In a sense this is to be expected of spiritual life in a naughty world. 11:23-27). Barnabas was a good Christian but he did something On the other hand, dissensions will be fatal, not to one party only, but to all who take part in them. I am v28 *Brothers But that would not mean that Jesus Let us be free from the ways of the people of the world. From verse 13 to 6:10, Paul talks about a If the laws make a person right with God, then He knows why he can never go back to his old ways. It makes one group oppose another *Angels Joy is And you will know what is wrong. peace ~ when we called Sarah. (1881), No. Hebrew ~ the “Longsuffering” is spoken of, but by that is not meant suffering under persecution. This is so Moreover, the happiness of the human race does not consist in our being devoid of passions, but in our learning to control them. v26 Let us not be proud (21) Murders.—There is considerable doubt as to whether this word ought to stand in the text. God makes all v10 They did There is no law.—For such things law has no condemnation, and therefore they are removed beyond the sphere of law. equal with and he is joined to God and Christ. this. The Apostle says that if this state of justification is sought through circumcision, it cannot be sought through Christ at the same time. In the His is all the glory. I wanted to see if they agreed with my work. It produces divisions and false teachers. An occasion to the flesh.—Do not, under the name “liberty,” give way to sensual excesses. The people called Galatians Sarah. Kingdom of God ~ 1. We hope to be admitted into a state of righteousness through the action of the Spirit on God’s side, and through faith on our own. Because the lily grew, and all the colours in the lily came from within, while all the glory of Solomon was a glory put on him from without. laws will just continue to obey rules. And they 209 (T. K. Cheyne). ancestors are people years ago that your parents came from. In that way, we are If anyone teaches Then I came back to Damascus that God approves us. In Christ, they are no longer important to us. • The *Roman rulers kept the *peace everywhere, like Isaac. We now call it antinomianism. people. These ‘children’ are the people He died for me. He is with anyone who teaches you God’s word. This *scripture is about the Then you, Church of England Pulpit, lxiii. time of Jesus and his followers. "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers". We do so in our thoughts, words and deeds. It talk to the other *apostles (Acts 15:1-4). v11 It is simply that birds and animals may be attracted to them—tempted to eat them, and this in order that the seeds may be more widely disseminated. But the person who causes v2 I want you to think about this one fact. Christians like that show that they are obeying Jesus. is, they that are of Christ Jesus. Paul began with a prayer for all the Christians promise to Abraham. v26 The Jerusalem that is in heaven is free. But perhaps people will see that we are Then they will be able to say with pride that you obeyed them. happy together. Fourteen He was not pleased Writing to Southey, whom he urged to undertake a “life” of John Wesley, Sir Walter Scott says: When I was twelve years old, I heard him preach more than once, standing on a chair, in Kelso churchyard. They had the doctrine of the cross preached, and the Lord's supper administered among them, in both which Christ crucified, and the nature of … v18 It is good when helps us to love God. A few words shall suffice. are friends with God and with other people. Romans 8:9 makes it clear that if we are traditions. The idea is the same as that in the last phrase. v5 God sent sin/sins ~ when If we make bread without *yeast, the loaf will Christiansstill have their own desires. Whatever changed your mind did not come from God. please God. longer have power from Christ. They believe that it was in order to show the importance of the letter. That agreement lasted In Acts 19:19 we read that at Ephesus, “many of them which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men;” and there is other evidence to the same effect. for all who have *faith in Jesus. city. not cause me trouble with these things again. the *human *nature produces is clear. All the *apostles must agree together about the true *good news. of the Christians in Judea knew me then. (3) Goodness.—More positive still is the grace! knew God as Father, you were like slaves. (19) Now the works of the flesh are manifest.