I was just thinking of that name for my future daughter too... No matter how YOU pronounce it, the other kids will call her Anus. It’s very rare that the A sound in French is long (like in BALL). This is a male, I almost married a French girl whose name is Anais, can't be bothered putting the umlaut over the I, her pronunciation is definitely Ana - EESS, all pronounced, quite strongly pronouncing the sibilant at the end. The perfume also is pronounced the same way. The A is super short, like the A in CAT. Then, when I went to buy her some as a child, the sales lady prounced it with a spanish twist: Ah-Nah-EESE! Does anyone know the correct way to pronounce "Anais"? Don’t get me started on that one! Currently popular pronunciations. And then the smart alecs always have some hairbrianed idea of what my name means and stuff and it’s pretty annoying. Why do you want to name your child something that people will be mispronouncing her entire life? The only word I can think of in French that would use that sound if AMEN, and that’s a loan word… Ask any French-speaking person (like me! It is actually much closer to the A in CAT, not the “ahhhh” sound. Anyway, I got tired of correcting people and I’ve been known, for simplicity’s sake, to step on my origins and go ahead and say “Ahhhhh-may-LEE” instead. But from my point of view, the “a” is “cat” is completely wrong. pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce ANAIS. I am definately going to give my kids some more user-friendly names. The A is never pronounced “ahhh” in French. here is a link where you can actually hear the name: http://french.about.com/library/media/wavs/Anais.wav. People everywhere would say “Oh, have you seen this Ahhhhhh-may-LEE movie?” and I would just lose it on them. The s is pronounced like s. Light stress on the last syllable. So what is the correct pronouncation of the name (as it has made the cut to be in the final 6 girls names that I like for the impending arrival of my baby). Anyway, something to consider for your child. Short vowels, short consonants, the stress on the last syllable. How strange!!! Just wondering because I like it as a possible name for … As for boys calling her anus, boys will always find something to tease you about. anais pronunciation - How to properly say anais. A little bit like 'Anna-iss'. And emphasis on the last syllable, I believe: ah-nah-EES. Reply. I dunno which is right, but it is one of my favorite scents on a woman, And to make saying her name even harder, her last name is pronounced “neen.”, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. You pronounce each syllable separately, so the “a” is not influenced by the “i” next to it. This letter indicates that the vowel, in this case "i" must be pronounced as a separate syllable from the preceding vowel "a". So what is the correct pronouncation of the name (as it has made the cut to be in the final 6 girls names that I like for the impending arrival of my baby). Anus... okay, maybe not such a good choice! She will constantly have to spell it and correct the pronunciation. I'm from the north west of England and have to be careful with some girls names as I … How to pronounce anus. Otherwise, give it equal weight, and you'll not be far wrong. ana-ees, short a as in Anna, long e as in e-mail. ), they’ll have the same story. That is where the vocal accent should be. I’ve pronounced Anais Nin (I can’t get an umlaut over the i) as A-na-ees and I have heard An-eye-ees. We like Nancy Anais. And I agree that the name is too close to “anus” . The two "a"s should be very short, like the a’s in CAT. Not planning on her for at least a few more years! Ah, finally, a question where my French background comes into play!! The “ahh” sound might not be right, but it’s at least a bit closer. Funny that we all chose different pronunciations. I get sick of always having to repeat my name and spelling it out for people. Because of the perfume brand, I can't contemplate this as a name for a real baby. (Audio and phonetic pronunciation) As for boys calling her anus, boys will always find something to tease you about. Pronounce Anaís in English (India) view more / help improve pronunciation. My wife uses that perfume and she’s always called it Uh-nay. It’s all rather tricky, because such phonemes have to be ingrained into one’s mignd at a young age or they just plain don’t exist. I have since discovered that there is a Hispanic soap opera star with the name Anais (she doesn’t use the diaeresis). And that middle-school boys will surely mis-pronounce as “anus” as they chase her around the playground. Listen to the audio pronunciation of ANAIS on pronouncekiwi. I wanted unusual, but not something so difficult that it will always be pronounced wrong. I have loved the perfume "Anais Anais" for years, and have always pronounced it like "Renee". The correct pronunciation of Anaïs Nin is A h-nah-eess Neen. Add fact ! This an exception to the normal rule of French pronunciation. You must have been as annoyed as I was at “Moo-Lawn Rouge.”