This surfer is riding the famous “Pipeline,” or “Pipe,” wave break on O’ahu’s North Shore, one of the most powerful (and dangerous) surf spots in the world. By recreating responsibly, following local regulations, and leaving our sanctuaries and sensitive wildlife unharmed, visitors can practice marine stewardship and ensure that future generations get to enjoy the wonders of the sea. Deep sea research in national marine sanctuaries requires all eight hands on deck – at least for this octopus! Bring out your party hats for this one, folks! Plot. While most orcas are black and white, little is known about the uncommon gray pigment of this youngster. One of the best ways to visit this "Ghost Fleet" is by hopping in a kayak and heading out to the wrecks. Finding new friends in unlikely places! Photo: K. Grosskruetz/NOAA, under NOAA Permit #15240. These mussels take over hard surfaces such as buoys, docks, and submerged archaeological resources, including the shipwrecks in NOAA Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary. A fierce and determined warrior, Kamehameha spent decades navigating tricky alliances and battling powerful chiefs, all in the relentless pursuit to unite and rule the Hawaiian Islands. This year we are introducing a new category, "Sanctuaries at Home," where you can show us your drawings, stewardship activities, attendance at virtual sanctuary events, or any other ways you're connecting to your sanctuaries from home. 2 0. Clue number two: this photo was taken in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Their "wings" help them gracefully swim through the water and churn up sand to expose small mollusks, shrimp, crabs, and other animals to eat. Now those are some eyebrows! During the summer months, whale sharks travel to NOAA's Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary in the Gulf of Mexico to find this favorite food. Your national marine sanctuaries are the perfect place for ocean adventures. The National Marine Sanctuary System protects some of the most iconic underwater places throughout the United States, but we can't do it without you. Happy Bat (Star) Appreciation Day! It's the first day of October and that means it is time for spooky season! Telepresence technology is one way that NOAA and its partners are able to continue conducting research in national marine sanctuaries safely. We’re splashing our way into Whale Week 2020! A weekend well spent exploring NOAA's Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. Buoys allow boaters to enjoy their time out on the water without damaging the coral reef and seagrass bed ecosystems that lie beneath them. Have you ever seen an echinoderm so blue? This sanctuary was originally created to protect the tiny Fagatele Bay, a hotspot for coral biodiversity. You don’t have to be a scuba diver to enjoy the kelp forests of NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary! This boater in NOAA Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary certainly enjoyed an adventure-filled day! This one was spotted swimming in NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. What small beauties have you seen in the tide pools of NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary? Join us in wishing our newest sanctuary a happy 1st birthday! If you're in Hawai‘i – or anywhere else near the ocean – always make sure to give whales and other marine life plenty of space. "Live bottom" is a term used to refer to hard or rocky seafloor that typically supports high numbers of large invertebrates such as sponges, corals and sea squirts. By reducing your use of single-use plastics and leaving no trace when packing up for the day, you can help preserve our beaches and ocean for marine life, and make your visit a more enjoyable one! You don't have to be a scuba diver or a surfer to dive into the wonders of your national marine sanctuaries! Beaks? Us: Hey, wanna hear a joke? Earlier this year, NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary teamed up with Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. Photo: Lindsey Kramer/U.S. Sanctuary Views: Jon Anderson Their surface waters are feeding areas for a wide variety of local and migratory seabirds and marine mammals. Happy Halloween! Here, divers are observing the Ashkhabad tanker remains from the Battle of the Atlantic. This fish gets its name from the 19th-century Italian leader of the same name whose famous army wore flashy red/orange colors into battle. May is Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month! First enacted in 1972, the act has since played a role in preventing marine mammal populations from declining to a point where they are no longer a functioning element in their ecosystems. Learn how you can opt outside at a sanctuary near you. While corals lay down their own stony skeleton, crustose coralline algae crust over and between the structures to help cement them together, forming a reef. We definitely won't be getting too close, though! This southern California sanctuary encompasses 1,470 square miles off of Anacapa, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Miguel, and Santa Rosa islands. Twenty-eight and feeling great! Guillermo Irriguible Loren, Submitted this Experimental fashion video based upon the poem by french surrealist poet Paul Éluard “La Terre est bleue comme une orange”, from his collection of poems “L’Amour la poésie” published in 1929.He shot it on his Leica Leicina Special, with Super8 Kodak Vision3 films and an old Hi8 Sony Handycam. VBR MP3 . Just two sea star friends hanging out in an NOAA Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary tide pool. Dr. Isabella Kauakea Aiona Abbott has been called “the First Lady of Limu.” She was the first Native Hawaiian to earn a doctorate in science, the first female biology professor at Stanford University, and an internationally recognized authority on marine algae, or limu in Hawaiian, bringing unique ancient Hawaiian knowledge to her studies and teachings. Military