The inclusion and exclusion of the articles for analysis were performed using Reporting Standards for Systematic Evidence Syntheses (ROSES) flow diagram developed for systematic review/meta-analysis. The objective of this paper was to systematically analyze the trend of plant ecological research in Ethiopia. © 1986–2020 The Scientist. Toxic Pollutants Can Impact Wildlife Disease ... Stool Transplants Can Battle Serious Infections, Capturing 40 Years of Climate Change for an Endangered Montana Prairie, Mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain May Not Deliver the Desired Outcomes for Nature, Symbiotic Relationship Between California Oaks and Mutualist Fungi as a Buffer for Climate Change, Index Reveals Integrity Issues for Many of the World's Forests, Colorado Mountains Bouncing Back from 'Acid Rain' Impacts, Global Trends in Nature's Contributions to People, Marine Ecosystems: No Refuge from the Heat, Scientists Took a Rare Chance to Prove We Can Quantify Biodiversity by 'Testing the Water', Leaf Microbiomes Are a Neighborhood Affair in Northern Forests, Coasts Drown as Coral Reefs Collapse Under Warming and Acidification, Incredible Vision in Ancient Marine Creatures Drove an Evolutionary Arms Race, Cost of Planting, Protecting Trees to Fight Climate Change Could Jump, Caribbean Coral Reefs Under Siege from Aggressive Algae, Jaguars Robust to Climate Extremes but Lack of Food Threatens Species, It's Not Too Late to Save 102 Species at Risk of Extinction, In Fire-Prone West, Plants Need Their Pollinators -- And Vice Versa, A New Species of Rare Phylum Loricifera Discovered in the Deep-Sea Surrounding Japan, Colorado Mountains Bouncing Back from 'acid Rain' Impacts, Scientists Took a Rare Chance to Prove We Can Quantify Biodiversity by 'testing the Water', Changes in Fire Activity Are Threatening More Than 4,400 Species Globally, Some Amazon Rainforest Regions More Resistant to Climate Change Than Previously Thought, Plant Evolves to Stay Hidden from Harvesting Humans, Giant Aquatic Bacterium Is a Master of Adaptation, In the Amazon's 'sand Forests,' Birds Play by Different Evolutionary Rules, Researchers Quantify Carbon Changes in Sierra Nevada Meadow Soils, Deafening Insects Mask True Biodiversity Assessed Via Acoustic Surveys in Japan, Applying Environmental Genomics to Coral Conservation, Virtual Reality Forests Could Help Understanding of Climate Change, Late-Season Arctic Research Cruise Reveals Warm Ocean Temperatures, Active Ecosystem, Researchers Develop DNA Approach to Forecast Ecosystem Changes, New Study Uses Satellites and Field Studies to Improve Coral Reef Restoration, Climate Change and Food Demand Could Shrink Species' Habitats by Almost a Quarter by 2100, Ecologically Friendly Agriculture Doesn't Compromise Crop Yields, Global-Scale Animal Ecology Reveals Behavioral Changes in Response to Climate Change, Eco-Engineered Tiles Enhance Marine Biodiversity on Seawalls, Seabirds' Response to Abrupt Climate Change Transformed Sub-Antarctic Island Ecosystems, Eradicating Black Rats on Palmyra Atoll Uncovers Eye-Opening Indirect Effects, Coral Larvae Movement Is Paused in Reaction to Darkness, Transparent Soil-Like Substances Provide Window on Soil Ecology, Drones That Patrol Forests Could Monitor Environmental and Ecological Changes, Genomic Data 'catches Corals in the Act' Of Speciation and Adaptation, China's Most Important Trees Are Hiding in Plain Sight, Decades-Long Effort Revives Ancient Oak Woodland, Species Loss Affects Basis of Life of Humans, Small Mussels in the Baltic Are Getting Even Smaller, Wildlife Flock to Backyards for Food from People. Tropical Ecology is devoted to all aspects of fundamental and applied ecological research in tropical and sub-tropical ecosystems. Researchers from all countries are invited to publish applied ecological, environmental, biomathematical and informatical or multidisciplinary agricultural research of international interest on its pages. An ecologist studies the relationship between living things and their habitats. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. Content on this website is for information only. Read the articles part of a collaboration between Cell Press and National Geographic Trends Collection on Artificial Intelligence This Trends multi-journal collection highlights the use of artificial intelligence (AI)-based methods to solve a diverse set of complex problems across a wide range of scientific disciplines. