These dogs need food that suits their lifestyle. Rajapalayam dog breeders rely only on natural. You can use this as a forum to share your knowledge with the rest of the world. Breeders sell crosses saying the spots disappear when the dog grows up. As with many fully white dogs, there is an incidence of deafness and it is best to check if puppies respond to noise before picking them. In ancient times, hunts were a grand affair. The Rajapalayam dog is on the verge of extinction. Rajapalayam are generally a very healthy breed and there are not many complications attached to its breeding. Aggressive behavior is not an inherent trait in these dogs. During their reign, soldiers trained their dogs to fight against the. They needed a dog that can protect their farms from wild animals as well as hunt. People choose this dog as a guard dog. I am not aware of any Rajapalayam dog breeders in the US. . Courageous. Common colours are spotted brown or dark and reddish brown. They live up to 10- 12 years. These brave dogs fought and gave their lives for freedom from the British. Without your help, this dog will disappear. What is pet insurance? [3] Many Rajapalayam dogs suffer from mange, though this is usually not a serious problem, (Mange is not a skin problem and is actually caused by mites), so it is basically a care issue of preventing mites rather than a breed issue. You will find pure Rajapalayams only in their home town. In this video you could see the growth of rajapalayam from 20 days to 4 motnhs. It is also found in black colours. They run native breed dog shows to bring to light these dogs. These dogs don’t do well … In the 1980s, the Rajapalayam hound was the most popular in south Indian states. With powerful jaws, these dogs can crush and break bones. Out of the four, Rajapalayam, Kanni and Chippiparai are all sighthounds. Rajapalayam is such a nice dog. 5 each) and Rajapalayam (Face value Rs. It is one of the quickest ways to train this breed of dog. They are beautiful dogs at heart. Rajapalayam dogs need food that is high in protein to match their active life. these dogs with friends and family. The Rajapalyam hound is also commonly called the Poligan hound. These dogs are couch friendly dogs with no shedding for their hair. The dog is usually black and tan in colour, perhaps with limited white on the feet and chest. Hunters then swiftly dealt with the wild boars with spears. As the game approached, the Rajapalayam dogs were let loose on the fleeing wild boars to stop and to hold them. An extremely handsome and graceful dog, the Rajapalayam has a double suspension gait, similar to the trotting of a thoroughbred horse.The staple colour is milk white though faint brown markings are quite common, the pink nose is standard. In particular, the Poligar Hound. rajapalayam dog at – Classifieds across the united states.. ... Rs 20,000 Pitbull terrier dog American bully. Affectionate, Devoted Breeders in Rajapalayam town sell pups for less than ₹10,000. . One needs to show strong leadership when training this dog. Can these dog manage to live in nasik, maharashtra? It is important to socialize these dogs with friends and family. Being an intelligent breed makes them easy to train dogs. Eye color can range from golden to brown and green.Puppies born with whitish or blue eyes are almost always deaf and should not be bred. This is a typically large breed and measures 25-30 inches at the withers. Rajapalayam could be a descendant of the Indian Pariah dog, interbred with a hound from the Middle East or possibly the Mudhol Hound. The 2020 price of a Rajapalayam puppy varies depending on where you buy the pup. Buying from a breeder in the dog’s native tract will encourage them and will help this dog to survive and you will get a pure Rajapalayam. Most experts believe that the Poligar Hound is most likely the Rajapalayam dog. . This dog is known to live up to 12 years of age. Rajapalayam is a large-sized sight-hound dog, generally between 65–75 cm (20-30 inches) and weighs around 32-42 kgs. The current status of the Rajapalayam dog breed. Ownership guide with important tips! Cars, bikes, and bicycles are fair game. The Rajapalayam dog is a medium-sized Indian sighthound. This dog is not afraid of anything and does not back down from a fight. The Nayakars ruled the Rajapalayam town in the 17th century. During the Nayakar rule, the Rajapalayam hound was the companion of kings and aristocrats. The Rajapalayam dog is intelligent, courageous, and loyal, making them a versatile and, In the 1980s, the Rajapalayam hound was the most popular in south Indian states. The internet portrays them as a vicious dog. Dogs like the. A female