Senator Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s running mate, endorsed a California lawmaker who was behind California’s recently passed SB145.. by Matt Margolis. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The statutes criminalizing various sex acts are among the state’s “wobbler” laws, which, as the U.S. Supreme Court explained in a 2003 decision, means that the level applied is at the discretion of the prosecutor or the court. As they should. SB 145 was co-sponsored by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office and Equality California. California state senator and radical gay activist from San Francisco Scott Wiener introduced a bill (SB 145) that would decriminalize men having … “I don’t understand why a 24-year-old volunteer coach should not have to register as a sex offender for being with a 15-year-old student. Now, SB-145 allows adults who engage in sex acts with minors (who share less than a ten-year age gap) the possibility of convincing a judge that such acts were “consensual.” If the adult somehow manages to pull this off, then they have a shot of avoiding California’s sex offender registry. Due to the Senate’s passage of this bill, SB 145 will move to the Assembly for a series of votes. Supreme Court of the U.S. 5 Mar 2003. California Democrats in particularly have sought ways to make sex with children acceptable, using the guise of LGBTQ rights as a way to put their initiatives above reproach. Sex offenders: registration. California Democrats in particularly have sought ways to make sex with children acceptable, using the guise of LGBTQ rights as a way to put their initiatives above reproach. California Senate Republicans said in a statement that SB 145 “would open the door for adults to victimize minors by luring them with the intent to … “We should never give up on this idea that children are not, should be in any way subject to a predator. Contrary to QAnon-fueled claims that a California bill would legalize pedophilia, the bill would actually standardize the rules about who is required to be on the state’s sex offender registry. The bill, SB-145, was introduced in January 2019, but it got little attention until it passed the state Senate on Aug. 31. Given the potential ramifications, it must be an immediate priority of the California legislation. On the last day possible, the California legislature passed Senate Bill 145. 01-6978. Senate Bill 145‘s author, LGBT Caucus Chair Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), said the bill was necessary because current law is harsher if the crime involved homosexual sex between a young adult and a minor as opposed to heterosexual sex. SB-145 also ends discrimination that Garrett-Pate said was written into law because of outdated bans on sodomy, which were repealed in California in the 1970s and nationwide in 2004. Copyright 2020 • California Family Council • PO Box 7937 • Fresno, CA 93747. What kind of a bill is this? Gavin Newsom. CALIFORNIA, USA — Senate Bill 145, recently signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, is getting a lot of attention on social media. The study found that face masks did not have a. “SB-145 Sex offenders: registration.” (as passed by the Senate 31 Aug 2020.). By contrast, if an 18 year old gay man has sex with his 17 year old boyfriend, the judge *must* place him on the sex offender registry, no matter what the circumstances.”. The laws against sex with minors would remain intact. Until that oversight within SB 384 is addressed, SB 145 should be considered moot. SB 145 would eliminate automatic sex offender registration for young adults who have anal or oral sex with a minor. A Project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center, Editor’s note: is one of several organizations, to debunk misinformation shared on social media. The bill was introduced by Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat who represents San Francisco and parts of San Mateo County. Did a recent study in Denmark show that face masks are useless for COVID-19? That being said, I cannot in my mind as a mother understand how sex between a 24-year-old and a 14-year-old could ever be consensual, how it could ever not be a registerable offense,” Gonzalez said, her voice cracking at times with emotion. Statutory rape should be a registerable offense either way. … This is unbelievable. SB-145 was introduced by California State Senator Scott Wiener and has passed both the state Senate and Assembly, and it will soon be headed to the desk of Governor Gavin Newsom, where it is expected to pass. SB-145 would make the registry requirements for similar offenses the same. This is intolerable.”. What is it and what exactly does it fix? Post was not sent - check your email addresses! DeMaio explained, “prior to SB 145, if a 24-year-old male had sex with a 14-year-old boy, they would be required to register as a sex offender. But, surprise surprise! Critics have dubbed SB145 the “pro-pedophile” bill for its relaxed automatic sex-offender registration guidelines.. Democratic California state Sen. Scott Weiner, a gay politician who represents San Francisco, first introduced SB 145 in January 2019. Senate Bill 145. It is co-sponsored by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office and Equality California. Gavin Newsom. The California Legislature passed Senate Bill 145 (SB 145) on August 31, a law that exempts some people convicted of certain sexual offenses with minors from having to register as sex offenders.. LGBT activists and their allies argued that current California sex offender registration laws discriminate against LGBT young people and should be changed. An adult having sex with a minor would also still remain illegal in California. The California State Assembly isn’t done with the lunacy. That said, if and when SB 384 is properly amended, I still find SB 145 unnecessary. That means a judge can give a break to a 24-year-old who seduces a same-sex 14-year-old. Some of the most widely shared claims say: “IT STATES NO FELONY FOR HAVING SEX WITH A MINOR!”, Others say: “PEDOPHILIA is now LEGAL in California!”