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference. Have any problems using the site? Back in January 2019, an 'early view' research article was published in the journal Biological Conservation. Volume 20, October 2019, e00736. CiteScore: 4.6 ℹ CiteScore: 2019: 4.6 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. The Journal Impact 2019-2020 of Applied Ecology and Environmental Research is 0.740, which is just updated in 2020.Compared with historical Journal Impact data, the Metric 2019 of Applied Ecology and Environmental Research dropped by 9.76 %.The Journal Impact Quartile of Applied Ecology and Environmental Research is Q3.The Journal Impact of an academic journal is a scientometric Metric … Weedy Seadragon Genomics Reveal Highly Distinct Populations. Top Headlines . Nevertheless, the cutting-edge research in new ecological concepts, methodology and reviews on contemporary themes, not necessarily confined to tropics and sub-tropics, may also be considered for publication at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. For the past two years, the charismatic marine mammals have washed up on Pacific shores in record numbers. Maitland a c B.T. In South Africa, the composition of droppings varies by species’ body sizes, and which animals are found where depends on vegetation density. Search for Dark Matter from the Multiverse, Life On Earth Could Have Arisen from RNA-DNA Mix, New Class of Antibiotics Work On Many Bacteria, How Our Brains Track Where We and Others Go, Mini Antibodies Against COVID-19 from a Llama, Climate Change: Threshold for Dangerous Warming, Unknown Asteroid Likely the Size of Ceres, Weedy Seadragon Genomics Reveal Highly Distinct Populations, Coastal Ecosystems 'Bright Spots' for Repairing Marine Ecosystems, King of the Cave: New Centipede on Top of the Food Chain in the Sulphurous-Soaked Movile, Researchers Monitor Bees by 'Dressing' Them in High Visibility Retro-Reflective Vests, New Research Makes Strong Case for Restoring Hong Kong's Lost Oyster Reefs, Invasive in the U.S., Lifesaver Down Under, Satellite Tracking Supports Whale Survival, Growing Numbers of Critically Endangered Sawfish in Miami Waters, How Climate Change Is Disrupting Ecosystems, More Frequent and Extreme Marine Heatwaves Likely to Threaten Starfish, Natural Environmental Conditions Facilitate the Uptake of Microplastics Into Living Cells, Toxic Pollutants Can Impact Wildlife Disease Spread, Researchers Suggest Stool Transplants Can Battle Serious Infections, Critically Endangered Sawfish in Miami Waters, Frequent Marine Heatwaves to Threaten Starfish, Uptake of Microplastics Into Living Cells. Crossref Nieves García-Casarejos, Luis Antonio Sáez-Pérez, Internships for Higher Education Students to Promote the Local Sustainability of Rural Places, Sustainability, 10.3390/su12124926, 12 , 12, (4926), (2020). Anthropogenic hybridiza… First, they are economically costly, estimated to account for over 19 billion dollars in damages annually in the United States through their consumption and contamination of food products alone (Pimentel et al., 2000). Ecology is the study of organisms and how they interact with the environment around them. New projects aim to do it again. Ecological Research has been published in English by the Ecological Society of Japan since 1986. A meta‐analysis of wildlife health and urbanization, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10.1002/fee.2126, 17, 10, (575-583), (2019). Guray Akalin, Sinan Erdogan, Does democracy help reduce environmental degradation?, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 10.1007/s11356-020-11096-1, (2020). Janssen and de Silva, 2019. It is not intended to provide medical or other professional advice. One way to investigate the record-setting deaths of the marine mammals is to perform autopsies on them, but researchers are also taking a close look at living whales for clues to what could be killing them. Papers on fundamental and applied novel research in both the field and the laboratory, including descriptive or experimental studies, will … Get the latest science news with ScienceDaily's free email newsletters, updated daily and weekly. The journal was founded in 1977 and transferred to BioMed Central in June 2016. Click here to explore the most widely-read ecology research published in Scientific Reports in 2017. All rights reserved. Volume 234, June 2019, Pages 82-89 Review Author links open overlay panel J.M. The number of articles published, authors, and collaboration has … Bioacoustics is the study of the production, transmission and reception of animal sounds. 1 2. Cite this article as: Camp EF, Edmondson J, Doheny A, Rumney J, Grima AJ, Huete A, Suggett DJ (2019) Mangrove lagoons of the Great Barrier Reef support coral populations persisting under extreme environmental conditions. Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) are infamous urban exploiters, thriving in cities worldwide (Feng and Himsworth, 2014). New registrations are only possible by contacting the journal management. As a result BMC Ecology is no longer open to new submissions and will not publish any new articles after December 31 st 2020. The following is the established format for referencing this article: Schlüter, M., B. Müller, and K. Frank. Consequences of infestations can be severe. Questions? Massive Prehistoric Croc Emerges from South East Queensland, The 'Crazy Beast' That Lived Among the Dinosaurs. The white-tailed eagle, once driven to extinction in the UK, have now returned. CiteScore: 2019: 3.2 CiteScore measures the average citations received per peer-reviewed document published in this title. In order to learn about the natural world, ecologists must study multiple aspects of life ranging from the moss that grows on rocks to the wolf population in Yellowstone National Park. A global decline of large carnivores has motivated scientists to understand the animals’ ecological roles, and