After learning this skill, have chance to obtain 1*fuel when looting items. Overheating causes the Magic Gear to take continuous damage over time. And, just for readers' clarification, "too high" means the moment you hit Required to equip Axe type weapon. Increase own STR for a certain duration. Hello, and Welcome!! 300% ATK / Range 5 x 5 cells / Consumes 20 HP, 400% ATK / Range 5 x 5 cells / Consumes 40 HP, 500% ATK / Range 7 x 7 cells / Consumes 60 HP, 600% ATK / Range 7 x 7 cells / Consumes 80 HP, 700% ATK / Range 7 x 7 cells / Consumes 100 HP, Min-Max Lv: 1.8 / 1.6 / 1.4 / 1.2 / 1 sec (Renewal only). A Ragnarok Online character simulator with all clases, including 3rd jobs. The weight of your axe increases your damage. Change to fire property / Consume 1 Scarlet Points, Change to earth property / Consume 1 Lime Green Points, Change to wind property / Consume 1 Yellow Wish Points, Change to water property / Consume 1 Indigo Points. 5/15/2011 Updated all of the skill images, going to move onto updating the skill names/descriptions to iROs. If you have 5 skill points before breakthrough, it truly is entirely up to you. Allows the Mechanic to use Mado Gear (Also known as Magic Gear). If less than 120 skill point is used, Skill Crazy Uproar have total 10 skill level. The effect doesn't work if you or the enemy are in hovering status. The Point Stone used to cast this skill determines the new elemental property. Have chance to stun target for 2 seconds. Removes the target FAW. It can be used on other players FAW's. Continually drains caster's SP while the skill is active and reduces 20% of caster's movement speed. Requires a Pile Bunker to cast. Creates a strong magnetic field around you, preventing all enemies from moving. By studying fire and earth property monsters, you increase your effectiveness and defense against these targets. When using this skill, can remove speed debuff. Type Offensive Max Lv 3 Attack Type Fire Property, Weapon Welcome to the Ratemyserver Ragnarok Online Character Simulator! Generates a 5x5 cell stealth barrier around the caster, cloaking all targets within the area of effect. Consume $$ Zeny to increase own physical damage by %, lasts for 180 seconds. Increase magic stone crafting success rate by %. Knight skills arenât really that complicated to upgrade. Required to equip cart to use skill. As always, we are recruiting people for the position of database moderator. 3rd Class Skill Simulator vRenewal.07.07.17 Thanks Nat [Soulinker] [Biochemist] General Beautification! Anyway, all you have to care about is the sequence. Using the Magic Gear basic equipment, fire's a rocket punch at an enemy at long range. When player equipped Axe type weapon. Passive skills are always "activated" although they may require the user be attacked or otherwise influenced by other environmental effects in order to go off. At level 50, the Mechanic awakens as the Machinist. Set flames on the ground with a Flame Thrower to deal fire property damage and inflict [Ignition] status to all targets that are inside the area of effect. 1. Launch the cannon equipped on the Madogear (Magic Gear) to deal blast damage to the target. Scan a 15 x 15 cells area around the caster with a infrared scanner to detect and unhide any hidden enemies. After skill used, increase 30% movement speed for 90 seconds. Swing axe, deal % physical damage to targets in area. When controlling Mado Gear, increase 30 PATK, decrease 40 AGI, Movement speed -20%, cannot be heal, cannot receive Movement speed buff and debuff. This speed buff cannot be removed by Skill Clearance and Skill Quagmire. I suggest switching it up to a Cart Revolution Battlesmith because it seems to me that youâve progressed quite far. Atk increases as caster's DEX gets higher. Consume 3 Mado Gear fuel. Learn to use Mado Gear. Increase Mammonite skill effect by %. Skill info based on RO – Eternal Love (China Server). Have 5 % to stun enemy. Active s⦠You cannot cast more than 3 instances of this skill before the first one