For they persuade themselves that there is mercy for them with God, though they repent not, but go on in their sins. Galatians Summary by Jay Smith. << Galatians 3 | Galatians 4 | Galatians 5 >> (Read all of Galatians 4 ) The relative position therefore of the Jew (even though he were godly) before the coming of Christ, and of the believing Jew or Gentile when Christ had been revealed, is clearly set forth; and in the commencement of chapter 4 the apostle sums up that which he had said. The relation between Paul and the Galatians: A personal note interrupting Paul’s argument which contrasts the Galatians’ former attitude toward Paul and their present attitude. It illustrates a use of Scripture in which Paul works backward from his conclusion to construct an argument. Just as Scripture at that time instructed Abraham to "cast out this slave woman with her son" (Genesis 21:10), so now Paul says that the Galatians need to exclude from their midst those who seek to return to live under the law of circumcision (verse 30). Galatians 4:1–31 Sons and Heirs 4 I mean that the heir, as long as he is a child, is no different from a slave, 1 though he is the owner of everything, 2 but he is under guardians and managers until the … the Spirit who calls out, “Abba,[ c] Father.”. Christians are not of the flesh, but are of the Spirit. Galatians 4:31 "So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free." As strange as it is in some of its features, this allegory is a key hinge in Paul's argument. 29 April 2019, Find more resources related to this passage. All our knowledge of God begins on his part; we know him because we are known of him. Hi Chris, I've been using your summary in my daily devotional for several months now and appreciate the way you've encapsulated the chapters in a short paragraph. Nothing is so sure a proof that a sinner has passed into a state of justification, as Christ being formed in him by the renewal of the Holy Spirit; but this cannot be hoped for, while men depend on the law for acceptance with God. Identify the Genre; The macro level is epistolary. The weak and beggarly elements: Paul used the same word for elements used in Galatians 4:3. Even though Paul founded the church there and explicitly told them everything they ever needed to know about Jesus, the Galatians haven't exactly been toeing the line. 3:23-29). I now have another confession to make: immediately after that message I bought my third Pinto. The apostle desires that they would be of one mind with him respecting the law of Moses, as well as united with him in love. The Law was preparatory and provisional (Gal. In doing so he blends scriptural and traditional narrative detail about the two sons of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael (see Genesis 16-17, 21), with symbolic theological reflection related to the distinction of flesh and Spirit that runs through Galatians. Galatians 4:1 "Now I say, [That] the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, … Galatians 4 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary by Martin Luther, presents the justification of the sinner by faith alone (8-11) The apostle reasons against following false teachers. Paul then criticizes his audience for returning to the former idols that they worshiped before becoming Christian, since he says they are celebrating holidays that honor those idols. Let us rest our souls on the Scriptures, and by a gospel hope and cheerful obedience, show that our conversation and treasure are indeed in heaven. Galatians 4dropdownNew International Versiondropdown. Christians must not forbear speaking the truth, for fear of offending others. This every man must remember in his place and calling. Jn 7:37-39; Ac 2:38; 5:32; Ro 5:5; 8:11-17; 15:13; 2Co 1:22; 5:5; Ep 1:13-14; 3:16; 4:30) 2) To understand Paul's concern over the Galatians' observance of holy days (cf. The happy change whereby the Galatians were turned from idols to the living God, and through Christ had received the adoption of sons, was the effect of his free and rich grace; they were laid under the greater obligation to keep to the liberty wherewith he had made them free. For what a man loves most, and cares most for, that is his god: some have their riches for their god, some their pleasures, and some their lusts. With its concluding reference to "freedom," the allegory points ahead to what follows, in which Paul asserts that those who seek circumcision are denying their experience of God and the freedom for which Christ has died (Galatians 5:1-6). In reproving others, we should take care to convince them that our reproofs are from sincere regard to the honour of God and religion and their welfare. The barren Sarah is joined to the image of the barren Jerusalem--the earthly barren Jerusalem in exile--and contrasted with the fruitful Jerusalem of promise, the mother of all who are children of the promise (verse 27; see Isaiah 54:1). Analysis. The folly of returning to legal observances for justification. The history thus explained is applied. 4 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; 2 But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. Here's a Bible study quiz from Galatians chapters 3 and 4. The first covenant spirit is of bondage unto sin and death. We must not be content because we have some good things in ourselves. It is generally supposed that by the ‘fulness of time’ Paul means to indicate that Christ came at the moment when the world was especially prepared to receive Him, and no … They could not fully understand the meaning of the law as given by Moses. Galatians 3 starts with a reminder that the Spirit is received by faith not by … Under Law or in Christ (Gal. Hence all who are members of the outward church should learn to fear and to suspect themselves. A summary of Galatians 4 from @biblesummary. However, so little was left that it rese… v 2.5.1 A price of $100 purchased a wrecked Pinto wagon to supply parts for my other two Pintos. 