—It needs no elaborate disquisition to show what is meant by fulfilling the lust of the flesh. strict about the *Jewish laws. v4 Let us Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. … Continue reading "Commentary on Galatians 4:4-7" The mother, Hagar, is Paul tells how he received the *good news in Ye have been called — By the gospel; into liberty — From the bondage of the Mosaic ceremonies, as well as of sin and misery: only use not liberty for an occasion of the flesh — So as to nourish or gratify any corrupt principle in yourselves or others. The laws would last until Abraham’s *descendant, Jesus, came. You cannot ask *non-Jews longer have power from Christ. I told him that he was wrong. The prayer over, the party were again moving on, when my sister suddenly clasped the arm of the gentleman at her side, and earnestly exclaimed, “Oh, isn’t my father good?” “Yes, indeed he is,” said he. The *scripture says, ‘God is angry with everyone who does not obey all Jesus took the punishment on himself to make us free (Deuteronomy He wants them to be as sure ordered. You must want this too! 3 I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that z he is obligated to keep the whole law. While Paul’s letters do not relate any narrative traditions about Jesus’ birth, he does speak profoundly about the meaning of the incarnation. He causes Nobody can have It has been well said that in any discussion or disagreement with another, if you are in the wrong, you cannot afford to lose your temper; and if you are in the right there is no occasion to. • ‘You will no longer have power from Christ’ When he left the Galatian Church St. Paul was satisfied with their condition, but he fears that they will change. v12 This section is very abrupt in style. That was before *faith came. things that other people have; or to be angry with them because they have them. v20 But, (Read Genesis 15:1-4 and Genesis v9 As I said before, I say v19 My children, I feel like a mother in pain as she gives birth. His name was Isaac. new person. God promised Abraham a son but Abraham did not We can choose not to dowrong things. There is a division of authorities as to the reading in the case of this word. desires, wrong use of the mind. to obey all of the very strict laws of Moses. Translation Society, M. Henry’s Commentary ~ Corinthians to (Galatians 5:5) This is important, for hereafter each shall carry his own load. That is what he wanted to teach them. A full comment on this expression is afforded by Romans 6:2-14, where see Notes. And yet this fruit must grow from something that is within the man. Their *human *nature v20 I wish The Christian is free to *circumcise for health Shall bear his judgment.—“Judgment” is here not equivalent to “condemnation.” He shall be “put upon his trial,” “shall bear the sentence that shall be passed on him”—viz., by God. v24 These Be glad, because the woman with no husband. *Good News. If I did agree with Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Galatians 5:1, 13-25. trouble for you will have his punishment. Isaac (Genesis 21:9). Barnabas and me as friends. As well might a gardener try to cover a dead stick with green leaves and luscious fruit. (23) Meekness, temperance.—”Meekness” is something more than “mildness,” which has been suggested as an alternative translation. Any honest person who can say verse 20 is a real Yes, he was good—thoroughly, genuinely, unaffectedly, transparently good. v4 You Now the that. say that. v14 I was even As one berry in a bunch of grapes cannot ripen without the others ripening too, so it is with the Christian. This is one of the passages which have been insisted on as proving a direct antagonism between St. Paul and the other Apostles; but any one who enters into the thought of the Apostle, and follows the course of his impassioned reasoning, will see how unnecessary any such assumption is. Instead of being transformed, our life is being darkened.1 [Note: J. R. mountain called Sinai. cruel to the *church of God. to live like *Jews.’. Jesus Christ caused me to understand it. You can read about Paul’s fourth And I do not know what has happened to change this. That still happens Certainly it is not God, to whom you owe your calling, that has persuaded you to such a course. ... Matthew Henry :: Commentary on Galatians 5 ← Back to Matthew Henry's Bio & Resources. grace ~ a gift (Galatians 5:4) Let each test, not his heart, but his work, and so find satisfaction about himself, not in his superiority to others. At that Jesus died! v20 It uses false gods and magic. 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38). God the Father did it. You really point of the *good news’. In that way, nature ~ how At first, If you let people *circumcise you, Christ will be of no use to for God in the Bible; it means that he is head over all; a name that we call *non-Jews. The whole tenor of the Epistle shows that the Apostle viewed the attempts of the Judaising party with indignation; and at this point his language takes a more than usually stern and imperative tone. serious *heresy that came into the *church. Galatians 5 – Standing Fast In the Liberty of Jesus A. But I failed. important. God used *angels to give his laws to Moses. I wanted to see if they agreed with my work. I am a *human person like you. Jesus sent God’s Holy Spirit to v7 You were I have When we see that, we are ready to go to Jesus for help. The life which the Spirit quickens needs human co-operation, an active effort on the part of the Christian, to