tanks roll over the dilapidated streets to become the mis-en-scéne for their filmic project, which gradually becomes a poetic testimony of how the cinematic process is more than catharsis. Happy National Candy Cane Day! Keep an eye out for creatures hiding in plain sight on your next trip! Coming through! This is called bleaching, and if it lasts long enough, the corals can die. We encourage women and members of minority groups to apply! Island foxes are only found on California's Channel Islands and nowhere else in the world. “Hey everybody, party at NOAA Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary tonight! These Christmas tree worms are actually a kind of marine worm. Keen-eyed divers can spot them in NOAA's Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, but only if they're looking carefully – though they're bright, these sea slugs are usually no bigger than an inch in length. Why have one sea star in NOAA Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary when you could Happy Shark Awareness Day! Today, the wreck sits awaiting exploration by advanced divers. Because of their voracious appetites, rapid reproduction rate, and lack of natural predators, these invasive lionfish pose a serious threat to coral reefs, with potential long-term consequences for native fish communities, habitats, and entire ecosystems. Dive into NOAA Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary! Photo: Douglas Croft, under NOAA permit #20519. *sniff sniff* Do you smell that? Trumpetfish often remain motionless to fool their prey into getting too close. Did you know this clawsome kelp crab in Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary changes its diets with the season? This species first appeared along the Western U.S. in 1989, likely through the ballast water of cargo ships traveling across the ocean. These graceful hunters are sure to inspire you to celebrate today. This black-crowned night heron was spotted resting in a tree on the coast of NOAA's Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, possibly wondering if it's time for to go eat yet. Although there isn't enough light (and maybe too much salt?) When encountering wildlife, always remember to give the animals plenty of room to ensure you both stay happy and safe. Ocean sunfish, also called Mola mola, are the heaviest of all bony fish, weighing nearly 5,000 pounds! Our sanctuaries are open to diving, surfing, swimming, kayaking, bird and wildlife watching, recreational fishing, virtual events and more! This colonial invertebrate gets its name from its branches, which give it the appearance of a Christmas tree from afar. Which beach are you visiting this weekend? Tune in for the chance to see adorable octopuses and more. This Caribbean reef octopus was spotted taking shelter in NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. This opalescent nudibranch flashes its opal-fire blue stripes as it crawls across the top of a jeweled top snail. All the secrets all the smiles Look, little octopus, we didn't want to get out of bed this morning either, but it's Monday and here we are. If you get too close, you might interrupt their feeding, grooming, and resting, which can negatively impact their health and make it harder for these adorable creatures to survive. These two orange-peel doris nudibranchs are in a race for the finish line in NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. INTRODUCING CIFF LOVE LETTERS: Valentines day has come early! Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the sleepiest shark of them all? While this may appear to be one organism, it is actually comprised of many zooids directly connected to each other by tissue. These beautiful reefs are home to more than 100 species of coral, as well as large populations of giant clam, reef fish, and more. Looks like this white shark in NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary wanted to get in on the body surfing. Paddleboarding is a great way to explore NOAA National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa and watch wildlife. Rinse and repeat looks a little different in Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. Fishing entanglements, watercraft strikes, and interactions with humans put them at risk. Sanctuary Life: Jon Anderson They'll be livestreaming their expedition, and you can tune in while they journey deep beneath the ocean's surface! They're the largest of the islands' native land mammals, but one of the smallest canid species in the world. Every humpback whale has a distinctive pattern on its fluke. Beaches, like this one in NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, rely on stewardship throughout the watershed to keep it looking this pristine for you and our marine friends! The camera loves this green sea turtle in Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, but that doesn't mean the turtle loves the camera. CAPTION THIS: What do you think these two California sea lions in NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary are chatting about? Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary is working with Marine Imaging Technologies and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in its 2020 expedition to document and collect samples from the seafloor! When swimming near wildlife, always give them plenty of space. Take a virtual dive and see what you can spot! Find out more about this beautiful place. While they may look like they're making a fashion statement, nudibranchs often depend on their brilliant colors as defense from predators. Hitching a free ride into the weekend like... Remoras and manta rays have what scientists call a mutualistic relationship, where both organisms benefit from each other. We’ve thought a lot this year about how we can build connections between audience members and filmmakers within a virtual space. Interrupting your feed today with a beautiful coral crest in Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary! Each tide pool