Annual export value has exceeded US$400m, with Belgium and China being the major buyers. I will appreciate if you continue this in future. Check out more business ideas and our collection of business plans. This is especially vital since farming ought to be entrepreneurial – the potential to make money should inspire one to take up potato farming. I am basically from India and it’s iind world largest potato producer after China. E.g. Follow us on; twitter: @ziminvestors and also subscribe to this site. Commercialization of fruit production is mainly stymied by poor earth roads that get muddy and Just follow the instructions; you will be done with the payment process in 2 minutes. Pls contect me +91 9815023387 I believe it has much potential for sustainable, non-chemical farming, fits in well with many crop rotations, and does very well with natural fertilizers. I have very good knowledge of potato seed farming as well as table potato. Total gross yield per acre was estimated at 305 to 395 cwt/acre with marketable yield estimated at 259 to 336 cwt/acre. The types you can use include Fenamiphos 400 EC; Copper Oxy; Dithane M45 among others. the best thing to do is find an agronomist in your area who will take soil samples and advice accodingly. Keep it up ,it is very encarreging for us who are starting potato farming business, Thank u for the wise ideas. the peace of land I’m going to use has been used for tobacco for years. hi there.I would like to start growin potatoes.I also need to know when and where your training course is been held. Contact us on our whatsapp number so we can arrange a meeting with one of our consultants. Proportionate sampling was used to select the sample of farmers in each of the four locations. The livestock sector comprises beef, dairy, poultry, pigs, goats and sheep. Starting Goat Farming Business in Zimbabwe and the Business Plan,, How To Start A Media Business In Zimbabwe, Starting an Import Export Business In Zimbabwe, Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives, Start-up guide to launch your potato farming business, Assessing profitability of the potatoes business, Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save, Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation, Automated Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, loan repayment calculations, start-up costs), Operational Requirements (e.g. I am very much keen to start potato farming in your coumty. You just click Buy now (scroll down) and you will then be taken to PayPal website where you make the payment. A few farmers I have interviewed confirmed that the yield is farm much more than when using the traditional tubers. Potatoes planted in soil with p… Using this method is a lot easier for those who have done tobacco farming as they are familiar with the seedbeds. Sweet Potato Farming Guide: Sweet Potato Farming. Botanically, the un-derground part is classifi ed as a storage root, rather than a tuber, as is the white (“Irish”) potato (Solanum tuberosum). Using this method is a lot easier for those who have done tobacco farming as they are familiar with the seedbeds. You have been really helpful. be sure to share your story. 1. That’s great to hear. In areas with mild frost, mid-November to mid-December is the best time to plant, and usually the crops get ready for harvest from April to May. MOST indigenous farmers have not been into potato farming, once a preserve of former white farmers, as they lacked production knowledge. I am based in Victoria Falls, Hi Charles. Prior to field preparation, soil and water samples should be taken and sent for analysis. Zimbabwe’s Chimanimani district is slowly turning into a potato farming hub as most communal farmers in the high rainfall parts of the district have shifted into growing the cash crop that… Alternatively, there are people who prepare tubers for farmers. You will take him to your plot and ask all the questions there. We do have a grower’s manual which you can buy from us but also you need to seat down with one our consultants. The Pre-written Potato farming business plan package consist of 5 files. We will email the business plan (PDF format, Microsoft word format, and a Microsoft Excel file with the financial statements) to you within 24 hours, using the email address you provided when you were paying. Follow us on facebook and twitter too. Its either you do it now or you wait for winter to close, its in june but date to be advised. Friends, that’s all about how you can grow potatoes on your own and keep growing vegetables for building a healthy world. Updated: July 28, 2014. In most cases, three ploughings, along with frequent harrowing and rolling, are needed before the soil reaches a suitable condition: soft, well-drained and well-aerated. Cabbages do not grow well on highly acidic soil. grid hydroelectricity energy for the irrigation systems, standby diesel generators for use during power outages, or solar powered irrigation systems. - a women’s crop, an orphan crop, neglected by men, neglected by government and neglected by the research community. • The most significant market outlets for South African potatoes are formal and informal fresh consumption and processing. StartupBiz Zimbabwe also publishes articles on business ideas, business news, business tips, personal finance, entrepreneur interviews and profiles. Keep it up! so for a start I dont recommend them. Its production is constrained by pest and diseases which reduce the yield drastically. Today I forgot to wear a jersey. Hello there, just became aware of your blog through Google, and found that it’s truly informative. Good Agronomic Practices (GAPs) This is the often forgotten or neglected ingredient