consider whether reintroducing them can help restore ecosystems. Infographic: Herbivore Dung Nutrients Vary Across the Savanna. Research on biodiversity reduction and ecosystems. Mace led the work to determine the criteria for the IUCN’s Red List. Tropical Birds Differ in Their Responses to Drought. The Journal publishes original research papers, review articles, short communications (scientific publications), book reviews, forum articles, announcements or letters. Infographic: How Large Carnivores Sculpt Ecosystems. Can Pumping Up Cold Water from Deep Within the Ocean Halt Coral Bleaching? Hidden Losses Deep in the Amazon Rainforest, Shifts in Flowering Phases of Plants Due to Reduced Insect Density, Metal Deposits from Chinese Coal Plants End Up in the Pacific Ocean, Elkhorn Coral Actively Fighting Off Diseases on Reef, Seabird Response to Abrupt Climate Change 5,000 Years Ago Transformed Falklands Ecosystems, Soil Fungi Act Like a Support Network for Trees, Declines in Shellfish Species on Rocky Seashores Match Climate-Driven Changes, Management of a Popular Game Fish, the Smallmouth Bass, Tiny Beetles a Bellwether of Ecological Disruption by Climate Change, CRISPR-Induced Immune Diversification in Host-Virus Populations, Trees Bring Benefits to Society, Regardless of Their Origin, Australian Carp Virus Plan 'dead in the Water', Fuels, Not Fire Weather, Control Carbon Emissions in Boreal Forest, Crayfish 'trapping' Fails to Control Invasive Species, Rainforest Model Offers Glimpse Into Future of the Amazon, Most Nations Failing to Protect Nature in COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Plans, Extinctions Linked to New Assemblages of Species, Crabs Are Key to Ecology and Economy in Oman, Zoologists Uncover New Example of Rapid Evolution -- Meet the Sulawesi Babblers, Pollinator Monitoring More Than Pays for Itself, Broken Promises: Almost 80 Percent of Threatened Species Lack Sufficient Protection, Long-Term Consequences Difficult to Predict, Pesticides and Food Scarcity Dramatically Reduce Wild Bee Population, 40 Percent of Amazon Could Now Exist as Rainforest or Savanna-Like Ecosystems, Bright Light Bars Big-Eyed Birds from Human-Altered Landscapes, Predator-Prey Interaction Study Reveals More Food Does Not Always Mean More Consumption, Using Microbial Information to Inform Global Climate Change Models, Marine Biodiversity Reshuffles Under Warmer and Sea Ice-Free Pacific Arctic, 'Portfolio' Of Marine Reserves Enhances Fish Populations, Evidence That Prehistoric Flying Reptiles Probably Had Feathers Refuted, Tree Rings Show Scale of Arctic Pollution Is Worse Than Previously Thought, Impact of Climate Change on Rainforest Elephants, Caribbean Islands Face Loss of Protection and Biodiversity as Seagrass Loses Terrain, Penicillium Camemberti: A History of Domestication on Cheese, Tiny Worlds Reveal Fundamental Drivers of Abundance, Diversity, Better Conservation Planning Can Improve Human Life Too, Forest Margins May Be More Resilient to Climate Change Than Previously Thought, Ecologists Confirm Alan Turing's Theory for Australian Fairy Circles, Tree Planting Has Potential to Increase Carbon Sequestration Capacity on Nation's Forests, Scientists Explaining How Diverse Species Coexist in Microbial Communities. CiteScore values are based on citation counts in a range of four years (e.g. At the regional level, an estimate by the province of Alberta, Canada projected that rats would cost up to 42.5 million dollars ann… Infographic: Investigating Whale Strandings Along the North American Coast. Scattered around the periphery of the expanding thematic space, themes such as microbial ecology, genetics, biogeochemistry, and management and policy have all increased in relative frequency. The Journal of Pollination Ecology is an o pen access, peer-reviewed journal that aims to promote the exchange of original knowledge and research in any area of pollination issues.. Due to increasing SPAM registrations, you need to contact in case you want to register and submit an article. Anne Cochrane, Multi-year sampling provides insight into the bet-hedging capacity of the soil-stored seed reserve of a threatened Acacia species from Western Australia, Plant Ecology, 10.1007/s11258-019-00909-0, (2019). Google Scholar. Marine ecology – Learn about a tough but wonderful world (Volume 35, Issue 1, 2020) Phenology in the tropics: Ultimate causes and physiological controls revealed by long‐term monitoring and predictive models (Volume 34, Issue 1, 2019) Ultramafic Ecosystems (Volume 33, Issue 3 and Issue 4, 2018) As some conservationists and researchers begin to return large carnivores to areas where they once roamed, scientists intensify efforts to study the ecological roles of predators. Ecological phenomena how Ecologists study the World ’ s Apex Predators of this paper was to systematically analyze the of! And referral programs, where indicated report on the basic elements of ecological is! Have washed up on Pacific shores in record numbers Strandings suspect warming waters and sea... Academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference no longer open to new submissions will... 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