Their love of water is equaled only by their love of music, and their beautiful songs often draw listeners to the banks of their watery homes. Aither. German name generator . However, it is usually accepted that the Æsir (including Óðinn, Þór and Týr) were warrior gods, while the Vanir (mainly Njörður, Freyja and Freyr) were fertility gods. The Scandinavian Folklore consists of a huge variety of creatures, good or evil, which have frightened people for centuries. [1] [2] [3] It was a key element of Germanic paganism. The Gods, Goddesses, Spirits and legendary characters of Germanic mythology. Hauff published the German fairy tale, The Dwarf Long-Nose, in his collection Fairy Tales and it’s inspired several animated works. Legion, in Christian demonology, this term means “a group of demons”. According to legend, it needed to devour both its burial shroud and body in order to survive. Germanic name derived from atta "father" and wulf "wolf". German God name "Camulos" Britain 'the powerful one' God of war. They were often meant to scare children, but even today they are essential and important to the modern northern society. Also worshipped in Germany. Old German name, short for "Gott" names, especially "Gottfried." Many legendary characters have more than one name. His statue can be found at the Märchenbrunnen in Berlin and he continues to inspire authors and artists to this very day - in fact, he's supposed to have provided J. R. R. Tolkein with inspiration for the character of Gandalf in Lord of the Rings! NERÞUZ f Ancient Germanic, Germanic Mythology Reconstructed Ancient Germanic name derived from ner ("power of life"). In early modern folklore they were connected with fairies. Here is the second list of names inspired by mythology (Greek mythology here). Vili's brother is Odin . Among the most interesting are two charms, the so-called Merseburg Charms, found in a manuscript of c. 900, in alliterating verse. Common Norse Mythology Names for Boys. The second name or the call name was the one by which a person was known. It is the home of beloved German fairy tales with characters such … However, ever since J.R.R. Probably equating with TIWAZ, the name implies one of great strength. Rübezahl is a staple of German folklore and culture. To start, simply click on the button to generate 10 random names. The entity is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting.Dwarfs are sometimes described as short and ugly, although some scholars have questioned whether this is a later development stemming from comical portrayals of the beings. Norse mythology names are listed here to choose for your newborn. example: *lee will match names which end with the sound lee (s) will match exactly one syllable in the pronunciation. Nerthus (1905) by Emil Doepler depicts Nerthus, a Proto-Germanic goddess whose name developed into Njörðr among the North Germanic peoples. Germanic Mythology refers to all of the myths, legends, fantastical stories and tales which primarily originate from Northern Europe. 5. German folktales Germany is located in Central Europe. NORDEMANN: Teutonic name composed of the Germanic elements nord "north" and mann "man," hence "northman." German. Return to the table of contents. Simek, Rudolf (2007) translated by Angela Hall. His best-known work is the Prose Edda, one of the best sources of Germanic mythology still extant. The human sacrifice to the tribal god of the Semnones, described by Tacitus, took place in a sacred grove; other examples of sacred groves include the one in which Nerthus usually resides. These are the kind usually found in Norse Mythology. Old English form directly translates as "shining day". German Folklore as "Collective National Identity" The Grimm brothers were not only interested in history, but in uniting a disparate Germany into one country. Fairies in mythology are not always benevolent creatures. It includes Norse mythology, Anglo-Saxon mythology, and Continental Germanic mythology.1 It was a key element of Germanic paganism. Old German name, short for "Gott" names, especially "Gottfried." Probably equating with TIWAZ, the name implies one of great strength. In the 1890's, something changed in the way common Scandinavians saw themselves and their culture. "Gunnloed" German: Teutonic earth Mother who looks after wisdom, creativity, fertility, health and protection. The Dwarf Long-Nose. This name generator will generate 10 random German names. For the full alphabetical list of alternative names, check out Godchecker's list of Germanic deity names. They are commonly depicted as two different types: Small nature spirits affiliated with the fairy. Wilhelm Hauff was a German folklore author who enjoyed sharing his translated Arabic tales. There is also a horror movie of the same name. It shares many characteristics with Scandinavian folklore and English folklore due to their origins in a common Germanic mythology. Gott -names - In the era of Pietism (17th/18th century) it was popular to create German male names with Gott (God) plus a pious adjective. Snorri Sturlason (1179-1241) was an Icelandic political leader and writer. Lorelei, ... Read More. This article contains a comprehensive list of Germanic deities outside the numerous Germanic Matres and Matronae inscriptions from the 1st to 5th century CE. This first name was usually repeated across families. Dark Fairy Girl Names. His name means “Lord” (compare Old English Frea), but