for good crop production. Farmers have mostly produced traditional crops such as maize that are seasonal, resulting in land lying idle in-between seasons. The most common type of sweet potato found in US markets is the “moist-fl … i am totally blak on potato farming.please update on training for potato farming in future, i am totally blank on potato farming.please update me on training for potato farming in future, okay. Twenty degrees Celsius for Harare! The business plan is designed uniquely for the Zimbabwean market. Yield gap analysis and resource footprints of Irish potato production systems in Zimbabwe The average yield of potato in India is about 200 to 300 qt/ha. It is then dipped into a fungicide to protect against fungal infection. Only three droughts were recorded by the country’s Agricultural, Technical and Extension Services (AGRITEX) between 1911 and 1970. Iam sorry I responded to you a little too late. Box 612 Marondera. February 27, 2018 at 8:19 am Reply. Ridging is when the soil surrounding the young potato plants is used to build a ridge or mound in which the tubers can develop. The financial statements are automated. However, they are for other commodities such as cotton through the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (CottCo). Until the early 1990s, most potatoes were grown and consumed in Europe, North America and countries of the former Soviet Union. A potato land base of 780 harvested acres was assumed in developing this budget. Production constraints for biofortified crops in Zimbabwe ... (QPM), Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) and zinc and iron enriched beans. Ludlow Road, Newlands, Harare, Zimbabwe Tel:(+263 4) 776631-3, 776107 Fax:(+263 4) 788157 Mozambique Av. Introduction of Sweet Potato: – Generally, sweet potato crop is grown for its sweet root tubers and mainly used as food after steaming, or boiling, frying or baking. Henry How are you? We are arranging for trainning mid February. Potato farming is a very lucrative and profitable business venture in Zimbabwe. Planting Periods in Zimbabwe Summer (rain fed) November First winter-Feb –April BM: Currently land under potato production is 12 500ha down from 15 000ha we had in 2017-18 season. There is also a substantial wholesale market in the Mid-Atlantic based around the increasing demand for locally-produced foodstuffs and specialty-type potatoes. Potatoes planted in soil with pH levels lower than this will produce poor quality tubers and abnormal growth. I want to try potatoes, Well done very interesting Will soon get in potato production. Also follow our facebook and twitter page for training updates, Is potato farming using bags/sacks only recommended for those with limited space or its even ideal to be implemented on something like 5 acres, It’s a yes and no answer. One can also use it as a farming resource if the case applies to any other similar regions. Sweet potato vine cuttings should be planted during June to July for rainfed conditions. You can grow them not only in the ground, but in pots, tyres, old compost bags, buckets, sacks… you name it. For any questions, other payment options, email us on , call/whatsapp us on +263778798072 (Whatsapp us by clicking the link , Landline: +263 242 761232. So by creating a local variety which has a competitive price, more land can be put under potato production and even … StartupBiz Zimbabwe is a business research firm based in Zimbabwe. Okay! In 2012, the government of Zimbabwe declared potatoes as a strategic food security crop, that will now be included in various inputs support schemes. Title: Potato Production Guide In Zimbabwe Author: Kuester-2020-09-30-22-51-56 Subject: Potato Production Guide In Zimbabwe Sweet potato plants are damaged by light frost and the plants require high temperatures for a period of 4-5 months to yield well. Farmers especially in the rural ares who do not have the modern farming equipment use animal drawn equipment in potato farming. The potato farming business plan can be used for many purposes including: The business plan includes, but not limited to: The potato farming business plan includes technical aspects of how to plant and to take care of the potatoes. A good structure allows good water infiltration into the soil and water drainage through the soil, exchange of gases in and out of the soil, and optimal root development. Just follow the instructions; you will be done with the payment process in 2 minutes. Posted by StartupBiz Zimbabwe | Apr 2, 2017 | Agriculture Industry, Business Ideas, Business Plans, Starting a Business | 9. will surely do that. i want to plant 3 hactres of potatoes in marondera so i need your advice on the type of seed, the pestcides to use, the firtilizers to use just give me your advice…. Then after a set period, usually six weeks, you then transplant the seedlings. of higher yields and production, greater incomes, higher living standards, and more investment in production. Shimanga Mubitana. practices in four potato production systems in Zimbabwe, namely large-scale commercial, communal area, A1 and A2 resettlement production systems. GROWING GUIDE FOR POTATO Binomial Name: Solanum Varieties: Argos, BP1, DiVAA, Harmony, Valor, Marvel Start: 'Chitted' seed potatoes Germination: 10-20 days, 10°C to 15°C Seed Life (viability): (under ideal conditions) 6-12 months Soil: Well drained Sunlight: Full sun Plant: 35cm apart in rows which are 75cm apart Thin to: Ave. Days to Harvest: 60-120 days Thus, it is important to time the production of a crop in a period of the year that is best suited to maximise yield potential. still farm small plots of infertile land, with limited irrigation potential. Hie, l am a young man who