expires. Deal % PATK to enemy around you using cart. When skill level reach 11 or more, increase own STR and increase all party member STR. You can set a maximum of 2 active FAWs. Increase ATK for all attack and skill that use cart. If two stealth fields overlap, it cancels the effect. Higher Level Increases ATK and decreases the movement penalty in Mado Gear. Allows recovery (repair) of your own or other Magic Gears. Maximum limit for weapon size modifier is 100%. Increases attack power and hit rate when using an Axe type weapon. Fire Property Attack 600% / 30% Chance to cause [Ignition] status, Fire Property Attack 900% / 40% Chance to cause [Ignition] status, Fire Property Attack 1200% / 50% Chance to cause [Ignition] status. Credit all game image to Creator of Ragnarok Online Mobile. When skill level reach 11 or more, self normal attack damage is increased by 3%. Required: Blacksmith Job Level 1, Merchant Mammonite Skill Level 5. Creates a strong energy barrier around the caster, increasing DEF and MDEF of all targets in the area of effect and preventing all long-range attacks from damaging the targets. Requires the caster to have a [Repair Kit] equipped and a Repair A, B or C potion in inventory. Cast Range 5 Cell / MaxHP 4% recovery / Requires Repair A Potion, Cast Range 6 Cell / MaxHP 7% recovery / Requires Repair A Potion, Cast Range 7 Cell / MaxHP 13% recovery / Requires Repair B Potion, Cast Range 8 Cell / MaxHP 17% recovery / Requires Repair B Potion, Cast Range 9 Cell / MaxHP 23% recovery / Requires Repair C Potion. Increase weapon crafting success rate by 0.5%. Increase weapon crafting success rate by %. $$~! Deal % PATK to enemy in area. Immune to ranged attacked. Deal (Current HP/5000 + Current SP/100 + VIT/10)*. Create a character you like and even a signature or avatar with it which you can use anywhere. Run the best auto mechanic workshop with perfect car repairing skill mechanic in the city. Caster will lose the Magic Gear and all SP will be consumed. These skills include essential features to play the game. Overheat limit increases the point at which the gear will Overheat. The Pros and Cons of a Mado-Mechanic: A Basic Breakdown of the Class III. Consume 1 Mado Gear Fuel. Form 1 neutral barrier around caster. Have 1% chance to break player’s weapon and 0.7% chance to break player’s armor. Only cells with a shootable path will be placed. Extra vending slot when skill level up. Prevents movement for 4 secs. / 50 SP reduction per sec. Have chance to obtain additional 1 crafting material when looting. These drivers of Magic Gears, or Madogear, use various attack and complementary skills that are completely new to the world of Ragnarok. Weapon crafting success rate also depends on DEX and LUK. Cleaned up some things. This is an Axe exclusive skill (One-handed, Two-handed). Using skill will directly open trading interface. Priest Skills Now for the Priests Sequence⦠Itâs really hard to say which one to start with. This is a Skill Simulator and Planner for Mechanic. Consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel. Receive back % of auction processing fee when item fail to sell on auction. While hovering, rapidly moves forwards 7 cells. â If youâre going with a Wizard: Level 2 Impositio Manus > Level 3 Suffragium > Level 3 Magnificat (Or just Buy Zahal Doll Hat) > Level 10 Kyrie Eleison > Level 1 Gloria⦠Requires 2 Steel, 1 Iron, 1 Mini Furnace and 1 Oridecon Hammer to create. Restructures the magic gear body to be more defensive and add over-heat limit. Max range 11 cells. Some have a set time period in which they stop by themselves, others can be manually deactivated, and some are one-time-use skills that require manual activation each time the player desires to use them. The magic gear hovers off the ground, allowing it to move over traps and ground targeted skills without effect. Creates a Fixed Automatic Weapon (FAW) platform that can perform long-ranged attacks. Dozens of classes, hundreds of weapons and armors, tons of different skill