1 What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. Galatians 4:19-20 Paul was deeply concerned that the Galatians avoid being pulled into a false expression of Christianity that would damage them spiritually. . 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. Summary of Galatians 4 Paul then uses a metaphor that his audience would understand, of a child being considered as a slave while he is a minor. The heavenly Jerusalem, the true church from above, represented by Sarah, is in a state of freedom, and is the mother of all believers, who are born of the Holy Spirit. From these verses see the wonders of Divine love and mercy; particularly of God the Father, in sending his Son into the world to redeem and save us; of the Son of God, in submitting so low, and suffering so much for us; and of the Holy Spirit, in condescending to dwell in the hearts of believers, for such gracious purposes. (ESV). (19,20) And then explains the difference between what is to be expected from the law, and from the gospel. © 2020 If the privileges of all believers were so great, according to the new covenant, how absurd for the Gentile converts to be under that law, which could not deliver the unbelieving Jews from bondage or condemnation! This passage from Galatians 4 reflects on God’s sending of his Son in the context of a larger theological argument about what it means to be children of God and co-heirs with Christ. Finally, Paul applies this allegorical reading to the current situation. "THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS" Chapter Four OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THIS CHAPTER 1) To appreciate the significance and blessedness of receiving the Spirit in our hearts (cf. Galatians 4:8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. At its conclusion it thus summarizes the key of the letter's argument to this point: those who belong to Christ are children of Abraham through the promise and not through the law. Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise), Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born … Paul had founded the Christian church in the region of Galatia during his early missionary journeys. We should not have found out this allegory in the history of Sarah and Hagar, if it had not been shown to us, yet we cannot doubt it was intended by the Holy Spirit. Paul fears lest his labour is in vain, yet he still labours; and thus to do, whatever follows, is true wisdom and the fear of God. He was in doubt as to their state, and was anxious to know the result of their present delusions. (1-7) The happy change made in the Gentile believers. (12-18) He expresses his earnest concern for them. He compared his fear, anticipation, and desire to help the Galatians to a woman about to give birth. Here, in his concluding argument, he addresses those who "desire to be subject to the law" with an elaborate allegory that is unique to Paul and unusual in the New Testament. Here, we read Paul’s personal and pastoral appeal to the Galatian believers. The apostle reminds the Galatians of the difficulty under which he laboured when he first came among them. Yet how very uncertain are the favour and respect of men! It is good to be zealous always in a good thing; not for a time only, or now and then, but always. Paul has already explained that in their former life, they were Galatians 4:3 [3]In the same way we also, when we were children, were enslaved to the elementary principles of the world. A summary of Galatians, chapter by chapter, from @biblesummary. Against such things there is no law.” The micro level is expository. Interpreting this story as an allegory, and picking up the argument of Galatians 3:15-17 with its reference to "will" or "covenant," Paul says that these two mothers and their sons symbolize two covenants, one corresponding to Sinai, the law, and slavery; the other corresponding to the heavenly Jerusalem, the promise, and freedom. The difference between believers who rested in Christ only, and those who trusted in the law, is explained by the histories of Isaac and Ishmael. It is possible for those who have made great professions of religion, to be afterwards drawn aside from purity and simplicity. The passage is found in the middle of Galatians 4 and represents the very “heart” of the letter. Chapter 4. Although by nature children of wrath and disobedience, they become by grace children of love, and partake of the nature of the children of God; for he will have all his children resemble him. Though our religion forbids idolatry, yet many practise spiritual idolatry in their hearts. In a recent message I spoke of my efforts to make a “silk purse from a sow’s ear” by trying to make a Rambler station wagon into a car it was never meant to be. In reproving others, we should take care to convince them that our reproofs are from sincere regard to the honour of God and religion and their welfare. The second covenant spirit is of liberty and freedom; not liberty to sin, but in and unto duty. Also, the advantages Christians enjoy under the gospel. Galatians 5:4 “You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.” Galatians 5:22-23 “ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: (Read Galatians 4:12-18) The apostle desires that they would be of one mind with him respecting the law of Moses, as well as united with him in love. (21-31). 