dog needs about 1400 kcal per day. while treating their dogs. The Rajapalayam dog is a medium-sized Indian sighthound. British and American hold on India is well-known. The Rajaplayam dog is smart, loyal, and courageous. The Rajapalayam dog breed is a medium to large size sighthound. This bite force is one of the highest in the canine world. The Rajapalayam dog is facing extinction. These dogs are all white, and any other color is a severe fault. They are ready to take on any intruder without fear. for dogs with high prey drive. Please share this with your friends to help these dogs. 2. This dog breed originated in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu from the Rajapalayam town. The Rajapalayam dog is an excellent care-free dog for the home. He is a little headstrong. Today, the Rajapalayam hound is both a guard dog and family pet. These dogs truly need saving. Most nervous dogs tend to be aggressive when they get older. They have lost their place to foreign dogs. [all major cities], Pomeranian price in India. There are only a handful of people who breed this dog. Top Dog breeds in India 2020. The dog is usually black and tan in colour, perhaps with limited white on the feet and chest. In his book, the scenes and sports in foreign lands written in 1840, he called this dog as the Poligar Hound. The Rajapalayam dog is a native Indian sighthound. Height: 25–30 inches (65–75 cm) Weight : Colors: Black. However, they are friendly if socialised well and adapt well to a family "pack". . It is said to be the No:1 Breed in India. Sadly, the Rajapalayam dog … 2. The Rajapalayam dog is a native Indian sighthound. Himalayan Sheepdog, Rampur Hound, Mudhol Hound (Face value Rs. Major Edward N was the first to describe this dog. The knowledge about this breed is eroding with time. Hot and humid weather is not an issue for this dog. Dogs that lack human contact become a pack leader. Legend says that these dogs can stand up to a tiger without fear. These dogs also have some loose skin on their heads. As a sighthound, Rajapalayam dog’s primary purpose was for hunting wild boar, deer, and other game. Thanks for taking your time to read about the Rajapalayam dog. The Rajapalayam dog is courageous, intelligent and aloof, ready to boldly take on wild boars and home invaders without any hesitation. Himalayan Sheep Dog, Rampur Hound, Mudhol Hound and Rajapalayam. Is Rajapalayam a descendant of the Indian Pariah dog? These dogs are typically pure white with pink noses and pale skin, and their eyes can come in either brown or blue, but parti-color eyes are not common. These dogs are healthy with few health issues. from the nearby towns also joined in these hunts. Rajapalayam dog breeds are large, measuring up to 65-75 cm. Firstly it fulfils the functions of a bay dog as well as a catch dog, secondly the Rajapalayam can hunt by sight as well as track by scent. In the past, puppies of colour were usually culled from the litters since the owners preferred the pure white dogs. Localities have established a cooperative and interested families are given female dogs and expertise that is required for large-scale breeding. It has a narrow body, a long head and a tapering muzzle; its coat color can vary, as it ranges from cream to black, including fawn, fallow, red and gray, and occasionally some white. They needed a dog that can protect their farms from wild animals as well as hunt. Thanks for the informative write-up. These brave dogs fought and gave their lives for freedom from the British. This dog is not afraid of anything and does not back down from a fight. Some brown and black Rajapalayams are around, but they are not nearly as popular. It pains us to see this dog’s reputation ruined. Albinos dogs are white; their skin is pink, and with pink noses. Misinformation keeps people away from this dog. These dogs were the royal hunting dog, built like a small tank the Rajapalayam dog bravely took on, This dog breed originated in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu from the, . While hunting they can be relentless pursuers that are not intimidated by complex terrain or water bodies. Awesome, finally a post about these dogs by someone who knows them. Appearance: Heavier boned large dog found in milk white, solid black and brown colors. Rajapalayam dogs need open spaces to run and play. The Indian Postal Department has brought out postage stamps on the Rajapalayam dog breed,[5] as well as the Mudhol Hound, Rampur Hound, and the Himalayan Sheepdog. During the Nayakar rule, the Rajapalayam hound was the companion of kings and aristocrats. Another dog breed from the state of Tamil Nadu, these dogs are well known for