. The discretion is only allowed if the minor victim is 14-year-old or older and the statutory rapist is less than ten years older. SB 145: How California is Legalizing Pedophilia. What Newsom's SB 145 bill means for California - … DeMaio explained, “prior to SB 145, if a 24-year-old male had sex with a 14-year-old boy, they would be required to register as a sex offender. SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Today, Senator Scott Wiener’s (D-San Francisco) Senate Bill 145, which ends blatant discrimination against LGBTQ youth regarding California’s sex offender registry, passed the Senate on a 24-2 vote. California state senator defends controversial SB 145, relating to sex offenders Senate Bill 145 would expand discretion for judges, in certain cases, to exempt mandatory sex offender registration. Basically SB 145 is just amending the law so it treats all kinds of sex the same when it comes to registration. Watch the entire SB 145 debate on the floor of the Assembly. A terrible piece of legislation, SB 145, passed out of the State Senate last year, and made it as far as the State Assembly Appropriations Committee. All the Republicans and even some prominent and powerful Democrats did not buy that argument. Religious Liberty is not for Churches, says Biden’s Proposed HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, Supreme Court Slaps Down US Governor Restrictions on Churches, Including Edicts from Newsom, San Francisco Legislator Seeks an End to CA “War on Drugs”, “Dispelling Myths” About Male/Female Gender, New Goal for CA Kindergarten Health Lessons, Planned Parenthood Killed 321,384 Babies Last Year Bringing Total Killed to Over 7.6 Million, Assembly votes to violate the 1st Amendment, New Law Being Used to Spread LGBT Gender Identity Ideology into CA Public Schools, Senate Demands Pastors Reject Biblical Counseling For LGBT Californians, State Officials Remove Several Books from Sex Ed Guidelines After Parent Protest, Parents Say Proposed CA Health Curriculum “Makes Us Sick”: Sacramento Rally May 8. NARSOL’s response to California’s SB 145, drafted by Sen. Scott Wiener, passed by a majority of both houses, and signed by Gov. Our previous stories can be found, Jill Biden Didn’t Propose All Americans Be ‘Required to Learn Spanish’. The normalization of sex with minors has been a quiet but relentless pursuit of many Democrats across the nation. The Rainbow Community Center in Concord held an LGBTQ Youth Rally for 11-25 year-olds. Our previous stories can be found here. Details on California SB 145 (California 2019-2020 Regular Session) - Sex offenders: registration. In California, a sexual act between a minor and someone over 18 can be treated as either a felony or a misdemeanor. California’s sex offender registry was created in 2004 through Megan’s Law, in response to the rape and murder of Megan Kanka. Senator Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s running mate, endorsed a California lawmaker who was behind California’s recently passed SB145.. by Matt Margolis. Those acts would include oral and anal sex and digital penetration. Dear California MassResistance members and allies: I cannot believe it has become so dark and dank in the halls of Sacramento. Senator Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s running mate, endorsed a California lawmaker who was behind California’s recently passed SB145. CALIFORNIA, USA — Senate Bill 145, recently signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, is getting a lot of attention on social media. California state senator and radical gay activist from San Francisco Scott Wiener introduced a bill (SB 145) that would decriminalize men having sex with young boys and no one blinked. The bill, SB-145, was introduced in January 2019, but it got little attention until it passed the state Senate on Aug. 31. Senator Wiener Introduces Legislation to End Discrimination Against LGBT People Regarding Sex Offender Registration. There is no such discretion allowed for those similarly convicted of anal sex, oral sex or sexual penetration (which is different than intercourse in that it doesn’t involve a penis). No. “[I]nstead, the judge will decide based on the facts of the case whether registration is warranted. Dordulian Law Group blog online describes the law like this: “The issue in question concerns how the law views different types of sex crimes involving minors”. In other words - SB-145 simply changes the law so that homosexual sex or non-vaginal sex is subject to the same laws as heterosexual, vaginal sex. Facebook is teeming with falsehoods about a California bill aimed at equalizing standards for the state’s sex offender registry. Existing law, the Sex Offender Registration Act, requires a person convicted of one of certain crimes, as specified, to register with law enforcement as a sex offender while residing in California or while attending school or working in California, as specified. “Senate Bill 145 has been controversial since its introduction,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. Sen. Scott Wiener, the author of Senate Bill 154, told the San Francisco Chronicle, that