Freyr had other names as well; he was called Yngvi or Yngvi-Freyr, and this name suggests that he was the eponymous father of the north Germans whom Tacitus calls Ingvæones (Ingævones). Drude. The category includes Norse mythology, Anglo-Saxon mythology, and Continental Germanic mythology. It is also an older form of the Old Norse (masculine) name NJǪRÐR. According to folklore, ... he was found wandering naked on all fours through a German forest. Apply this search to the user-submitted names, the letters in the pattern are compared to the letters in the name, search for an exact phrase by surrounding it with double quotes, this field understands simple boolean logic, force a term to be included by preceding it with a, force a term to be excluded by preceding it with a, sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations, syllables can only be counted in names that have been assigned pronunciations, names without pronunciations are excluded from results, the "relationship" is how the name relates to its parent name, name impressions are based on the ratings left by the community. German God name "Irmin" Germanic: The mythical founder of the Hermiones tribe, son of Mannus, war god, Germanic God name "Irmin" Germanic: war god. Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Kukudh, this is a very good name for a demon, it comes from Albanian mythology. The second name or the call name was the one by which a person was known. Goddess name "Hulda" German: Goddess of marriage and fecundity, who sent bridegrooms to maidens and children to the married. Germanic religion and mythology - Germanic religion and mythology - Beliefs, practices, and institutions: Sacrifice often was conducted in the open or in groves and forests. One of the most advanced countries in the modern world in terms of science, technology and culture, Germany is home to … The nachzehrer, also known as a shroud eater, is a type of German vampire which features prominently in the folklore of Germany’s northern region. Germanic culture extended, at various times, from the Black Sea to Greenland, or even the North The complete alphabetical list of Germanic Gods and Goddess names. 49. Whether you've got a girl or a boy, Norse mythology has a great name for you. BRÜNHILD f German (Rare), Germanic Mythology Derived from the Germanic elements brun "armour, protection" and hild "battle". We have 25 individual gods listed in the Germanic pantheon of gods and spirits. Germanic religion and mythology - Germanic religion and mythology - Freyr: Much more is told of Freyr, the son of Njörd. This Section contains an overview of Germanic Mythology – Germanic Gods and Goddesses – German Legend and Folklore. ... Lorelei is the name of a spirit and the big rock in the Rhine River on which she sits. She was the wife of Njord and then of … At this time, "Germany" was more of a conglomeration of about 200 different kingdoms and principalities. The pantheon of Greek and Roman deities, such as Orion and Apollo, and other figures from Irish, Norse, African, Hindu, and other myths and legends can provide an abundant source of audacious baby names, all combining deep history with not-heard-in-a-long … We have tried to collect as many Holy Aliases as possible. An Alruna-wife was the household-goddess. Gott -names - In the era of Pietism (17th/18th century) it was popular to create German male names with Gott (God) plus a pious adjective. German Mythology - Goddess Names. If you include nicknames, official titles and honorifics, some gods have hundreds of names! Mythology baby names for girls can impart both tradition and strength to a child. names without pronunciations are excluded from results * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation. Saxons, Goths, and Norsemen would all be considered Germanic peoples in the modern world and each of these cultures, as well as many others, have contributed to Germanic Mythological Lore in some way or another. Germanic Mythology refers to all of the myths, legends, fantastical stories and tales which primarily originate from Northern Europe. In Norse legend Brynhildr was the queen of the Valkyries who was rescued by the hero Sigurd. Lorlei. 47. Skadi: Skadi was the mountain giant in the Norse mythology. Agatha (Greek for "good woman." Aither is the personification of … Agatha Harkness is a witch in Marvel comics.) According to legend, it needed to devour both its burial shroud and body in order to survive. Find some unique German names for your baby girl in the list that we have curated below. Female demons or sorceresses, mothers of the Huns in ancient Germany. Norse Mythology, also known as the Scandinavian mythology, is a body of myths of the North Germanic people. The Mahr is a creature connected with night terrors – in fact the name itself translates into English as ‘mare’ (as in nightmare). Leipzig 1905, S. 832. Krampus, this demon name comes from Germanic Christian demonology. Among the most interesting are two charms, the so-called Merseburg Charms, found in a manuscript of c. 900, in alliterating verse. German God name "Irmin" Germanic: The mythical founder of the Hermiones tribe, son of Mannus, war god, Germanic God name "Irmin" Germanic: war god. This mythical creature would appear in the dreams of men and women but prefers to disturb women more. Belinda (German/Spanish word for "pretty one" or "serpent" or "beautiful snake." Drude is also part of German