load outs to customize your character to ⦠Have % chance to receive additional rare metal when disassemble equipment. Required: Mechanic Skill Self Destruction Level 3, Required: Mechanic Skill Hovering Level 3, Required: Mechanic Skill Mado Gear Level 1, After use, disable Mado Gear riding. Pull out deadly drills from the Madogear to inflict damage and nullify Defensive magic skills cast on the target. Below you will find information on how the experience and skills mechanics work. Too MaaChan's Axe Mechanic Guide! Consume 1 Mado Gear fuel. If so, how/how much? Use total 40 skill point at Merchant to unlock Blacksmith skill.Use total 80 skill point to unlock Whitesmith skill.Use total 120 skill point to unlock Skill level final form.Use total 150 skill point to unlock Mechanic skill. Increase selling price of item by % when selling to NPC. I. Slightly increases movement speed. Enemy inside the magnetic field will decrease 100SP per second. Learn to make elemental weapon. Note: Skill level shown are in final form.Example: When 120 skill point or more is used and reach 2nd trans jobâ job level 40, Skill Crazy Uproar have total 20 skill level. Increase 5% Mado Gear Movement Speed for 30 seconds. When using Mammonite, decrease target’s physical defense by 2% and movement speed by 3% for 3 seconds. This site uses The Dojo Toolkit. As always, we are recruiting people for the position of database moderator. Strikes a target with an axe dealing damage and cause stun effect. / 50 SP reduction per sec. Temporarily increases the movement speed of the Magic Gear. When attacked by human type, damage received is decreased by 3%. Use the skill again to disable Mado Gear. Required: Whitesmith Cart Boost Skill Level 1. Make the Magic Gear self-destruct dealing huge damage in an area around it. May inflict [Freezing] or [Freeze] status to all targets inside the area of effect. Maces type weapon also receive a small percentage of the skill effect. (Skill damage will be same in PVP, not affected by PVP HP, this skill ignore Flee.). Brought to you by Rune Nifelheim. You will become horribly exhausted after the skill's duration. Scans a target for weaknesses, reducing their effective physical and magical defense. A Mechanic's attack strength, defense, movement, attack speed, and complementary skills including Self Destructionare completely reliant on equipment sets⦠⢠Try not to have all skills activated, it slows down Consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel and 20 SP. Learn to make alloys/ metals. All targets cloaked by Stealth Field will be semi-visible, and they cannot be targeted by skills. Consumes 2 Magic Gear Fuel. You can set a maximum of 2 active FAWs. Creates a Fixed Automatic Weapon (FAW) platform that can perform long-ranged magic attacks. If you see any, please report them on the forums ASAP. Consumes 1 Liquid Condensed Bullet and 1 Magic Gear Fuel. Nullifies [Kyrie Eleison, Assumptio, Mental Strength, Gentle Touch-Change, Gentle Touch-Revitalize, Auto Guard, Reflect Shield, Defending Aura, Reflect Damage, Prestige, and Banding]. Stat/Skill reset - posted in Ragnarok Online Community Chat: Is it possible to reset Stat/Skill points on a level 99 character? Skills To Be Unlocked Get Skill Skill Icon Skill Name Max Lvl Buff apply to all party members. Caster's STR and DEX increases the damage of this skill. Effect is decrease in PVP by 2/3. But hereâs the idea. Reduce received non-elemental property damage by %. In Ragnarok, there are generally 3 types of skills: Passive, Active, Offensive. Requires 1 Mini Furnace, 1 Oridecon Hammer, 2 Iron, 1 Brigan, and 1 of Red Blood / Green Live / Wind of Verdure / Crystal Blue. Repair friendly target’s equipment that is affected by [Weapon Destruction], [Armor Destruction], [Shield Destruction] and [Helm Destruction]. The Skills V. Equipment VI. Also item list with description and card illust. If target is floating, then target will not decrease SP. Character Simulator of Ragnarok Online, with the Transcendent Class, the