. It would be pronounced way off from the correct English. Have a fact about Anais Watterson ? It’s ah-nah-eees. Just a nitpick, it’s not an umlaut. Have a definition for Anais Watterson ? pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Anais Watterson. I pronounce it an-ay-ees (back in the 70s there was a perfume called Anais Anais, and that's how it was pronounced back then - here in Australia at least). Pronunciation guide for the name of people and places. In regards to the mispronounciation, my name is Wendy. The problem here is that the sound you’re describing doesn’t exist in most dialects of English, so native English speakers are going to have trouble reproducing it (you might get a Bostonian to say it right, but few others). Not so much like the a’s in BALL. The way that English people have of pronouncing French A’s is wrong most of the time. Anais is pronounced aa-Naa- IY -Z †. An umlaut is used in German to indicate a change in the vowel sound. Heck, it beats repeating and explaining to people that they are wrong all the time. Should be a pretty obviously easy name to pronounce, right? if you name your daughter Anaïs, let me know if you ever are interested in personalized items! &How to pronounce anaiss. I’ve pronounced Anais Nin (I can’t get an umlaut over the i). YES! Maybe it’s your name or maybe its a physical trait, who knows? We arelooking for names for either a boy or girl. Sign in to disable ALL ads. You thought you knew how to pronounce Anais That’s awkward that you don’t know how to pronounce her name right. Or is it like "mayonnaise"?? pronouncekiwi. The middle name is christiana,named after my mom,and the last name is loy. Saying it sounds like the “ice” in police is a good comparason, but it should be even shorter than that. I second the above. No horse in the race. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. I think its Noel Gallagher and Meg Matthew daughters name - do you think it's a pretty name? I didn’t want to pick a name like, say, Jennifer. on a Mac: Pronounce the word anais.By typing or pasting a word or text in the text box, then clicking on the 'Speak' button, you are able to hear the correct pronunciation in British English (UK).You can also choose a male voice or a female voice as well as the language: United States English, United Kingdom English or Australian English. Pronounce Anaís in Dutch view more / help improve pronunciation. As for the ending, it is true you’d stress the EES at the end. Maybe because I think it’s a beautiful name? Hold down “alt”, type 0239 on your numeric keypad, and release the “alt” key. Anais name numerology is 8 and here you can learn how to pronounce Anais, Anais origin and similar names to Anais name. More like HISS, but without pronouncing the H at the beginning. There are some dialects in which the “e” in “pen” merges with the “i” in “pin.” Those who speak those dialects honestly can’t hear any difference between “Wendy” and “Windy,” so go easy on them. I get Windy all the damn time. How to pronounce Anais I've pronounced Anais Nin (I can't get an umlaut over the i) as A-na-ees and I have heard An-eye-ees. I always thought it was ah-NAY-iss, but I’m willing to concede on this one. I had some stationary made up and already have the plates made with just her first name. Should be a pretty obviously easy name to pronounce, right? So, it’s not just that English speakers are pronouncing “Anais” wrong; French speakers are also pronouncing (and hearing) “cat” wrong. As an English speaker, I can tell you that when I hear most French-speaking people say a word like “cat,” they get the vowel completely wrong. I pronounce it Ah-nay (like the perfume!) How do you say ANAIS? I did some reading around and it would appear that the 'correct' pronunciation is "ahn-eye-ees" or "ahn-a-ees" but some people pronounce it "a-NAY-is". Like the "a"s, the “i” is also very short. I don’t speak French but art history classes taught me to pronounce it somewhat. For boys,we like jameson,quinlan and greylan. Well if you go to France, Quebec or French-speaking African countries pronouncing a short A with an “Ahhhh” sound, they might understand but they will also correct you. but lots say this is wrong. I get Windy all the damn time. I love ethnic names and I like to travel; this is supposedly a Catalan/Provencial version of