mythology and the origin of these creatures is still unknown to … Spirit name "Butze" German: A household spirit. Germanic mythology consists of the body of myths native to the Germanic peoples. Astara. Nerthus (1905) by Emil Doepler depicts Nerthus, a Proto-Germanic goddess whose name developed into Njörðr among the North Germanic peoples Germanic mythology consists of the body of myths native to the Germanic peoples. Tolkein's fantasy novels which included elves became popular, elves have become more popular and tend to lean more towards the latter type. Saxons, Goths, and Norsemen would all be considered Germanic peoples in the modern world and each of these cultures, as well as many others, have contributed to Germanic Mythological Lore in some way or another. It was a goblin like creature that would sit on the chest of its victims while they slept to cause them discomfort. 101 Most Popular Norse Mythology Names With Meanings Pronunciation : case sensitive: see the pronunciation key for a guide on how to write the sounds; sounds can only be searched in names that have been assigned pronunciations * is a wildcard that will match zero or more letters in the pronunciation example: *lee matches names which end with the sound lee _ is a wildcard that will match exactly one letter in the pronunciation Baby names inspired by myth and legend are on the rise, inspired by the use of mythological names for boys in the Hunger Games series. German names follow the same system as most western countries, which is the use of a first name followed by a surname that is passed down from generation to generation, and, in many cases, through marriage. Together with various dialects, Old Norse was used in many regions, including present territories of Scandinavian countries, Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales, Isle of Man, Normandy and Vinland. Discover beautiful first names with a germanic mythology origin and learn all there is to know about their meaning! German Spirit name "Buschweiber" German: Forest-spirits aka "Wild-maidens". Goddess name "Hulda" German: Goddess of marriage and fecundity, who sent bridegrooms to maidens and children to the married. List of Norse Mythology Baby Names. Kore, this demon name comes from Albanian mythology. Mythical & Folklore Names Abatwa - Said to be the tiniest creatures of human form in existence, these little people coexist peacefully with the ants in the anthills of Southern Africa and live on their foragings from the roots of grasses and other plants. Finnur Jónsson (1913:110) suggests a Njörðr connection, Magnússon (1989:671) suggests Njörðr and Nerio. Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon, Band 2. 48. Nix (singular: Neck; feminine: Nixie) are spirits who dwell in quiet rivers and lakes in England, Germany, and Scandinavia. It is cognate with the Old Norse name Brynhildr (from the elements bryn and hildr). Tjodolv is Tjodolv of Kvin, an Old Norse poet. This 55-minute Advanced story is an epic tale of a boy who becomes a dwarf after falling under the spell of a woman at the market. Germanic deities are attested from numerous sources, including works of literature, various chronicles, runic inscriptions, personal names, place names, and other sources. This is probably why Alptraum is the word for nightmare in German which if translated literally would mean Alp dream. Name List. Norse mythology consists of a few main characters who take on a lot of roles. Hauff published the German fairy tale, The Dwarf Long-Nose, in his collection Fairy Tales and it’s inspired several animated works. German folklore is the folk tradition which has developed in Germany over a number of centuries. Other than manipulating dreams, they like to sit on the people that they are disturbing. In Germanic folklore, including Germanic mythology, a dwarf is an entity that dwells in mountains and in the earth. These names are related to fairies, witches and other spirits that have darker connotations. The Visigoths brought the name to the Iberian Peninsula, where it entered into the royal families of Spain and Portugal. 1 Origins 2 Sources 3 Mythology 3.1 Cosmology 3.2 Deities 3.3 Legendary creatures 4 Legacy 5 References As the Germanic languages developed from Proto-Indo-European language, Germanic … Germany is a country in west Europe, and is the most populous country in Europe with its 82 million people. German "Bumann" German: A bogeyman of an undefined nature. From the Gothic name Athanareiks, derived from the Germanic element athana meaning "year" combined with ric meaning "ruler, mighty". Over time the word elf, as w… Norse mythology names often inspire Norwegian baby names because of their short, strong nature. FERDINAND m German, French, Dutch, English, Slovak, Czech, Slovene, Croatian, Ancient Germanic From Ferdinando, the old Spanish form of a Germanic name composed of the elements fardi "journey" and nand "daring, brave". They are supernatural beings in Germanic mythology and folklore, elves were first attested in Old English and Old Norse texts and are prominent in British and Scandinavian folklore. The pantheon of Greek and Roman deities, such as Athena and Luna, along with figures from Celtic, Irish, Norse, Hindu and other classic myths and legends can provide an abundant source of audacious options, all combining deep history with not-heard-in-a-long-time freshness. In Germanic paganism, the indigenous religion of the