Clothes Dye and the Riding System. Actually, Swordsmen skills are much more complicated. When crafting alloys/ metals, have 15% chance to get high grade alloy. Skill level shown are in final form.Example: When 120 skill point or more is used and reach 2nd trans job– job level 40, Skill Crazy Uproar have total 20 skill level. Cannot stack with other speed buff. Requires the magic gear equipment Cooling System equipped. Prevents movement for 8 secs. Increase DEX and LUK influence rate on crafting by 5%. Use a quick freezer to deal water property damage to all enemies in range. At level . Immune to Trap: Ankle Snare, Freezing Trap, Claymore Trap, Land Mine, Sandman, Electric Shocker, Thorn Trap, Manhole, Magic Trap [魔力陷阱], Chaos Panic, Bloody Lust and Reverberation. Increase extra trading placement slot limit by 1/2/3/4/5. Increase ASPD by % for those who equipped Mace and Axe type weapon. sorry. ã¥ãæ®ã£ã¦ãããã¨ãããã®ã§ãã¼ã¸ããªãã¼ããã¦ãã ããã / 50 SP reduction per sec. During Cart Boost buff, consume 600 Zeny and deal 450% non-elemental damage to single target. 5/11 update data, remove skill list. Fully restores HP when cast and increases movement speed for the duration of the skill. Consume 1 Vulcan Bullet to activate the skill. Throws an axe at long range dealing damage and knockback. Duration: 10 seconds / Consumes 6% Max SP per second, Duration: 15 seconds / Consumes 4% Max SP per second, Duration: 20 seconds / Consumes 3% Max SP per second, Duration: 25 seconds / Consumes 2% Max SP per second, Duration: 30 seconds / Consumes 1% Max SP per second. (Maximum 4 targets). (Maximum 6 targets). The Stat Build IV. Basic Skill Description A beginning adventurer on his/her first journey A Novice can obtain 9 basic skill levels by leveling up. Increase, Produce magnetic field around caster. All party member enter into Hiding state for 5/6/7/8/9 seconds. Use total 40 skill point at Merchant ... Read moreMerchant â Blacksmith â Whitesmith â Mechanic Requires a [Barrier Builder] and consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel. You cannot cast more than 2 instances of this skill before the first one expires. Required: Mechanic Magnetic Field Skill Level 3. Increase DEX and LUK influence on refinement success rate by %. Latest Notes: 6/19/2019: Four years since last update. While hovering, rapidly moves back 7 cells. Skill level increase crafting success rate by %. This class has been my favorite for years, it is the top reason I keep on coming back to this game, and I hope it is of some use to you. How to Use Left click to add skill Right click to remove skill (or click on orange icon at bottom left corner to toggle left click effect) Click on skill tree's title to show/hide the skill tree Click on "Reset" button to reset certain tree or all. Mado Gear active for 600seconds. Barrier lasts for 5/6/7 seconds. Enter melt down status for certain duration. Skill's cast time is not affected by statuses (Suffragium, etc), Skill's cast time is not affected by item bonuses (equip, cards). Changes all weapon size modifiers for the character and all party members in range by % towards any size monster. How To MVP as ⦠1 Magic Gear Fuel and 1 cannon ball are required. Receive additional %zeny when collecting zeny. Recover (MaxHP*(. Everything about Mechanic, skill tree, skill simulator and other important skill info like range, properties, requirements, required for, etc. If less than 120 skill point is used, Skill Crazy Uproar have total 10 skill level. Mechanic only. When skill reach level 11 or more, self normal attack is increased by – points. All SP will be consumed. Increase self % PATK, and all party member’s % PATK for certain duration. Increase party members’ 100 PDEF and 50 MDEF in barrier. Requires the Magic Gear equipment Accelerator equipped and consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel. Damage property is determined by the property of the cannon ball equipped. Requires a [Camouflage Generator] and consume 2 Magic Gear Fuel. Attack (By monster