their speed which could reach up to 60 kph. With the club's cooperation, the "Save the Rajapalayam Project" has been launched. We want our readers to know that there is no such thing as a black Rajapalayam dog. Breed Name: Rajapalayam. These dogs run the risk of becoming obese. The males are slightly taller and more substantial than the females. Legs should remain in-line with their body while on the run. As a guard dog, the Rajapalayam is courageous, unrelenting, and faithful. Devoted. Rottweiler in India. Muscular and powerful, they are similar to the Dalmatian dog in build. Tan in colour with a black snout, Combai dogs are shorter and stouter than the Rajapalayam. The movement should be steady and effortless while on the trot. Dogs that assume pack leadership turn dominant. has a list of breeders and their contact. This dog needs long walks to be happy. For the breeders, these dogs no longer fetch the same price as they once did. The tail is bony and tapers into a curve towards the end. With a lack of fresh bloodline, this dog is now facing the threat of. The coat is short and fine. . These dogs are healthy with few health issues. The common and most accepted color is milk white. In the olden days, people used the Rajapalayam dogs for the following purpose. More recently, thanks to the efforts taken by native dog enthusiasts, the Government of Tamil Nadu, and the Kennel Club of India, this dog is making a come back. Applying coconut oil on their skin keeps them in top shape. Piebald or black Rajapalayam dogs are not real. Records that predate the British are hard to find. The body should not be barrel-shaped. We conclude that this breed of dog could likely be an albino. In our view, aggression in this breed of dog is due to poor upkeep. Rajapalayam (dog) The Rajapalayam is an Indian Sighthound. The Rajapalayam dog is an active breed of dog. I want to buy rajapalyam puppies The same dog will cost more than ₹20,000 if you buy it outside of its home. These dogs are healthy, care-free, and are great pets. If you are an expert on these dogs, we encourage you to. Beagle puppy price in India in all major cities, Labrador dog price in India. There are officially no different kinds of Rajapalayam dogs. They are likely to become aggressive when kept on a leash all day long. They are hardy dogs. The coat is short and fine. They are prone to skin issues. Dog food cost, Vet cost & more. The original Rajapalayam is white, with pink skin and pink nose. There is a hairier variety with a feathered look called Pashmi. Every time the dog obeys, they get to chase a ball or get a treat. These dogs rendered many horses unfit for battle. In particular, the Poligar Hound. The movement should be steady and effortless while on the trot. To find answers, we turned out attention to historical records by the British. These dogs are energetic and can drag a person at will. This dog needs to stay close to its family. Four commemorative postage stamps were issued on 9 January 2005 by India Post for four breeds i.e. These dogs were the royal hunting dog, built like a small tank the Rajapalayam dog bravely took on wild boars. Appearance. Due to the decline in demand, the number of people who breed this dog has also decreased. We recommend that you visit the breeder at their home. I am from Kerala. This dog will stand its ground and defend its territory fiercely. Most experts believe that the Poligar Hound is most likely the Rajapalayam dog. Dash dog for sale ... Tri colour Beagle Dog bitch. Adult dogs need only deworming tabs. : Breeders grind dried Neem leaves into a powder. Kindly read about this dog in our post before making your choice. This dog will stand its ground and defend its territory fiercely. Major Bannerman and other officers in their reports describe several different types of dogs, hounds, and guard dogs. Long strong legs enable this scenthound to easily catch its prey. The eyes are oval and are in two colors, golden and silver. Homemade food for these dogs is chicken boiled with rice then mixed with yogurt. Coat: Short. If you are looking for a dog, choose this breed over other non-native dogs. Don’t misjudge these dogs’ need for exercise. In this post, we unveil the original Rajapalayam dog through the following. , the name Poligar Hound means a war dog. Being a hunting dog, they have a high prey drive. How did distinct dog breeds such as Rajapalayam, To find answers, we turned out attention to historical records by the British. The coat is short and fine. We urge our readers not to fall for these typical fables about the Rajapalayam dog. The Indian Pariah dog is one of the oldest breeds of dogs in the world. They are