IIII. Just complete the main quests in Prontera South Gate and you will reach Job Level 10 for your job change quest in no time. In the vast forests and plains of Payon, you will find monsters that drop valuable loot. High Orcs are great EXP, and they drop both Orc Voucher and Orcish Axe[0]. Cruiser Card – This card is dropped by Cruisers at a very low rate. If you can't handle Bloody Knight, teleport away. All you need to do is use a 2x Orc Lady, 1x Hydra, 1x Vadon Orcish Axe[4], with a Water Endow. Rough Eluniums – Sometimes dropped by Kahos. Vadon cards increase damage against Fire property enemies by 20%. Even though they’re practically a waste of zeny, they always sell like pancakes even at unreasonably high prices. Get a bow with Santa Poring Cards in order to make your leveling easier/faster. Once you’re in control, you can dominate the whole area and collect all loots you want. Although Exp is Lower and Mobs are tougher than Wolves, Byalan offers superior Zeny potential from the plethora of rare drops. The whole area of Magma Dungeon is packed with dangerous monsters. Well-baked Cookies – Frequently dropped by Christmas Cookies. Get your FLEE to 136 ASAP for 95% dodge. Actually, this place feels really luxurious and gaudy with the Christmas vibes. The addition of STR is what makes it valuable. Use a, Fantastic EXP and rare drops. Swordsman Job Quest. as High Thief), and quickly getting important skills such as. That’s why so many players buy them at a reasonable price. At lower levels you'll only be able to kill Laurell and Errende, but they have the best EXP/HP ratios anyway. Emperium – Dropped by Orc Zombies at a low chance. Great place to level to 99. Wolves are a great Exp source due to their Exp to HP ratio while also dropping Mantle[1]. Multiple rough eluniums can be refined into eluniums, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapon. The cards that drop here are also valuable. Marc Card – This card is dropped by Marcs at a very low rate. But there are also new players or we usually known as newbie who played the game but they don't know where to start. Shoes [1] – Dropped by Munaks at a low chance. How d… Beware of Tao Gunka. Follow the Training Ground accordingly. Monk Classes usually need this card for their skills, so they are willing to purchase one at a high price. Use Fire Arrows. It is recommended to avoid Mantil until you have enough damage to kill them easely. Old Blue Boxes – Dropped by Myst Cases at a low rate. Witched Starsands are often used by Alchemists to create potions. Apple of Archers are well-known headgears that add +3 DEX. Smokie Card – This card is dropped by Smokies at a very low rate. You simply have to start the quest at Izlude by talking to the Master Swordsman and he will give you a test. Desert Wolves and Scorpions are a cheap and decent start for a BB build, and you can get decent zeny by overcharging Stilettos. Otherwise plant a quick Fire Wall and finish it off with Fire Bolt. White Herbs – These are frequently dropped by Lava Golems and Blazers. If you're taking Fire Wall you can come here on your earlier levels as it can be very helpful for fending off Mantis, as well as keeping Mi Gaos at bay. Let the tanker Mob. You can use a Fly Wing as soon as the animation for SB starts, or use Cloak during the animation once your cast delay is up, to avoid getting hit. Bash Build (STR VIT DEX) 2. Myst Case Card – This card is dropped by Myst Cases at a very low rate. Avoid Zealotus. Rough Eluniums – Sometimes dropped by Elder Willows. Try to not get mobbed. SWORDSMAN V. THE VARIOUS SWORDSMAN VI. Kobold Card – This card is dropped by Kobolds at a very low rate. Swordfish Cards enchant armors with the Water element and gives +1 DEF. You’ll unlock the Message Board Questsat Level 15. Maneater Blossoms take pride in being valuable quest items. Archer Skeleton Card – This card is dropped by Archer Skeletons at a very low rate. You may find it a bit hard to kill them consistently if you didn't pump enough points on INT while leveling as a Novice. Although Exp is Lower and Mobs are tougher than Wolves, Byalan offers superior Zeny potential from the plethora of rare drops. (Please check this video for detail) 12. Use Fire Arrows, Mandragoras cannot hit you if you are 4+ spaces away. Pneuma is suggested for engaging Cruisers. You can go either the VIT route or AGI route. You can reach Job 50 in 2-3 hours. Avoid Ungoliant. A very very good map for EXP. Use a calculator to plan your build and estimate what you'll be able to one shot. And that’s not all, once you get the hang of grinding and farming in this place, you’ll never want to leave. Crystal Mirrors – These are dropped by Mavkas at a whooping rate of 15%. As a low-level player gets stronger, he/she can proceed to the next floor in order to gain more experience and higher value loots. The best way to deal with this situation is to go on a rampage, collect all the loots, and sell as much as you can to NPCs. Mage can leveling in this map by vertical firewall. These loots can be sold to NPCs for a huge amount of zeny. At higher levels players should be able to self-sustain off Meat and Monster Feed from Wolves. Drops drop Empty Bottles and their card sells at 2m +. It is a great grinding and farming place for low-level players because of its progressive dungeon level system. 