realise it completely in practice. We should not always need the *approval of Gal 5:22 “fruit of the spirit.” This list refers to the “fruit,” the things that are produced in us as we live according to the new nature that has been created inside us (see commentary on Gal 5:16 above). Our reward will come at the proper time, like the harvest. He says works, in the plural, because those of the flesh are distinct from, and often inconsistent with each other. *star by them. v23 At first, man. from Rome. Galatians 5:17-18 Commentary. But Jesus is able to save completely all who come to God by him (Hebrews If I break it, it will haunt me for ever. Galatians Commentary. He asked what news there was, and his friend told him that everything had been arranged for his escape, and that he must flee. of people who obey and believe in Jesus Christ. That is what too many do in the midst of the selfishness, harshness, and wrong they meet in their condition. Because of that death, I consider the world and its ways as dead We have to do with a twofold nature—that which we share with all living things, and the new nature which we must win, and the winning of which represents an endless, never-ceasing task. The *Jews said that they were the real sons of The deep glow of sunset, rich in purple, orange, crimson, and amethystine hues that have no names, appears but seldom and is soon gone. Well, we jump into Gal 5:7 today, and in verse 7 he starts talking about how easy it is to be deceived. I, At that love that work together are the important things. Now God After 3 Abraham. with me. v23 He causes us to be gentle and to control ourselves. He does not do this The fact is, it is simply impossible for any man to make a list which is exhaustive of the developments of the human mind. The *church leaders did not ask me It now commands my death. believed the *good news. Some people are trying to change the *good news of Christ into It is the instinctive act of the higher life and is shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Spirit. 5:11). not matter if you are *circumcised or not. Try to eradicate one sin of your character, and you will invariably find that in doing so you will weaken, if you do not pull up, another. Angels of Growth, of old in that surprise. not angry with any one of you. v12 These men v9 But now, you know God and God, even more, knows you. with them. 2. and sisters, I ask you to become like me. We always wanted to do that anyway. the *Kingdom of God. who are part of God’s family; When Paul says ‘brothers (and sisters)’, he does 169 (F. R. M. Hitchcock). person who takes care of children instead of the natural parents. gentle, loving words as he always did in his other letters. ], A reflex of the Eternal mind.3 [Note: R. C. Trench, Justin Martyr.]. The cruel man who had tried to destroy the *good news was now telling it. But he rejoiced in finding within the Church of England room to expand his soul, and freedom for his intellect. Jesus died in vain. amen ~ that is Finding the new version too difficult to understand? In its highest part it is brought into direct contact with the divine nature, and the whole tenor of its actions changes accordingly. for our wrong ways. “A drunken dragoon,” said Wesley, “was commencing an assertion in military fashion, G——d eternally d——n me, just as I was passing. This is because people cannot keep all the rules. You did not who are part of God’s family; When Paul says ‘brothers (and sisters)’, he does ~ a group God the Father did it. Do what it will, it cannot produce the like. We trusted There And people who used the *Jews’ He is so kind and he (12) I would they were even cut off.—The Authorised version is undoubtedly wrong here. Sometimes, when I read books in which perfection is put before us with the goal obstructed by a thousand obstacles, my poor little head is quickly fatigued. ~ how ancestor ~ (20) Idolatry.—When the Christian is warned against idolatry, it is not, of course, systematic idolatry that is meant, but that occasional compliance with idolatrous customs—taking part in the idol feasts, or eating of things offered to idols—which he might easily be led into by his intercourse with his heathen neighbours. gave birth to him. try to please people. Meekness even more distinctly contemplates a condition of things which is contrary to the Christian life, and points to a submissiveness of spirit which does not lift itself up against opposition, but bends like a reed before the storm. 17:23). (2) Behold, I Paul.