bold and can defend their master from a tiger. We recommend you get in touch with breeders. A detection dog or sniffer dog is a dog that is trained to use its senses (mostly its smell) to detect substances such as explosives, illegal drugs, wildlife scat, currency, blood, and contraband electronics such as illicit mobile phones. An extremely handsome and graceful dog, the Rajapalayam has a gait similar to the trotting of a thoroughbred horse. These are one of the best guard dogs in the world. Puppies born with silver eyes are typically deaf by birth. officially recognizes and registers this dog. Breed standard for this dog does not exist. An extremely handsome and graceful dog, the Rajapalayam has a gait similar to the trotting of a thoroughbred horse. The front legs are long with muscular shoulders. . It is vital to meet the dog in person. : Aloe Vera has many medicinal uses. Rajapalayam are generally a very healthy breed and there are not many complications attached to its breeding. Appearance: Heavier boned large dog found in milk white, solid black and brown colors. Also, the internet portrays this dog as a taxing breed of dog. Accurate information about this dog is as rare as this dog. Protective. Solid black, brown and spotted dogs have existed but breeders have commonly culled puppies with these coat coloring. They will lay down their lives for their master willingly. tend to be aggressive when they get older. Being a watchdog, they should have an alert expression. Healthy white and black Pitbull dogs only serious buyers conta Assam Kurnool 110070 Pets and animals More info. Rajapalayam dogs have a short and dense coat that needs little. Some experts estimate its bite force to ranges between 200 to 220 pounds (90 to 100 kgs). Region Where it’s Found: Widely found all across India. It was the companion of the royalty and aristocracy in Southern India, particularly in its namesake town of Rajapalayam. Their love for these native dogs saw some of these dogs arrive in their shores. Animals from the forest raided their farms for food. The dog has wedged shaped forehead and artistically designed muzzle which is pointed. [4] To create awareness and encourage dog lovers to rear native breeds, the Animal Husbandry Department of the Government of Tamil Nadu participates in dog shows. It is also used as a guard dog for the rice fields, houses and Police. Breeders were known to kill shy and weak pups; this cruel practice has resulted in a dog that is confident, seldom shy and has a stable temperament. A dog breeding unit was established at Saidapet, Chennai, during 1980–81. The legs of the Rajapalayam dogs are straight and held close to their body. Adult supervision is necessary when they are with kids or smaller pets. With a reduction in demand for native dogs. But there are some rare cases of this breed being found in Brown and Black color. They are alert and have a keen sense of sight and smell. A male adult dog needs about 1650 kcal per day. Inbreeding has resulted in shrinkage of this dog’s gene pool. The average life span for this dog is 12 years. They are hardy dogs. It is a large and heavy-boned breed, notable for being milky white in color, having a characteristic pink nose and golden eyes. White. In his book, the scenes and sports in foreign lands written in 1840, he called this dog as the, The word Poligar is a title for a warlord. But I am from maharashtra He is tall at 29.5 inches and weighs around 38kg. A search on the internet shows how little the world knows about the Rajapalayam dog. The hounds such as the Kanni and Chippiparai coursed game. Breeders sell crosses saying the spots disappear when the dog grows up. These dogs are not well known despite being an ancient breed of dogs. Chippiparai dog is also medium in size and has coat colour varying from fawn to dark brown, brownish black and black. The Rajapalayam dog is intelligent, courageous, and loyal, making them a versatile and multi-purpose dog. hi everybody this is my rajapalayam dog DJANGO . Thank you for such great information The Rajapalayam, also known as the Polygar Hound or Indian Ghost Hound, is a southern Indian dog breed. 