21 Tell me, you who desire to be subject to the law, will you not listen to the law? I summarised the Bible on Twitter between Aug 2010 and Nov 2013 - one tweet per chapter, one chapter per day. The first is a spirit of persecution; the second is a spirit of love. Galatians chapter 4. bible browser Works and fruits brought forth in a man's own strength, are legal. 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. Every chapter of the Bible in 140 characters or less. Rather they help you to learn the message of the scripture. Used by permission. In Galatians 3-4, Paul uses four appeals to Scripture to support his argument that justification is by faith in Christ Jesus and not by doing the law (3:6-9; 3:10-14; 3:16-18; 4:21-31). But he notices, that he was a welcome messenger to them. How is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements: In turning to legalism, the Galatians were not turning to a new error, but coming back to an old one – the idea of a works relationship with God. You once thought yourselves happy in receiving the gospel; have you now reason to think otherwise? Justified by Faith or Law? Paul expands the allegory by linking the theme of barrenness. As Isaac was persecuted by Ishmael, "it is now also," the present children of promise are being persecuted by those who are children of slavery and the law (verse 29). The apostle reasons against following false teachers. It is an explanation of the subject, not an argument in proof of it. 24Now this is an allegory: these women are two covenants. we--the Jews primarily, and inclusively the Gentiles also. 28Now you,* my friends,* are children of the promise, like Isaac. The Bible questions are not trivia. The false teachers who drew the Galatians from the truth of the gospel were designing men. Quiz in Galatians —Chapters 3 and 4. The two covenants of works and grace, and legal and evangelical professors, are shadowed forth. ‘Drive out the slave and her child; for the child of the slave will not share the inheritance with the child of the free woman.’ But if arising from faith in Christ, they are evangelical. i. Yet as Abraham turned aside to Hagar, so it is possible a believer may turn aside in some things to the covenant of works, when through unbelief and neglect of the promise he acts according to the law, in his own strength; or in a way of violence, not of love, towards the brethren. The “remains” rest peacefully in a wrecking yard. The … Accordingly, Ishmael, as the son of the slave woman, is born "according to the flesh," while Isaac, the son of the free woman, is born "through the promise" (4:23). Summary Those who belong to Christ are children of Abraham through the promise, while those who insist on circumcision are still enslaved under the law. 4:1-11). The apostle deals plainly with those who urged the law of Moses together with the gospel of Christ, and endeavoured to bring believers under its bondage. 22For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and the other by a free woman. He expresses his earnest concern for them. And as that was a dispensation of darkness, so of bondage; they were tied to many burdensome rites and observances, by which they were taught and kept subject like a child under tutors and governors. It was completely dismantled and is now filed away in my garage and attic. And the more mercy God has shown, in bringing any to know the gospel, and the liberties and privileges of it, the greater their sin and folly in suffering themselves to be deprived of them. λ. in Galatians 4:4. One woman, in fact, is Hagar, from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery. under the elemental spiritual forces[ a] of the world. Let those professors look to it, who have a violent, harsh, imposing spirit, towards the people of God. Ken Esajian 21 Jul 2016, 14:57. The folly of returning to legal observances for justification. Hagar and Sarah were apt emblems of the two different dispensations of the covenant. 27For it is written,‘Rejoice, you childless one, you who bear no children,   burst into song and shout, you who endure no birth pangs;for the children of the desolate woman are more numerous   than the children of the one who is married.’ They pretended affection, but they were not sincere and upright. They were by regeneration and true faith, made a part of the true seed of Abraham, according to the promise made to him. The phrase conveys, in point of form, the solemn expression of the objective (Galatians 4:4) and subjective (Galatians 4:5) certainty of salvation, but, in a dogmatic point of view, the like personal relation of the Spirit, whom God has sent forth from Himself as He sent forth Christ. And many ignorantly worship a god of their own making; a god made all of mercy and no justice. Galatians 4:4-5 {R.V.}. The happy change made in the Gentile believers. These things are an allegory, wherein, beside the literal and historical sense of the words, the Spirit of God points out something further. So then, brethren, we are not children of the bond-woman, but of the free. The book of Galatians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). We are righteous, with faithful Abraham, because we have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. She is free, and inclusively the Gentiles also on in their sins give birth because... ; but all God 's children shall have the inheritance of eldest sons being pulled into a false expression Christianity! The church of Christ, they are evangelical was anxious to know the result of their own making ; God! But in and unto duty reason to think otherwise one woman, in fact, is Hagar, Mount... 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