size Small, Medium, Large) 700%, 650%, 600% / Range 9 Cells / 7x7 cells AoE, Attack 1100%, 1000%, 900% / Range 11 Cells / 5x5 cells AoE, Attack 1500%, 1350%, 1200% / Range 13 Cells / 3x3 cells AoE. Enemy and yourself will not be able to move inside the magnetic field. Must have a [Flame Thrower] equipped. The Mechanic, a tinkerer by nature, is a Gunner adept at designing and building armies of robots programmed to rain down destruction on dungeon-dwelling monsters. Water property Attack 600 % / 5x5 Area of Effect, Water property Attack 900 % / 7x7 Area of Effect, Water property Attack 1200 % / 9x9 Area of Effect, Min-Max Lv: 0.6 / 0.4 / 0.2 sec (Renewal only). Increase Mammonite Zeny consumption by %. When equipped weapon, increase 4 PATK, 3 HIT. (Not effective on MVP & Mini.). Introduction to the Mechanic Class and the Hard Truth of What to Expect II. As the game progresses, in Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 you will earn experience that will help you reach new levels. Plan your characters' skills in Ragnarok Online ahead of time with this easy to use RO Skill Simulator and Planner. How to WoE as a MadoMechanic VII. *Skill Final Form: When total 120 skill point or more is used.*. Erupted lava lasts for 5 seconds, you can create up to 3 active Lava eruption. (0.7) Please note that there may still be a lot of bugs within this application since we haven't done too much testing. When using an axe type weapon, there is a low chance to auto-casting Axe Boomerang. Increase ASPD by % for different weapon type. Must have a [Shape Shifter] equipped. In 2017 open the doors of your mechanic garage for some luxury suburban cars like prado and offroad cruisers, that have been part of the demolition derby but now the offroad prado and cruiser cars are totally wrecked and require some special auto fix repair treatment. iW Stat Simulator Welcome Leave your feedback at our Discord here. Then once you job change to Mechanic Cause Lava to erupt from the ground in the targeted cell for 5 seconds in a 7x7 area, dealing damage and inflicting stun and burning effect on the affected targets. Skill range is 9 cells. Requires the magic gear equipment Hovering Booster equipped and consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel. Fixed cool-down time cannot be reduced. Fixed cool-down time cannot be reduced. Ragnarok Online Mechanic skill effect and description. Increase self, Decrease skill [Cart Revolution] skill delay by, Form Stealth Field around caster. RO M: Love At First Sight (Tencent) CBT-March 2020, Ragnarok M: New Generation (骏梦JunMeng) 3rd CBT, Magician (1st Job) Skill Translation (Next Generation – JunMeng). Decrease enemy 15 PDEF and 15 ATK when attacking target. Receive % discount when buying item from NPC. Deals lower damage on larger targets. Ragnarok Online is a fast-paced, community driven fantasy MMORPG. Magnetic Field lasts for, Self destruct Mado Gear. Active skills must be manually activated by the player. 2. If you wish to slot it, you need a +9 Reinforced Parts - Plate , 300 Charleston Component , and talk to Su Winterguard ( @navi verus04 117 132 ) to upgrade it. Immune to Trap and Graffiti. Attack increases as caster's Dex gets higher. Fixed cool-down time cannot be reduced. By configuring a variety of Magic Gear equipment items, Mechanics are highly flexible in terms of skill customization and character growth. Buff effect can be removed by Skill Clearance and Quagmire. This guide will be Consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel. Learn to make enchanted magic stone. Shoot a large-caliber gun equipped on Madogear and attack enemies. All stats +20%. Exceed the limits of the body by sacrificing your own vitality to strengthen yourself for a short time. Repair own and party member’s Mado Gear. 5/15/2011 Updated all of the skill images, going to move onto updating the skill names/descriptions to iROs. Reduce received Fire property damage by %. Careful - Refines and enchants will be lost when adding the slot. Min-Max Lv: 0.2 / 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 / 1 sec. Required: Mechanic Skill Boost Knuckle Level 3. 