15). They are the same height and shape. In the past, puppies of colour were usually culled from the litters since the owners preferred the pure white dogs. Thanks for this write up. The topline is straight and smooth. The Kennel Club of India is doing its part to save native dog breeds. In the past, puppies of colour were usually culled from the litters since the owners preferred the pure white dogs. This dog is one of the oldest native Indian dog breeds. If the temperature gets below 20C we recommend that you provide warm blankets for the dog. Aggressive behavior is not an inherent trait in these dogs. Hence, it is important to describe these dogs accurately so that we know which dogs need protection. The decline in the appeal of native dogs: In India, these dogs are no longer appealing. Being a sighthound, they need an active lifestyle to be healthy. The old black and white photos show a dog with a dark nose and in white color. The Rajapalayam Dog price in India is highly economical and pocket-friendly. These were the celebrated Poligar Hounds of Tamil Nadu. The Rajapalayam, also known as a Poligar hound, is an Indian Sighthound. Rajapalayam versus Dalmatian, a visual comparison. These initiatives have successfully brought the breed back from the brink of extinction. Take into account the dog’s age and weight while feeding these dogs. It encourages us to continue to stand on behalf of India’s native dogs. An extremely handsome and graceful dog, the Rajapalayam has a gait similar to the trotting of a thoroughbred horse. It is slim and sleek with graceful looks. helps to keep ticks and fleas from the dog. Affectionate, Devoted There are two popular misconceptions about the Rajapalayam dog. Thanks for your feedback. These dogs rendered many horses unfit for battle. Dogs like the Kombai dog, Chippiparai hound, and Kanni hound from the nearby towns also joined in these hunts. It enables them to find their place in the pack. Keep this dog indoors during cold winter nights. Rs 2,500 Urgent sale 1year old. Posted by Robert F | Oct 19, 2019 | Dog Breeds. Colors – Black, brown, red and fawn, Conclusion: While most of us like to pet foreign dogs like German Shephard, Bull Dog, Golden Retriever, and others, there are plenty of Indian dog breeds known for their loyalty and have been found ideal watchdogs. As previously mentioned, colored dogs would be culled, so there is a very strong white line in this breed. As with many fully white dogs, there is a high incidence of deafness in this breed. They are eager to work and please. This practice has made these dogs strong. As with many fully white dogs, there is a high incidence of deafness in this breed. The dog stands about 25 inches at the withers, the bitch about 22 inches. These dogs were not only hunters but also war dogs. The Rajapalayam dog is intelligent and has a high prey drive, it is known to act independently without human guidance, while this trait was important when dealing with wild boar as well as guarding large estates it makes obedience training slightly more challenging than average. The Kanni is agile, slim, graceful, and moderately built, with a deep chest and slim body. The dog stands about 25 inches at the withers, the bitch about 22 inches. As with many fully white dogs, there is a high incidence of deafness in this breed. We wanted to understand the relationship between all the south Indian dogs. Its facial structure is considerably different from that of a Caravan Hound with a slightly larger head and more powerful jaws. Hot and humid weather is not an issue for this dog. In the olden days, people used the Rajapalayam dogs for the following purpose. The Rajapalayam dog has a tucked abdomen that blends well with the rest of their body. Active dogs need more calories than dogs that are not. This is an excellent and very informative write up. The neck is long and should blend into the dog’s shoulders. The name Rajapalayam named after a small town in Tamilnadu which is said be its origin. Loyal. It is one of the quickest ways to train this breed of dog. The Rajapalayam dog is a very old and rare breed of sighthound that was originally developed as a boar hunting dog. The Kennel Club of India officially recognizes and registers this dog. It was the companion of the royalty and aristocracy in Southern India, particularly in its namesake town of Rajapalayam. We want our readers to understand that the true nature of the Rajapalayam dog is loyalty and love. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Raja et al "Phenotypic characterization of Rajapalayam dog of Southern India", Raja, K. N., et al. Popular Rajapalyam Types and Colors . Color: Black, White, Brown. This dog breed has lost its place to non-native dog breeds. They use the list below. Rajapalayam Build Information. This dog can hunt alone, in pairs, in a pack, or with its owner. Reward-based training works best for dogs with high prey drive. Rajapalayam dogs need open spaces to run and play. It is a large dog, usually measuring about 65–75 cm (25–30 inches) at the withers and weighs 30 – 45 kg It is a hound, and therefore should be kept in optimum working condition. They mix 5 mg of this in dog