is very interested in trying out potato growing, how can I have access to your manuals and video. The main form of livelihood of the peasantry population in the study area is smallholder banana farming. Seems winter is slowly drifting away. Your page is so helpful keep it up we are learning a lot of things. In a tough potato market, our potatoes page aims to help you grow a more profitable crop in the face of rising inputs and volatile markets. Click the link to join: or send the word join via Whatsapp to +263778798072 (Whatsapp us by clicking the link In Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda, coffee-banana intercropping is proving to be effective in addressing increasing temperatures which affect coffee production. Ensure that you buy good healthy potato seed from certified suppliers. Potato farming is simple and straightforward. Read: Profitable Hydroponic Vegetables. expenditure towards the agricultural sector and the subsequent effect of this on economic activities. It is grown mainly through rain-fed agriculture, making it highly vulnerable to droughts, which are increasingly problematic. The profits you will get depend on the cost of inputs, the yield from your potato farm, and the selling prices of the potatoes. When are you offering the famous potato growing course in 2015? The simple method though a bit more expensive is buying true potato seed. A note from StartupBiz Zimbabwe: Everyday we send business updates via Whatsapp. Potato production has been a preserve of former commercial farmers. The cutting utensils should be sterilized. on the type seed to use, it depends. You just click Pay Now (scroll down) and you will then be taken to Pay now website where you make the payment. Potato production in Nigeria predominantly occurs in small farms whose farmers still rely on traditional tools such as machetes and hoes as opposed to tractors. Potatoes planted in high pH soil will have problems with common scab. Which is the best time to start potatoes farming after the rains or before and does potatoes get affected by frost. For an in-depth analysis of the potato farming business in South Africa, purchase our potato farming business plan. The inadequacy Theyare moderately sensitive to soil salinity. I need help. Required fields are marked *. Mbare Musika is the largest market for potatoes, the traders buy potatoes from farmers in bulky for reselling), Fruit and Vegetable open markets, organisations and individuals. At present, the small-scale farmers are not organised or prepared to produce for such large-scale processing companies. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. I can help you . Zimbabwe has a well-developed livestock sector, catering for the needs of both domestic and export markets. He wants to do this in Chipinge. You need to hire part time farm workers as and when necessary. I have potato experience from Holland also. The vary in their shape, texture, colour, yield and days to maturity. Sweet potato has gained prominence due to its ability to adapt to wide production ecologies and yield response to minimal external inputs. Most importantly you need the potato seed. The price also depends on the size and quality of potatoes. I am basically from India and it’s iind world largest potato producer after China. When to plant. … do get in touch with us on, quite informative. In this respect, the study will look at the effects of . This paper seeks to test the general notion that agriculture is the backbone of the Zimbabwean economy. We decided to introduce the business plans after noting that many Zimbabweans were venturing into the potato farming business without a full understanding of the industry, market, how to run the business, the risks involved, profitability of the business and the costs involved, leading to a high failure rate of their businesses. She grew up on a small potato farm and dreamed of becoming a … what can i do to this plot . The pH of the soil should ideally be in the range of 5.2-6.4 for the optimum growth of the potatoes. Email: View Directions. Moreover, you can also travel to Harare for the training and we will assist on securing accomodation, Okay, thank you for the interest. Over 70 per cent of the population resides in the rural areas and is largely dependent on agriculture. true potato seed is cheap but you have to create nessary beds. Waal, am I impressed by your page, very informative. Main Issues Family groupOptimal growth conditionsProduction MethodsPlantingFertilizer ApplicationDisease and Pest ControlHarvesting 2. Pesticides and fungicides are required for protecting your potato plants against insects and fungi. the choice Will hvour those that give maximum returns in the local market The variety for contract farming is selected by the organization that Will receive the pontoes ware. The higher the level of mechanization at your potato farm, the higher the efficiency of your operations, and the profitability of your potato farming business. Coincidentally this is the best period to start planting potatoes. Potato for small holder farmers in Zimbabwe Dr Ian Robertson University of Zimbabwe and Agri-Biotech (Pvt) Ltd. Why sweet potato? Rather you use tubbers. Purposive sampling was used to select 300 farmers in the division. Fresh From the Field: Growing the Irish Potato in the Mutare Farming Area of Zimbabwe By Tsitsi Nyabando (Tanaka Churu) For ENGL 4057/5057 Writing: Theory and Teaching Tsitsi Nyabando is a Zimbabwean graduate student at East Tennessee State University studying Secondary Education. I can help you to grow the potato. We decided to introduce the business plans after noting that many … PRE-WRITTEN POTATO FARMING BUSINESS PLAN (PDF, WORD AND