This is the actual amount of light your plants have for growth. Any LED manufacturer can put a par meter under a tight beam and get amazingly high PAR readings. The HPS is pretty much as low as I can go without causing heat stress so eventually it will be going higher and may bleed over more than I want it to. I did do a fair amount of leaf stripping on both sides. Size differences are apparent even with an S1 of this strain. Well good thing I started extra plants for this side by side. The tall girl below is getting really close to the light. 1.1 HPS Grow Light System for Plants – the basics. Here are the readings from the HPS in my Adjust A Wing Medium reflector. What is reasonable is a … There has been an issue with stem breakage and I lost a couple of nice plants on both sides and repaired a few with duct tape. So I’m just curious to see if this is a hack we all can use to cut down on electricity costs. VIVOSUN Hydroponic 600 Watt; 1.2.2 2. iPower 600 Watt … FREE Shipping by Amazon. Is that 600 true watts or a "600w led"?? It is an inevitable fact that once you get keen on the growing business, you will immerse yourself into the focus of which is the best grow lights. Asked By Wiki User. These ladies have only been under the LED for 3 days. A few more pics of her. Most of the PAR is in the red spectrum on this light which makes it great for flowering. You would have to run the HPS at 12″ height to compete and running it that close is not really practical. I know that you … e traditionele HPS kweeklampen zijn nog altijd de beste keus voor een optimale bloeifase van uw planten. Ouders blowen door corona veel meer dan niet-ouders! iPower 600 Watt HPS MH Digital Dimmable Grow Light System Kits Wing Reflector Set. Both sides had healthy aeroponic roots with lots of fishbones. When growing in an already hot environment, a 1,000-watt HPS just isn’t feasible. Overall I think the HPS ladies are showing more vigor and look better but the LED lighting makes it much harder to really see and compare the plants. The HPS bulb was actually about 28 inches above it because the Adjust a wing is bowed. Keep using your 600w HPS for flower. Omdat er zoveel verschillende led kweeklampen zijn, is het lastig om er een te kiezen. The HPS side was almost a week behind. There is nothing wrong with your 600w hps for flower and there's no need to replace great equipment. 1.1.1 To choose a light source is not easy, there are plenty of 1000 watt grow light kits to choose from and many aspects should be considered, such as:; 1.1.2 The most well known and broadly used lamps we’re going to review belong to one of these two categories: I planted 33 seeds and germination was 100% but I got rid of 3 that were slow starters. The White OG under the Platinum P600 LED looks ready to harvest. I got a PAR reading of 2460 at the top of my tallest cola. This is the end of week 5 for my White OG girls. Trimmed bottoms Plants will be starting on their 2nd week of 12/12 tomorrow and I don’t really expect to see a lot of difference between the two lights just yet. Looks can be deceptive and the LED plants are definitely smaller and colas are not as large but they are packed with buds from top to bottom. The HPS buds generally were larger and were very hairy. Did you top or super crop …or you just let them grow…. So as an analogy a PAR reading tells you how hard it is raining and a PPFD reading tells you how much rain is actually falling. I have moved the lights to about 16-18 inches above the plants from about 12 inches. Full LED shot above and below. The one thing I definitely don’t want is wispy buds or a lot of popcorn. One was just inches from the light which is on the ceiling. I have often thought my lights might be cooking my buds. I wish I had done this run from identical clones but I really wanted to see what was in the White OG seeds I made. The LED plants look like they will be ready way before the HPS girls. Een HPS lamp wordt erg heet. The 600W HPS is being run off a 1000W Solis Tek digital ballast. My main interest is not saving power or even saving on replacement bulbs. Summer sun is about 1000-1500. The seedlings are very close to starting to flower and stretch and the LED plants look to be a few days ahead of the HPS plants in this regard. This makes sense because there is less heat generated. At 18″ the core readings were double that of the Gavita and my plants experienced bleaching. Some of the size difference between plants may be grower error. It is nice to see my power bill cut almost in half too. