They're still probably poisonous. He has a headcold and I'm wondering if a dab of vicks vaporrub under his chin would help clear the congestion so he can smell again. The reason these essential oils are more dangerous to cats lies in the physiology of their liver. This leads to negative reactions which result in symptoms such as constipation or diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and salivation. ... Eucalyptus oil is toxic to cats and should not be diffused or used around them at all. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. While lavender is great for relaxing your pet cat by easing its pain, tension and anxiety, frankincense helps treat a variety of digestive problems and also offers anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities. Eucalyptus is a genus of flowering trees and shrubs largely native to Australia. Apart from the image of adorable koala bears tightly cuddling its branches, the tree is also revered for its fresh fragrance, vast height and pretty, bright red flowers. Lime oil. The ASPCA lists eucalyptus as poisonous to cats, dogs, and even horses. Over-the-counter mosquito repellent for pets can be expensive, although necessary. The common safe oils to diffuse are chamomile, clary sage, cedarwood, marjoram, and myrrh oil. Susan Murray used eucalyptus oil as a decongestant and it is quite commonly used for that purpose. Eucalyptus is extremely deadly for cats, not just the plant, but also (and maybe even more so) the oil. Eucalyptus in all forms -- from fresh to dried -- is used to produce many medicinal and cosmetic agents, including cough drops, toothpaste and even root canal fillings. Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis) is a strong aroma herb that can grow quite large – up to 6 meters high and 4 meters wide. Because of this, probably very few essential oils are safe for cats to ingest. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil - This natural mosquito repellent has been found to be safe for humans and pets. If you have a domestic pet cat and you want to use essential oils, there are several things to keep in mind to ensure the safety of your pet. Symptoms of Essential Oil Poisoning in Cats I hope this never becomes an issue, but in worst case scenario that you have been using oils that are toxic unaware of the dangers you should know the symptoms this causes. With the exception of edibles like cat grass, it's always better to keep houseplants out of a pet's reach if you can, but these plants are recognized by the ASPCA as being non-toxic to cats and dogs. Using on dogs and other pets is safe, but experience has shown that cats react differently when this essential oil is applied to them. Toxicity: Toxic to Dogs, Toxic to Cats, Toxic to Horses. Their livers CANNOT process them. Here are some signs of … Cats are especially sensitive to many essential oils and even just a couple of licks can be harmful. Not only is the plant poisonous to felines, but also to doggies and horses. Clove oil. Eucalyptus oil contains phenols...these compounds are toxic to the liver of cats. John Moore/Getty Images News/Getty Images. Family: Myrtaceae. Toxicity has variable manifestations in cats and is sometimes delayed by hours or even days. These benefits lead many cat owners to believe that they’re safe and even healthy for cats. If you're worried sick that your cutie somehow got her paws on some fresh eucalyptus, be attentive to any signs of poisoning. Drying plants tends to concentrate their "active" compounds, so do keep this type of … If you are looking for natural flea control for your cat and your veterinarian is unwilling to discuss it with you, you should consult with a holistic veterinarian. In Susan Murray’s case there may have been special circumstances which resulted in her cat being poisoned. In early 2018, a Facebook post went viral when a woman treating her cold with eucalyptus essential oils inadvertently poisoned the family cat. Your caution will very likely pay off. In addition, eucalyptus oil contains neurotoxic (brain damaging) chemicals called ketones. Eucalyptus may sound wonderfully exotic to you, just like the outback, kangaroos and koalas of its native Australia. Fresh eucalyptus isn't the only plant that can lead to discomfort, pain and even … Cats are particularly prone to eucalyptus poisoning. Some products, particularly natural flea remedies, contain eucalyptus and are still marketed to pet owners. Garlic oil. NO. My 8-yr old male is FeLeuk positive and we've had many trips to the vet in the past 6 weeks. Eucalyptus oil comes from the oval-shaped leaves of the trees which are then dried, crushed, and distilled to create the oil. Fresh eucalyptus isn't the only plant that can lead to discomfort, pain and even sickness in your beloved pet. Eucalyptus is great for helping us with sinus issues and getting over colds, so it’s common to have some around the house. Use them in moderation to maintain a safe environment for your pet. In short, there aren't any safe essential oils for cats; they all have the potential to be toxic to your fur baby. Specifically, eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil and oil of wintergreen, among others, have been known to cause poisoning in cats. List of Essential Oils to Avoid for Cats. 6 Many pet products use low concentrations of eucalyptus oil, fleas and mite infestation products in particular, these should never be used on your cat. In addition to the plant's direct toxicity, cats lack the ability to process most essential oils -- the form of eucalyptus cats are most likely to encounter indoors -- so it's doubly destructive once consumed. They can brighten your day, provide companionship, and complete your family. Scientific Name: Eucalyptus species. Poisoning in cats include salivation, vomiting, drooling, lethargy and diarrhea is n't the plant. Oil are used to make medicine although necessary its native Australia that we humans use for felines sure to oils! Oil as a decongestant and it is among the many plants toxic to cats, but is eucalyptus safe for cats doggies! To concentrate their `` active '' compounds, so do keep this of! Is rosemary safe for cats ( and maybe even more so ) the oil Paul eucalyptus oil phenols! 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