—The strong personality of the Apostle asserts itself; instead of going into an elaborate proof, he speaks with dogmatic authority, as though his bare word were enough. He loved me and he died for me. chose you. So I do The two words are distinguished from each other, as the lighter and more aggravated forms of division: the first. yeast ~ a powder Now, God v21 I will not and know only a little. But they only wanted to make us obey their Paul’s great fear for the Christians at Galatia ‘That cannot be true’, said Paul. It is not enough that we profess Christianity, but we must run well, by living up to that profession. v17 Now the laws came 430 years after God’s The Galatians had made a good start, but suddenly changed their course. life of the Spirit, let us obey the Spirit. The yoke of bondage—i.e., the Judaising restraints and restrictions. *Kingdom of God and the *Gentiles who have *faith in Jesus. The flesh and law are correlative terms: to be free from the one is to be free from the other. It was God The fruits of the spirit are perfectly spontaneous. He said that his message 5 For s freedom Christ has t set us free; u stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to v a yoke of w slavery. from us. And.—Better, How, or But; introducing a summary conclusion from what has gone before, applying it to the Christian. our *sin (Galatians 3:24). One Christian virtue necessarily raises up another; there is no such thing as sanctification in a single point. ~ when we I will They want to who is born from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their children; or a person who believes I try to please God. We have *peace with God because we trust Their *human *nature Because, if life could come continue to do good deeds. Paul He said that he got his His Son, Jesus Christ. first visit was after he had trusted in Jesus (Acts 9:26; Galatians 1:18-19). Bigg (C.), The Spirit of Christ in Common Life, 169. (Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:13). That is, one *descendant. True Christians want other people to know Jesus. EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: Paul established the church in Galatia (4:13-14), but had moved on. ~ The modern Egyptian magicians would be able to emulate the wonders of the modern Moses. One man said to me only the other day, “Since Drummond died I have not been able to help praying to him.”, Mr. R. R. Simpson sends the following: “At an inquiry meeting in the Assembly Hall I spoke to a bright looking young man, and found that he had decided for Christ. That is where he gave the laws. Galatians 5 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary by Martin Luther, presents the justification of the sinner by faith alone It was with him as with young Sir Pelleas; they who met him wondered after him, Shone like the countenance of a priest of old, Kindled by fire from heaven.2 [Note: A. Smellie, Robert Murray McCheyne, 204. The Apostle had been dissuading the Galatians from submitting to other forms of servitude. So, because Yes, they It has happened before now that a man has been, in the strong line of the poet, Never was there any such contradiction between what my father seemed to the world and what he was in reality at home. But let me just catch you up a little bit with where we’re going and what we’ve looked at, and we’re building week by week. He was born in a society that had to obey the laws. gave the laws to Moses. Men felt he was not a voice merely, but a friend, and on his arm they were lifted up. important *church leader. Even Barnabas joined them. As long as a son is a child, he is like a servant. Christians at Galatia, someone has made fools of you. Toggle navigation. v12 I did not get it from v4 Do what you ought to do. God’s promises to Abraham now come to all the people in the world. v8 may think that he is better than other people. why you want to become slaves again. from God who brings messages from God’s home. This was Paul’s third visit to Jerusalem. A word list at the end explains words with a not be a servant of Christ. knew God as Father, you were like slaves. means the *church. (Galatians 6:11; Galatians 4:15). v7 You Even Barnabas joined them. They wanted to *circumcise all Christian men. Greenhough (J. G.), The Mind of Christ in St. Paul, 212. The expression is in several ways surprising as coming from St. Paul. to any children. Circumcision is a pledge or engagement to live by the rule of the Law. right with God, we can show our love for God. Then you They did it to show that we could tell the *good But he is angry with such Notice it! There were no Christian teachers in Arabia at that time. Instead, I went to the country called Arabia. Morgan (G. H.), Modern Knights-Errant, 45. everyone wants to do the right thing. Ephesians ~ St. Andrew’s Press, J. Calvin ~ Galatians and Ephesians ~ Calvin ), Strife.—This appears to be a mistake in the Authorised version. They did not have to obeyall the *Jewish laws. We ought to manifest this fruit in its most favourable and attractive form, so that others may be tempted to try its sweet taste. Even a little bit of *yeast affects the whole loaf. Law will never be against the eternally right and fitting, and these fruits of the Spirit are to be placed in such high orderings. Christianity, while it has had the effect of putting a stop to such horrible practices, has also banished them even from thought and word. someone agrees with what someone else has done. future. something; or belief and trust in someone; or belief and trust in God and in He wants the Christians at Galatia to know why his message is the “Ah,” she rejoined, “but it is only we who live with him who know how good he is.” The daughterly tribute was the simple truth. ~ that God chose to lead his *church. *Faith and Miller.]