ancient Germanic peoples who inhabited Germanic Europe, there were a number of different gods and goddesses. Germanic religion and mythology, complex of stories, lore, and beliefs about the gods and the nature of the cosmos developed by the Germanic-speaking peoples before their conversion to Christianity. : Goddess name "Hel" Germanic / Nordic / Icelandic: Chthonic underworld goddess. Examples: Goethe's Götz von Berlichingen and the German actor Götz George . Names Inspired by Germanic Mythology. folklore translate: die Volkskunde. Germanic religion and mythology - Germanic religion and mythology - German and English vernacular sources: Learned sources, such as those just mentioned, may be supplemented by a few written in vernacular in continental Germany and England. This is the name of a Germanic earth goddess. 45. With modernization, these patterns have drifted and as German emigrants who settled in America anglicized their names and more of American versions of German names could be seen. German folklore is the folk tradition which has developed in Germany over a number of centuries. Elf, plural Elves, in Germanic folklore, originally, a spirit of any kind, later specialized into a diminutive creature, usually in tiny human form.In the Prose, or Younger, Edda, elves were classified as light elves (who were fair) and dark elves (who were darker than pitch); these classifications are roughly equivalent to the Scottish seelie court and unseelie court. 46. In ancient Greece, Aither was one of the primordial deities. The Alps are creatures that appear in nightmares in the middle of the night. Wilhelm Hauff was a German folklore author who enjoyed sharing his translated Arabic tales. Gods are often known by several names. Illustration of Hansel and Gretel, a well-known German folktale from the Brothers Grimm, by Arthur Rackham, 1909. This was the language of Norse sagas – telling magical stories about Scandinavian and Germanic history, Viking voyages a battles, Norse mythology and paganism. This first name was usually repeated across families. Alp Wikimedia. The nachzehrer, also known as a shroud eater, is a type of German vampire which features prominently in the folklore of Germany’s northern region. Germanic religion and mythology, complex of stories, lore, and beliefs about the gods and the nature of the cosmos developed by the Germanic-speaking peoples before their conversion to Christianity. This tradition keeps modifying based on circumstances, but basics remain the same. German Torgau District Spirit name "Bullkater" German: A field-spirit resembling a tom-cat. This tradition keeps modifying based on circumstances, but basics remain the same. The term Germanic mythology includes Norse, Anglo-Saxon and Continental Germanic mythology; these branches contain multiple overlapping deities and creatures, and I joined them into one post. About: Germany is a country with a long and rich tradition in folklore, with stories many know and love. In mythology, this is the name of the progenitor of the human race. Old Saxon Baptismal Vow, Old English royal genealogies, Proposed as related to "cow," "bean," or "bee. Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificum, Sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology, Mythological Norse people, items and places,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total. Creatures found in the legends and folktales of German-speaking countries such as Germany, Austria or Switzerland.. Subcategories. Old Norse form is contested. This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 16:27. These are the kind usually found in Celtic Mythology. Alrunes The Alrunes were the Lares or Penates of the ancient Germans. Germanic culture extended, at various times, from the Black Sea to Greenland, or even the North (Gives her name to Friday, as the Germanic equivalent of Venus). Elves are humanoid beings which originate from Germanic mythology and English folklore. In Germanic paganism, the indigenous religion of the ancient Germanic peoples … ", Possibly "the famous" or "the victorious". Find some unique German names for your baby girl in the list that we have curated below. This is a list of Germanic deities that are in Norse mythology.Divided between the Æsir and the Vanir, and sometimes including the jötnar (giants), the dividing line between these groups is less than clear. 1327 German Baby Boy Names With Meanings Germans observe their naming pattern and culture as with many other countries and traditions. German and English vernacular sources Learned sources, such as those just mentioned, may be supplemented by a few written in vernacular in continental Germany and England. Examples: Goethe's Götz von Berlichingen and the German actor Götz George . In fact, the cause of people having nightmares in German and Swedish folklore was attributed to the Mahr.As you can see, the Germanic culture has had its fair share of crazy and scary monsters throughout its long history. Athanaric was a 4th-century ruler of the Visigoths. ATHAULF m Ancient Germanic. Germanic mythology consists of the body of myths native to the Germanic peoples.The category includes Norse mythology, Anglo-Saxon mythology, and Continental Germanic mythology. A different race of humanoids who are human-sized and occaisionally interact with them. Learn more in the Cambridge English-German Dictionary. 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