Hannah. The “ahh” sound might not be right, but it’s at least a bit closer. Being French with a French name myself and being raised in an English environment, I know how easy it is to have people (teenage boys, most definately) twist your name around. How do you pronounce the name anais? So I rediscovered the name Anais and realized how much I love it. You people are great! The Honest Anise Answer This journey through Europe is the source of the warring pronunciations. I am trying to teach my husband French right now (so he and the in-laws can communicate better) and it is exasperating sometimes. See more. How to pronounce the name Anaïs Nin. Xx. Anais meaning and name origin. How to say or pronounce Anais in different languages and countries. For a pc: Have a fact about ANAIS ? Remember when that French movie, Amelie, came out a few years ago? So, you can hear the different pronunciations. Thanks, jahoulih - I knew "umlaut" was not correct for romance languages but could not for the LIFE of me remember the word diaeresis. I stupidly started googling it today and there is lots of disagreement on how Anais is pronounced. I remember a college newspaper that quoted a visiting performing artist as saying that his favourite theatrical work was Lame Is Rob. So the one that you’re hearing from one speaker is going to be more “wrong” than another. If so what second name would be nice with it? Anais \a-nais\ as a girl's name is pronounced ah-NAH-eece. No. So, you can hear the different pronunciations. Last night a friend of mine said she had always heard and called the perfume more like Anise. In this word, the final s is also to be pronounced. It’s now that I am D/FW that noboby can say Wendy. Last night a friend of mine said she had always heard and called the perfume more like Anise. Amethyst, To get a French ah-nay, you would have to drop the "s" I think. (and i'm French) Well if you go to France, Quebec or French-speaking African countries pronouncing a short A with an “Ahhhh” sound, they might understand but they will also correct you. Remember when that French movie, Amelie, came out a few years ago? But then again I’ve butchered a few foreign names myself… It is hard to describe foreign language pronounciation using examples from our own languages though. It’s actually a diaeresis (which just happens to look the same as an umlaut), which is used in English and French to indicate that the vowel so marked is supposed to be prounounced as a separate syllable. Is the stress on the last syllabal? "diaeresis" or "dieresis" in English, "tréma" in French, "crema" in Spanish. What do you all think and how would you pronounce Anais? Therefore the word “Anaïs” is to be pronounced as AA-NAA-I-S. Europe - How do you pronounce "Anais" - Does anyone know the correct way to pronounce "Anais"? If you know French and would like to add to the above (either another rule of pronunciation or a more precise pronunciation for a particular name) please leave a comment. hold down “alt option” and “u” at the same time, then type i. Anaïs translation and audio pronunciation Or is the 's' pronounced only before a vowel like other french words? When I lived in California, my name was said correctly! Such a wealth of knowledge here! While Merriam-Webster declares the approved pronunciation as ANN-iss, with the “a” sound like “cat,” the word itself is derived from French, which pronounces it “ANN-niece.” It is of French and Hebrew origin. pronouncekiwi. We’re talking about at least three distinct vowel sounds here and only one of them can be “heard” as well as pronounced easily by both native English native French speakers. The “ees” sounds like the end of “police.” Definitely not pronounced “anise.” The perfume is “ah-na-ees, ah-na-ees.”. The "French pronounciation" is no different from the "Catalan pronounciation." 0 like. Pronunciation of anais nin with 3 audio pronunciations, 4 translations, 1 sentence and more for anais nin. sorry 3 in 1 question lol And it’s all difficult to describe in writing, but if I could sound it out for you I might be able to show you that the “cat” vowel is completely different from what you imagine it to be. One more thing. Listen to the audio pronunciation in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Last night a friend of mine said she had always heard and called the perfume more like Anise. Should sound like a Finnish short a (if you’ve ever heard correctly spoken Finnish…). StCirq is absolutely correct, except that the diacritical mark is referred to as a "diaeresis," not an "umlaut," when it's used in the Romance languages (or English or Latin or Greek) to indicate that a second vowel is pronounced separately from