food to treat their dogs for worms. Life expectancy: 13 to 14 years. To understand this, we dived into old pictures of this dog. They are an extremely loyal one-person dog and usually do not like to be handled by strangers. They use the list below. They are an affectionate and loving dog breed. It has a slightly curled tail. In 2005, India issued a postal stamp with an image of this dog. Major Bannerman’s documents about the first Poligar war between the British and the Poligars of south India in 1799, he narrates his experiences with south Indian dogs. 3 month old. Where to buy Siberian Husky in India? Popular dogs in India, | Pitbull in India. During these hunts, each dog had a specific role to play. Over the years, our dogs have stood at our side and protected our homes. Please help me for the same. Rajapalayam dogs have short and elegant-coat. This practice has resulted to the development of Rajapalayam with an all white coat, a pink nose and no pigmentation. Dogs that lack human contact become a pack leader. They are sighthounds. The dog requires strong headed owner for training as it tends to be opinionated and obstinate. Though the breed dates back a few centuries, the creators of the breed unwittingly ended up fashioning an albino dog, characterized by the pink nose and the lack of pigmentation. In this post, you will learn about their history, origin, traits, and their current status. All 15 native Belgium dogs, Smartest dog breeds. Rajapalayam Dog Looks The Rajas wanted white dogs and white dogs they got. As with many fully white dogs, there is a high incidence of deafness in this breed. Choose this dog only when. In their native, breeders, take them on long runs. Breeders feed their dogs two homemade meals per day. An average male and female Rajapalayam will attain sexual maturity anywhere between six to nine months of age. "Mark the Rajapalayam Hound at 7 years old is from Tamil Nadu, India. The number of breeders who breed these dogs has reduced. Answer: The Rajapalayam Dogs have a pretty average lifespan of about 09-11 years. They are built like a tank, powerful and bold. ", "INDIA - CIRCA 2005: stamp printed by India, shows dog Rajapalayam, circa 2005",,, Articles needing additional references from May 2015, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 December 2020, at 04:11. The hounds such as the Kanni and Chippiparai. Animals from the forest raided their farms for food. What was the need for three sighthounds that were very similar to each other? It is vital to meet the dog in person. In war, they were the ultimate expression of courage. How did distinct dog breeds such as Rajapalayam, Kanni, Kombai, and Chippiparai, originate in a small area? It is said to be the No:1 Breed in India. Because of this, some claim these dogs to be related. These dogs can thrive in a wide range of weather conditions. He is a calm, intelligent and alert dog. The coat is single, short, and fine so these dogs don't do well in very cold climates but excel in the heat of South India or tropics. in build. This practice has made these dogs strong. Also, villagers went into the woods to hunt game for food. This dog will lay down its life for you. We spoke to breeders only to get mixed views. This bite force is one of the highest in the canine world. Hi, It was the constant companion, boar hunter and guard of the royalty and aristocracy in Southern India, particularly in its namesake town of Rajapalayam in the Virudhunagar district of Tamil Nadu. The Rajapalayam is a friendly and loyal breed of dog. We urge you to choose native dogs over other dog breeds. The pure Rajapalayam used to only be found in isolated pockets around southern Tamil Nadu. ... Kanni are the dogs with (black+tan) or (black+sable) coat, while Chippiparai seems to be having only one solid color. Hi Sumit Shewale, Temperament: Loyal, Graceful, Courageous, Elegant. "Mark the Rajapalayam Hound at 7 years old is from Tamil Nadu, India. In the Tamil language, the name Poligar Hound means a war dog. All you need to know guide, 11 questions to ask before buying a puppy, Buyers beware – Puppy mills and backyard breeders in India, Boxer dog price in India [Price in Chennai, Mumbai, and more], Great Dane price in India across all major Indian cities, Bulldog price in India across all major Indian cities, Doberman price in India across all major Indian cities, Shih Tzu price in India across all major Indian cities, Pug price in India across all major Indian cities. Excellent piece. Rajapalayam can thrive in Nashik. While the hunters, along with their stronger Rajapalayam dogs, lay in wait. . This breed is probably the most intelligent hound from India.