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Each tote has 10 grow slots in it. So 20 grams more than the LED. But other than that these plants were not topped at all. Nice foxtailing. I want to give all the lower branches a chance to develop and being covered by fan leaves slows or stops them from growing. It is still to early to say which lighting system will win this comparison. It may actually be genetic because I have never seen this on non OG strains. So for a 1000w HPS replacement: So you can see the P600 falls short of a 600w replacement and certainly can’t replace 800 watts. Hopefully most will look like the mom. I am going to assume each side is 4 x 2 and my math says 8 sq ft as % sq m = 74.322432 so I am using .743 as a multiplier. Although other vital aspects come into play when it comes to grow room temperature, lighting choice can make or break your operation. It seems to have much less vigorous growth and much less side branching. Taller pheno stacking HPS Grow Lights. I am considering some sort of divider but I am afraid of cutting off air circulation so I may just leave it as is. This week I harvested and trimmed my buds. Niet het equivalent waarmee een fabrikant zijn led vergelijkt. Edit: It looks like they don't even sell a 600w led, only 300w. There is more resin development and better smell on the LED grow White OG plants. The White OG under the LED lighting has much more compact growth than their HPS sisters. We stock an increasing range led grow lights - take a look through a range of products from Telos, Gavita, Maxibright and more. I think it will end in about a week though. With summer coming on it will be extremely hard to keep my temps down with HPS lighting. The lower purchase price will get eaten up by bulb replacement costs, higher electric bills and higher venting and cooling costs. My reflector is now up as high as it will go and I may need to do some neck breaking if the stretch continues much longer. Horticulture Lighting Group - HLG ELITE 360 LED Grow Light Sold Out $799.00. White OG buds forming and stacking already on this girl. Studie • Meer THC betekent niet automatisch meer high! The buds on the LED side look much better to me and are nice and firm. They were overshadowed by the larger plants. Helpful to have a par meter, almost essential IMHO,so you can see how much light you have. With HPS you worry about plants getting burned by too much heat but plants getting too much light is a new concept for me. LED lighting is the reverse. Because of the differences in HPS and LED technologies, you’ll have to make a series of calculations if you want to find a comparable LED wall pack to replace your HPS fixture. Na een hoop gedoe en gelul is het helder: wij mogen na 20 uur 's avonds niet meer buiten blowen vanwege corona. Some argue the penetration sucks with led but I have not seen any proof and it felt like my spydrx plus (1200 watt equivalent for just under 700 watts draw) I'd say it performs at least as well as my 1000 watt … First I have to say this is a flawed side by side caused by operator error. This is week 9 of a 12/12 from seed grow with White OG. Last week I thought the HPS ladies looked better but this week I am not so sure. Cooling is with a 6″ S&P fan. Also the 36″ length and the shape is a better fit for my grow room and matches the 3 x 3 coverage area for a 600 watt HPS bulb. Eenvoudig de Lumen van LED lampen, gloeilampen, halogeenlampen en spaarlampen naar Wattage omrekenen met onze handige omrekentabel. Veel led fabrikanten prijzen hun lampen aan als het equivalent van een 250, 400, 600 of 1000 Watt HPS. Je kunt daarom het beste kiezen op basis van de specificaties van een led kweeklamp. It is bright as fuck, I can’t look at it without hurting my eyes. Here is the LED plants. Compared to the HPS these plants are much tidier. The Strain – White OG from Karma Genetics, Week 5 For White OG LED vs HPS Comparison, Week 8 600W HPS And Platinum P600 LED Par Testing, Post Harvest – Final Results Not In Yet But…. The P600 was very similar to the readings for the Gavita at 24 inches. These are probably the most efficient HPS lights available and what most commercial growers use. The 600w HPS side produced 175 grams or 6.25 ounces. If you buy the Advanced Platinum Series P450 450w 12-band LED Grow Light which is a direct replacement for a 600w HPS it would cost you $539 currently. It will be interesting to see how things develop from this point forward. Cookie-informatie wordt opgeslagen in je browser en voert functies uit zoals het herkennen wanneer je terugkeert naar onze site en helpt ons team om te begrijpen welke delen van de site je het meest interessant en nuttig vindt. I always prune lower branches off an OG that wont get big enough to get good light. Overall the individual PAR numbers were much higher than the 600W HPS at 24 inches, with a PPF more than double. HPS are all the way up and there is still plenty of light for these little guys. Shorter pheno developing nicely too Advanced Platinum Series P450 450w 12-band LED Grow Light which is a direct replacement for a 600w HPS it would cost you $539 currently. There is more bud development going on and a lot less energy going into wasted vegetative growth. We did the maths, and found you’ll save up to £463 a year by switching from an HPS to a Telos LED light!. They did have several defoliations along the way so buds could receive light. Op het YouTube kanaal van Growmau5 kun je ook veel leren over het zelf bouwen van zo’n led. Do LED grow lights yield more? Lots of lollypopping and will probably have to go through these girls again soon. Pretty lower bud almost looks