the first. This thread would be *so much better * if we could just talk to each other instead of having to describe sounds and stuff!! Give the poor kid a break and make it her middle name if you must. Funny topic, since my mom wore this perfume and always pronounced it "Uh-NAY-uss, Uh-NAY-uss". Europe - How do you pronounce "Anais" - Does anyone know the correct way to pronounce "Anais"? Anaïs is a variant of Ana. But the letter ï is to be pronounced with stress on it as a single letter. The last name is properly pronounced "Neen," but most English speakers say "Nin" as in in or inn. As our daughters get older (mine is 5 months), we can have them become pen-pals. ), they’ll have the same story. Is the s pronounced like s or like z? The whole name is pronounced using the very front of your mouth. Hi girls, Just wondering how you pronounce the name Anais? I’ve pronounced Anais Nin (I can’t get an umlaut over the i) as A-na-ees and I have heard An-eye-ees. A pronunciation of anaiss, with audio and text pronunciations with meaning, for everyone to learn the way to pronounce anaiss in English. Write it here to share it with the entire community. Listen to the audio pronunciation in several English accents. Hmm. Here’s how to make the ï. Unless the word is a loan-word from an Anglo-saxon language, that is. Which a word or name is spoken and you can also share with others, so that people can say anaiss correctly. Anais Meaning - Grace, Favour, Pure. How to say anais nin in English? for the middle name peter which is … People everywhere would say “Oh, have you seen this Ahhhhhh-may-LEE movie?” and I would just lose it on them. I like the girl names aislin,ava. But "Anai" doesn't look as pretty. That, in fact, should give you a major clue as to its pronunciation: A-na-is. Pronounce the word anais nin.By typing or pasting a word or text in the text box, then clicking on the 'Speak' button, you are able to hear the correct pronunciation in British English (UK).You can also choose a male voice or a female voice as well as the language: United States English, United Kingdom English or Australian English. No, without the "i" it would be Ah-nah, more or less. Currently popular pronunciations. Find, submit and requests pronunciations When I lived in El Paso, it wasn’t a problem, typically, because spanish speakers do not pronounce e as i. That’s another reason I picked Anaïs for my daughter: it is said the same way in Spanish as in the French. I have always liked the name, but I agree with xxx. The only word I can think of in French that would use that sound if AMEN, and that’s a loan word… Ask any French-speaking person (like me! Anyone know where I can find lists of ethnic European names (preferably French)? Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Anaïs in Catalan, French, Dutch with native pronunciation. Anaïs pronunciation - How to properly say Anaïs. No. Just wondering because I like it as a possible name for a future child. The name Anaïs can be particularly confusing to pronounce because of the "i" that contains a diaeresis: "ï". It’s two totally different sounds. In regards to the mispronounciation, my name is Wendy. During the entire trip, you, a man of few words in your daily life, tried so hard to entertain her and hoped that she’d forgive you pronounced her name wrong. Write it here to share it with the entire community. It's Ahn-ay-ees or Ahn-a-yees, or however you want to transliterate it, in any language. Def not 'An-ay'. Would Anais without the ï be pronounced a-nay? You must talk to a lot of Southern Californians. How to say anus. Just a quick question; not trying to be snide (really). And as far as choosing a name that people might mispronounce – I myself have a name that is difficult for most Americans to pronounce, and I wouldn’t give it up for anything. Americans need to become more used to “strange” names. Movie, Amelie, came out a few years ago `` Uh-NAY-uss, Uh-NAY-uss '' i agree that name... Is supposedly a Catalan/Provencial version of Hannah, depending on the internet any language and not! In fact, should give you a major clue as to its pronunciation: A-na-is a. On this one which a word or name is loy loan-word from an Anglo-saxon language, that is Definitely pronounced... They are wrong all the ways that you don’t know how to say or pronounce Anais That’s awkward you! Is super short, like the perfume! always thought it was ah-NAY-iss, but i agree with xxx )! Background comes into play! in regards to the mispronounciation, my name was said correctly a word name! A Finnish short a ( if you’ve ever heard correctly spoken Finnish… ) said she had heard. 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