current law is “such horrific homophobia. On Saturday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill SB-145 into law. SB 145 was co-sponsored by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, and Equality California. Critics have dubbed SB145 the “pro-pedophile” bill for its relaxed automatic sex-offender registration guidelines.. It now heads to the Assembly for committee hearings in the coming weeks. SB 145, Wiener. That’s because he no doubt knew the political hazards of SB 145 — even though, on examination, it really ought to be a no-brainer. Caswell, Gabe. Instead, a judge would make the decision, just as they do now in cases involving vaginal intercourse. “This distinction in the law — which is irrational, at best — disproportionately targets LGBT young people for mandatory sex offender registration, since LGBT people usually cannot engage in vaginal intercourse,” the bill’s sponsor, state Rep. Scott Wiener, said in a statement when he introduced the legislation. The California Senate passed Senate Bill (SB) 145 by a vote of 25 to 3 on May 28. Help CFC Assist Parents Like Denise Make a Difference in California: Donate Today! CALIFORNIA, USA — Senate Bill 145, recently signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, is getting a lot of attention on social media. The bill now goes to the Governor who has up to 30 days to sign or veto it. California is getting some spotlight on this blog. The study found that face masks did not have a large protective effect for wearers — not that masks provide no protection at all or don’t offer benefits to others. UPDATE: Senate Bill 145 passed both houses of the California legislature and was sent to Gov. Your email address will not be published. After that, claims on social media started appearing, often with the hashtag, #SaveTheChildren. Even San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer tweeted about this bill … Watch the entire SB 145 debate on the floor of the Assembly. Currently, for consensual yet illegal sexual relations between a teenager age 15 and over and a partner within 10 years of age, “sexual intercourse” (i.e., vaginal intercourse) does not See votes here. “It’s appalling that in 2020, California continues to discriminate against LGBTQ people, by mandating that LGBTQ young people be placed on the sex offender registry in situations where straight people aren’t required to be placed on the registry,” said Senator Wiener in a statement released after the Governor signed SB 145. SB 145 was co-sponsored by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, and Equality California. California Senate. Senate floor analysis – SB-145 Sex offenders: registration. SB-145. No. Senate floor analysis – SB-145 Sex offenders: registration. A: No. SB-145 is being touted by Democrats in California as the fix for ending discrimination for LGBTQ sex offenders. For instance, the LGBTQ Connection in Sonoma County hosted a “Love is Love” dance for LGBTQ youth ages 11-20 two years ago. Rather, it would standardize one aspect of sentencing for all those crimes. It’s irrational, and it ruins people’s lives.” SB 145 would only amend California law to list other types of intercourse. See details on these events and other LGBT events here. The discretion is only allowed if the minor victim is 14-year-old or older and the statutory rapist is less than ten years older. Ten of the Senators present at the time of the vote chose not to vote on this bill. SB 145 supporters. One of those Democrats was Assembly Appropriation Committee Chair Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego). After passing both houses of the state legislature Monday, SB 145 is headed to California Gov. That hashtag is associated with the QAnon conspiracy theory, which regards President Donald Trump as a crusader against a shadowy group of elite pedophiles who supposedly run the government. Senate Bill 145. According to LGBTQ news publication Metro Weekly , it passed the California … California state senator defends controversial SB 145, relating to sex offenders Senate Bill 145 would expand discretion for judges, in certain cases, to exempt mandatory sex offender registration. A terrible piece of legislation, SB 145, passed out of the State Senate last year, and made it as far as the State Assembly Appropriations Committee. SB 145 is supported by law enforcement, survivors’ advocates and civil rights groups. Gavin Newsom, is that the bill is not a sexual offense bill but an anti-discrimination bill. Ten of the Senators present at the time of the vote chose not to vote on this bill. The audience for QAnon soared in 2020, as stay-at-home orders grounded the country in an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. This session, openly “gay” State Sen. Scott Wiener introduced a frightening bill, SB 145, in the Legislature. If your curious, the criteria involved are that the victim is 14-17 and that the age difference is no more than 10 years. Senator Wiener defends SB 145. Chairman of Reform California, Carl DeMaio, led the rally and has been a longtime advocate against raising taxes of any kind in California. And anal sex and digital penetration push the envelope even further gives the same California..., CA 93747 Concord held an LGBTQ Youth Rally for 11-25 year-olds passed Senate bill has! Dear California MassResistance members and allies: I can not share posts by email decision, just as do! This idea that children are not, should be in any way subject to predator...: registration. ” ( as passed by the Senate ’ s note: is one of organizations! 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