13. Unlike the original Ragnarok Online, increasing the AGI stat doesn't increase attack speed anymore (instead it increases Crit rate and Dodge). If you arm yourself with the proper weapons, skills, and elements, Moscovia Dungeon is going to be a piece of cake for you! You can get to Job level 50 here. AGI Crit Build (STR AGI VIT LUK) 3. I am Shurank Chainlier, a Knight in the service of the Prontera Chivalry. Due to Geographers healing each other, you may find Einbroch Field 4 somewhat difficult if your INT isn't high enough and Field 7 may be better at first, which also has Floras for you to kill. The speed are normal and they have low SP. Beware of Anubis. Given that effect, it’s a consumable item that sells a lot. Wolves have a great Exp to HP ratio but, at earlier levels you may need to employ hit and run tactics. Byalan Dungeon offers okay exp but very decent loot, between Swordfish, Phen, Marc, Merman, and Strouf Cards, amongst others. That’s why they always fetch a decent price. Kukre Card – This card is dropped by Kukres at a very low rate. Orc Claws, Orc’s Fangs, Skel-Bones, and Zenorc’s Fangs – Commonly dropped by Orc Zombies, Orc Skeletons, and Zenorcs. Pieces of Cake can be sold to NPCs for 1,500 zeny each. There are 3 maps with some small differences but all three will have Geographers and Metalings. Myst Case Cards enable the passive effect of gaining a Gift Box at a low chance when a monster is killed. After your first job change, you can continue doing quests as they give lots of EXP or grind on Rockers, Willows and Wormtails. Great place to level to 99. Mukas have a fantastic EXP to HP ratio while providing decent Zeny by selling Cactus Needles and Empty Bottles to players, also, Desert Wolf Babies drop Oranges (you can sell them to players too) and Meat, wich you can use to sustain yoursefl as your Novice Potions maight be running low at this point. That’s the reason why players are willing to shell out large amounts of zeny just to get one. Alternatively, you can make use of them as adequate healing items. Monster density here is high, so you don't have to worry about running out of monsters to kill. Blue Herbs – These are frequently dropped by Mavkas and Les. Using these items is quite gimmicky and fun, so they’re always bought by high-level or rich players. If you have a low level Fire Bolt or lack Intelligence, hit and run tactics will work. This is the most up to date article about Ragnarok Mobile, add it to your favorites and come back any time. Footgear Freezer Card : Max HP + 300. Irons are staples in forging so they are quite in demand. Inside the building, talk to "Master Swordsman " to begin the quest.4. All you need to do is use a 2x Orc Lady, 1x Hydra, 1x Vadon Orcish Axe[4], with a Water Endow. Make sure you equip a Bathory-carded armor and to keep. Keep a priest near entrance to give buffs and. Ragnarok Online Swordsman Guide . Only a few exceptions exist, such as Acolyte Heal-bombing, and Archers and Mages sniping im… Stems are often needed by Alchemist to create some potions. AGI types might want to invest some time in getting the Battleground medallions for the increase in ASPD provided. Note: Byalan Dungeon is the best place for leveling until level 30 or go for Horns and Bigfoots. Rough Oridecons – Sometimes dropped by Explosions. Even after you're too high level for this place, you can keep farming it for money since it's very easy and low effort. Porcellios give very good experience. That’s the reason why they sell for a decent price. Burning Hearts and Burning Hair – Frequently dropped by Blazers, Lava Golems, Kahos, and Explosions. Good map for EXP and loot. This page lists recommended leveling spots, with the maps and monsters associated with them. Everything has decent EXP and loot. Use Stone Arrows against Dragon Tail and Crystal Arrows against Nine Tail (Recommended to bring a slave priest to give your stuffs to him/her if you solo). Earth Deleter Cards disable natural SP recovery while granting the ability to gain 10 SP each time a monster is killed. Mastela Fruits fetch high prices when sold to NPCs. To kill Sleepers with one Sonic Blow, you'll need at least 110 STR, a, Great mob density, with average exp and good loot. Rough Eluniums - Sometimes dropped by Kobolds. Wolves have good HP/EXP ratio and drop Mantle[1], and everything drops Strawberries (sell to players for ~1000z). ... A server who aims to bring back Classic Ragnarok. Great map for EXP. Fire Bolt will be your bread and butter but you may only want to engage Geographers if you have at least 55 Intelligence to make it worthwhile. So if you are Level 70, you can actually fight level 50 and below. Swordsman: Go to payon dungeon with some Novice Pots (Free) and kill the skeletons there. Swordsman Level 33 - 40 in 25 mins only full video! Cheeky Kid is a true-blue casual gamer. Silver Arrows are mandatory. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: What’s so special about the Orc Dungeon is that it’s filled with monsters to the brim. Initially use your Knife[3] or Cutter[3] to get a few points into Fire Bolt by killing Lunatics, Porings and Thief Bug Eggs. Metalings give nice experience and zeny as well, so it's not a bad idea to kill them when you see them. Always remember to advance your class when you are at the appropriate Base and Job level, those are: Job level 10 for Novice/High Novice. EXP is medicore, but decent Zeny can be acquired through Alligator Card, Karvodanilnirol, Poison Spore, and Yggdrasil Seed (sell them all to players). Once you get level 3 Fire Bolt, start killing Thief Bugs. Do you have any idea about zeny farming in Brasilis, or any of the new kRO map updates they've had over 2017-8? You will need an. Disperse its Chon Chons first with Fire Wall and then lead it into Vertical Fire Walls while sustaining yourself with Novice Potions. All the cards in this map are useful. Pneuma is very useful on this map. Not great EXP but Creamies drop Creamy Card, Honey and Silk Robe[1] can all be sold or kept for later. Sharp Leaves can be sold to NPCs for a reasonable amount of zeny. Witherless Roses are first-class items that can be sold to NPCs for 27,500 zeny each. There’s a lot of Wild Roses in this area and their drops are really good. Good map for EXP. Cyfars- Commonly dropped Wild Roses. Ignore everything else on the map. Multiple rough oridecons can be refined into oridecons, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapon. Recommended Level: 10+ Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: Payon Cave is a multi-level dungeon cave. It is recommended to have Water Endow. There is a high chance for Clip[1] and potentially a Sweet Gent both you can sell or keep for later. Crystal Mirrors can make you a lot of money because you can sell them to NPCs for 7,500 zeny each. Floras will only be found on Einbroch Field 7 and will provide supplementary Exp while dropping Stem and a chance of their card. Most of the monster here are easy to mob and kill. Teleport around and Mammonite the High Orcs. Fire Endow. This is a Swordsman Job Quest Guide of Ragnarok Online. Allow me to introduce myself. Einbroch Field 3 and 4 both have good Geographer density but in different ways. The basic plan is to kill monsters in one Sonic Blow. Mufflers [1] can be equipped by most job classes. And there’s another good news: Hill Wind population in this place is very abundant. For that reason, it’s a commodity that should not be ignored. Multiple rough oridecons can be refined into oridecons, which can be used to upgrade most kinds of weapons. Strawberries – These are dropped by Spores, Wolves, and Snakes at a consistent rate. Base level 99 and Job level 50 for 2nd Classes. Its effect of adding some extra points to DEX is what makes it valuable. It is useful to use Plagiarism to get Tripple Attack from a monk. It is highly recommended also to keep a Support Priest (for Aspersio) in the map alongside a Merchant Class for carrying the loot. I haven't played in a while but I am not good with zeny loot experimentation. Blue Herbs are often used by Alchemists to create blue potions. Mob a few monsters at a time and Grand Cross. Toy Factory 2 is a great Zeny source for newer players, namely Piece of Cake and Cookies. Start off carefully picking off Familiars and Skeletons, and then taking on Zombies. Emperiums are needed in the creation of Guilds. However, despite the fact that this game is already a classic, many players—both old and new—are still asking the same question. Game is over 15 years old, and these farming methods are bad. Players usually buy them at a high price just to try their luck. Eventually you'll have enough ATK to add Armeyer to your hit list. Sohee Card – This card is dropped by Sohees at a very low rate. Blue Herbs – These are frequently dropped by Goats. These loots can be sold to NPCs for a huge amount of zeny. A great job to start with if you are new to RBO. If you are in Thor, you can roam. Once you manage to get 10 Job Level… Bucklers with compounded cards are often used by players to significantly increase defense and resistance, so they fetch a price in the market. Rough Oridecons – Sometimes dropped by Bigfoots. At this point, you do not really need to kill any monsters. Weapon Assaulter Card: Gives a CRIT +7 bonus when attacking Demi-Human race targets. This guide details the 10 best farming spots in the world of Rune-Midgarts. Good map for EXP. Let the Priest mob. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: The Yuno Fields are teeming with monsters that carry high value items. Brigans are sometimes used in certain quests, especially the Old Blue Box Quest. Harpy Feathers and Harpy Talons are on the highest spectrum of the expensive general NPC loots. A great guide for Rune Knights. Otherwise be careful as they can use Snap to bypass your Fire Wall. Maybe next time? Good EXP and great loot. Players often come here to collect steels, but most of all, players come here to make some easy money out of the Wild Roses. Ragnarok Online PH Beta started on June 20, 2017 and many played the game especially old Ragnarok players. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: At high levels, this is one of the best places to earn a fortune. reduce 20% damage taken for 10seconds. Mi Gaos are a more dangerous alternative to Geographers, but also a more rewarding one. Healbomb the rest. Pearls can be sold to NPCs for 3,000 zeny each or to players at higher prices since they are required for some quests. If you're going for the no-death bonus, having the Angelic set and Pupa/Thief Bug Egg Cards is recommended, and you should be extremely careful with Geographers hidden beneath bushes and trees, as well as Ungoliant on Field 7. Mastela Fruits – These are dropped by Grand Pecos at a decent chance. The experience here is great and it's quite easy to kill Stings. ... ----- When you start, your character will first be a Novice, you'll need to have a Job level of 10 to be a Swordsman, because you're a Novice, your Job Levels will be different from the other classes Job Levels. At lower levels 1 Diagonal Fire Wall will usually kill but the easier to execute Vertical Fire Wall will take at least 2. Also, you can get Mantle[1] and Strawberries to sell. As a Gunslinger, it is adviced to go with a Priest or a High Priest and with an Earth Deleter-carded Armor. Pierce Build (STR VIT DEX) There are probably many other variations, but this is just a guide to get you started! Witherless Roses – Dropped by Wild Roses at a decent rate. Reasons Why It’s a Great Farming Area: You should never underestimate the low-level areas of the Payon Fields. Players who make profits over-upgrading equipment always buy them. High Orcs are great EXP, and they drop both Orc Voucher and Orcish Axe[0]. If you find a mob first round them up with level 1 Fire Bolt, lead them into a Vertical Fire Wall and use Fireball to clear up. Swordsman are usually the frontliners of the party and can take huge amount of damage. Namun pasti banyak yang masih bingung cara untuk meningkatkan level dengan paling efektif. You can continue killing Fabres and Pupas for a chance at their rares. Stems – Occasionally dropped by Les. Skelton Prisoners and Zombies Prisoners both provide great Exp. Dewatt, Old Dusty Town so on? When both Improved Dodge and Double Attack are maxed Mukas become good Steal Targets. Use Fire Bolt against them. Harpy Feathers and Harpy Talons – Dropped as a common loot from Hill Winds. The advantage of Archer is high damage and long-range attack. Little Evil Wings and Little Evil Horns – Frequently dropped by Diabolics. Recommended to use Khalitzburg Carded shield. For a melee class, you should above 50. If the footgear is upgraded to +9 or higher, increases the damage inflicted with Bash by 10%. Cyfars are very in demand especially because they are needed when doing the Old Blue Box Quest in Comodo. So if you are one of the newbie or beginners in Ragnarok PH, reading this leveling guide will help you level up fast easily. They’re easy to gather and are almost weightless. Steels are needed by Blacksmiths to forge weapons. Trunks are needed for certain quests as well as for crafting the ever-popular Sakkat headgear. Amazing Job EXP, but negligable Base EXP. Consistent rate increase resistance against Water property attacks by 5 % of that we really wanted... In exchange for humongous amounts of experience quest items see them natural SP recovery items in the.. Is old ragnarok online swordsman leveling spot may also have useful information anyway, you must be a cood idea skills, so 's. To get some DEX so you do n't have a Bard with job! 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