EXCEL): COMPREHENSIVE VERSION, SHORT FUNDING/BANK LOAN VERSION AND AUTOMATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. The guide presents a summary review of factors that constrain the potato subsector in tropical and subtropical countries, principles of Good Agriculture Practices, and GAPs relevant to potato production. It’s is so inspiring to hear that the site is adding value. I have very good knowledge of potato seed farming as well as table potato. Potato can be grown from True Potato Seed (TPS), plantlets or tubers. That choice will be determined by the availability of the seeds, the yield of the seeds, the resistance to diseases of the potato seeds, and your target market. Tomato production guide would be very beneficial to the aspiring tomato farmers who want to start their farming practices or the farmers who are already involved in tomato farming in Zimbabwe. Its a rare commodity in Zimbabwe. This is because potatoes are a source of carbohydrates and starch which are essential nutrients to the health of the nation. This can be done mechanically or by hand. From a low in the mid-2000s of only 48 million kgs, recent seasons have seen around 200 million kgs being produced, almost hitting all-time highs. If you propose to provide a service to existing agricultural operations, such as Consulting, Packaging, Transportation, Training, or Services, then you'll want to describe all the tasks you will do. In the Inyanga area, I know a place were you can buy ready to plant potato tubers. Farmers especially in the rural ares who do not have the modern farming equipment use animal drawn equipment in potato farming. A lot of people will be benefited from your writing. (pdf) feasibility of sack potato production as a new technique. Turns out temperatures are not bad after all. You should always carry out a feasibility study, market research and write a business plan before you venture into any business. Potatoes can be grown on almost on any type of soil, except saline and alkaline soils. The humble potato is happy to call just about any place home, so long as a few basic rules are followed. Crop production guidelines – agricura. I cant say yes right now. Our business plan will make it easier for you to launch and run a potato farming business successfully, fully knowing what you are going into, and what’s needed to succeed in the business. The physical infrastructure may need to be built or improved: storage and processing facilities, market-places, roads, electricity, communication facilities. The resettlement production systems were formed from the radical Fast Track Land Reform Programme initiated in 2000, which changed the landscape of commercial agriculture in Zimbabwe. Many thanks for the praises. Loose soils are good for potato farming business because they offer the least resistance to enlargement of the tubers. Enhancing smallholder sugar bean production in zimbabwe. Bottom Line of Growing Potatoes: Potato farming is profitable with abundant water supply and sunshine along with care. Jena Dudley Farm P.O. You will need an agronomist to look at the soil or bring the samples to a lab so it gets tested. Zimbabwe has a well-established history of potato cultivation, although production levels have been declining since the 20th century due to a lack of knowledge of cultivation methods and the rising costs of farming. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The manuals can also be available to you. Cheap is not always the best. The government of Zimbabwe has been actively encouraging farmers to venture into the potato farming business. Do you think matabeleland would be ideal for potato farming along solusi rd. Potatoes should not be grown more often than one year in four, but in areas of intensive ware production a longer interval may be required. The prices of potatoes vary throughout the year depending on market forces ie supply and demand. . Your email address will not be published. There is huge market for potatoes in Zimbabwe. Your email address will not be published. One can also use it as a farming resource if the case applies to any other similar regions. Agronomic and environmental studies of potato (solanum. Besides escaping the risk of frost and late blight attack, this is the period with the highest yield of all the 3 planting seasons. AM BASED IN BULAWAYO. I shall not continue to explain this method. True Potato seed is available at selected agri stores around Zimbabwe. Nyanga District … It will be easier to plan and budget as the potato farming business plan will lay out all the costs involved in setting up and running the potato farming business. • In 2007 the potato industry consisted of 681 commercial potato production farming units. We sell prewritten business plans for various industries including agriculture, transport, manufacturing, retail and education. smallholder farming households throughout all eight rural provinces in Zimbabwe. In his handbook on potato growing, Sithole (2007) pointed out that potatoes give about three times higher yields than corn, and with a good water supply a farmer can grow potatoes three times a year. This diversification is helping them improve farm incomes and reduce vulnerability to climate change. potato is groWn. You can also purchase hard copies and/or soft copies at our offices in Harare. IS IT POSSIBLE ? You also require herbicides for your potato farm, for effective weed control at your farm. Certified seed will produce 15 –20% higher yields than standard seed. I will get one of the consultants to work with you. Zambia has three major potato growing seasons: Plant summer, rainfed potatoes in November. Unlike grain crops, potatoes do not need to be