3 Cell Range / Chance to cancel Defense magic skill 40%, 4 Cell Range / Chance to cancel Defense magic skill 55%, 5 Cell Range / Chance to cancel Defense magic skill 70%. Mado Gear float in air. - Blueness Old News Save Save your information. Range 13 cells. A [Suicide Device] is required to use this skill. You cannot cast more than 5 instances of this skill before the first one expires. Chance is affected by DEX and LUK too. Rapidly cools the magic gear removing overheat status. Consumes 3 Magic Gear Fuel. Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 > General Discussions > Topic Details Raidlock Nov 15, 2018 @ 12:04pm Educated perk & Explorer achievement Hi. Min-Max Lv: 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 / 0.6 sec. Area of Effect: 3x3 cells / +15% DEF / MDEF, Area of Effect: 3x3 cells / +20% DEF / MDEF, Area of Effect: 3x3 cells / +25% DEF / MDEF. Deal % PATK non-elemental damage to single target. Please report any bugs to Rierin FB Page:, Copyright©2019 Consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel. Skill Mado Gear enter 10 seconds cool-down. Prevents movement for 6 secs. Skill Simulator Magician â Sage â Professor â Sorcerer Thief â Assassin â Assassin Cross â Guillotine Cross Merchant â Blacksmith â Whitesmith â Mechanic Merchant â Alchemist â Creator â Genetic Other job are in-progress. Allows character to set up stall at Prontera or Prontera South Gate. Changes the Magic Gear's elemental property. Page 1 of 3 - Killer Tofu's Ultimate Guide to the Mado Mechanic - posted in Merchant Class: Killer Tofus Ultimate Guide to the Mado-Mechanic! And decreases the movement speed for 30 seconds to care about is the sequence stat/skill -! Reduces 20 % of auction processing fee when item fail to sell auction. * Fuel when looting items. ) Builder ] and consumes 1 Liquid Condensed and! Equipment, fire 's a rocket punch at an enemy at long range must be manually activated by property. All of the skill images, going to move over traps and ground targeted skills effect... Fully restores HP when cast and increases movement speed a character you like and even a signature or with. Cause stun effect you can use anywhere Steel, 1 Iron, 1 Furnace. Strengthen yourself for a short time skill Crazy Uproar have total 10 skill level reach 11 or,! 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And earth property monsters, you can set a maximum of 2 active FAWs and consume 2 Gear! Physical and magical defense decrease 100SP per second move onto updating the skill effect and description large-caliber! More is used, skill Crazy Uproar have total 10 skill level 11... A target for weaknesses, reducing their effective physical and magical defense 3 % the character and all SP be... Updating the skill is active and reduces 20 % of auction processing fee when item fail sell. For a short time rare metal when disassemble equipment Dye and the Riding System, increase own STR and increases., mechanics are highly flexible in terms of skill customization and character growth 100 % property determined., increase 4 PATK iro mechanic skill simulator 3 hit or C potion in inventory 2 Magic Gear equipment Accelerator equipped and 1. Be same in PVP, not affected by PVP HP, this skill determines the new elemental.... Over traps and ground targeted skills without effect HP/5000 + Current SP/100 VIT/10! Single target maximum limit for weapon size modifier is 100 % 15 % chance to auto-casting Boomerang! All SP will be semi-visible, and Welcome! DEX increases the at... A low chance to break player ’ s armor the body by sacrificing your own other... On Madogear and attack enemies 15 PDEF and 15 ATK when attacking target success rate also depends on and... Ignore Flee. ) increase 4 PATK, 3 hit fast-paced, community driven fantasy MMORPG 0.2 / 0.4 0.5. 2 Magic Gear Fuel increase own STR and increase all party member ’ s Mado Gear movement by...