28 December 2020. Print: 1. If locally employed: Latest Income Tax Return (ITR) or … official receipts for the last three (3) months. Photocopy of Life Insurance policy, endorsed to BDO Unibank, Inc. Letter of Undertaking 1. Loan purpose. BDO Home Loan. Verify your Account. Enter One-Time Password . A BDO Home Loan, however, could fast-track making this dream a reality. • Interest Only for the first six (6) months .page-node-save-20-disney-ice .title_bluebanner h2, .page-node-get-p500-cash-rebate-sm-store-bdo-unionpay .title_bluebanner h2, Choose from the following options: • 60-day Grace Period Home; Loan Services Amortization Schedule Auto Loan; Important Reminders. All BDO home loan applicants must submit the following requirements. */,