ready to harvest. I think you need to be around 50-75% of the wattage you are replacing. The screen is 28 inches above the totes. But right now it looks like the Platinum LED will win on bud quality. Led equivalents to 400w and 600w Hps would also be Leds’ which draw those same wattages direct from the wall. Naast LED groeilampen zijn er ook diverse HPS kweeklampen, ... Het aantal wattages hangt af van de afmetingen van de kweekruimte. The HPS girls are going through it now and the LED still has about 6 inches to go. And if you go for a more expensive grow hood the P450 could cost you less. LED is not going to produce a superior result, and you'll spend a fairly large chunk of money on a quality board capable of flowering in a manner equivalent to the performance of a 600w hps. I use a Hydrofarm LGBQM Quantum PAR Meter, about $138 on Amazon. You can see they are shorter and smaller. Temperatures are about 5 degrees cooler on the LED side but that really isn’t a big surprise. To my eye, the side of my grow closet with the White OG under the Platinum P600 looks much better. There is 1 plant under the HPS that is healthy but pretty short and a few smaller shorter plants on the LED side that seem behind the others. I did try turning off the reds and using the veg setting for some pics but the camera did not seem to notice so everything is blurple. Hi Berry. Ze zullen dus ook minder water en voeding via de wortels binnenkrijgen. At this point the LED can go lower and closer to the plants but I want to acclimate them to the light slowly. Deze site maakt gebruik van cookies, zodat wij je de best mogelijke gebruikerservaring kunnen bieden. I have been wanting to do some par testing on my HPS vs LED grow for a while but the Apogee par meter runs about $370 and I did not want to spend that much on a meter. I now have 12 plants under each light. Toch zijn er ook nadelen aan led kweeklampen te bedenken, het is dan ook lastig om led met HPS kweeklicht te vergelijken. Ook hoef je echt net per se meteen aan de 600 Watt, er zijn ook uitstekende 100 Watt HPS kweeklampen. I have hung some panda film between the 2 lights and so far so good. Not my best grow for sure but there was a lot of variation between plants. Maar het draait uiteindelijk om de efficiëntie natuurlijk. I am noticing that there are hard individual round buds on these and the flowers have the look of bud clusters instead of lots of loose pistils. But that is a false reading because the reading 6 inches away may only be half that and plants cover a much larger area. To dumb this down to plain language this is the wavelength of light from 400 -700 nm. The manufacturer claims it can replace 800w of HPS but to me that is doubtful. Let ook op het lichtspectrum en of er bijvoorbeeld een aparte groei- en bloeistand op de led zit. The White OG under the HPS has stretched a lot. I just harvested with 1 p600 and yielded 11.5 ounces off 10 plants vegged for3 weeks I love it plus I don’t have to have ac no more. You want to know PPFD or photosynthetic photon flux density because this gives you the light intensity falling on your plants as active photons. Kijk, zo ruimt de Australische politie een XL-wietplantage! I think there will be some really top shelf buds coming from here. I don’t have final weights yet but I can tell you that the HPS yielded more, but it was a hollow victory that could have gone either way. When I extracted a 2×4 slice of that footprint the PPF was 596, actually slightly lower than the P600’s 606. If you look closely at the floor of the grow tent it is marked into 6″ squares. Met andere woorden, hoeveel wiet oogst je per Watt ten opzichte van je HPS kweeklamp? So there is bleaching on the tallest top colas now and one a bit lower started to foxtail. I’m a noob on the matter, I’m in week 3 of my first grow with LEDs (P300s). I expect that to start in the next week or two. On the other hand the HPS plants look better to me overall. There was a mix up with my order so I still don’t have my LED yet but it should be here in the next few days. It is hard to take readings when their are plants in the screen and the meter does not give a stable reading, it goes up and down within a range. Kijk, het is natuurlijk wel logisch dat een led fabrikant zijn product op deze manier aanprijst, maar wanneer je als consument gaat vergelijken dan kun je het beste uitgaan van het werkelijke verbruik. I hope by the time this grow is over we both will know what is best for our growing situation. 1000-1500 is all plants can handle unless they are getting additional CO2, which they weren’t. Plus if you move you can fold up your grow room and take it with you! There was some larf but nothing like on the HPS side. I am currently using cheap IGrow bulbs in my 2 reflectors along with a Solis Tek splitter and they seem to work fine, but because I am only going to run one light I will use my Eye Hortilux 1000W bulb and dim it to 600 watts. I may try some lights out pics next. I tried to evenly divide the plants between both sides but I failed. 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