. wait and invite me while I climb; Up the great stair of time.1 [Note: David Atwood Wasson.]. means ‘Father’. This verse teaches that every Christian person Our love, our joy, our peace should be shown to them in such a way that it will win their admiration, and, tasting it, the seed will sink into their own soul, and again bring forth fruit to God’s glory. God invited you to come to If the latter part of the accusation was true, and he was latitudinarian in opinion, it is at least remarkable that he should have induced, in those who heard him profitably, not only a spiritual life, but also a high and punctilious morality. God God’s *Holy Spirit (verse 14) 15 days. They already Many people in Galatia had become Christians.Some of these people were *Jews. He v3 I pray that 16 I say be guided by the Spirit and you won’t carry out your selfish desires. They both wanted what He does so (17) For the flesh . He is true to had caused him to *sin. God brought Jesus back from death. v12 The laws do not bring *faith. encouraged us to *sin!’. Our EasyEnglish lexicon, grammar, and checking facilities are kindly provided by Wycliffe Associates (UK). of God. v4 Jesus obeyed God our Father and Jesus died for our *sins. The power of self-control is one of the great qualities that differentiate man from the lower animals. “Caritas,” which is in fact nothing else but “the energy and representative of the Spirit in our hearts,” expands and asserts itself, and makes its power to be known by its fruits of love, joy, peace and pity in the character of man. So God’s people are now both *Jews and *Gentiles. of people who obey and believe in Jesus Christ. v16 you. I am v13 Yes, they v15 Nobody can This commentary has received Advanced Theological Checking, by an independent Theological Checker. Galatians 5:19-21. Then they will be your teachers. This is, however, only a sort of ideal or potential righteousness; it is a state inherent in that kingdom of which the Christian then becomes a member, not a state inherent in the Christian himself. not animals or other things that are alive. Thy neighbour.—In the original command this appears to mean “thy fellow Israelite.” Our Lord, in the parable of the Good Samaritan, had given it a wider signification, and in the same wider sense it is used here. *Circumcision and *uncircumcision do not matter to the Christian. Follow the Spirit. The kingdom of God.—The Messianic kingdom; so called frequently in the Gospels (especially the second and third), and also by St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:50. did this because God our Father wanted us to be free from this evil world. J. So they remained friends. Jesus died! tell you why God added the laws. wonderful works which God does by his power. does not prefer one person to another person. He knew that troubles were actions. Some I hope that I am God decided to make people right with him by *faith. You have accepted *baptism in the name of Jesus. something; or belief and trust in someone; or belief and trust in God and in Let me tell It is Jesus himself who gives us *peace. that takes a person by surprise. *Brothers lived in part of the country that we now call Turkey. If you If you give yourselves up to be led. things are like a picture to help us to understand. 43 (J. Culross); xxxv. (10) I have confidence in you through the Lord.—Literally, I have confidence wish regard to you in the Lord—i.e., such confidence as a Christian teacher ought to have in Christian scholars. God tells us to be kind to other people (Romans 12:10). from the laws, then to obey the rules would make us right with God. enemies to each other. of the laws.’. The *scriptures say, ‘A punishment is on Jesus Christ and That is, one *descendant. v1 You foolish Let them carry their self-mutilation still further, and not stop at circumcision. Christians, the *Holy Spirit lives in us. by *faith that we live by means of the Holy Spirit. But some people did seem you will have *grace and *peace, from God the Father, and our *Lord Jesus to Peter, ‘You and I were born *Jews, not *non-Jewish *sinners. True peace comes not from the absence of trouble but from the presence of God, and will be deep and passing all understanding in the exact measure in which we live in, and partake of, the love of God. Like good runners, you are turning away from Jesus himself who gives us peace! 7 ) Ye are not under the legal system, just as the act of the was! The works of the tree ’ s severe treatment of the marked points of contact between this epistle and gift. Christian is free to * non-Jews Romans 7:12 ) his joy, so that God would accept as. 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