of NOAA Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and Olympic National Park is a microcosm, a window into the diversity of ocean life. This teaches us something important: the Earth isn't blue because the sky/atmosphere is blue. Many species of coral thrive in the deep sea, like this Swiftia coral in NOAA's Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Did you know mangroves line more than 1,800 miles of shoreline within Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary? Thank you for capturing this beautiful photo of your granddaughter learning to enjoy and respect the ocean in your sanctuary. Nofin is better than swimming with your friends in NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary! Kelp forests grow in many of your national marine sanctuaries along the West Coast, where they support lush, biodiverse communities. Do you know on average how far a white shark can travel in one day? NOAA diver Mitchell Tartt paused for this science selfie while surveying the coral reefs of Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. As you can see, these seabirds have the most densely packed nesting colonies of any type of bird. Can you blame them? Look at that scowl..what do you think is making this largemouth bass so grumpy? Always remember to practice responsible recreation to protect these beautiful biodiverse ecosystems! T165 and his family usually range in the waters of British Columbia and Alaska, and this was their first recorded visit to Monterey Bay. An extraterrestrial life form? Always remember to #RecreateResponsibly. Feed me! At still higher velocities it can burst. …The Earth is blue like an Orange… The earth is blue like an orange. The reef at Rose Atoll gets its pink hues from crustose coralline algae, an unassuming friend of the coral reef ecosystem. As Shark Week comes to a close, we had to show off this hammerhead shark in NOAA Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (and share a dad joke). Happy anniversary to NOAA's Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary and NOAA Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary! Since then, HōkÅ«leÊ»a has sailed around the world, visiting over 150 ports across 18 nations to spread a message of Mālama Honua (caring for Island Earth). When diving, make sure you have your courage, brains, and heart all ready so you can have a grand adventure! Every summer in recent years, we've teamed up with Nautilus Live to explore and map areas of our national marine sanctuaries. As an added level of protection, a stocky hawkfish’s pectoral fins are resistant to the stinging cells of fire corals, which normally harm other organisms upon contact. Many of these forests can be recognized by their dense tangles of prop roots that make these trees look like they are standing on stilts above the water. So, water you waiting for? Plus, the sheer volume of the events allows for the fertilization and survival of a significant number of larvae despite the best efforts of predators! This iconic sanctuary protects 36 species of marine mammals, more than 180 species of seabirds and shorebirds, 525 species of fish, and a multitude of invertebrates and algae. Did you know NOAA's Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary is entirely offshore? Consider sending in your best shots for the Get Into Your Sanctuary photo contest! Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar Jessie Hale studies sea otters in NOAA Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. Not at all – it's a gray seal in NOAA's Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary! It's important for both the health of our sanctuaries and the fun of our visitors that all boaters are operating safely. Where do whales go to get braces? Each coral species times its gamete (egg and sperm) release to ensure genetic mixing and that coral larvae can disperse over large distances. This particular albatross was spotted in NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary by Robert Schwemmer, our West Coast Region maritime heritage coordinator, and is special because of that little bit of green you see on its leg. On the seafloor, the whale carcass or skeleton is known as a whale fall. This colorful coral structure provides habitat for a variety of species in NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Greens and blacks swirl within the eye of a pufferfish in NOAA Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary off the Georgia coast, where a kaleidoscope of colorful creatures thrive on and around the sanctuary's living reef. Not a bad place to spend a day for work! In NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, you can explore the mysterious sea caves that line the sanctuary or catch a whale watching tour. Well look no further! Watch The Earth Is Blue as an Orange online for free, The Earth Is Blue as an Orange trailer, casts, summary and reviews. If you are interested in diving into NOAA's Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, but can't leave home, check out their gallery to watch educational videos and interact with 360° images that immerse you underneath the surface! "Okay on the count of three we'll all jump in. NOAA Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary is near one of the most treacherous stretches of water within the Great Lakes system. Fishing is more than just a hobby! What's your favorite kind of dolphin? Mark Sullivan/NOAA, under NOAA Fisheries service and Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument of... Ever wonder what it takes to help keep Marine ecosystems, and at least one great-grandcalf they keep! With our three hearted friends partners are able to float motionless in the Sanctuary life: Jon Anderson on first! Animal yourself, always give them plenty of space can dive more than 500 years old and over meters. Than 15 years deep-water reefs, which benefits the entire ecosystem not just for weekend... 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