Im trying to use the jquery steps plugin to have a multi step form. Fieldset expanded? I'm also curious if you know if there's a reason this "worked" in IE11 but is now "not working" in Edge. carsRST asked on 2010-08-11. I am not sure if this is a bug in picture wysiwyg fieldgroup module or maybe Firefox itself. Premium Content You need a subscription to comment. The
tag comes in pairs. I want the fieldset to display a horizontal scroll bar as the content is too wide but it only works in IE's not Fir By using the fieldset tag and the legend tag, you can make your forms much easier to understand for your users. If I setup the project on a new server, the fieldset works straight from the start without any changes or issues..? Because of what? The width is kinda working - it pushes all the adjacent inputs further away from it but doesnt actually allow for longer text to be displayed in itself. The problem was because of some improperly put Table TR and TD tags which were not closed. <tr> <fieldset> <legend>submit form</legend> <td> <input type="t… After changing to liquid the form's last fieldset does not expand with its content. Explicitly forcing: legend {white-space: nowrap;} works for FF but not IE. There are a few tickets about setting dialog's width option to 'auto' not working properly. So because of what? I stripped it down, took off this and that but nothing helps. 1,028 Views. Instead, we need to size columns based on content from sibling grids. It does not wrap on the whitespace in either case. Syntax¶. Organizing Forms. Noooo because that should be a paradox. while design time it is appering normally, but in run time the positions of that fildsets were changing. I just copy the available example code on the documentation and made some html and hi, i have the following code in webix, i need the resizer but its not responding , can anyone help me , i need to be able to resize the columns in my form to fit the height and width when the user wants to. Description. Basically if it is not limited to the width of the its parents, it horizontally expand to fit anything inside it. What I ended up doing was a multi-fold approach: - always use a fieldset for the wrapping dialog content container (the target element for the plugin) - set a default width in css for the fieldset wrapper, and position the fieldset offscreen (-10000, -10000), but visible. RE: Width of Fieldset not working in IE monksnake (Programmer) 29 Jan 07 15:04 Try to put a min-width:95% property on your fieldset in your CSS and see what that does. please reply. Though I wasn't really thinking of … pls assist Thanks, /Z [CLOSED] FieldSet not working in Chrome Last Modified: 2012-05-10. width: 100%; Works in IE but not in Chrome. RE "how would one make break-word work inside a fieldset" -- you can also put the fieldset's contents inside of a wrapper-block, and limit the width of that block (e.g. The disabled attribute can be set to keep a user from using the fields until some other condition has been met (like selecting a checkbox, etc.). 2013 May 19 01:10 AM 0 comment 270 views. But in IE 8.0.6001, the fieldset does not add a line break for every td/tr. So I have to add an additional blank/empty tr/td to add a … 1.7 IE 10 Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m Note that the fieldset PLUS/MINUS doesn't show in Chrome. Join a community of over 2.6m developers to have your questions answered on RadConfirm not working with FireFox of UI for ASP.NET AJAX Window. hi all, am working on a project in in designing means in source code i used fieldsets. Fieldset has an intrinsic min-width value set to min-content. CSS - 100% width not working in Chrome. The width of the fieldset in this case is > the maximum of its width as an auto-width block and the minimal intrinsic width But why it expand if not required?! These rules applied to all the examples: label { display: block; width: 10em; float: left; } fieldset { width: 25em; } Example One This example uses a background color. But it is long grid. Start with our free trials. Most online forms are poorly designed, disorganized, and hard to use. But suddenly the fieldset stopped working (the fields in the form), but the legend (Headers/Title in the form) still works. And IE8 does not have attributes to round the corners like Firefox. We do support I didn't know user agent styles added min-width: min-content to elements. Images with matching styles of max-width: 100% do not scale fluidly (mobile view) in Firefox. If you change the color by redefining the border attribute, it loses its default attributes and become of squared shape. Not sure why? A disabled fieldset is unusable and un-clickable. In FF3 it is extending the fieldset outside of the container "block" div's and in IE8 it just extends the text outside the fieldset. Internet Explorer Fieldset border is not expanding properly. CSS; HTML; 6 Comments. Start Free Trial. i want the grid to be fit on the Browser with scroll bars. Thanks. Then, a JavaScript could remove the disabled value, and make the fieldset usable again. It worked fine for a long time on both my computer and server. Fieldset with rounded corners and border color . In browsers, a box around the content is drawn. ASP.NET Forums / General ASP.NET / Getting Started / fieldset width control from code behind fieldset width control from code behind [Answered] RSS 2 replies Comment. I have a fieldset with width smaller than its content div's width. Overflowing Fieldset content in Firefox I am having a css issue with fieldset and wonder if you could help? Roonaan, the nesting is working properly for me and the removing of the nested fieldsets did not eliminate the problem. sometimes one fieldset is overlaping with other fieldset, some times the controls which are in that fieldset were not appearing, and the positions of the controls also changing. Why not working?! the gridpanel hasn't width or anchor property and it's dosent work thus (fieldset and gridpanel dosent show where i run my project) i think, filedset controls dosent inherit width value from formpanel,it's width value maximum width member of fieldset. Hi there, I am trying to use one of the other Splunk answers to increase the width of my dropdown menu. This is similar to the code we previously look at in the auto-fit demo. The content is written between the opening () and closing ( ) tags. In firefox 3.6.17, the layout comes properly. By default, Internet Explorer shows the frames with rounded corners and a predefined gray color. realize that this simply would not work cross-browser (read: on IE). Hello I am trying to keep radgrid inside fieldset but when i keep radgrid inside fieldset, i am getting the grid's scroll bar but the horizontal width i am getting is what exactly with out scrollbars. The following CSS rules are used to style the fieldset elements: #el01 {padding:0} /* Remove padding */ #el02 { /* Text and background colour, blue on light gray */ The fieldset automatically adds a line break for every tr-td combination, the layout shows fine. For the example we’ve been working with, we do not need to use rows. What’s the best approach to get fieldsets and legends and rounded corners working properly in IE without extra HTML markup? New here? Get code examples like "bootstrap fieldset" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. Several fieldset groups are used inside td (table). hello why not work to table? The tag visually groups logically related fields in an HTML form defined with the