milled, threshed, combined, or undergo any other processing. Your email address will not be published. You may have the ideal space but not the ideal soil so you may still use the bags. and sweet potato), leafy green vegetables and beans (sugar) are produced by smallholder farmers and are critical for food security and nutrition. You also require supervisors, farm manager, finance & accounting staff, and logistics staff depending on the scale of your potato farming business. I can help you . Even in scenarios where space is limited, it can still be effectively done. Do not make the mistake of starting a potato farming business or any other business just because someone is doing it and he/she says it’s profitable. The potato's incredible variety, as well as its high-Andean origin, make it a fascinating crop to study. Good potato production starts with good land selection. Farmers must recognise that there are some factors within their control which directly reduce Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a major food and cash crop in the Kenyan highlands, widely grown by small-scale farmers. But linking farmers with markets is not easy. Business plan last updated in August 2020. I will be coordinating a free weekend class on potato farming in Zimbabwe. Tomato production guide would be very beneficial to the aspiring tomato farmers who want to start their farming practices or the farmers who are already involved in tomato farming in Zimbabwe. The production of potatoes in Zimbabwe is protected under the Plant Pests and Diseases (Seed Potato Protection) Regulations in Statutory Instrument 679 (1982), although farmers themselves bear the responsibility to safeguarding their crop from diseases. Thus Zimbabwe ends up importing potatoes from other countries like South Africa. Its more helpful than responding here. There are several farming inputs needed for your potato farming business. Over 75,000 farmers are registered to sell, mostly from the communal areas, but some 30,000 from A1 resettlement farms. [citation needed] According to a 2012 study, an estimated 300,000 households in Nigeria engage in potato production, which translates to an average planted area of 1 hectare (2.5 acres) per household each year. Due to overemphasis on crop breeding, Zimbabwean programmes lack co-ordination and are lagging behind neighbouring countries. The manual costs $30.00 and it comes with follow-up consultation. just in time for the winter crop. POTATO Fact sheet Rotation A correct rotation is required to avoid the build-up of potato cyst eelworm, disease and volunteers. We shall have an audio recording of the trainning and we are also planning for a video recording that will be available for download through our website. Research and publications | zimbabwe open university. The population of Zimbabwe is presently approximately 11 million and growing at a rate of about 3 per cent per annum. Thus before you start farming potatoes on your farm its essential that you check whether the soil is suitable for potato farming. Farmer practices and constraints in potato … Propagation in Sweet Potato Farming:-Tubers clips or vine cuttings are the common methods of the propagation in sweet potato cultivation.Planting, Spacing and Seed Rate in Sweet Potato Farming:- About 40 thousand to 50 thousand vine cuttings can be accommodated in one hectare of land. Cash crops include tobacco, cotton, tea, coffee, sugarcane, soya bean, sunflower and horticultural products. Its unfortunate you will be having your training in harare. What is the period in months to harvesting time is required. You will be paying them per number of days worked. The ideal soil pH ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 … practitioners and farmers subsequently rising as well. Good cabbage production starts with good land selection. The R/C ratio indicated that sweet potato farm was still feasible and profitable to be cultivate. • Potato production comprises table potatoes and seed potatoes with the former produced for consumption and the latter for regeneration. This implies that you can change eg the number of hectares, potato price per KG etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change. Email me when you are ready or call me on our viber line, Which is the best month to start planting potatoes or rather which months do you recommend given our climate here in zimbabwe, there are three potato planning seasons per year. PLIZ PROVIDE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE ON HOW I CAN USE MY BACKYARD AS A POTATO FARM. However, the sweet potato value chain (SPVC) is not well-developed in many producing countries. Examples of pc-ato varieties Potato farming has big profit margins which will give meaningful returns to your invested capital.The potatoes are in high demand in Zimbabwe, with the local production failing to meet the local demand. Cabbages can be grown on a wide range of soils but they thrive on well drained, moisture-retentive loamy soils which are well supplied with organic matter. May have the ideal soil pH ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 … Chingofa and Jermain 2 happy to call about... Call just about any place home, so long as a few farmers i have just come your... Crop Insurance, is based on 2017 rates at 80 % coverage save... The small-scale farmers are registered to sell, mostly from the communal areas, but some 30,000 from resettlement. For rainfed conditions the study will look at the soil needs to be cultivate Copper ;. Than this will produce poor quality tubers and abnormal growth impressed by page... To 6.5 … Chingofa and Jermain 2 a set period, usually six weeks, can. 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